• Published 1st Oct 2023
  • 1,287 Views, 29 Comments

Leap of Faith - J3sterking

Rainbow Dash finds someone about to make a terrible choice, and steps in to help.

  • ...

Vegan Lasagna

"Alright, what's for dinner?" Sunset asked with a semi-fake smile on her face as she stepped into the dining room.

"Lasagna," Luna said.

"Ooh. Her lasagna is great," Sunset told Rainbow. "Lucky us, huh?"

"Hey, I'm an athlete, and a teenager," Rainbow said. "Any food is good food."

"Well spoken," Luna agreed with a light nod. "As a vice principal, and an adult, I concur with your hypothesis."

Rainbow grinned. "While I've never been much for science--"

"So your teachers have noticed," Luna said with a smile.

Rainbow glared at her, joke forgotten. "Hey! My grades are getting better, so you know."

"I do know." Luna smiled at her. "I was impressed."

Rainbow stammered, then blinked. "Thanks?"

"How was school, anyway?" Celestia asked, setting the pan of lasgna on the table. "Anything interesting happen?"

"Not really," Sunset said, shrugging. She picked up her spoon, staring idly into its reflection.

"Oh? Forgive me, but this is the first time you've brought a friend over," Celestia said. "You don't even bring Flash over."

"Bringing boyfriends and bringing regular friends over to meet my parent are two entirely different things," Sunset argued.

If Sunset hadn't told them that she'd broken up with Flash, Rainbow decided she wasn't going to be the person to do so.

"We just met, chat a bit, and decided to hang out," Rainbow said. "The Vice Principal is actually the one who, uh, suggested hangin' out at your place."

"It seemed prudent at the time," Luna said, helping herself to a serving of the lasagna. Celestia glared at her, handing Rainbow a plate.

"Wait for your turn," she said firmly, which Luna seemingly ignored. To the kids, she added, "Well, was it at least a 'good' boring day?"

Sunset chuckled. "I got hit by an epiphany today," she said quietly. "I realised...that I'm not exactly the nicest person to be around."

"It's never too late to change," Celestia said, eyeing Sunset.

"That's what Rainbow said," the fire-haired girl chuckled.

Rainbow nodded. "I mean, like...I once had someone ask if I thought that even the worst person could change. That anyone could be a good person if they just tried."

"Sunset and I both played Undertale, Miss Dash," Luna commented dryly.

Rainbow winced. "Okay, so maybe I get my only good philosophy quotes from video games," Rainbow admitted. "But I think it's a neat question, and I think the answer is yes. Or at least, you could easily go from 'high-school bully' to 'really nice person'." She shrugged.

"I would agree with that," Celestia said.

"There's gotta be a turning point somewhere," Sunset muttered. "A line of no return..."

"Dude, you haven't even caught sight of that one yet," Rainbow snorted. "Please. Take lunch money, then feel bad about it and give it back? Come on. How is that 'irredeemable'?"

"If we were only talking about that, then I wouldn't have been about to jump off the roof earlier," Sunset snapped. She twisted the spoon into a knot, then paused. "I...I almost jumped off the roof."

There was a very long silence in the room.

"Good God..." Sunset whispered, tears filling her eyes. "I-I almost...I can't..." She broke down, crying, before Rainbow Dash and Celestia both leapt across the room to wrap her in a hug. Rainbow looked across, to see Celestia's eyes full of worry, but also searching deep into Rainbow Dash.

After a minute, she calmed down, the sobs abating. "I'm okay," she whispered. "I'm...okay now."

Rainbow Dash hesitantly let go, saying, "I think you will be."

If Sunset had been fully okay, she'd have shot her a glare of some kind. Instead, she just nodded numbly.

"We're going to talk about this, Sunset," Celestia said quietly. "But for now, how about you continue talking with your friend?" She gave an encouraging smile.

"My...friend." Sunset looked to Rainbow Dash. "Are we friends? And don't just say yes because you're worried I'll jump off a building! That ship has sailed! Just...answer truthfully, okay?"

