• Published 17th Aug 2023
  • 284 Views, 1 Comments

Music be the Food of Love - Lil Sunny

Down on her luck in a dead end job, a certain minty mare decides to try her luck with an old friend.

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On the Road of her Heart

It was a night like any other in Manehattan. The streets were quiet after the hustle and bustle of the day was done, the neon lighted clubs and shining street lamps illuminated the city and many ponies were out partying. Lyra would normally count herself among them but today she was at home in her apartment. She’d recently discovered that an old friend of hers from University lives in Ponyville, in fact she owns and operates her own confectioners shop there.

Bon Bon was a fairly standard earth pony all things considered, just a pretty mare with a talent for baking sweets, but Lyra thought differently. While in University, the two were inseparable. Lyra was the first to try her new sweets and she was always there to lend an ear to a hapless musician. Lyra scraped past her education mostly thanks to Bon Bon’s encouragement but the two went their separate ways afterwards. Lyra stayed in Manehattan hoping to rustle up some bits from her busking and gigs but nobody really wanted a lyre in a city full of booming techno music and loud beats. So she took a minimum wage job at a cafe to pay for her accommodation. She lasted one month in Manehattan before she was relying on alcohol to numb the pain of a mundane, joyless life. She decided to go to Ponyville and see her old friend again. Maybe the mare that was always her voice of reason and encouragement in University could guide her again.

The minty unicorn slumped into an old beat up armchair and sighed.
“Man, what was I thinking? I could’ve gone with her to Ponyville and started a new life there. Sure I had pals here but they’re long gone. You always regret something you did at uni huh?”

She took a swig of a bottle of whiskey.
“I need to kick this stuff, no more alcohol when I move away from here. It’s gonna be a new me. I just hope Bonny can show me how to be a new me. Cause I ain’t got no idea.”

She sighed and finished her drink. Throwing it into the trash can she slowly got up and went to her bed.
“Life’s real lonely sometimes. I wish I had a partner to share my bed with. Then I wouldn’t have to rely on Bonny so much. She probably doesn’t want to keep helping me all the time.” She sighed one more time before trying to get some sleep.

She was woken the next morning by an alarm clock telling her the time was 8 AM. She got out of bed groggily and went to grab some water and toast before packing a saddlebag with bits, a comb and her beloved Lyre.

“So long Manehattan, I hope I never need to see you again.”

A short walk through the city took her to the train station where she caught the next train to Ponyville.

“Alright, I made it. But where the hay is her store? Damn, I knew there was something I forgot.”

A bubbly looking pink pony bounded up towards Lyra and smiled wide.
“Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie! Why so glum chum? Turn that frown upside down silly filly.”

Lyra chuckled. “Thanks, I’m Lyra. I’m looking for a friend of mine, she’s got some kinda sweet shop in town.”

“Ohhh, Bon Bon? Town square, left side. Third from the top. She got a real nice spot for that place. A lot of kids go past it every day. Of course she’s not competing with the local bakery, she's just doing her own thing. I should know I work for the Cakes.”

“Hey, thanks Pinkie. I’ll be sure to see you around.” Lyra walked away with a smile on her face. She found the exact store she was looking for and entered, a small bell above the door rang to signal a customer and Bon Bon turned around from the kitchen door.

“Welcome to Bon Bon- no way. It couldn’t be. Lyra!? Lyra Heartstrings!? Oh my goodness! What are you doing in Ponyville!?” She dived over the counter practically tackling the mint coloured mare with a hug.

“It’s nice to see you too Bon Bon.” she sighed. “I guess I just got sick of the big city. Nobody wants my skills, I’m alone and I was working some stupid minimum wage job for a sexist prick of a stallion. I quit a couple of days ago. Pal of mine, Derpy Hooves. She was visiting Manehattan and she told me she delivered mail to someone matching your description. So I put 2 and 2 together and figured you were here somewhere. Course I should’ve remembered you were coming here after uni, but hey memory was never my strong point.”

“Well it’s very nice to have my old friend here. It’s a shame you’re so far away. I'd love to hang out more often.”

“Actually…you might get that chance. I’m leaving Manehattan. I am so sick of that place. This town looks real cozy and I hear there’s a market for busking and performance. Course I’d need somewhere to stay till I got my own place and I’m coming here with a lyre, some bits and a comb so I don’t exactly have many worldly possessions either. It’s tough but it’s better than staying there.”

