• Member Since 26th Nov, 2020
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Starlight Fan

I am a big fan of Starlight Glimmer most of my stories center around her. I do crossovers as well.


In the season seven finale of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. When Starswirl the Bearded returns from Limbo along with the rest of the Pillars and the Pony Of Shadows, he does not bother listening to Starlight Glimmer at all about whether they should even attempt to reform Stygian.

But what if something in Starlight snapped that day? What if being ignored, gaslighted, and pushed around lit a fuse in Starlight. What if that confrontation in the library went VERY differently.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 85 )

Like so far.

Need more face punching of Starswirl.

Not enough Twilight to analyze. Starlight is better here than in the show. Fingers crossed she'll be more aggressive.

Btw, I’d like you to take a look at the tags. You’re in for a big surprise.


Much potential here.

Ok, let’s look at both sides. While starlight was right in the end she lacks the full story and experience of dealing with stygian and the pony of shadows. So what she is suggesting is somewhat of a gamble. While starswirl on the other hand/hoof/claw/whatever has actually known stygian and has even fought the pony of shadows, but just like everyone else he lacks the full story and it does help that he refuses to expand his mind trapping him in a one way mindset.

If Starlight is mad at Starswirl's attitude of "once a villain, always a villain", imagine how mad Luna be at him.

When she thought back, the moment Starswirl had said “once a villain, always a villain”, no one bothered to speak up against that. None of her friends bothered to prove Starswirl wrong. Not Spike, not Fluttershy, not… her .

Pretty sure Spike nor Fluttershy ever got the chance to speak up against Starswirl though.

If Twilight had the chance, so did they. Thoughts on this chapter?

When she thought back, the moment Starswirl had said “once a villain, always a villain”, no one bothered to speak up against that. None of her friends bothered to prove Starswirl wrong. Not Spike, not Fluttershy, not… her .

To be fair a lot was going on so they protect didn’t even process what he said.

“Look Starlight, I get your upset about what happened earlier and I understand if Starswirl can… annoy you but not everypony can be saved.” Twilight told her friend solemnly.

She’s not wrong.

“Not like you’re even gonna try.” Starlight pointed out bitterly.

That’s also true, but again it’s a gamble. If there was a way they could trap him temporarily then talking to him would be more reasonable.

In reference to your authors note. No this is good. Keep up the conflict for a bit, let it stew. Honestly I was caught off guard by Starlight's confession and I think you could've gotten away with some stun from Twilight for a lot longer.

Honestly this could go on for a bit. Building tension and whatnot.

Perhaps Twilight’s realization of love was revealed a little too early but no matter, the tension is still high.

And people wonder why I hate that pompous jerk Star Swirl as much as I do........

Never meet your heroes, amirite?

Thoughts on everything going on?

You're right. Still a lot to work with here.

To be honest, the romance feels forced and weakens this story; it’s not needed. Everything else Starlight says is still pertinent and on point.





  1. Not evoking interest because of overuse or repetition; hackneyed.
  2. Worn out; common; used until so common as to have lost novelty and interest; hackneyed; stale.
  3. Worn out; hackneyed; used so many times that it is no longer interesting or effective (often in reference to a word or phrase).
  4. Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse.

Amitrite. I like that word.

Trite pennata

I've always wanted to see Starlight give Starswirl more of a piece of her mind in that episode, like a lot.

maybe a bit of her hoof too... at high speeds...

“Envy!” Starswirl closed his book angrily as he got up in Starlight’s face, “He wanted more power than he had, and that desire led him down a path from which there is no return! Of course, you obviously wouldn’t understand that.”

Based on the evidence presented in the episode, Stygian did very little to dissuade this notion. There's no evidence he spoke to them before stealing the artefacts.

Comment posted by LordFlareon deleted Jun 24th, 2023

Sorry man, I’m trying to be realistic to Starlight’s character. Can’t make her a complete mouthpiece.

Once a Villain, allways a Villain eh? Maybe i should take your Cutiemark away.

Now now, Starlight’s reformed now.

She can just shave his beard in his sleep instead.

I agree that Starswirl's mentality in that episode would have had dire consequences had he been there for Luna's return among others.

On the flip side, It is true that not everyone can be redeemed, nor can all problems be solved with hugs/songs. That's not to say that you can't try, and maybe have Starswirl's plan as a backup in case the Pony of Shadows couldn't be redeemed, better to hope for the best while planning for the worst than going in with the heavy guns from the get-go.

As an example, there are a couple of artists I follow on DeviantArt who wrote variations on GlimGlam, and one thing that stood out to me, that she was treated a lot more seriously, be it her villainy, her backstory, or her reformation/redemption. In this latter case, the words "I'm sorry" are often seen as a magical panacea that precludes all wrongdoing, wipes the slate clean as it were. In these AUs she had to work to prove she was sorry, or in the case of one, she got so used to her apologies fixing everything from cross words to Discordian mischief, she could do no wrong if she apologized. Well one time she did something REALLY bad and was shocked when "I'm sorry" didn't immediately bear fruit.

I know this isn't the point of this story, I just wanted to give some basis for my meandering thoughts (I like to envision my train of thought being driven by Discord on a track that would make M.C. Escher proud).

As to another point I saw a couple commenter's make is that the romance element was pushed a little quickly, sometimes for a short fluff-piece a head-over-heels love is fine, but for what appears to be the start of a longer story, it might have been better to vaguely hint at it, and gradually build to the reveal, perhaps at a comically inopportune time like while facing the pony of shadows.