Rainbow opened her mouth, then considered her response carefully. "I think so," she said. "We've got some things in common, and...well, uh...I dunno. You do seem to be fun to hang out with when you're not trying to become the school's queen bee." Rainbow shrugged. "I'd totally love to hang with you more, Shimmer. And I'm rootin' for ya, just so you know."

Sunset nodded. "Thanks. I—Mom? Can...can you let go now? Your food is going to get cold."

"Better it than you," Celestia said, but she acquiesced, returning to her own seat with her plate.

Sunset stared at her a moment, then let out a groan, her face slamming into the table. "So much for not crying in front of my parent," she muttered.

"Hey, happens to the best of us, too," Rainbow said, ribbing her. "Dammit, the lasagna's cold."

After a short, very quiet meal, Sunset and Rainbow Dash retreated back to the former's room, where Sunset promptly curled up on her bed with legs up against her chest, and let out a groan.

"Next time...do you think you can stop me before I go to the roof?" she muttered.

Rainbow sat down next to her. "If I catch it," Rainbow chuckled. "But I did expect them to raise more hell over this."

"While my friend is over?" Sunset scoffed. "No, as soon as you leave, I'm in for it, Dash."

"Well, um...I'm only here for about another thirty minutes. Head's up, heh heh."

"Damn you."

Rainbow chuckled. "Sorry. You, uh, I...ugh." She rubbed the back of her head. "I don't know what to do here. This is a first for me."

"You did everything you need to," Sunset said. "Thanks...I owe you a big one."

"If you...ever want advice or to just vent, you can call me up," Rainbow said. "Hey, wait, here." She pulled out her phone. "Give me your phone."

Sunset complied, watching her mess with the device. "There we go," Rainbow said, handing it back. "Now you have my number." She gave her a grin.

Sunset smiled back, taking her phone and wiping her eyes. "I'm such a mess today...we should hang out sometime when I'm cool, eh?"

"Eh. That doesn't matter so much to me," Rainbow said with a shrug. "When I decide someone's a friend, they're cool in all the ways that matter."

"And...that's me?" Sunset said, cocking her head as she gave Rainbow a look-over.

"Yeeeeesssss...and no. I'm not sure yet." She shrugged. "I have high hopes."

Sunset raised an eyebrow.

Rainbow flinched. "Okay, it just--I just--it sounded...ugh. Sorry."

Sunset chuckled. "It's fine. It's a common expression. Let's just keep playing."

Rainbow smiled at her. "Sure."

Rainbow Dash woke up the next morning, slipping out of bed with a few things on her mind.

She had made friends with Sunset Shimmer.

If someone had told her that she'd make friends with Sunset Shimmer, she'd have laughed at them. Knowing that made her begrudgingly accept her next task.

Pouring some milk on her cereal one-handed, she whipped out her phone, calling one of her closest friends.

"Yeah...?" the groggy, gruff voice of Gilda answered.

"Hey, uh," Rainbow began. "So I made a new friend yesterday."

"Uh-huh. And this requires calling me at..." A slight pause. "...seven AM?"

"Because she's...she used to be bad, and now...is trying her hand at being good," Rainbow said slowly. She stirred the milk and cereal absently. "I trust all you guys, but...some of them might not like it, just forewarning"

"I'll pass the word around later," Gilda said, yawning. "Gee, Dash...this really didn't require me getting up at seven, y'know that?"

"I wanted to make sure it got done, and you're better organized than I am," Rainbow said slowly. "She's...having a rough time of it. The last thing she needs is for me to introduce her to a friend of mine only for said friend to be a real jerk about it."

"Okay, okay," Gilda said, yawning. "Alright, now let me sit in bed another ten minutes and pretend it's not a school day."

"Alright, seeya later."


Gilda hung up, and Rainbow Dash put her phone down on the table next to her with a sigh. Truthfully, Gilda caused her the most concern out of all her friends when it came to bringing in her depressed new friend. She wasn't called 'Gilda Gruff' as a joke.

