• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 490 Views, 21 Comments

A majora mistake - shadowshild612

Zack and his friend Milo were sent into the displaced universe on their fun vacation, now Zack is the Skull kid and sends souls into the afterlife

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Chapter 1

The wind howled to the night sky like a wolf as rain slammed against the side of a simple house, where two friends were staying for the night. The older of the two smiled as he fixed up his Skull kid costume for the convention the two were attending, as he looked over to his friend. "Man Milo, I can't believe you won two free tickets to this convention, and you still couldn't come up with a good costume!"

The younger boy, Milo, wore a pair of brown shorts with a red striped sweater and a yellow shirt underneath. His brown shoes nearly stacked near the door as he chuckled at his friends actions.

"You know… with your name you could go as Milo Murphy from Milo Murphy's law." His friend said with a smile. "And considering my name is Zack it kinda works haha."

Milo rolled his eyes with a smirk. “Maybe, but I don’t believe in bad luck. But yeah it would be a good costume, I think I am just missing a backpack.”

"Maybe you can get one from the convention." Zack said, as he sat on the couch his green shirt and black pants causing him to have a forest like look to him with his brown twisting hair looking like roots. "Imagine how funny it would have been if we had gone as Phineas and Ferb, but when we told people our names."

“Yeah, maybe we can do that next year.” Milo sat down and turned on the tv. “I wonder if I am gonna win tonight.” He said as he turned on the news.

"Man with your luck I'd be more surprised if you didn't win." Zack said, laying out on his side of the couch.

“I doubt my luck is that good to win the lottery.” Milo said while shaking his head.

"And the winning numbers are, 16, 20, 19, and finally…." The TV announcer said as Milo looked at his ticket. “25!”

Milo’s jaw dropped. “No fucking way…”

"Wait, did you actually win!?" Zack asked, shocked as he ran over to look at the ticket. "Holy crap! Dude you're a millionaire! Oh you are so paying for everything at the convention!"

Milo stared at the screen. “I won…holy crap.” He looked at Zack. “I don’t know how but I want to make this money worth it. Maybe I can get you and my family new homes, and donate some of it to charity.”

"Man you're a good guy, don't forget to save some for yourself." Zack said with a smile.

“Of course I will, but I don’t need all that money.” Milo said with a smile before he set the ticket down. “How about I order us a pizza or something?”

"Sure, how about tomorrow before we head to the convention you get that cashed? That way you can have cash on you." Zack said with a grin as he sat down. "Also, have you heard of the disappearing people? The ones going missing at conventions? I heard they vanish without a trace."

“I heard the rumors but I don’t believe them, no one can disappear without a trace.” Milo said as he walked over to the phone and picked it up.

"I don't know man, I mean would you believe someone if they said they got free tickets to their favorite convention and then they won the lottery?" Zack asked with a grin.

Milo rolled his eyes as he dialed. “I probably wouldn’t but I mean no one can just disappear without anyone seeing or cameras spotting them.” He said before putting the phone to his ear.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Zack said, heading upstairs as someone answered the phone.

"Pizza hut, how may I help you?"

“Yeah I would like two stuffed crust pepperoni pizzas please, as well as two 2 liter Mountain dews please.” Milo told them and then give them the address,

"The total will be 47.66. it'll be there in about a half hour."

“Alright, thank you.” Milo hung up and sat down and looked around before putting on my little pony friendship is magic on the tv.

After a while Zack came downstairs in a pair of Zelda Majora's mask pajamas his ex-girlfriend had given him as he sat on the couch. "What episode are you on?"

“Twilight messed up a spell and swapped all her friend’s cutie marks.” Milo said, while not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Oh, this episode." Zack said with a grin, watching the TV.

“I wonder how far the spell went, like did it jait swap their cutie marks or did it rewrite the past?” Milo asked before there was a knock at the door. “Ugh damn.” He got up to answer the door.

"I got it dude, I've already seen the episode." Zack said, getting up. "You finish watching it."

“Dude, you are awesome.” Milo said and sat back down.

Zack chuckled a bit as he went to the front door, only finding a box. "Um, did you order something besides the pizza?"

“No, why?” Milo looked away from the screen as a song started to play.

"There's a box here." Zack said, bringing the large box over to Milo.

“The heck?” Milo scratched his head, he then checked the address and saw their names on it. “Get a knife to open it.”

Zack shrugged and got a knife from the kitchen. "What do you think is inside?"

“Who knows, but it has our names on it, so it's for us.” Milo said before there was a flash from the tv. “Huh?” He looked and saw the elements of harmony blasting Twilight. “The hell?!”

"Oh just wait." Zack said, opening the box as Milo watched Celestia talking to Twilight as a slideshow of all of the mare's adventures played around them.

“What's happening?” Milo asked, while glued to the tv. “Wait, no way…is she gonna turn into a…”

"What in the world…" Zack said in shock as he opened the box as Twilight appeared in front of her friends with wings.

“No way!” Milo yelled and stood up before Zack grabbed him and turned his head to look into the box.

"Look!" Zack said, pointing to a Majora's mask replica and an exact replica of Milo Murphy's backpack.

“Whoa!” Milo picked up the backpack and felt something inside it. He opened it and laughed. “Look there is a plush of Milo’s dog inside.”

"Diogee!" Zack laughed as he picked up Majora's mask. "Oh hey! It's the other masks!"

“Really?” Milo looked as he put the backpack on. “Could I have one?”

"Hmmm, here you can have the bunny hood." Zack said, giving Milo the bunny hood.

Milo chuckled and took it. “Very funny, if I remember right it just made you a bit faster in the game right?” He asked as he looked the bunny hood over.

"Yeah, and?" He asked with a grin. "Milo Murphy needing more speed to outrun disaster? Who would see that coming?"

Milo chuckled and shocked his head as he put the yellow bunny ears on. “Yeah yeah, so what should we do next?”

"How about we check out our costumes? See how they look completed." Zack said, grabbing his costume.

“Sure.” Milo said with a smile and adjusted his new backpack.

Zack smiled as he went and put on his costume, a pair of green shorts and gloves made to look like grass with an orange rugged tunic. An orange straw hat and brown shoes, and a ring belt around the tunic to match the rings on his hat and shoes to complete the set. "Well?" He asked, putting on the Majora's mask. "How do I look?"

“Dude, you look just like him.” Milo said with a grin.

"Thanks, you look exactly like Milo Murphy too!" Zack said with a smile.

Milo chuckled and smirked. “Of course I do, I am Milo.”

"Fair enough." Zack said with a laugh.

Milo started to walk back to his seat but tripped over his shoelaces. “Whoa!” He yelled as he fell over and banged his head on the ground. “Ow!”

"Jeez dude, you alright?" Zack asked, helping his friend up.

“Yeah, I don’t know what happened.” Milo said as he rubbed his head.

"Your shoelaces came undone, I guess you used up all your good luck." Zack chuckled a bit.

“Don’t be ridiculous, there is no such thing as luck.” Milo said as he kneeled down to tie his shoes.

Zack held up the lottery ticket and ticket to the convention, while pointing at the box. "Really? With all the free and lucky shit that's happened?"

“Ok ok maybe I had some good luck lately.” Milo said with a roll of his eyes.

"And I think you-" Zack started to say, before the mask glowed in his hands and shadows swirled around him before vanishing without a trace.