• Published 13th Aug 2023
  • 3,568 Views, 52 Comments

Error 504 - RunicTreetops

There are many different worlds out there. Many different Equestrias. Many different Anons. While the fabric of reality needs a bit of time to fix itself, the spouses of these Anons find themselves trapped together in a strange place. Oh, dear.

  • ...

Error 504

"Please, break it up! There's no point to this argument!"

"As if! I'm not going to sit back and listen to this she-devil spout this nonsense!"

"Oh, that is RICH coming from you, Sparkle!"

Celestia holds Chrysalis, ex-queen of the changelings, back from Twilight Sparkle, who seems just as intent on getting in Chrysalis's face. Meanwhile, Twilight is also being held back by... another Celestia?

Suddenly, Fluttershy approaches the strange sight, her head sheepishly bowed down and her voice barely audible.

"Um, can you keep it down? We're trying to have a meeting over here."

"Fluttershy, how can you expect us to have a calm meeting with her here?!" Twilight never takes her eyes off of Chrysalis.

"That's what we're discussing! If we all just wait patiently, we can go home without anypony getting hurt!"

Neither Chrysalis nor Twilight respond. Their eyes are trained on the other, but the two Celestias holding them back no longer have to put as much force into it. Sure enough, they both slowly drop their aggressive stances.

"Just for the record, I'm not okay with this."

"That makes two of us."

Still not taking their eyes off of each other, the two arguing ladies slowly walk towards the big group that has formed a circle nearby. The white void that they all find themselves in looks awfully spacious, but none are brave enough to venture too far from the group as a whole. Meanwhile, high above them, black Helvetica text reads "Error 504: Gateway Timeout. Reality is currently working to resolve this issue. You will return to your existence shortly."

After Twilight, Chrysalis, Fluttershy, and the two Celestias re-enter the circle, their attention is grabbed by another Twilight Sparkle (this one much larger and resembling the likes of Celestia and Luna) clearing her throat.

"Now that we're all here, let's discuss. Who are we, really? And why are we here?"

The many different mares sit in a circle in the void. The circle is very large, and those populating it come in all shapes and sizes.

"So, long story short, we all come from different worlds and/or timelines, and each of us is married to a human named Anon." The big Twilight's voice is tired-sounding, yet firm.

"That would explain some of the more... strange occurrences going on here," Celestia adds, looking around herself at the five identical Celestias sitting next to her.

"And now we must wait for... whatever this is to pass," Luna adds.

"Ooo, this is so fun! We can make it a PARTY!" Pinkie Pie's voice is, as usual, loud and cheerful, much to the dismay of some of the less sociable ponies present.

"...Right. Well, I say we can it with the pleasantries and kill time in our own ways. I won't hurt any of you, and you give the same courtesy back. Then, we all go home and pretend this never happened. Agreed?" Sunset Shimmer, a grown woman and the only human present, voices her thoughts loudly and clearly. She seems used to this kind of confrontation.

Most of the mares present nod their heads, and although some do refrain from nodding, none actually object to the plan.

"Alright then. I'll see you ladies on the other side. Or... I guess I won't, actually."

Over time, the mares naturally break apart. Some choose to keep to themselves, while many others choose to socialize. The endless void gets a bit louder after that.

Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity all stand around each other, awkward smiles on each of their faces.

"So..." Rarity says, her voice lacking confidence. "I understand that none of you are the friends I know, but it's still nice to see some familiar faces."

"I agree," Twilight adds. "Though I'll admit that it feels a bit odd knowing that you're all interested in Anon. I mean, in my world, he has eyes only for me. A-and vice versa, of course!"

"Personally, I see this as a good thing." Applejack gives Twilight an honest smile. "Who knows what little differences set our worlds apart? At the very least, I know I can trust y'all to take care of him for me. That's better than..." Applejack turns to look at Chrysalis, who is making an effort to keep her distance from anyone else. "Some of the ladies 'round here."

Pinkie, in an impossible manner, stretches out her arms and pulls the other four into a hug.

"Well I'm just happy I got to meet you all! The more friends the better!"

"Um, not that I'm really one to talk, but isn't it strange that Rainbow Dash isn't here?" Fluttershy's voice is still quiet, but not nearly as sheepish as it was earlier.