“Well, I could offer you a couch if that’s enough for you. I only have one bedroom or I’d offer you a bed. If you want out of the city that bad I’d be happy to give you a place to stay.”

“That’s another thing too Bonny, I got so used to the city. The nightlife, the booze, the freedom. I kinda forgot what it’s like to just be a regular old town pony. I was hoping you could teach me. And help me kick the drink.”

Bon Bon rolled her eyes. “Of course Lyra, I’d never leave you high and dry. Well maybe dry but that’s for the best.” She giggled. “And I have another idea too. I was looking to hire some entertainment for the store. Someone to play some music while people wait for their order. Maybe come in back and help fill some orders if there’s a backlog. Know any talented musicians looking for work?” She smirked.

“You’re offering me a place to stay, and a job, and help with adjusting to a new town? Bonny what did I ever do to deserve a mare like you. I could totally kiss you right now.”

Bon Bon blushed. “Not appropriate Lyra, but yes I’d be happy to employ you. I think I’ll close the store today and spend some time with you. I didn’t have anyone coming in today anyway so far.”

“You sure Bon Bon? I don’t want you losing business on my account.”

Bon Bon flipped the sign to closed and dimmed the downstairs lights. “I’m sure, now come on up. I live above the store.”

“So Lyra, can I get you anything? A drink or a snack maybe?”

“I’d kill for a soda, and if you got any sweets lying around I’d take some.”

Bon Bon left the room and returned with a can of Colta Cola and A small paper bag full of chocolate balls.

“Made them myself yesterday, they’ve been setting in the fridge overnight. I like to make myself some sweets now and then, can’t sell everything I make now can I?” She giggled again.

Lyra tried one. “Damn Bonny, you still got it. I remember trying your new recipes every time you came up with one back at Uni. Those were the days.”

“You know I remember those days fondly too. I remember a lost mare not believing in her own abilities. And I remember more than one late night practice session with the only thing keeping you awake being a combination of coffee and some of my special sugared donuts.”

“Yeah, I thought you didn’t try to compete with the bakery here though. That’s what Pinkie said anyway.”

“I don’t. The only baked goods I make are ones they don’t. Most of my stuff is candies, chocolate and sweets anyway. We sometimes trade recipes too, and help each other improve our own. Heck earlier this year on Hearts and Hooves day I just sold them a bunch of chocolates to sell for me so I could take the day off. Of course it would have been nicer if I had a partner to celebrate with but hey. That’ll come someday.”

“So how come you ain’t got nobody Bonny? Mare like you with skills like that, you’d have the fillies falling off your hooves. Or stallions if that’s your thing.”

“Well Lyra, the truth is. I’ve never wanted anyone. And I’m just not sure if I can say why.”
“Come on Bonny, you can trust me with anything I swear.”

“No I mean, It’s tough to put into words. Any time I saw a couple come in for some sweets I was a little jealous. But any time I saw a pretty mare on the street, I felt nothing. But as soon as you came through that door my heart beat so much faster. It felt like I was going to explode with happiness.”

“Wait, Bonny. You ain’t saying what I think you are. Are you?”

“I don’t know, what do you think I’m saying?”

Lyra smirked. “You totally got the hots for me girl, and you have since University. Am I right?”

Bon Bon sighed. “You know, I think you might be.”

Lyra slid over and put a hoof around her shoulders. “Hey. It’s fine Bonny, I get it. We were pals all through Uni, makes sense one of us might have felt something more. But why didn’t you say something? I’d have came to Ponyville with you in a heartbeat if we were an item.”

“It’s not as easy as just coming out with your feelings Lyra. I was embarrassed and scared you’d say no. For all I knew you just wanted to be friends.”

“Well hey sweetie, I’m here now and I’m not leaving. I’d love to give us a chance. Where should we go on our first date? And more importantly when?”

“I know the perfect place. It’s a great restaurant on the south side of town. Gustave’s. As for when. How about tomorrow night? That’ll give us time to prepare. I’ve got a dress but I don’t think you've got one in that bag of yours. Go see Rarity at Carousel Boutique, she’ll make you look like a million bits.”

“Alright but for now. How about this?” Lyra pulled Bon Bon down into her lap and held her close.

“You always sat weird Lyra. But I guess if you didn’t then we couldn’t do this together.” Bon Bon cuddled into Lyra’s underbelly and sighed

A short while later the sun began to set and Lyra’s stomach rumbled.

Bon Bon giggled. “Hungry Lyra?”

