• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2013
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Senior Huevos fan (They/Them) Patreon/Ko-Fi/Discord


Equestria is an old nation, and one that has had the luxury of the same, immortal, regime for centuries. While this has given them unprecedent stability, especially in a land that seeks to throw a world-ending threat at them every other Tuesday, it does come with a tendency for the rulers to not so much repeal laws as just ignore them and act as if they've been done away with already.

Most of the time, this works out just fine. Until another immortal--such as, say, a starving royal changeling looking for somepony to help her regain her strength--remembers these laws and invokes them to use to their own advantage. By arriving at Twilight Sparkle's castle and declaring herself a member of Twilight's royal harem.

And she's just the first.

Written on commission, for Spamotron, with money sent to a GoFundMe. If you'd like to commission me yourself, my rules are right here.
Also check out author Patreon and Ko-Fi.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 70 )

"Harem mare? Goal." — Chrysalis, probably.

Good read, very enjoyed :twilightsmile:

:facehoof: Says it all I think.

Before people comment. Yes we are aware the pacing is a little rushed for Chrysalis’s reformation. Alas the budget was what it was. But given that limitation I think it turned out rather good.

If someone has the cash for a double length sequel to really explore the repercussions, feel free.

Didn't even crossed the mind to critique it. 10,000+ words is more than most authors seem to be willing to spare for the topic, anyway, so good enough

Not to say it is a comedy, not some drama or tragedy, to take it too seriously :twilightsmile:

Lovely work. Excellent blend of sinister plotting and hilarious shenanigans. I especially appreciate Chrysalis keeping a mostly black palette. If Pharynx is any indication, there's some degree of subconscious control there. Thank you for a great read.

Okay, this is wonderful.

I love the shenanigans between Chrysalis and Trixie!

"Fine! Great! Fantastic! I have one egomaniac in the castle already, why not two?"

And the best part is, they even have the same voice actress, so it'll really help with the episode's budget!

Cute and silly. Bravo n_n

Besides, the friendly admiration she was starting to feel being sent in her direction was surprisingly filling.

Something-something cloying and sweet, something-something insidious, something-something root beer.

Babylon 5 is still better, though.


So my hatred for Discord is the stuff of legend, but good news! This story by necessity takes place in an alternate universe where Season 9 didn't happen, meaning that at worst Discord's most recent episode is "A Matter of Principals", where I think he was a dick but didn't do anything that made me fundamentally hate him - and besides that he'd just come off of four appearances where he was actually a decent person, not being the deliberate cause of any problem nor deliberately trying to make an existing problem worse.

So none of my usual complaints about Discord apply, and I can just enjoy him here as being like a mix between Mr. Myxzpltk and The Great Gazoo and not launch into a miles-long tirade about hi -

However, he'd made no promises about Starlight, and given that he'd be visiting the school soon...


So each chapter is based on Lee's six love styles🤔

The magnanimous Queen Chrysalis

Oh no, Trixie is rubbing off on her.

the ancient Box of True Feelings

In my mind's eye as I'm "watching" this, we never actually see Moondancer and Twilight in the box, we just hear their voices, and occasionally the box will shake a little - or jump entirely when Twilight yelled.

She scowled, jabbing her hoof toward the alicorn before she could open her mouth. "Not. A. Word."


See this was kind of how I was hoping "Frenemies" would end back before the episode actually dropped, after we'd learned the premise. Chrysalis accidentally reforms without even meaning to and now she has to deal with it. Not that I mind "Frenemies" as it played out, mind, it may well be my favorite episode in the series, certainly in my top 5. Still, what could have been...

"I am not reformed."

"I'm merely...lulling you all into a false sense of security!"
"And you're telling us that?"
"My plans are many-layered!"

"And now he's terrorizing the school in some kind of incorporeal form like a poltergeist?"

Ah, so a version of "Principals" still happens. Though at least this time Discord was specifically invited to the school and didn't kejigger the Map and trick the Mane-6 into a fake friendship quest. Plus like I said, even if he was kind of a dick in the episode it was by no means a deal-breaker for the character for me.

Anyway, I definitely enjoyed this story. It was cute and funny. Good job!

Poor Chryssie.

"Draw me like one of your French girls~"

Yeah, I totally don't see Starlight son becoming a nervous wreck over this.

'felt more like in was filled' - it instead of in

Well... This went about as well as I figured it would.

Don't falter, Chryssie! Even if it feels like bashing your head against a wall, remember that even the toughest walls can be cracked with enough perseverance!

'stretching the kinks out of his spine' - Well, that's just factually untrue, Thorax has no spine. :P Just joking.

It's going to become a theme, isn't it?

Ooooh, a villainous team-up. Even though Trixie is more of a nuisance then s villain.

'Gee, Trixie, how can ever repay you?' - Gee, Trixie, how can I ever repay you?

They make a great duo. It helps that Twilight makes it oh so easy.

Hmm... Okay, this is an alternate Discord who's not yet and probably will never do his season 9 crimes against everything good in the world, I can deal with that.

Careful, Spike, if you try anything like that, Chryssie is liable to find the nearest hole, stuff you inside it, resin you in it and maybe consider the remote possibility of one day contemplating the far-future theoretical option of thinking about letting you out in about a billion years.

"The Box of True Feelings" XD

Uhoh, Trixie's rubbing off on her.

"I swear, if Pharynx as much as snickers at me, I'm kicking his sh*t in."

Nice bait and switch.

Pfft, of course you aren't Chryssie.

Thorax is just happy as a plum to have his mom back.

I imagine she'll mellow out a bit after a while of not having to actively hunt for love, but losing the quinoa should perk her up a bit.

Or she'll give some edge back to the 'lings.

I'm happy that she retained most of her palette, with so many garish colour variations in the nulings, it's weird that not a single one is black.


Before people comment. Yes we are aware the pacing is a little rushed for Chrysalis’s reformation.

I think her 'reformation' works as comedy. It permits a sequel, but doesn't REQUIRE one.

A fun read, full of devious shenaniganary and heart melting wuv

This was delightful! A little quick paced but no more so than some of the actual show. The characters were very in-character. I particularly like your working of the chaos land. And despite the use of a harem as a plot device this story was strictly not sexual.
Very well done.


I swear a few typos always slip through the cracks. All fixed. Thanks for catching!


There's definitely a sliding scale of Discord dickishness depending on what canon events a given fanfic writer incorporates. While a one-off like this is compliant up to "The Mean 6" for simplicity (with that nod to "Matter of Principals" since it comes directly after that episode in broadcast order), my usual take on Discord only has a few confirmed lineups with canon: his Season 2 premier, Fluttershy reforming him, and his having abilities consistent with "Discord's Magical History Tour" from the comics.


I'm glad that her keeping the black in her colour scheme works for folks. I took some cues from the alternate universe good Chrysalis from the comics when coming up with a reformed Chryssy look, which is why the curly mane, use of purple, and her keeping the fangs.



Well, one Google search later and today I learned that John Alan Lee existed. I based the chapter titles off of seven of the eight Ancient Greek words for different kinds of love, and wasn't aware that there was a more modern framework that borrowed them. Thanks for teaching me something new!

She was almost positive she'd set the spell to "give" instead of "bludgeon."

Easy mistake to make.

This was hilarious. It works very well for what it is, but I do can only imagine what chaos would have gone on if it had been a 100k word story. Somepony needs to write that monster.

It was... interesting.

Comedy is not my forte, nor my cup of tea.

But I do have to admit that this whole chaotic situation was a fun read.

Good job overall, and I wish you good luck with your future ideas and projects. :twilightsmile:

It was "force feed" setting.

Aw man. Its been too long since a good, new Twi-harem fic came out. :pinkiehappy:

I originally suspected Trixie to be inposter in that episode for this reason, but story-writers weren't THAT insidious


"I'm merely...lulling you all into a false sense of security!"
"And you're telling us that?"
"My plans are many-layered!"


This story is groovy. Two thumbs up.

Trixie will never be able to top this act. :rainbowlaugh:

You need to write more comedies, this was great.

"But you run a school for magic-using ponies."
"It's practically a given. Just a few students, at first. A dozen for now, and more if it works out."
"No way, no how!"
"It will encourage competition. You know, bring out the best in your students."
"Or the worst! I'm Headmare of my school, and my answer is final."
"It's a popular idea, even. The students will love it. That book series brought in millions of new readers."
"Absolutely not! I mean it did, and I really enjoyed reading-- No! You're not convincing me that way, you sneak!"
"What harm could it bring? And I'm perfect for the job. I even match the color scheme."
"No, my school does not need a Headmaster of Slytherin House!"

I actually laughed out loud several times. Do you know how infrequently that happens!? Almost never.

I regret that I have but two thumbs to point up. Fabulous work!!!


"Frenemies" is my favorite episode of the final season.

"Well who is supposed to run Slytherin, then?"
"There isn't a Slytherin House!"
"That hardly seems fair..."

Ohh burn hehe twilight sparkle took all of discords blunders and shoved them in his face

Starting out really good, lets see where this crazy ship goes, for it sounds like a lot of fun:pinkiecrazy:.

100% worth reading.

That was great fun. Well done!

Oh, I am 110% here for this! Darn, and I was planning to be so productive today...

While I get the metaphor you're going for, the only way for a talc head to affect a granite wall would be a hypervelocity impact that would effectively atomize the softer projectile.

They bumped hooves, and Operation Make Sparkle Combust With Embarrassment was born.

As long as you don't cause her to literally combust with anger. Though I do love me some Rapidash Twi...

The two got up and started to run when they saw her mane burst into flame.

Ah, there it is. I knew it would happen sooner or later. Beautiful indeed.

You misspelled "Mxyzptlk." And I only know that because of how he enunciated it: "MIX-YUZ-SPIT-LICK."

I'm impressed that you resisted the temptation to plug your own well-received story with this exact concept.


Well, one Google search later and today I learned that John Alan Lee existed. I based the chapter titles off of seven of the eight Ancient Greek words for different kinds of love, and wasn't aware that there was a more modern framework that borrowed them. Thanks for teaching me something new!

I knew philia, storge, eros, and agape from church, but mania, philautia, and ludus were new to me. Only one missing is pragma, but that's what sequels are for, right? :twilightsmile:

Almost want another chapter, or a few other chapters, with Twilight's friends just watching events unfold from the sidelines. They figure Twilight can handle this and she's not exactly acting like it's some big huge thing. Or... potentially, other chapters were they all go to Celestia thinking this is some trick by Chrysalis only to find out that it's an old law that Chrysalis is exploiting. I might actually do something similar, with an "inspired by" line... only involving Luna and the other mane 5.

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