• Member Since 5th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Monday


I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )

Comments ( 30 )

I am glad i was not drinking anything while reading this or it would have gone everywhere.

If a hot girl online asks for pics of your junk, block him.

There are no girls on the internet?

This was a great laugh. Just vulgar enough to remain classy with lots of subtle jokes that really land through context. It's all surreal enough to make it even funnier by having everyone acting in character. The humor is also really slick and keeps up the pace. I really liked this one, it got me to laugh out and if that's not the sign of an effective comedy I don't know what is. Maybe the ending is a little abrupt, there is a punch line but it feels somewhat incomplete. Other than that, really good job.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed!

Agreed it ends fast, but I prefer to err in the side of terseness. Nothing kills a joke worse than overstaying its welcome, so it's better to leave the reader wishing there had been more than wishing there had been less.

Why, Sock, just why?????

(Also have an upvote :D)

Alrighty, that made me chuckle. Take my upvote and stay out of my PM inbox 🤣

And Granny could not use just a "Apple Bloom Account" but the crusaders, and could not even tell to them? I smell that it's just a lie, also Applejack have the incoming of "Hero of Honesty that saved Equestria" should be enough to not pay taxes

Shortly after that, they came up with a different solution:


LOL. Depending on what Granny owes, it might be their best bet.

Somewhere in the vast multiverse, specifically in the Holiday Special Comicverse

Apple Bloom (after feeling something that gave her the chills) - "Oh nelly!"

Sweetie Belle - "What's wrong?" :unsuresweetie:

Apple Bloom - "Ah feel... a disturbance!" :applecry:


Seriously though, I'm adding this to my Read Later shelf, because the concept alone makes me laugh! :rainbowlaugh:

"'Dear, I await you to kindly do the needful. Eeeyup.'"

This fucking killed me


If a hot girl online asks for pics of your junk, block him.

There are no girls on the internet?

Odds are, the girls don't want to see your junk.

Those who do, probably have one as well. Maybe they like to compare.

The mass comment downvoter is back, LOL. Get a life. Also,
I keep thinking of retiring from fimfic because readership is down so much, but knowing I butthurt people keeps me writing.

Nooooo, Sock, you mustn't go, we need more stories from you!

If a hot girl online asks for pics of your junk, block him.

Words to live by.

Delightfully terrible, and I mean that in the best way. Thank you for this.

Online, the stallions are stallions, the mares are stallions, and the little fillies are Royal Guard agents.

Who are Royal Guard agents, then?

"It's a cute filly Instascam profile and we forgot to lock down private messages," Apple Bloom explained. "It's been open for at least five minutes. It must have dozens of dick pics in its inbox."

Oh dear celestia

And there are only two guys on PonChan, (you) and the guy with a lot of alts who talks to himself.

At least no one asked them for pics of their hooves.

Some of the stallions are actually mares, but they’ll never let on because that’s how they can be on the internet without being bombarded by junk by oversized colts with poor hygiene and no social skills.

Delightfully terrible is my usual stock in trade lately. Thanks!


Who are Royal Guard agents, then?

Probably this guy, or his brother: https://www.dictionary.com/e/memes/navy-seal-copypasta/

A lot of negativity for such a short read :(

Yes, I have a negative opinion of scammers. This is true.

Huh, that's weird, obviously when underaged creatures figure out about these stuff, life will get more complicated than ever.
Also, I feel awkward asking this because no one else mentioned it yet, but…
If they used Dinky as their profile identity, who obviously is of similar age to the CMC, then why are they getting DlK pics so fast? Some from ponies they knew, nevertheless? Is the pervert situation so serious?

Yeah, I'd say that Big Mac is indeed doing something good here. One gets money, and the other gets taught a lesson?
Anyway, good story for a chuckle, keep up the good work.


Also, I feel awkward asking this because no one else mentioned it yet, but…
If they used Dinky as their profile identity, who obviously is of similar age to the CMC, then why are they getting DlK pics so fast? Some from ponies they knew, nevertheless? Is the pervert situation so serious?

Short answer: because satire.

The art of the humorist is to take some kernel of truth and exaggerate it 10,000%. The more preposterous you make some kernel of truth, the more the reader will see the truth. Somehow, camouflage makes it more pure, more true.

I finally read this story...

These fillies know WAY too much about how the Internet works! I hope they didn't "cough" borrow Twilight's magical journal to have some secret talks with their Human counterparts.

Also, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Applejack... the buck?! :rainbowlaugh:

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