"I mean, the five of us are here. In fact, there are more than one of each of us." Fluttershy glances around, noticing a few other Twilights, Applejacks, etc. doing their own things. "But there isn't a single Rainbow Dash."

"Maybe Anon has a type."

"Or maybe the writer of all reality is bad at making meaningful narratives surrounding Rainbow Dash."



Sunny Starscout stands with her friends Zipp, Pipp, Izzy, and Misty, each happily chatting away with one another.

"Isn't it so cool?! They're ALL here! Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Cadance... all of them!"

"Oooooo! Why couldn't the void have dropped my phone in here with me?! This would have been SUCH a good opportunity to-"

"Uhh, Pipp? I know this is cool and all, but I don't think we want to expose anypony here to cell phones. They don't exist yet for most of them, remember? Who knows what the consequences would be?"

"...Hey, Misty?"

Misty stares away from the group at a purple alicorn sitting a fair distance from everypony, her head turned the opposite direction. Izzy taps Misty on the shoulder, suddenly getting the mare's attention.


"What're ya looking at?"

"Oh, um... it's nothing."

The purple alicorn, although facing away from the group, is more than capable of hearing their words. She lets out a sigh as she continues to get lost in thought.

"I thought I could trust you, Anon. Knowing that you've been messing around with these cretins makes my blood boil. I hope you're ready for the fire that you fueled, my little human. For when the day comes that we meet again..." Despite her angry sounding thoughts, hot tears run down Opaline's cheeks. "You're going to feel the flames."



One of the Twilight Sparkles and Twilight Velvet sit next to each other, each blushing profusely and avoiding the other's gaze.

This is awkward.

"Truly, I never believed the Great and Powerful Trixie could get much prettier. And yet, I must commend you. You look fantastic! Surely you are the greatest and most powerful pony in Equestria in your world, too?"

The "Great and Powerful" Trixie Lulamoon looks up at a strange figure. She looks mostly humanoid, but her head is unmistakably pony-like, not to mention the fact that she is covered in blue fur and sports a tail. One might say she is an anthropomorphized Trixie.

"Actually, I go by Moxie in my world. And we call it 'Arcadia,' not 'Equestria.' I'm, er... flattered you think as much, but it's really just a stage name. Though, I don't doubt that a pony as cute as you would be telling the truth about something like that, haha!"

"I'm sure Anon just loves you. The physical differences between us are large, but we make it work. Yet, you would probably suit him just fine!"

Moxie blushes.

"Y-you could say something like that."

Two Lunas sit side-by-side. One looks regal and refined. The other looks like she just crawled out of a cave, her mane messy and her torso adorned with a jet-black hoodie with white text that reads "I'm about to level up and you look like just enough XP."

"Really. I understand why Anon would love you. He loves me, after all. But why do you look like... THAT?"

"Shut up, scrub. It's not my fault you don't know how to have fun."

"I-I know how to have fun! But unlike you, I also know how to bathe!"

"It's gamer smell, ever heard of it? It 'stinks good.'"

"Did Anon say that?"

"Well, no."



"This nightmare cannot end soon enough."

Two Sunset Shimmers stare at each other. One, an adult woman sporting a stylish jacket reminiscent of the one she wore during her days at Canterlot High. The other, a mare that looks quite experienced in the world of magic. Both glance at some of the arguments happening around them before looking back at each other.

"Weird how different some of these alternate versions are to each other."

"I know, right? Ironically, it kind of makes us stand out more."

"Even though the only difference between us is that we decided to stay on the human side of the mirror in my world and you decided to stay in Equestria in yours."

"Did you have to argue for that? Anon was really insistent about staying on our side in my world."

"...No? He was insistent in my world, too."



"I know it shouldn't, but that kind of gets on my nerves."

"Same here."



"Want to trade places?" They ask the same question simultaneously, their eyes practically begging the other to say yes.

An Applejack slowly approaches the only Pear Butter present. Her eyes are misty, and her steps are shaky. Finally, Pear Butter notices her approaching and greets her with a smile.

"Ah! Hello, there!"


Applejack removes her hat as she looks at her mother with teary eyes.

"'Mom?' I'm sorry, darlin', you must have the wrong gal. Ah don't have any kids. Not yet, at least." Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink as she says that last bit.