“I guess so, I haven’t eaten since breakfast aside from that snack you gave me. You any good at actual cooking? I only ever saw your baking skills.”

“I took a cooking course at University and you’re asking me if I can cook? Honestly Lyra what’s next? Of course I can cook. You just sit tight and I’ll handle the rest.”

Bon Bon left for the kitchen and began preparing some food. She roasted some carrots in the oven and sliced up fresh vegetables to make a salad, she threw some ingredients together and made a dressing too. When she was done she plated up two plates of roast carrot and salad.

Lyra took a bite and smiled. “Wow Bonny, this is great. Guess I can look forward to this if we’re together.”

Bon Bon smirked. “Oh no you don’t. I’m not going to be cooking every single night. You’ll learn to cook too and you’ll make dinner sometimes when I need a break. Don’t worry I’ll teach you everything you need to know.”

Lyra gulped. “Heh, well alright I guess. I suppose I do have to bring my fair share to our relationship if I want to be part of it. I can’t expect you to do everything. I’ll do my best for you Bonny.”

“That’s what I like to hear. I’ve got some home made chocolate mousse for dessert if you want some.”

“What kind of girl would turn down chocolate? Of course I’ll take some.”

Bon Bon took the plates into the kitchen and returned with two dessert glasses filled with chocolate mousse, whipped cream and a cherry.

“Woah, fancy. I hope it tastes as good as it looks.”

“Lyra honey, you eat with your eyes first. Presentation is everything for fine dining. If it looks good enough to eat, then you want to eat it even more.”

“Yeah and it helps when It’s made by a talented and beautiful mare like you sweet cheeks.”

Bon Bon giggled and a noticeable red tinge appeared on her milky cheeks. “Oh stop it you. I always do my best for everyone to enjoy what I make. I’ve never had a complaint yet and I don’t want to start getting them now.”

“So, Bonny. Pal o mine, Marefriend. Sweetie.”

“Lyra, quit the buttering up, what do you want?”

“Nothing, I was just wondering if I still had to sleep on the couch that’s all, since we’re an item and stuff.”

“We’re not official yet, not until we have our date. But I’ll make an exception for my oldest friend. Don’t think it’s this easy for any old mare to get in bed with me though. I do have standards.”
Lyra smirked. “Then I guess I’m well above your standards huh? I knew I was great.”

Bon Bon pulled her into a tight hug. “Keep telling yourself that honey.”

“Can’t, breathe.”

Bon Bon squeezed tighter before letting her go.
“I may not be as strong as someone like Applejack, but Earth Ponies still pack a punch in a pinch. How did you like my bearhug? Are you going to tone down the ego now sweetie?”

Lyra smirked and an aura of green enveloped Bon Bon and began to tickle her.

“Haha! Stop that!” She tried to speak through fits of laughter. “O-ok, you made your-ha ha! Point already Lyra.”

“You’d do well to remember what Unicorns are capable of, Bonny. But I gotta admit I’m impressed with your strength.”

“It helps carrying heavy groceries down the streets after doing a big grocery shop. I get most of my ingredients delivered to the door from a wholesaler but some stuff you just gotta buy special. And I get my own personal shopping done in the market too.”

The two made their way into the bedroom where a large queen sized bed sat in the middle of the back wall with a small bedside table, a dresser and mirror with a decent sized wardrobe finishing off the room.

Bon Bon climbed into bed and patted the bed beside her. “Come on in Lyra, My bed is nice and cozy.”

Lyra got in beside her and Bon Bon pulled the covers up over them both.

“You’re right, this is cozy, but I know how to be even cozier.” Lyra held Bon Bon close to her and she in turn snuggled into Lyra’s chest.

“Oh shoot, I forgot the light. Now I’m going to have to get out of bed.” Bon Bon moped.

Lyra smirked and flipped the light switch with magic. “You’re in bed with a Unicorn Bonny, I can do things you can’t.”

Bon Bon giggled. “Well maybe if you’re a good girl I’ll show you what kind of things I can do in bed.” She narrowed her eyes and bit her bottom lip.

Lyra blushed bright red. “Easy tiger, we’re not there yet. Let’s just get some shut-eye for now.”

Bon Bon giggled again. “I know Lyra, I was kidding. Maybe someday, not today though. Goodnight my minty marefriend.”

“Goodnight sweet flanks.” Lyra smirked, causing Bon Bon to blush. The two fell asleep happy and together.