• Published 3rd May 2023
  • 1,040 Views, 32 Comments

Maledict - Carnifaxy

Seeking to ease her guilt, Celestia goes north to assist an ancient order of knights against the undead.

  • ...

Princess Celestia

“Have all the arrangements been made?” Celestia asked as she organized the files on her desk, putting some of them away in a drawer for later.

Jet Set nodded as he motioned to a report in front of her. “Yes princess, the ceremony for the carrier naming will be at the time listed.”

“The HMS Twilight Sparkle. I think Rainbow Dash would be more appropriate, but I appreciate the gesture,” she said with a smile. “About the meeting, no delays from the others I hope?”

“King Meyer flew in some hours ago but we lost track of him in the city.”

“Ah, he's bar hopping.”

“Prime Minister Beakolini, President Gilda, Headmaster William, and Queen Vivienne have also arrived not too long ago. We've received word that Queen Novo's ship will be docking in an hour as well.”

Celestia nodded. “That will be all Jet Set, thank you.”

He bowed and left the office, leaving Celestia to continue working through the papers. She hummed a gentle tune when the phone began to ring. Her brow furrowed as it rang, and rang. Finally she picked it up.

“This is Princess Celestia, to whom am I speaking to?”

“I need to get a new mirror, mine's broken,” a familiar voice said over the line.

She jumped out of her seat. “Sunset!”


“Oh Sunset, where are you? Are you doing all right? Is the information we got from the resistance accurate?”

The unicorn on the other side of the line laughed gently at the questioning. “I'm fine, I'm sitting in governor Larynx's office right now making this call. We have the entire government building helping us out!”

“I- what- you have one of the changeling governors helping out?!”

“Yeah! We kept our links under wraps, we didn't even let the information we passed to New Mareland know, but we heard what's going on over there.”

Celestia shuffled through her papers until she found the right one. “The Austral Protectorate- Sun and Moon!”

“It's not going to be the easiest landing sites I know, but everypony here will be working to help you out, as well as plenty of changelings too. I have to cut this short and get out of here, because of everything coming from Griffonia the changelings have started auditing the protectorates.”

She nodded. “Stay safe Sunset, please. We already lost Twilight, and losing you-”

“Princess, please... We have a lot to talk about, so I'm not bowing out just yet. Just get over here as soon as you can. Goodbye.”


The disconnection noise ran and she hung up her receiver, then slumped in her chair with tears. “Oh Sunset, thank goodness you're all right.”

“I am rather surprised you're not stumbling about like a newborn chick, Hermann,” she said to the king as they walked side by side.

“What can I say? I can hold my liquor better than most!”

“Just try to behave yourself, will you? This is a very important meeting we're about to have.”

The griffon waved a hand dismissively. “I've already pledged my support, do you really need anyone else?”

Celestia couldn't help but giggle. “If we want to not be driven back into the sea after landing, yes.”

“Eh, good point I guess!”

As they turned a corner Luna was waiting for them.

“Ah, sister, King Meyer. Your highness, may I ask you to go ahead? I must speak with my sister for a moment.”

Hermann tipped his hat a bit at Luna. “Of course, I'll try to keep Beakolini from being strangled by Novo.”

Luna gave a thin-lipped smile as he walked away before turning back to Celestia. “He has no idea how right he may be. Gilda and Novo both.”

“We can handle it Luna.”

“You know you could have sent someone to fetch Meyer,” her sister said as they began to walk.

“I could have, but he would have likely ignored them, or worse.”

Luna shook her head. “If we did not have need of his fleets, or the dragons I would say toss him out.”

Celestia couldn't help but giggle and gently nudged Luna. “You don't like him?”

“He is crass, crude, and I think of him the way you do of Vivi.”

She shook her head. “What? You think- Oh goodness Luna, no!” Celestia let out a laugh. “Hermann and I are friends, and there is nothing more to it than that. He's still in love with his wife, and you know I never had any interest in romance in the first place.”

“So much has changed so rapidly since you received that letter, has it not?” Luna mused. “Flurry has thrown herself into her studies, Spike has taken on learning trades. You felled an ancient foe and redeemed them besides. I have learned much about myself.”

“And fallen in love besides,” Celestia said in a neutral tone.

“It is a mutual arrangement sister, I have told you.”

“...I'm just glad you're happy, even if I don't approve of it.”