"So... you don't recognize me?"

"Sorry, dear. I don't."



"...Well, thank ya for yer time, anyway."

Applejack quickly turns around and begins to shuffle away, doing her best to dry her tears as she does so.

The six Celestias calmly sit in a small circle, simply enjoying the company.

"As pleasant as this is, it would be more enjoyable with some of Anon's tea. A shame that there are none of him around here."

"Haha! But Celestia, that would surely lead to many altercations between everypony here, would it not?"

"I suppose you're right. At least I can count on myself to keep things calm."

"Too true, Celestia. Though, some of us haven't needed to help our husband slay a goddess."

"We all face our own trials. I haven't been stuck in a strange lazy river pocket dimension."

"You also still have all four legs, unlike myself. Not to mention your youth."

"Aren't you also immortal?"

"Immortal is subjective."

"I... really don't think it is."

A Twilight Sparkle sits alone, away from the crowd. Her head is drooped, and she seems to be doing her best to ignore everything going on around her. Her eyes are misty, and a vacant stare is plastered on her face.

"I'm not married to a human named Anon."


"Even though I'm really, really into humans."


"...I want to go home."

Everyone present is forced to look to the "sky" as the black Helvetica text suddenly changes to "Request completed. If reality isn't returned within 30 seconds, please fill out a support ticket."

"Well everyone, it has been fun, but I suppose this is where we part ways."

"Personally, I hope I never have to see any of you again. Knowing that Anon likes you fills me with a rage you couldn't possibly fathom."

"You think YOU'RE upset about that?! Try being me!"

"It's not his fault!"

"You're right! It's yours!"

"Girls, can we please just-"

"You'd all better hope we never bump into each other again! I swear, I'll-"

The slowly intensifying argument is suddenly cut off as everyone disappears from the void simultaneously, never to see each other again.

Which, let's be honest, is probably for the best.

...Though some of those Anons are about to be in for it.

Author's Note:

I made this on a whim. 🤷

Just like last time, if you're finding it a bit difficult to keep up with who is saying what in a few places...

Good. :raritywink:

As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

Comments ( 52 )

I need a follow up on Opaline

"Actually, I go by Moxie in my world. And we call it 'Arcadia,' not 'Equestria.' I'm, er... flattered you think as much, but it's really just a stage name. Though, I don't doubt that a pony as cute as you would be telling the truth about something like that, haha!"

Ah, I see you’re a person of culture as well. :ajsmug:

I feel bad for that one Twilight that's all by herself. She needs a win.

Also, who's in charge of the multiversal IT department? They need to get it together before something like this sparks a war between dimensions.

So much room for amusing followup shorts in this, these have been great

Well fate has other plans.

EBeggars and Choosers
You've always wished you could go to Equestria. You got exactly what you asked for.
RunicTreetops · 1.3k words  ·  114  5 · 2.6k views

...Though some of those Anons are about to be in for it.

Even if, they all just remembered it as a dream.
Many references I haven't read yet.



Okay, they both need a win.

Comment posted by jskase deleted Aug 13th, 2023

"...I want to go home."

Dawww, poor Twilight :raritydespair:

Please, PLEASE, make a fanfic where this Twilight has Anon fall in love with her. Please, a sad Twilight needs love.

...Though some of those Anons are about to be in for it.

WTF did they do!? :ajbemused:

Multiverse IT should pair up the sad alone Twilight and the sad alone Anon

That's was mine question too. But it was only a bad 💭 dream.

Yeah, that was kind of sad that there was one singleton each time.

…and her torso adorned with a jet-black hoodie with white text that reads "I'm about to level up and you look like just enough XP."

Knowing Runic, I bet this is a reference to that Maxor video of MGR Part 1:rainbowlaugh:

If we're going by the logic of the beggars and chooser anon here don't wanna be isekai'd, how about we have the pony Twilight isekai'd instead.

While I, in all honesty, am not into that many Anon fics, I did like this story, and the previous tale of many Anons. Just the concept of gathering all of the various versions is enough to tickle my interest. While I do not know many of these versions, the most humorous one is the Chrissy version. Leave it to a horny human to find romance with an evil changeling queen...
The Moxie variation, well, that one does go over my head, even with the ref provide in the comments below.
However, I will be lonely Twilight's Anon gladly...even if I have to battle millions of other Anons for the opportunity.

