• Published 25th Jun 2023
  • 299 Views, 2 Comments

The Curious Caper of the Missing Baker - Spyder27

After a baker goes missing and fails to finish a cake commission, Apple Bloom goes into meltdown to try and find the baker, enlisting the help of a sour and skeptical siren. Things will go exactly to plan. Not.

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So… I probably could have planned this better. Today’s the big day. It was just about three years ago today that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were formed! That’s one helluva accomplishment! Then again, a lot of people celebrate big anniversaries like ten or more years, so this feels quite small in comparison. These are my friends, though. Applejack says it isn’t all that common to have long-lasting friendships, especially as you get older. I ain’t exactly sure if she’s right about that, but it still feels nice that Sweetie Belle, Scoots and I have been friends this long.

I have the whole day planned out too! I made sure to include fun activities that we all enjoy and I even made a playlist of our favorite music. Gosh, I can’t wait to see their faces when they see what I have in store~ Actually, how would I run a real store? What would it be about? Would I sell apples? I guess that’s kind of the only thing I have practice in…

Focus, Apple Bloom. I only have one more thing to do before I get this day started with the others! I just have to pick up the cake. Pinkie Pie promised to make the most amazing cake I’ve ever seen. I really hope she’s telling the truth. I spent my whole allowance on that. Fifteen dollars. I mean, that ain’t much these days, but I’m saving up for the future. Scoots and Sweetie Belle will understand if I don’t exactly spend thirty dollars on a cake. I cleared out my whole schedule to make sure that I could be with them, so I’m sure quality time will make up for a possibly bad cake. Pinkie’s a great baker though. I’m pretty sure she won’t let me down.

Walking down the sidewalk, I take a deep breath, making sure to smile as much as I can. Even though I’m a little worried about how this day will turn out, I will try my best to do what I can. Originally, I wanted to invite Diamond Tiara to this as well, but… I don’t exactly think that Scoots or Sweetie are exactly ready for that. They’re still a bit hesitant about the fact that I’m friends with her, but… they haven’t seen what I have. They didn’t see how bad Diamond Tiara’s situation is right now. Besides, I don’t think her dad would have let her come to begin with… Shaking my head, I keep my eyes ahead of me, making my way towards Sugarcube Corner. It is seven in the morning and I’m supposed to meet with Sweetie and Scoots at eleven. I have a good four hour window to set things up~

Turning the corner, Sugarcube Corner comes into view, the magenta canopies shining from the dawn’s light. To be honest, I’m a little surprised that this store is open this early. Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Cake really value a good work ethic. In that case, I can agree with them. There’s almost nothing as admirable as someone putting in hard work to try and make an actual change. Especially with people like Adagio or such since they started as real jerks. Either way, many of the stores in this city don’t open until nine, making it a real hassle if you wake up early, wanting a very specific food. Ya either have to make it yourself or go back to sleep. Of course, that’s if my big sis allows it. Dang chores…

Crossing the street, I push open the doors to the bakery, smelling tons of sweet treats with a deep breath. There’s hardly anyone here this early besides an elderly couple. Mr. Cake is at the counter and everything feels really peaceful. Walking towards the counter, I give him my biggest smile.

“Heya, Mr. Cake! Is Pinkie Pie in the back?” I ask him, looking past him to try and get a glimpse into the back of the store. A confused expression dawns on his face, tilting his head slightly.

“Pinkie? No, she’s not here yet. Did you need a message passed along to her, Miss Apple Bloom?” His voice sounds sincere, but his confusion tells me he has absolutely no idea why I’m here.

“Pass along a message? Why would you need to do that? Shouldn’t she be here soon?” Looking back at the door, I can’t help but feel a tiny bit confused myself. “She said she would have a cake ready for me today.”

“Oh, Pinkie is not scheduled to come in today. She requested an off day a while ago. I’m surprised she said she’d have a cake for you today,” Mr. Cake states with an awkward chuckle, scratching the back of his head. “If you would like, I could sell you a different treat while she’s out?”

Pinkie’s not here…? She said she’d be done with it today. “Um, no thanks. I’d prefer the cake I bought from her. Could ya excuse me for a moment?” I ask him as politely as possible, pulling my phone out of my pocket. Maybe this was all one big misunderstanding? I probably read the text wrong and she meant yesterday, meaning the cake is ready in the back of the store. Pulling up the texts, I can’t help but feel a little antsy. I didn’t read the text wrong… Maybe she typed the text wrong.

