• Published 8th Jun 2023
  • 945 Views, 256 Comments

The Bell of Bridlewood - milesprower06

The rains of Bridlewood have long brought change to the forest's unicorn inhabitants. During one particular downpour, young widower Alphabittle Blossomforth has his life changed forever, in more ways than one.

  • ...

The Queen

Alphabittle returned to the waking world after six hours of sleep in his room at the Maretime Bay Inn. As he got up, showered, and made himself presentable, he couldn't help but wonder why a building like this was maintained.

Why have a hotel if this was the first time Maretime Bay had had visitors in generations?

After cleaning himself up, he gathered up his trio of armadillo friends, left the room, and made his way out to the lobby, and stepped up to the front desk.

"What do I owe you for the room?" He asked the clerk.

"Oh, not necessary, sir. Canterlogic is covering the cost of all the rooms for our surprise guests today. It's a good trial run, I'd say. I'm gonna have to hire some more staff. Tourism in Maretime Bay? This inn is about to get considerably more busy, thanks to Sunny Starscout and her friends. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed your stay, and enjoy the rest of your day!"

Alphabittle gave the clerk a smile and a nod before stepping out onto Maretime Bay's coastal road.

The sun was now high in the sky and slowly making its way west towards the ocean. The rainbow streaks across the sky were still there, and the crystals were still floating up above what remained of the lighthouse. He squinted and saw construction ponies surveying the damage up on the hill.

A small chiming sound went off as the door to the inn opened behind him, and Queen Haven stepped out onto the street.

"Oh, that feels so much better," she said, her winged, fluffy white dog sitting on her back. The pegasus had showered and groomed herself, and was now a sight to behold. She gave a single flap of her wings and floated in the air for a moment.

"So it wasn't just a dream," she commented as her hooves landed on the ground.

"Not at all," Alphabittle replied, coming up and softly petting the dog, who was all too happy to receive the affection from somepony new.

"This is Cloudpuff, the royal pet," Haven introduced him. "So, shall we do a self-guided tour before dinner?"

Alphabittle nodded.

"That sounds like a great idea."

As they walked down the coastal road, they saw earth ponies in Canterlogic vests on almost every street, disassembling metallic tiles that had been built into the street. Temporary signs had been put up, letting the visitors know to please be wary of such tiles, called 'Unicorn Entrapment Devices', as it was going to take several days to decommission all of them.

"It feels good to have a second chance at introductions. I'm not exactly proud of how I acted back in Bridlewood," Haven commented.

"Nor am I," Alphabittle replied. "I'm sure there will be a lot of clearing the air of rumors as the tribes get to know each other again for the first time in generations. Thank you again, for your actions at the lighthouse, Your Majesty."

"Think nothing of it. It was the right thing to do, Mr. Blossomforth," Haven replied.

"Please, just Alphabittle," the unicorn replied.

"Very well, Alphabittle. As long as you extend me the same courtesy. Just Haven, please. I'm actually not sure if I'm a queen at the moment anyway," Haven told him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm not sure if you overheard the 'your criminal highness' back in the forest, but my daughters and I are technically fugitives of Zephyr Heights right now."

"Well, I'm betting there's a story behind that, but that can wait for dinner. Where would you like to eat, anyway?"

"I'm just as new to town as you. Let's see what's along the way and just pick some place," Haven suggested.

"Spontaneous, I like it," Alphabittle agreed.

"So do you have a set time that's you're headed back to Zephyr Heights?" Alphabittle asked.

"Not quite, but I'm assuming it'll be sometime tonight. Zipp and Pipp are seeing a movie with the others over at the theater, so we'll have a couple hours at the very least," Haven told him.

"I'm wondering how things are going back at Bridlewood, with all the unicorns with magic all of a sudden. Here's hoping they don't set anything on fire," Alphabittle half-joked, half-concerned at the possibility.

"Same with Zephyr Heights, as well. Thousands of pegasi taking to the air for the first time in their lives... Ponies are going to get hurt," Haven agreed, and she spotted a restaurant that caught her eye. "Ooh, that place looks like it has a nice view. Let's go see if the menu is just as nice."

Alphabittle looked at where she was pointing. It was a small eatery called Bay Bistro, and it indeed looked like the seating area had a great view of the beach and ocean.

"Alright, Bay Bistro it is," Alphabittle replied, and the pair of ponies crossed the street, heading for the entrance. It wasn't exactly dinnertime, but going during a non-rush period would mean much less of a wait. Plus, after that very long nap, he could eat.

Together, the pair of ponies walked inside, where the host was standing at the podium, and looked surprised to see a pegasus and large unicorn enter the restaurant.

"Ah, oh, hello, and welcome to Bay Bistro. How may I serve you today?" The host asked.

"Do you have a table for two?" Alphabittle asked.

It was at this moment that Haven realized that they may have made a mistake.

"Oh my goodness, we should have checked if they only have specific seating times," Haven said.

"The mare is correct. Normally, we don't begin seating for dinner until 4pm, but for the very first unicorn and pegasus patrons, I'm certain an exception can be made. Right this way, please."

With that, they were lead to what was arguably the best seat in the place, as the afternoon sun reflected beautifully off of the ocean. Once their orders were placed and their drinks were served, they began to relax a bit.