Still gotta hear about the anons who were married to two or more of them at a time.

Maybe the next one is just like, two or three, then the last one is "I'm married to all of em, every last mare on the gosh-darned planet!"

We need a story where sad Anon and sad Twilight meet.

I second that!

One of the Twilight Sparkles and Twilight Velvet sit next to each other, each blushing profusely and avoiding the other's gaze.

Oh right HAHAH
I read a Twilight Velvet x Anon story yesterday "Off to See Your Mother"

I wrote that one, too! :rainbowlaugh:

I usually don't read the authors. My bad :rainbowlaugh:
But yes that is sooo awkward

"I'm not married to a human named Anon."

Ah, but you will be… You will be…

Loved both versions of this concept. I'm constantly impressed by how you manage to put a unique spin on each of your stories, alongside how frequently you manage to post them. Big respect for that.

While the idea of "Anons/ponies meet their spouse's spouse" is neat, you being able to fill both versions with actual characters from your other stories really brings it together. I don't think many others have the capacity to pull this off in the same way you did.

All of the segments were really well done as well, but man the Opaline passage def hits the hardest given her history w/ Anon. Same goes for the single Anon/Twilight concept.

"Actually, I go by Moxie in my world. And we call it 'Arcadia,' not 'Equestria.'

I don't know if I should be proud or disappointed, that I understood this reference. :rainbowlaugh:

A finger on the monkey’s paw curls….your wish has been granted.

Only it isn’t that Twilight Sparkle, but a totally different Twilight that isn’t even interested in finding love….only in quesadillas.

I feel like I'd have to go read something to get it, but I've used the name Arcadia a few times in my own writing (which aren't on here) but for other countries.

Then another fic where all the Dashes and Dash Anons get into a space of their own, so there's a frenzy of each Anon trying to find their specific Dash. They try competitions, memory tests, drinking, maybe someone just suggests one huge orgy, I 'unno.

The Monkey’s Paw, just my bad humor acting up again feel free to ignore it.

Makes me wonder where the first 502 errors are. We have 503 and 504.

and these Celestias could distinguish specifically their Anon from others? Would Anon be able to find his Celestia among the alternative Celestias?

...Though some of those Anons are about to be in for it.

?Wack/ "Oww what did I do?"

"You know what you did!"

"I didn't do anything."

It sounds like at least some of those Celestias had distinguishing characteristics. So their Anon could easily pick them out.

Might be an interesting three-quel idea though. Have everyone pulled together. Some awkwardness would ensue, not just from jealousy, but the various Anons and ponies having difficulty distinguishing their mates from the rest.

Multiple Anons on the ground getting punched in the face: What did I do?!
Different mares across the multiverse: YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!

I hope the lonely Anon and Twilight would meet...

Error 503 : Anons
Error 504 : Anon's lovers
Error 502 : Anon's Friends & Family from Earth.

"Ah! Hello, there!"

Applejack removes her hat as she looks at her mother with teary eyes.

"'Mom?' I'm sorry, darlin', you must have the wrong gal. Ah don't have any kids. Not yet, at least." Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink as she says that last bit.

"So... you don't recognize me?"

"Sorry, dear. I don't."



"...Well, thank ya for yer time, anyway."

Poor AJ :ajsleepy:

First one was frakking hilarious, this here is an awesome continuation of that which im hopin please🙏 you can find away to do some kinda follow-up on to see some of these aftermath type situations 😉. Regardless of that, this was another great fic Runic👍

For which, the pic I use for profile?

Or the story idea, which I came up with on the spot after reading the story?

The story. It sounds like a pretty funny read.:rainbowlaugh:

Ahh, yeah I came up with that idea on the spot after reading this one. You'll have to pester Runic to write my idea.

"Actually, I go by Moxie in my world. And we call it 'Arcadia,' not 'Equestria.' I'm, er... flattered you think as much, but it's really just a stage name. Though, I don't doubt that a pony as cute as you would be telling the truth about something like that, haha!"

Friends with Benefits?

Can I suggest, error 505, ponies, and anonymouses displaced in the void together

How no brony in the world 🌎 made this!?

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