• Published 4th Sep 2023
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G5 Adventures in Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo! meets Courage the Cowardly Dog - ponydog127

The ponies reunite with Mystery Incorporated and some new friends from Nowhere, Kansas in order to solve the mystery of the giant cicada monsters... and stop a brand-new villain with a close connrection to Misty's past.

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Misty's Family Questions/Runaway Scooby

It was only a couple of days after the ponies arrived back to Maretime Bay from Bikini Bottom, the first crystal shaped like Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark was placed inside the tree in the town square.

And by Zipp's calculations, there were only seven crystals left to find.

Now, the only question was... where would the Unity Quest take them to find the next crystal?


Misty was sitting on Sunny's bed, pondering to herself about a lot of things... more specifically, about her mother, to which Opaline said abandoned her when she was only a filly.

Of course, Misty wasn't sure what to believe. Opaline was a ruthless monster that didn't deserve to be believed, but... what if in some twisted way... Opaline was right?

What if her family wanted nothing to do with her anymore... or ever?


The blue unicorn turned to see her friends approaching, causing her to quietly sigh. “Are you okay? Ever since we came back from Bikini Bottom,” said Sunny, “you’ve been… I don’t know… distant.”

“Just… trying to figure this whole ‘mom abandoning me’ stuff,” Misty said, shuffling through her notes. “If I can figure out somepony who knew her, I could find out more about her.”

“Well, we don’t know anything about the whole 'finding family secrets' whatchamacallit,” said Izzy, “but we do know of a special somepony from Bridlewood coming to visit! You did say you wanted to learn more about where we unicorns are from. Maybe he can help!”

“Yeah!” Zipp agreed. “And maybe he knew your mom!”

Misty immediately perked up at that. “Really? You think so?”

“Absolutely! Come on, Misty-Twisty!” Izzy chirped, grabbing her friend’s hoof and dragging her downstairs. When they got downstairs, a gray unicorn stallion with a white mane and tail and a cutie mark of a tea kettle was waiting down there, and he looked quite surprised to see Misty with them. “Hey, Alphabittle!” Izzy said cheerfully. “This is our friend Misty! Misty, this is Alphabittle Blossomforth, leader of the Bridlewood unicorns.”

“Oh, um… hello,” Misty said to the stunned stallion. “Pleased to meet you.”

“Misty…?” Alphabittle said softly as he approached, tears in his eyes and a bewildered and amazed expression plastered on his face. “Is… is it really you? I mean… I-I haven’t seen you since you were a filly, and… I didn’t think your mother would let me see you again after she took you from me…”

“My… my mother?” Misty asked in surprise. “You knew my mother?”

“I did. Her name was Paradise Moonray, and she was the most caring pony I’d ever met,” Alphabittle said thoughtfully. “She had you after a year or two of us being together, and you were the sweetest filly I’d ever laid my eyes on. But then, one night… she took you, and I was never able to find you.”

“Alphabittle…” Hitch said quietly as the ponies stared with wide eyes. “Are you saying… w-w-what we think you’re saying?”

The stallion sighed, nodded and turned back to Misty. “I don’t know how to sugarcoat this, Misty, so I’m going to flat out admit it. I… I’m your father.”

Misty felt her blood run cold and her eyes widen at this. “My… my what? I… I don’t… I don’t understand!”

“It’s a lot to take in, sweetie,” Alphabittle said gently, “but if you’ll let me, I’ll tell you the entire story.”


Back in the mortal world, Scooby Doo and his pack of mystery-solving friends had just wrapped up another case; this one of a scary clown robbing the town bank, and thanks to some quick detective work, they were able to catch the clown in the act. “Great work, everybody!” Daphne exclaimed, preparing to take off the clown’s mask. “And now, let’s see who this bank-robbing clown really is.”

“Daphne, wait!” Scooby cried as Shaggy began taking several selfies of himself, Scooby and the clown. “Yeah,” Shaggy nodded. “Like, Scoob and I have gotta take some pics!”

“Yeah, yeah. Pictures,” Scooby giggled, and they proceeded to take more selfies until the clown growled and scared them. “I thought you guys were afraid of clowns,” Fred said to the trembling duo. “And selfies,” Velma added, only for Scooby to smile. “We’re getting help.”

“Like, self-help help, in fact,” Shaggy added. “It’s, like, a book on tape.”

He pulled out his phone and pressed a button, causing the phone to begin speaking. “Being scared is for chickens. Are you a chicken?

“No,” Shaggy and Scooby responded in unison. “We are NOT chickens!”

“I’m a dog,” Scooby huffed. “Then face your fears. Do something you’re afraid of every single day,” the phone told them before Shaggy put the phone back in his pocket. “So,” said Shaggy, “like, that’s what we were doing. We were doing something we’re afraid of by taking a selfie with that scary clown!”

“And nothing,” Scooby repeated, “is scarier than a scary clown.”

“Well, that’s great, guys!” Fred congratulated. “How is it working out?” Daphne asked them. “Man,” Shaggy shrugged, “we don’t really know.”

“Yeah,” Scooby nodded. “We just started.”

That’s when the gang heard the clown clearing his throat, realizing they were getting off-track. “So now,” Daphne said for the second time, “let’s see who this bank-robbing clown really is.”

She pulled off the clown’s mask, allowing them to see the face underneath. “The bank manager, Mr. McGill?!” the gang gasped. “It all makes perfect sense,” Velma said, beginning to explain. “You see, Mr. McGill only took the job as bank manager so he could pull off the bank heist of the century…”

Suddenly, a strange sound began to ring in Scooby's ears, and different colors began to flash in Scooby's eyes, rendering him totally confused. Then, when his friends' voiced started to sound like warbles and wobbles, that's when the strangest thing began to happen.

Scooby started dancing!

His bottom began to wiggle around with no sign of stopping, and he tried to stop them every way he knew how, but everything he tried failed.

Shaggy then turned to ask him a question, but Scooby couldn't take all the strange occurrences and ran for the hills, howling in panic. “Dudes! Scooby-Doo just ran off!” Shaggy cried to the others. “Like, we gotta go after him, man! Come on!”

“What?!” Fred cried as Daphne and Velma gasped. “He just ran off?”

“Jeepers, why?” Daphne asked. “Like, I have no idea!” Shaggy shook his head, leading Velma to make a decision. “We better find out!”

“Yeah, gang! Come on, let's go! Let's go!” Shaggy said to his friends as they rushed toward the Mystery Machine. “I am so so sorry not to finish this sooner,” Daphne apologized to Mr. McGill. “It's a bit of a family emergency. You understand.”

“Absolutely,” Mr. McGill stated. “Good luck.”

And just like that, the Mystery Machine sped off into the streets. “Scooby-Doo! Scooby-Doo!” Shaggy cried repeatedly. “Where are you?!”

“It's okay, Shaggy, don't worry. I know exactly where he is,” Velma handed him her tablet. “Ever since Zipp helped me install that tracking chip in Scooby-Doo's collar, we can't loose him!”

Shaggy kissed Velma on the head out of excitement. “Yes! Velma Dinkley, man, you are all kinds of genius!” he exclaimed. “Step on it, Fred! We gotta catch up with Scooby!”

Fred slammed on the gas, and the Mystery Machine sped off into the desert night.

But one thing was for sure... Scooby could be anywhere by now, so they really had to step up their search.


“Wow...” Misty trailed off after Alphabittle told her and her friends the entire story. “I never knew the unicorns in Bridlewood went through so much after magic disappeared. And... I can't believe I ever thought that Opaline was my real mother... and you were out here all alone without Mom.”

“But what matters is, we're together now,” Alphabittle lifted up her chin. “And nothing is going to break us apart again.”

Suddenly, the cutie marks of the ponies began to glow, making Misty sigh. “I wish we could keep talking, Dad, but somepony out there needs our help. Can you wait here until we come back? Maybe we can go for a walk through Maretime Bay when we get home. Plus, Sparky needs to be taken care of.”

“Of course,” Alphabittle nodded. “Go do what you need to do, guys. Sparky and I will be right here.”

“All right, ponies-- up to the Unity Crystals!” Sunny said to her friends. “We have another crystal to find!”