Yeah I'm not against a good ship but this isn't about that and weakens her very valid argument against statswirl going against everything harmony has been teaching. She doesn't need to be in love to feel betrayed and leveraging those emotions to tip twilight off her starswirl bandwagon feels wrong.
Also please shave his beard if he aggressively refuses to be benched

Starlight’s points are meant to be valid, the whole love thing wasn’t meant to manipulate Twilight as she was already being convinced by the other stuff Starlight mentioned. I added that for drama purposes and for mine and hopefully everyone else’s enjoyment. I’ll elaborate more on the validity of Starlight’s argument next chapter.

Ouch. Looks like Twilight has work to do to fix this one.

Thoughts on the story so far: The first chapter was good and I thought everyone acted as they should, even once the dialogue started shifting to not be the same as the canon lines.

The second chapter is somewhat of a mixed bag. Generally speaking, it's good. Both Twilight and Starlight felt like themselves, just with feelings for each other that was just revealed. I've thought that Twilight x Starlight was one of the most realistic ships, so it makes sense. But, part of it does feels somewhat forced. Not that I don't think it shouldn't be there per se, but rather I think that in a way it's, believe it or not, underutilized. Not in there should be more romance, but rather I don't think the romance factor, since it's there at all, was exploited beyond Starlight just thinking Twilight didn't care about her as much as she thought and Twi wouldn't love Starlight back.

For example, let's say Starlight thought that Twilight, as the Princess of Friendship" was a pony that was (usually) willing to extend her hoof in friendship, and this was even a reason why Starlight fall in love with her at some point. However, seeing Twilight so willing to not do it and just blindly go along with Starswirl's "let's banish Stygian/Pony of Shadows, no questions asked" without really considering Starlight might be on to something (and it turned out she was right and they should have listened to her, but still had a backup plan just in case), could have made Glim Glam wonder if maybe Twilight really isn't the pony she thought she was. Part of this could also be a fault on Starlight's part; she could have gained an idealized view of Twilight that shared her view of giving second chances because Starlight herself had it. if so, Starlight seeing one and for all (at least in Starlight's eyes) that Twilight isn't that willing to give second chances could have been Starlight doubt if she really knew Twilight, or fear that she fell in love with an idealized version of Twilight that isn't how she really is. Glim Glam also thinking of Twi didn't care about her nearly as much as she thought could have been another factor. There are other angles that could be used or added (such as Starlight wondering if Twilight would have ever considered reforming her if Twi had been able to overpower her in the season 5 finale), and what I did say is kinda raw, but I think what I brought up gives the gist of what I meant.

All that said, this story is still ongoing and looks good, so I'll stick to see how this story ends up going. I an curious to see how you will have things play out.

But what if something in Starlight snapped that day? What if being ignored, gaslighted, and pushed around lit a fuse in Starlight. What if that confrontation in the library went VERY differently.

How interesting... grabbing my popcorn

Honestly I think Twilight needs to be rejected right at this moment. It extends the amount of time she has no choice but to think about the incident, and that's what a lot of people need when their biases are so entrenched. Otherwise she could try to sweep the whole thing under the rug....until the rug develops black mold.

Starlight fan I imagine. Glad to see you looking out. We’ll see what happens to them.

I'm very much invested in how this is going already, can't wait to see what Starswirl gets when it's time for his comeuppance.


Starlight fan I imagine.

:rainbowlaugh: No, I actually dropped out after season five because I hated her. Nowadays I mostly ignore her unless I see a fun premise, so here I am!

Not really though.
I don't think Spike was even close enough or had enough time.

I’m glad you said that, because I haven’t watched the show in a while and thought I remembered wrong.

That is interesting. I wish that was just more in stories.

Honestly, I kind of feel the same way about sunset shimmer. So I feel you.

If you like, I could DM you some of those arts. I don't want to do it here as it would take away from the author to be sharing other's work.

Considering the reason she thought he could be redeem was because she got his story and villain thing didn't make sense. Truthfully I don't even get where starswirl got the idea the guy was planning something bad Considering for all they knew he could have planning a big surprise.

Good personally I hope that neither twilight or starswirl get off the hook that easily considering the truth comes out and twilight and everyone does their thing and not even an actual apology just an admission that he owes a lot of apologies and twilight once again fails to say 2 little words that have so much power. Considering she was too busy hero worshipping starswirl to notice that he had huge all about him ego which made rainbow ego look small in comparison.

Twilight needs to improve her listening skills considering this whole thing could have been avoided if she asked why did starlight think it was a friendship problem and not just a villain to be defeated. But she was too busy hero worshipping to pay attention. And I hope starlight gives her a talking to about how everything could been avoided in the first place if other ponies had bothered listening to their friends. And making clear that if twilight wants unforgiving heroes over friends then that is her decision and she will be leaving for her old village.

Isn’t that a little harsh of Starlight?

No more than twilight ignoring that her hero just insulted her friend and not even trying to make things right between them. She ignored it in the show and I would hate for her to ignore it here. I want her to get through her head you don't let your heroes insult your friends no matter who they are. It good to admire people but you have to remember they are people who are flawed like everyone and you can't let them away with being rude or not nice just because they are your heroes.

It might also help down the line when Starlight has to help Celestia and Luna, considering how much Twilight idolizes Celestia. She even freaked out when Starlight suggested that the Princess are like normal ponies.

I wish we had more villains like stygian.

Yeah I really wanted to tell her off for putting more pressure on starlight who is trying and has just begun to work on the problem. Expecting it to be solved in no time flat and talking about nightmare moon happening again was making it harder not better and spying on her when she is supposed to be doing something besides spying and plus unless you are keeping an eye on your neighbors to make sure that they don't start a war on you you shouldn't spy on people. It's not nice.

Agreed. By spying on Starlight, Twilight was pretty much admitting that she didn't have faith in Starlight's abilities.

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