Dialing her number, my phone starts to ring. Each second that passes makes me feel a little more skittish. This is all one big misunderstanding. Right?

“Hiya! This is Pinkie!”

“Oh, hey, Pinkie! Where are ya-”

“Please leave your name and your phone number after the beep so I can get back to you! If you’re looking for a party planner, go to my website! If not, then I will get back to you ASAP! Now I’m gonna take a nap. Bye bye!” Pinkie’s voice cuts me off, making my heart sink. I thought that she had answered, but that’s just a recording of her. She’s usually pretty quick at answering her phone. I wonder-

“After the tone, please record your message and hang up once you’re done or press-” the voice stops as soon as I hang up… She didn’t answer. Oh boy. I have more than a missing cake on my hands. The baker herself is missing…


Loud thumping sounds echo in my head, making me groan slightly. My whole body feels stiff, and this bed feels like the only cure for that. Wrapping my arms around her tighter, I can’t help but groan and try to bury my head in my pillow as the thumping gets louder. Will they please go away? Who in the world would be pounding on our door at this time in the morning? Sunset’s body begins to stir a bit from the sound, an annoyed sigh coming from her. All I wanted to do was sleep in today. Especially since I have a day off.

Spooning Sunset a little tighter, I try to find any excuse to ignore the knocking at our apartment’s door. Sunset moves a little before shaking her head, holding her hand to her ear. “Will you go check who that is, Adagio? The knocking is relentless,” Sunset requests in a polite tone, but I can tell she’s five seconds away from being very irritated with whoever is behind that door.

“Alright. Just stay here,” I groan, shaking my head. Letting go of Sunset, I get out of our bed and quickly pull on some pajama pants to try and look semi-decent before opening the door. I wouldn’t want to greet someone in just my underwear and a tee after all.

Brushing my hair out of my face, I quickly walk down the hall, making my way into our living room. The knocking is much louder in here. If they don’t stop soon, they’re going to make my girlfriend mad… Quickly reaching for the door knob, I look through the eye hole, seeing a very familiar magenta bow. Apple Bloom…? What is she doing here?

Opening the door, I can barely get a word out before Apple Bloom spills into my apartment, falling straight on her face. It seems she wasn’t exactly ready for me to open the door… Looking down at her, I can’t help but find this a little… humorous.

“Apple Bloom. What in the hell are you doing here?” Even if her falling down on the floor of my apartment is a little funny, I still feel pretty… annoyed. What could be so important that she had to wake me and Sunset up?

Quickly getting up off the carpet, Apple Bloom looks up at me and takes a deep breath. “Oh thank goodness you’re awake, Adagio!” she tells me happily, despite the fact that she was the one who woke me up. “I really need help. Like right now!” Her tone sounds urgent, making my anger dissipate.

“Hold on, Apple Bloom. Slow down. Tell me what’s going on.” I do my best to try and calm her down, leading her over to the couch. Apple Bloom instead breathes even faster than before and pulls out her phone, scrolling faster than I ever would.

“I-I bought a cake, right? And I- well, it? It is missing and-” Apple Bloom sits down on the couch, still trying to find something on her phone. I sit down beside her, looking down at her phone quietly.

“Apple Bloom. Take deep breaths and try to organize your thoughts, alright? I’m not going anywhere. Whatever is wrong, I will help you with it.” Even though I would rather sleep right now, I can’t just leave her on her own. Sunset really is rubbing off on me. Her helpful nature has made me soft and I can’t help but feel sad for Apple Bloom’s plight. What can I say? Apple Bloom is a friend. A good friend at that.

“I… I bought a cake from Pinkie Pie a few days ago. Well, I paid for it, but didn’t get it yet.” Apple Bloom pulls up the text message exchange between Pinkie Pie and herself, showing me her proof as well as a screenshot of the virtual payment. “I paid her for a cake that she said she’d have ready by today, right? Today is the anniversary of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The anniversary of when we made the name at least. So I really need the cake today.” She then shows me how Pinkie Pie missed a call from her, as if I would doubt what she says without some proof. “Pinkie wasn’t supposed to come into Sugarcube Corner apparently and now I don’t know what to do. She didn’t answer my calls.”

A small part of me can’t help but wonder why she wouldn’t go to her big sister for help. Applejack would surely know where Pinkie would be better than I would. Every time I’ve asked her that, her sister is always doing something else or she’s out of town for a couple days. Apple Bloom wouldn’t ask me for help unless she needs it.

