• Published 10th Sep 2023
  • 295 Views, 11 Comments

Stuart Little: Adventure in Equestria - Psycoduck_3401

While Stuart was doing park late at night, he gets teleported to the Everfree Forest where after getting saved from a pack timberwolvwas simply at thees by Fluttershy he embarks on an adventure unlike none of his others.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Meeting the Crusaders

Stuart awoke with a scream as he was panting and sweating like no tomorrow. He looked around to notice he was back at Fluttershy's cottage and looked out the window to see it was the peek of morning.

"What was that?" Stuart asked himself, "Just what the hell was that?"

Suddenly, the door to the room opened up to revile Fluttershy.

"Good morning Stuart." Fluttershy said with a smile as she walked in with saddlebags on her back

"Hey Fluttershy. What's with the bags?" Stuart asked

"Um, I was gonna take you to see Twilight today," Fluttershy said as he picked up Stuart's roadster and placed it in the bag, "the bag was in case I made any stops along the way."

"Oh okay." Stuart said

Fluttershy then put Stuart on her back.

"How's your leg feeling?" Fluttershy asked Stuart

"Alright. I can move it pretty good." Stuart said

"Then lets head off. Lalala lalalala." Fluttershy said as she she started little sing with Stuart on her back
Fluttershy and Stuart were now on the path to Ponyville and as Fluttershy walked over a bridge Stuart saw the town up ahead. There were ponies of all different colors, shapes, and sizes, Foals to the elderly.

As Fluttershy walked into town Stuart noticed that there was Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies all working, talking, and playing. There was a group of five foals comprised of a grey, yellow, and pink earth pony, a white unicorn, and orange pegasus.

"Hey it's Fluttershy!" the yellow earth pony with a pink bow in her hair shouted

The group of five made their way over to Fluttershy and quickly took notice of Stuart

"Um, Fluttershy, what's with the mouse on you?" The white unicorn asked

"This is Stuart Little. He's from another world and he can talk!" Fluttershy explained

"Ummmm. Fluttershy? Did you have one too many?" The pegasus asked

"Yeah, I mean, mice can't talk after all." The grey one said

"Uh, I can." Stuart said spooking the girls

"A TALKING MOUSE?!" The pink one exclaimed

"HOW IN EQUESTRIA IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" The yellow one asked

"Well to be honest, I don't really know myself." Stuart said shrugs

"THIS IS AMAZING!" The pegasus said

"What's your name again?" the grey one asked

"Stuart. Stuart Little." Stuart said

"I'm Scootalo!" said the pegasus

"I'm Sweetie Belle!" said the unicorn

"Ah'm Applebloom!" said the yellow earth pony

"Silver Spoon!" said the grey earth pony

"Diamond Tiara!" said the pink earth pony

"Nice names." Stuart said said the the girls!

And If you like names that sound like they're from a five year old girl. Stuart thought

"And we're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, aand Applebloom shouted together

Out to help ponies with cutie mark problems!" Applebloom added

"Helping those who can't seem to figure out what their cutie marks mean...." Sweetie Belle said

"Or help those who don't know why they even got their cutie mark!" Scootaloo finished

"That's the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" They shouted together again

Stuart was just looking at them with a face of, "WTF?"

"Cutie, what?" Stuart asked confused

"Cutie Marks! It's a thing a pony gets that represents their special talent." Silver Spoon explained

"Fluttershy has one." Diamond said pointing at Fluttershy's flank

Stuart looked and low and behold there was a picture of three butterflies on Fluttershy's rump.

"That's a cutie mark?" Stuart said confusingly, "Looks like an ass tattoo."

Fluttershy give him a look and said " Don't say that word Stuart that really bad word." She said

"Sorry Fluttershy" Stuart said as he look at the the girls

"That's a cutie mark alright." Applebloom said and ignoring what Stuart just said

"There's many different kinds to represent the multitude of different talents." Sweetie Belle explained

"Ours represents our unity as a trio, a shield if you like, and our ability to help other ponies." Scootaloo said as she, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom showed their flanks

Three kids..... are showing me their asses.... Stuart thought

"Ummm, okay, that's nice and all, but me and Fluttershy have somewhere we need to be right now. "Stuart said nervously

"Oh that's right!" Fluttershy said, "Sorry girls, but me and Stuart have to head over to Twilight's."

"Oh." Applebloom said, "See ya later then!"

And like that Stuart and Fluttershy were back to making their way towards Twilight's

That was the second most awkward moment of my life. Stuart thought
Stuart and Fluttershy soon arrived at a large crystal like castle which impressed Stuart.

"Wow. That is one crystaly castle." Stuart said

"It's the home of Twilight, the princess of friendship." Fluttershy said

"Princess? Who's the queen then?" Stuart asked

"No one." Fluttershy said, "Queens are usually evil."

"Oh." Stuart said in shock

"Well, um, lets go in shall we?" Fluttershy asked

"Yeah lets." Stuart said

And just like that the two went inside. But a few things was going through Stuart's mind.

What if she doesn't have an answer to get me back home? What if I get stuck here forever?! Will I ever see mom, dad, George, or Martha ever again?!?!

They soon went through two large doors and into what looked to be some kind of meeting hall.

A strange light filled the room. Twilight was shining through the windows. It seemed Stuart's questions were about to be answered. Stuart was filled with DETERMINATION.

"Twilight... It's time for me to get some answers. Lets do this." Stuart said

Author's Note:

(Sorry for the long wait got busy with life and work, but here you guys go and I will you guys soon in the next chapter and have a great Christmas this years guys ~ The Author)