Luna leaned in and nuzzled Celestia gently as they stood in front of the doors. “We are sisters and we are in this together. Never shall we abandon one another, for any reason.”

“We may act apart, but always to ensure our path ahead is clear.”

They smiled at one another before they opened the doors, their allies arranged around the large, circular table. Celestia's horn lit up as she pulled out several maps and other papers to pass them around to the others.

“Friends and allies, it is good to have you with us. Before you is the preliminary foundations of the task before us, the liberation of Equestria. It will be no simple task, but an opportunity has arisen. The Austral Protectorate's governor is willing to support our efforts. We will all have to coordinate our militaries with one another and form a single allied command structure to utilize. It will not be easy, but we must make haste. Each passing moment is one which the changelings grow more and more bold. Even now King Meyer can tell of how they have been attempting to raid the dragons and Haukland itself in punitive measures."

"They stopped trying to attack the dragons after the first couple times, but Haukland is more vulnerable it's true," Meyer looked through the papers he had been given and his eyes shone with delight. "Oh, oh I have a great idea here folk!"

Beakolini crossed his arms over his chest. "That's why we're here isn't it? To get great ideas for one of the biggest wars the world will ever see?"

Novo shot the prime minister a glare while she spoke to Celestia. "Aris stands with Equestria to make up for when we could not before. Already we have been moving our fleets to Cross Island to ready for the invasion."

"So, is there a name for this big plan of ours? Something really wow the world, like maybe Operation Overlord?"

"I hadn't considered it, President Gilda, but now that you mention it..." Celestia smiled. "Operation Alicorn Sunrise."

The sisters sat on the balcony as the day was winding down, Celestia sipping her hot tea while Luna drank coffee and smoked.

“I hate that you picked up that habit.”

“I do not smoke near the children, and only outside. It is oddly relaxing,” Luna said as she flicked some ash into the tray. “It truly is something special, Aquila at night. You should experience it for yourself when you have the chance. Perhaps after we have retaken our home.”

Celestia smiled softly as she stared out at the waters, the sunset in Sunset truly something beautiful to admire. “Perhaps.”

Silently a bird landed on the railing, the bearded vulture's wings spread to keep its balance before it was comfortable. It did not stare at the sisters, instead also looking out to the waters.

“Will you be joining us to Equestria?” Celestia asked the bird casually as she took a small sip of her tea.

It turned its head to look at her briefly then turned back to the water. With a cry it spread its wings and took off west as the royal sisters watched.

"An ill omen, that bird."

"Maar is watching, sister. He has always been watching us."

Luna frowned at her sister. "They do not speak to us. They never have."

Celestia sipped her tea.

Author's Note:

And that's all for Maledict folks! I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it! For right now I'm busy working on what Luna was up to in Aquileia while Celestia was on her journey and we'll see where the future takes us from there.

Comments ( 14 )

There's no formal relations between the changelings and the Empire after the military attache was recalled but if Chrysalis did decide to try and deepen ties with them they certainly wouldn't say no.

"I hadn't considered it, President Gilda, but now that you mention it..." Celestia smiled. "Operation Alicorn Sunrise."

Chrysalis will be so furious once she hears about this name...

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Small hint:
If you reply to a comment make sure to put your reply into the same chapter as the original comment.
Otherwise the author of the original comment won't receive a notification. That means he won't know about your reply unless he accidentally stumbles upon it (like I did here).

Noted, and glad you enjoyed the story!

Wait, her getting out of realm also counts as a victory for Maar? Why?

Maar is a god of death and with Celestia's escape she'll be pursuing a war of liberation for Equestria.


Will there be a sequel to this story? Will Jachs and his gang help the liberation forces out? Will there be a story involving interactions between Starlight and Trixie, the Canterlot Commissariat's higher-ups, and Protectress Lilac?

I apologize for asking a bunch of questions.

I do have plans for a couple more stories, one is in progress and needs a little more work before it's ready!


Can't wait for them to be up, one at a time.

Set in the Equestria at War universe, a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV

Where exactly can you play this game? What console is it one?

It's on PC! $40 currently on Steam, and the mod can be found in the Steam Workshop.

When can we expect a story about Operation Alicorn Sunrise?

When is something I cannot even fathom at this point but I swear it will be a thing.

But you're actively working on it?

I'm still working on finishing up The Princess of Night in the City of Light first then I'll begin properly on the last story.

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