“Alright. Give me a minute,” I tell her quietly, rubbing my eyes before I stand up from the couch. Apple Bloom looks up at me with confusion, seemingly surprised by my answer.

“Eh? But ya didn’t even hear what I wanted,” she responds curiously. Rubbing her head, I chuckle slightly, trying to avoid the urge to yawn.

“You want me to help you find her. That much is obvious. Just give me a minute to get dressed.” Giving the teenager a wink, I quickly walk back to the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Sunset is still in bed, but from her slight movements, I can tell she’s still awake. Opening the second drawer of the dresser, I pull out a pair of jeans, replacing my pajama pants with them.

“Who was that?” Sunset asks with a slightly annoyed tone of voice, clearly frustrated that she was woken up. Honestly, I feel the same way, but it wouldn’t feel right of me to leave Apple Bloom helpless.

“It was Apple Bloom. She’s really freaked out because she ordered a cake from Pinkie, but now our dear baker is MIA.” Opening the third drawer, I look at the shirts inside, quickly deciding on a plain white shirt with a pink heart on it. From here, I can hear Sunset stir in the bed, probably turning her body to look towards me.

“So you’re going out to help her?” she asks me with the first hint of humor to her voice since she woke up.

“I’m glad you can find this situation amusing.” Pulling on a pair of socks, I slip my feet into my black boots.

“I just think it is sweet, that’s all~ You helping a friend. While you’re doing that, I’m going to go back to sleep,” Sunset teases me, sticking her tongue out past her lips. Rolling my eyes, I grab the black leather jacket Sunset gave me, quickly fixing my hair. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Sunset asks just as I grab the door knob, making me stop in my tracks. Turning my gaze back to her, I see Sunset’s arms outstretched towards me, a smile painted across her face. Returning the smile, I walk over to the bed, gently leaning down and wrapping my arms around her. I press my lips against hers as gently as possible… Almost every part of me wants to stay here with her, making it even harder that I will have to leave.

“Rest well, Sunny. Remember that I love you,” I whisper to her, almost feeling a little embarrassed for saying those three words while someone else is in our apartment. Sunset lays one last kiss upon my lips, her fingers lingering on my cheek until I pull away.

“I love you too, Alligator~ Good luck.”


“So, do ya have any ideas where she may be?” I ask my siren friend just as she closes her apartment door. Every second that passes by makes me feel even more anxious. It’s about seven-thirty now, meaning I only have a little bit until I meet with the Crusaders.

“I have a couple of ideas. When do you have to have this cake?” Adagio asks me, yawning slightly before putting her keys back into her bag. She walks ahead of me, leading the way out of the apartment complex. The coffee in her hand has visible steam rising from the disposable cup. In a way, I almost feel like I’m inconveniencing her… But Adagio usually knows what to do! She’s pretty smart and has an idea for everything, even when she thinks she doesn’t.

“In about… three and a half hours…” Adagio’s eyes turn to look at me with a raised eyebrow. I can feel her judgment from here, making me nervously chuckle.

“You didn’t think about checking with Pinkie Pie yesterday? You’re really cutting it down to the wire, aren’t you?” she asks me with a skeptical stare, not unlike my big sis’s stare.

“Yeah, I get it. I messed up and I’m sorry for that. But that doesn’t change the fact that I need a cake.” Walking ahead of her, I try to explain myself with a smile. Honestly, Adagio is a great friend and almost like another big sister at times, but I do feel a bit sad whenever I make her disappointed. I can’t really tell what she is feeling right now.

“Alright. If Pinkie truly didn’t come into work today, then the first place we should look is her home.” Her home. Yeah, we should check that out! Although, why didn’t I think of that? Was I really so distressed about the cake that I didn’t even think about that?

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” I exclaim before grabbing Adagio’s hand, running ahead. Adagio looks surprised being dragged behind me again, her coffee falling out of her hand onto the ground. Shucks… We don’t have time to worry about spilled coffee though. We have to find Pinkie!


The pink house ahead of us is impossible to mistake for any other building. The exterior is clearly decorated in “fun” colors and even has lawn statues of candy. Apple Bloom quickly pulls me towards the house, despite the fact that I don’t need her to pull me anywhere. I understand this is urgent for her, but could she at least give me a few seconds to breathe? I hardly woke up thirty minutes ago and I couldn’t even have a coffee to wake myself up. Instead, we’re running to a friend’s house to check up on a cake she ordered for her friends. At this point, it might be easier to just bake one instead of finding Pinkie. I know Apple Bloom can bake somewhat.