"So, want to tell your story first? On the run from your hometown?" Alphabittle asked.

"In a manner of speaking," Haven said, sipping at her wine. "We may have sort of been propping up the complete falsehood that the royal family had retained the ability to fly. We, and all our stagehands that were sworn to secrecy, agreed that it gave pegasi a sense of hope."

"That couldn't have been easy," Alphabittle commented.

"Not in the slightest, an act that never ended in public. In hindsight, yes, it was wrong. That's why I'm going to willingly go back and face the music. Perhaps every pegasi being able to fly will soften the blow a bit. I'm also hoping I can deflect the blame from Zipp and Pipp; they were players in my play."

"Think they'll forgive the whole thing? Pegasi being able to fly again has to be significant," the unicorn suggested.

"Never hurts to hope. Now what about you? What's your story?" Haven asked.

"Not much to tell. The past twelve hours are the first I've spent out of Bridlewood. My day to day consists of the Crystal Tearoom. I started there as a buspony, worked my way up to where I'm running the place now, after the previous owner retired."

Their plates were brought to the table, and their wine glasses refilled.

"Sounds like in for quite the treat when I get over to Bridlewood. Is there anypony, how do I put this, significant, in your life?" Haven asked.

She noticed Alphabittle's expression soften.

"No, not anymore. I'm a widower. My wife died in childbirth," the unicorn told her.

Haven gasped and covered her mouth.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't—" Haven began, but Alphabittle raised a hoof.

"Don't worry about it, Haven. You asked for my story, and stories aren't all happy parts. My baby daughter survived, but just over two years later, I made a quick trip out for dinner ingredients, and she vanished. We searched the forest day after day, but we never found a single trace. Not one."

"Well, I'm certainly hoping this story gets better," Haven said, taking her first bites.

"It does, thanks to you," Alphabittle told her.

Haven listened intently.

"Six months later, during a rainstorm, I heard the Elder Bell ring. A pony had been ringing the bell, waiting for it to be investigated before running off, and I found a foal in the shelter underneath the bell. I found the scroll written by you in the basket along with her, and a village elder explained to me one of the last remaining agreements among the tribes, even given the apparent rarity with which it happens. I took her in, and raised her as my own."

"By the stars, it is a small world. I presume she turned out well?" Haven asked.

"Seeing as how it was Izzy, one of the ponies who just helped reunite us all, I'd say she turned out perfect."

Haven was clearly touched at the revelation.

"I'd say so," she agreed.

"So..." Alphabittle began, pausing to sip at his glass of wine. "Is Izzy yours?"

Haven gave a chuckle.

"Oh, goodness no, although I'm sure Zipp would be absolutely thrilled to give the throne over to an illegitimate heir. But no, the mother requested anonymity, and with the rarity of a birth like that, we granted it, assuring her that she would be taken safely to Bridlewood, a task that I didn't feel right trusting to anypony else. So I looked up in ancient scrolls where the bell could be found, and traveled down the mountain with a pair of guards. If it weren't for the rain, the entire trip would have been rather uneventful," the pegasus explained.

"It sounds like being proud of what our kids have accomplished is something we both have in common," Alphabittle offered, and Haven immediately agreed.

After a delicious main course, dishes of key lime pie were served.

"So, you haven't mentioned one, so I have to ask, was there a father figure in Zipp's and Pipp's lives?" Alphabittle asked.

This caused a hint of a blush on the queen's cheeks.

"No... I suppose that's my big mistake. You left your daughter alone at home during a grocery run, and I... Did a little too much drinking during the larger parties at the castle, where of course one thing leads to another... Twice... Once for Zipp, again for Pipp a year later, before I finally wised up and learned my lesson."

Instead of laugh, or act judgemental, but instead found a sort of kinship with the pegasus over life-changing errors.

"Well, two single parents from different tribes. This could be a first date for all we know," Alphabittle commented as he was halfway through his pie.

"My, that's a bit forward of you. But... You're also not wrong, Alphabittle. I've had a great time opening up to you today, you know. It feels good to let other ponies in on your darkest secrets, and not be judged for them, because we've grown from them, both of us."

At the end of the meal, the check came, and the restaurant was gracious enough to accept Alphabittle's foreign currency, with the reasoning that there would soon be a lot more unicorns coming into town with it, and that the Maretime Bay banks would soon offer exchanges.

"Well, I'd say this was certainly a successful meeting of the tribes, as we become one nation again. Thank you for a phenomenal meal, Alphabittle. I can't personally guarantee you anything at the moment, but please feel free to come to Zephyr Heights anytime. Hopefully I'll be there to receive you," Haven said.

"Likewise, Haven. If the worst should happen, and they like, exile you or something, please consider this an open invite to Bridlewood. I'd be honored to put my years of experience to work and give you a personally-cooked meal at the Crystal Tearoom."

"I will certainly keep in touch. I have to figure that one of the first things Zephyr Heights will do is get as many smartphones as we can to both of the other tribes, so hopefully that will make keeping in touch instantly much easier once we get signal towers installed."

"Well, until next time, Haven," Alphabittle bid goodbye, offering a short bow.

Instead of bow in return, Haven stepped forward and hugged the unicorn.

"Until next time."

Author's Note: