• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


This story is a sequel to Dragon of Steel

(It is strongly recommended you check out the prequel Dragon of Steel first. Based on "Superman II" and "Superman II: The Donner Cut".)

Ever since he learned of his past and agreed to become Super Dragon, Spike knew there would be risks and challenges. He was prepared for anything, or so he thought.

Now, however, Spike faces the dilemma of being love in with Rarity, and she happens to learn of his superhero alter ego. That poses a huge problem for Spike, as he must decide whether to remain Super Dragon and give up his love of Rarity, or give up his powers in order to live a normal life with the pony he loves.

Complicating matters is the sudden and unexpected arrival of three dragons banished from the dragon lands long ago: Garble, Grunt and Groan. The three quickly set their sights on taking down Super Dragon, and are willing to hurt anyone who gets in their way!

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 15 )

Hey there. Thanks very much for getting this story started. Definitely appreciate the work going into the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. Absolutely loved Super Dragon working so well at saving the people trapped in that burning building as well as Twilight and Rarity's argument prior to Spike blowing his cover saving Rarity.

On to the next chapter.

Another well done chapter. Appreciate the work going into the action, exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. So, Garble and his pals were released during Rainbow Dash's second Sonic Rainboom during the "Best Young Fliers" competition and only barely remembered that they could fly before they hit the ground. So Spoiled got in a fight with them and did better than expected, but still lost. Diamond refused to help the dragons take over the world, even to save her and her mother's lives, but Spoiled DIDN'T refuse.

On to the next chapter.

Another well done chapter, Definitely appreciated the discussion between Spike and Rarity prior to going into action to save those trapped on the trolley (realizing he was distracted in the process.

Again, on to the next chapter.

Oops. Sorry about that. Accidentally double-posted (sheepish grin).

Again, wonderful work on the action, exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. So Garble decided to try to confront and intimidate Celestia, only to find out he has grossly underestimated what is essentially a sun demigoddess. So Celestia set Garble and his pals on the run for now. At least Celestia got to put up a much better fight than the show would ever allow her to.

On to the next chapter.

Once again, great job on this chapter. Definitely liked the work that went into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Glad Twilight and Rarity were able to talk sense into Spike as far as not giving up his powers went. And now, Spike knows about Garble and his pals making trouble.

Of course, I could see the rest of the Mane Six helping out Spike against the three evil dragons in a loose analogue to Superman's Justice League teammates. Basically just to REALLY hammer it in to Spike that Rarity definitely CAN take care of herself.

For Dragon of Steel III (if and when you get around to it), Discord would make an excellent analogue to Mxyzptlk (which would be a good way for Spike/Super Dragon to end up travelling to the universe of the Applejack Batmare and sharing an adventure with her (if it happens next year, that could coincide with Batman's 85th birthday).

But, anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this.

11602070 I have my own ideas for a possible visit to Batman's world, seeing as I've already made Applejack a ponyfied Batman.

Yeah. That's more than fair. I appreciate the reminder actually. Though Discord WOULD still make an excellent Mxyzpltk analogue. Just for a different possible story.

It's seems ok

Hey there. I've had ideas for other MLP villains in the roles of other members of Superman's rogues' gallery (including a few that would be basically just single-chapter appearances just to show how good Super Dragon is) if there are any more sequels:

In addition to, obviously, Discord as Myxyptlk (which I already mentioned twice):

Tirek: Basically a smarter and more ambitious version of the Parasite.

Lightning Dust: Metallo

Opaline: Brainiac (a gatherer of information [and magic] who develops a particular interest in dragons much like Brainiac's particular interest in Kryptonians).

The Flim-Flam Brothers: Toyman and Prankster (your choice which one in which role)

Grogar (the real one): Darkseid (technically an entire DC Universe villain, but Superman has a bigger grudge against him than most other heroes)

Chrysalis: A cross between Clayface (typically a Batman villain, but could work as a Superman villain if shown enough care) and the Queen Bee (a Silver Age Justice League villainess)

Sombra: Mongul

Gladmane: Taking over for the reformed Filthy Rich as far as the Lex Luthor role goes.

Storm King: Bruno Manheim (with his army all sharing the role of Intergang)

Though I can completely understand if you don't like any of these ideas and will profusely apologize for wasting your time.

Really good job on the exchanges, action, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Definitely liked Rainbow using weather skills and speed to put up at least a half-way respectable fight, even if Garble was smart enough to keep his two pals on the Cloudsdale attack while HE dealt with Rainbow. The good news is Super Dragon showed up. The bad news is that he's going to have to choose between fighting Garble and saving Cloudsdale (unless Super Dragon was savvy enough himself to round up the rest of the Mane Six to distract Garble's pals, but, yeah, situations like this might make him think the world DOES need a Justice League-styled team rather than just one super-hero).

Certainly looking forward to more of this.

Thanks very much for getting this next chapter up. Sorry I took so long getting back to this. I just moved to another adult foster care a few days ago and quite literally JUST got my computer back.

Anyway, wonderful job on the exchanges, action, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY liked the work shown in the fight between Super Dragon and Garble's two pals while the latter was protecting Cloudsdale before Super Dragon got to Garble himself.

On to the next chapter.

Again, really good job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. REALLY liked how surprised Garble was about how well Super Dragon was holding his own before finding out his enemy's identity. And now Garble is trying to go after Twilight and Rarity. Yeah, that's a pretty big mistake on Garble's part.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Really good job on the exchanges, characterizations, main problem wrap-up and epilogue set-up in all the right places. Yeah, actually, Superman ALREADY had his powers back when he pulled that bit with Zod and his cronies. I mean, he wasn't exactly fighting them as plain Clark Kent, after all.

About the only non-powered human that could have beaten Zod and his cronies would be Batman (and even HE would have needed A LOT of planning and preparation time to pull it off).

The trick was to actually set up the crystals to REMOVE the powers of the Phantom Zone criminals while keeping himself shielded. But still, glad to see Spike pulling that on Garble here AND sparing him after he was no longer a serious threat, which was something I wish either version of Superman II did. Also glad to see Twilight and Rarity helping him with that.

But, anyway, definitely looking forward to the epilogue.

REALLY good work on the exchanges, characterizations and possible sequel set-up in all the right places. Definitely liked Spike putting a scare into Garble before putting him and his pals in the Phantom Zone, as well as the discussion concerning giving those dragons chances to reform and how afraid Spike is of going down the wrong path. Also liked the discussion concerning this universe's version of Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer's adopted world.

And, yeah, a good possible set-up for a "Justice League of the Multiverse" deal.

I could easily see Twilight being a hybrid of Wonder Woman (a princess trusted with promoting unity through friendship with flying ability and a certain degree of super-equine strength) and Green Lantern (given that the primary limits to her magic most of the time seem to be her willpower and imagination).

Applejack, of course, is already Batmare in one of those other universes (the first meeting of Batmare and Super Dragon would be a good story for next year in honor of Batman's 85th birthday, especially with Starlight Glimmer in the role of the main villain [specifically Ra's al Ghul, who definitely has the intelligence, ambition and resources to be a challenge to both Batman and Superman at the same time]).

Rarity would make an excellent Black Canary (detective and martial artist plus it would be quite easy to visualize her gaining a sonic vocal blast).

Rainbow Dash would be an insultingly obvious pick for the role of the Flash.

Fluttershy could probably do really well as either Vixen (as it would be quite easy to see her gaining an amulet allowing her to duplicate the powers of any other animal of her choosing), Aquamare (her natural knack with animals upgraded to a straight up telepathic link plus being given the ability to breathe underwater and strength, durability and senses all increased to respectably super-equine levels owing to her body being conditioned to withstand ocean bottom pressures) or a combination of the two.

Pinkie could work quite well as Plastic Mare (super-stretchy comic relief) or be a surprisingly good analogue to the Martian Manhunter (as having a good range of Martian type powers [super-strength, super-speed, super-toughness, flight, shape-shifting, intangibility and telepathy] would be a pretty good explanation to how Pinkie can do many of the things that she can).

And another possible more couple of additions to Super Dragon's rogues' gallery:

Spikezilla (in this universe a separate entity following a magical or super-scientific attack by the villain of your choice): Bizarro (has all of Super Dragon's powers PLUS is BIGGER than him [owing to being modelled after Spike when he underwent greed growth] though Super Dragon is still more maneuverable and smarter, which gives him JUST enough of an edge to consistently win against his larger and nastier flawed clone).

The Ursa Major: Titano (Titano isn't actually evil, it's only because he is so large and powerful in highly populated areas that make him a problem)

Anyway, definitely looking forward to more of your work.

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