Running up the steps, Apple Bloom almost makes me trip over the stairs to the porch by her dragging me. Apple Bloom knocks on the door and rings the doorbell, clearly hoping for an answer. She never lets go of my hand this whole time… I can tell by just how tightly she grips onto me that she’s anxious about this. Taking a moment to compose myself, I brush down my jeans and flick the hair out of my face. Every second that passes by seems to make Apple Bloom even more jumpy, but I try my best to keep her calm.

“Everything will be fine. Even if there are a couple of setbacks, you need to keep your head up.” Bringing my hand to my hip, I try my best to keep my eyes open as we wait for the door to open. I feel so tired, but I can’t let myself lash out at her. As grumpy as I feel, she needs help. I just wish she would need help at a more reasonable hour of the day.

“I mean, what if? What if she isn’t here? What if-”

“What if everything turns out alright?” I interrupt her with a question of my own. “It is eight in the morning, Apple Bloom. Even if Pinkie Pie can’t make a cake for you, I’m sure you can make a great one by yourself. Your friends might even appreciate it more if it is from you.” I can see the hesitant look in Apple Bloom’s eyes, clearly worried about how the day might turn out. Sighing to myself I look Apple Bloom directly in her eyes and give her a nod. “And… if that’s the case, I will help however I can until you have a cake to give your friends.”

“You will?” Apple Bloom asks me with some hope in her eyes, seemingly not as worried as she was before. “If I have to make a cake myself, you’ll help?” Her eyes are almost pleading with me, making me question how much she trusts me. Does she really doubt that I would help her with this? I thought I made it clear I would help her whenever I can. It is the least I can do with how much she’s helped me before. I suppose it’s probably because her nerves are on high alert right now.

“Yes, I will help you whenever you need it. Now could you let go of my hand? It’s beginning to hurt,” I tell her with a nod towards our hands. Apple Bloom chuckles nervously before finally letting go of my hand. A weird tingling feeling goes down my fingers. She was holding my hand pretty tight, huh? Taking a deep breath, I look back towards the door. A couple of faint sounds come from inside the home, making Apple Bloom’s eyes widen. The gears in the locks can be heard audibly before the door opens a crack. Light spills into the dimly lit home as a woman with gray skin looks at us with a blank expression. Her dusty purple hair compliments her skin, but her outfit is… really dull. It almost looks like a boring blue tablecloth was made into a dress… I wouldn’t be surprised if that is what it is.

“Hi, Maud,” Apple Bloom greets the woman, clearly knowing her already. The name rings a bell, but I can’t remember from where. “Is your sister home? We’re kinda looking for her.” Oh, that’s it. Pinkie Pie has a sister. Wait, doesn’t she have multiple sisters? Honestly, I can’t actually keep track of Pinkie’s family or Applejack’s family. It’s just… really confusing. In that way, I guess I’m glad I don’t have a big confusing family to keep in mind.

“She’s sick right now. She’s trying to sleep. Is it important?” Maud asks in a monotone voice, matching her demeanor. Her eyes look at Apple Bloom and never turn to glance at me. Honestly, I can’t help but ask myself if she is always like this or if she is under the effects of some sort of drug… It’s sort of annoying…

“Apple Bloom bought a cake from her and Pinkie never made it. We were hoping to talk to her for a few minutes. As well as paying my friend a visit.” Maud’s eyes turn to me after hearing what I said. Her expression doesn’t change visibly, but something looks different. Almost as if she is surprised…

“You’re a friend of Pinkie?” Maud asks me slowly while looking me up and down. “I don’t recognize you.” Of course she wouldn’t… I haven’t met Pinkie’s family as of yet.

“She really is a friend of Pinkie,” Apple Bloom reassures Maud with a smile. For some reason, Maud seems to believe her, moving out of the way and beckoning us inside the home. Walking inside, I can’t help but notice the abundance of pastel colors in Pinkie’s home. The floors are made out of normal wood, which sort of surprises me. The walls, on the other hand, are bright pink or blue, making a contrast between the two colors. This is the first time I’ve ever been here… I can smell something… sweet? Almost as if there is a residue of baking over the years, making the house smell like baked goods. I should expect such from Pinkie Pie.

“This way,” Maud tells us, leading the way down a hallway. Apple Bloom walks in front of me, leaving me in the back of the trail. Pictures on the wall display Pinkie with various people, usually including Maud. I can only assume the other people in these photos are her family members. One picture we pass by catches my eye more than any other. The frame has various candy stickers on it, clearly being decorated by Pinkie herself. The picture is of Pinkie and our friends at the beach, Sunset in the middle with a big smile on her face. This picture was clearly taken before I had tried to be Sunset’s friend, but still. It almost makes me… want to be in one… A picture like this, I mean.

Maud opens a door slowly, holding her hand out to us. Slipping inside, I can barely hear Maud ask if Pinkie is okay with seeing us from beyond the door. Although I can tell Apple Bloom is antsy, I’m glad that Pinkie has people who would ask her if she’s comfortable with meeting someone. I know that if I was sick or tired, Sunset would ask me if I am comfortable meeting our friends. I would probably say no, but still.

“You can come in,” Maud tells us after opening the door wider. The lights in Pinkie’s room are dim, but the blue light of a TV shines on Pinkie’s happy face. An ice pack rests on her head, but she doesn’t let that stop her from sitting up to see us.

“Hiya, girls! Thank you for coming to see me!” Pinkie exclaims with a wave before coughing slightly. Apple Bloom walks closer to the bed. I stay behind, looking at the TV for a few moments. The screen depicts colorful ponies frozen in place, their mouths open as if they are talking to each other. Images flash before my eyes of a life that I have left behind. Equestria was my original home. It makes memories come back to the front of my mind every time I look at the screen. Sometimes, I can’t help but miss that world.

“Hi, Pinkie. How are ya?” Apple Bloom asks her politely, drawing my attention away from the screen. “Maud said you’re sick.”

“Oh yeah. I’m not feeling the best, but it makes me feel ten times better now that you two are here! Almost makes me want to throw a party,” Pinkie explains with a giggle, seeming like her normal self, despite her bout of the flu. Maud leaves the room to give us some space just as Pinkie gestures for me to come closer. “Hey, Adagio! I didn’t expect you to be here~ What’s up?” she asks me curiously, her eyes focused on me.

Taking a few steps closer to the bed, I give her a small wave. I’m glad she’s in good spirits despite her illness. “Hello, Pinkie. I just woke up about thirty minutes ago, so I apologize if I seem a bit off.” Looking at the TV again, I can’t help but chuckle to myself. “We’re actually here because Apple Bloom is a bit worried. I’ve been trying to console her ever since I woke up.” Apple Bloom stares at me with a pout before shaking her head.

“I wasn’t that worried, Adagio.” Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom looks back at Pinkie with a thoughtful expression, trying to form her words. “Ya remember how I paid for a cake a few days ago? I know you’re sick and all, but I was kind of wondering if you made it? If not, that’s okay. I was just wondering since-”

“It’s the anniversary of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, right?” Pinkie asks with a smile nodding to herself. “Yeah, I remembered that! Unfortunately, I didn’t make it yet. I sent you a text to tell you that I refunded the cake.” A surprised look comes over Apple Bloom, making Pinkie confused. “Wait, you didn’t get the text?”

Apple Bloom quickly pulls out her phone and turns it on, swiping through her contacts. As soon as she taps Pinkie’s icon, I can tell there isn’t a new text from her. “Um, nope. I didn’t get the text…” Apple Bloom’s cheeks flush with embarrassment, clearly upset that she spent nearly an hour and a half worrying about something that she didn’t need to worry about. This whole time, she could have been making a cake herself if the text actually went through. It’s not her fault that this happened, but it is an unfortunate set of circumstances. “I’m real sorry I caused ya any stress,” Apple Bloom tells Pinkie quietly, bowing her head. Pinkie puts her hand on Apple Bloom’s shoulder, giving her a smile.

“Don’t worry! Next time, I will go to your house directly to tell you if I need to cancel an order~ It’s not your fault at all!” Pinkie giggles, successfully cheering Apple Bloom up for a moment.

“I hope you feel better soon. I wouldn’t want-” Apple Bloom stops herself mid sentence, quickly looking at her phone. “Wait, I have to bake a cake! I’m sorry, but I have to go now. I’ll be back later,” Apple Bloom quickly tells our friend before turning towards me. She grabs my hand in one quick action, pulling me towards the door. Oh no… Giving a final wave to tell Pinkie bye, I can’t help but brace myself for what’s next…


I try my best to not spill anything as I stir the cup. We finally got done with the cake batter and now, we’re waiting for it to bake fully. Although, Adagio said she wouldn’t stay around to help decorate it unless she got a cup of coffee. Honestly, that is more than fair. I kinda woke her up suddenly and dragged her all over the city. First we went to Pinkie’s, then we went to the store to get the ingredients and then we came back to the farm. I guess I owe her this much at least.

“Ya want any sugar with that?” I ask her with a louder voice, speaking to her without turning my back.

“No, it’s fine without it,” I hear her say with an exhausted tone. Turning around, I see her sprawled out on one of the wooden chairs surrounding the dinner table, her eyes looking up to the ceiling. Being a siren, I guess I should expect her to sit like that. Whether she likes to admit it or not, Adagio loves luxury. It’s the main appeal of power, I suppose. So, even if she’s good now, she still has some things that link her to her past.

“Here ya go,” I say with a chipper tone, placing the cup down in front of her. Adagio slowly lifts her arm, bringing her gaze down to the cup. She takes a slow sip from the drink. Only the sound of that darn oven fills our ears. It’s almost ten and here we are, still waiting for it to be done. I can’t really rush perfection though… Calling it perfection is kind of an overestimate. It’s not the best cake we could make.

“So, you’re planning on celebrating the day you made your friend group,” Adagio states quietly, placing the cup of coffee back down on the table. “Do you do this for all of your friends? Celebrate them and your connection?” That’s a strange question. Of course I do. Well, in different ways.

“I celebrate each friend’s birthday. I always try to let them know what they mean to me, you know? I don’t always celebrate the exact day we became friends, but still.” Waiting a few seconds, I can’t help but feel curious. The sound of the oven makes me feel a little… antsy. It’s better if I can continue the conversation rather than listen to that longer than I have to. “When is your birthday, Adagio?”

She raises her eyebrow once I ask my question, leaning back in her seat. Her hand moves up to her chin before chuckling to herself, shaking her head. “I’ll tell you later. It’s a bit complicated and brings back bad memories,” she tells me with a small wave of her hand, only confusing me more. Before I can ask her anything else, Adagio takes another drink of her coffee, sighing with a pleased tone after her sip. “The reason why I ask is because I honestly cannot fathom why you’re still friends with an ancient siren,” she laughs, gently swirling the liquid in her cup.

“Eh? Are ya feeling insecure again?” If she’s insecure again, I… I’m not sure what I will do. I really hate it when she feels bad about herself. She should be confident. Not-

“Not at all,” she tells me with a shake of her head, reassuring me instantly. “I was just thinking. We have little in common. At first, we were friends because you desperately wanted to see my life get better. Then it was because of the goal to confess to Sunset.” Taking another drink of her coffee, Adagio exhales with a shrug. “Honestly, it makes me think about what is left for us. So, your turn. Tell me, what about a siren who is thousands of years old interests you?”

“Ya want me to be honest?” Looking down at the table, I can’t help but take a deep breath. “You’re one of the only people I can talk about literally anything with. Even though you have every right to get annoyed at me, you don’t. You listen to me and you’re incredibly kind to me, even though you have an ego. Even though there’s a large age difference between us, I still feel like we’re similar at the end of the day, ya know? At least at a fundamental level.” Looking back up at her, I give Adagio a big smile, nodding my head. “So, that’s why I love hanging out with you. You’re smart, kind and somewhat similar to me. Does that make sense?” I can’t help but feel surprised when Adagio laughs at my question, leaning forward with a shake of her head.

“You know the funniest thing?” she asks me quietly, standing up from her seat. Walking over to the oven, Adagio prepares some of the frosting. “I was thinking the same thing.” Adagio gives me a wink before nodding her head to the side, telling me to come closer. “Now let’s finish that cake. Your friends won’t be too happy to eat cake without some frosting, will they?” After Adagio finishes her statement, the oven beeps to tell us the cake is done. Bucking finally.

Comments ( 2 )

Very nice. My one suggestion is that if Adagio called her Sunny in the bedroom, it would seem more fitting Sunset would’ve called her Alligator wouldn’t it?

I could have sworn I wrote down Alligator. XD Anyway, I changed it to that~ :twilightsmile:

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