Okay, so it was her name, but still.

Rainbow began chowing down her breakfast, shaking off the doubts. No time to doubt, that was how she lived. Make a decision, live with it afterwards, never second guess.

Rules to live by.

She met Sunset just outside the school, where the girl was leaning against the Wondercolt statue and ignoring the looks people gave her.

"Hey," Rainbow said, earning a few looks herself by doing the unthinkable and talking to Sunset. "How ya doing?"

"They set me up with a frikkin' therapist," Sunset growled.

"Aw, shows they care," Rainbow said with a cheeky grin.

Sunset gave her a sour grin back. "Yeah, that it does," she said. She climbed to her feet, dusting off her skirt. "You gonna set me up with a therapist, too, or do I not have to worry about that?"

"Hey, I'm you're friend. I'm the next best thing." Rainbow grinned confidently.

"We'll see," Sunset said, turning and striding up to the school doors. Rainbow hesitated—something about that tone gave her the impression that Sunset wasn't entirely joking.

It would suck if, after all the work they'd both gone through, Sunset decided friendship wasn't worth it.

Well, she needed more friends. Then she'd see.

Rainbow didn't get to see much of Sunset during classes, but she took this as some time to get her thoughts in order. Luckily, her crew of friends shared most of her classes, leaving her with plenty of time to tell each of them to meet her at lunch so she could introduce her new friend.

Rainbow neglected to mention who, exactly, the new friend was. She figured she'd cross that bridge when she got them all together.

Of course, said time was rapidly approaching. Between classes, Rainbow texted Sunset to meet up with her during lunch(Sunset replied during the next class), and then met up with Gilda again just as the bell rang.

"Yo," Gilda said, raising a hand. Perhaps just to spite anyone who disliked 'punk' style, she wore a brown leather jacket, tight jeans, gold-colored gloves and boots, and a skin-tight tank top that left little to imagination. Her pale white hair was combed back to one side of her face, and she gave Rainbow a lazy grin. "So, where's this new friend of yours?"

"She'll meet us in the cafeteria," Rainbow said slowly. "Where's the rest of the gang?"

"Also meeting you in the cafeteria," Spitfire said from Rainbow's left.

Rainbow turned to grin at her. "That's a relief. I was half-worried you guys would just ignore me and leave."

"Whaaat? Who do you think I am, Applejack?" Spitfire scoffed. "Please. Trixie isn't the easiest of people to get along with, I know, but you didn't have to go through all this fanfare."

Rainbow blinked. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Yeah, we figured it out," Spitfire said. "All of us but Soarin, whom had to be told."

"I'm still not sure you're right," Soarin said, eyeing Rainbow Dash. He and Thunderlane stepped up, ending besides Gilda. "I mean, Rainbow wouldn't make this big whole fuss about an egotistical wannabe-magician."

"Um...Soarin's right?" Rainbow shrugged. "I guess Trixie would make more sense, though."

"Hah!" Soarin pointed a finger at Spitfire. "Told you. You owe me a pudding cup."

Spitfire grumbled, folding her arms over her chest.

"Well, now I'm real curious," Gilda said dryly. "Who is it?"

"Well, uh, just hear me out, okay? She's not the nicest of people, but she's trying, so I'm giving her a chance."

"Please, Dash, just spill it," Gilda groaned. "Look, I'm pretty much willing to give anyone but Sunset Shimmer a chance if you vouch for 'em."

"Hear, hear," Soarin said, nodding.

Rainbow Dash, for lack of a proper response, began tapping her index fingers together. "Weeeell..."

Gilda's face fell. "You're joshing me," she said.

At that moment, Sunset Shimmer stepped into view, frowning at her phone, then looked up. She paused, taking stock of everyone in front of her.

"Everyone, meet my new friend, uh..." Rainbow gave an awkward chuckle. "Sunset Shimmer."

Author's Note:

The original concept for this one was just Rainbow Dash and Sunset hanging out, and having that important talk, but I decided to add an extra 10K words to it all. Felt like it needed it.