• Member Since 30th Nov, 2021
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Come back! I have to tell you the plot of a fic I'll never write so we all can be disappointed with me later.


Sunset's saviors never became her friends after Twilight left, they made a promise to Twilight that they never intended to keep, instead of guiding her to the light they left her to rot in the hatred of the student populace. She dealt with nonstop harassment for a month, but one night while she was home she received an out of the blue text from a certain girl known for her kindness asking how she was doing. Things go from there when Sunset responds honestly.

After having her conversation with Fluttershy, Sunset decides that she's not going to take any crap from anybody and she's going to fight back.

This fic includes themes of: Suicide/self harm, Sunshyne shipping, and high school fights.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 60 )

So where's the AU tag? This literally spits on the ending of the first film. Shame on the girls for this. Twilight will rip them a new one if she ever finds out about it. Maybe not Fluttershy at least.

Crap, I forgot it. Thanks for reminding me!

This seems interesting. I can't wait for the next chapter!

I'm glad it's caught your interest! I'm hoping (read: praying) that it's not going to be as long as Warhorse and that I can come up with a satisfying ending! :twilightsmile:

I know that when Twilight returns in the second movie with the Dazzlings. She is definitely gonna give the Rainbooms ( Except Fluttershy. :yay: ) the infamous alicorn royal voice in anger. They quite possibly lose their hearing. :twilightangry2: :pinkiecrazy:

Tooootally, they shall feel the wrath of the angy nerd!

i'm hoping i get to see Sunset and rainbow get into a fist fight at some point in this

I wasn't planning on adding one, mainly because I hadn't thought of it but now that's you've mentioned it I'm probably going to find a way to add a RD/Sunset fight in.

...is it weird that I'd want Fluttershy to break up that fight? Perhaps with methods she'd use to message a bear? ;D

i can see it happen in the girls washroom

I can see it now: "Local girl arrested for murder of student during school hours!"

And yeah that's a perfect place, cause it'll go on for a while without being stopped.

She wouldn't murder her...just make her a paraplegic.

Two walk in. One hobbles out slowly lol

Sunsets got some moves, lets hope she can go toe to toe with whoever she gets into an actual fight with next chapter, my money is on either Dash, Aj, Cherry Crash or Trixie

Hmmm I'm liking this story so much, I haven't read a fic with a plot like this MORE PLEASE🙏🥰

Y'all want a proper fight next chapter? You'll get one because I have ✨IDEAS ✨

What an incredible battle we got going here folks! Sunset's been able to withstand the two-on-one from AppleDash...wait! Who's this?! It's Fluttershy, and...HOLY DISCORD! THE CHAIR! SHE USES THE ULTIMATE EQUALIZER TO EQUALIZE THE DAMNED NUMBERS GAME!

...why yes, I love pro wrestling, how could you tell? 'XD

Sorry for the late reply guys, I slept the entire day away like the huge moron I am. :facehoof:

I started on the next chapter when life gave me the middle finger, so you shall get more it might just take a bit, but tis being worked on!

Sunset's very smart so I think she'd be okay, if she couldn't find a way to beat them normally she'd probably outsmart them somehow. :twilightsmile:

Oh gosh, is Sunset down? I think she is! Wait- Who's that?! Fluttershy? IT'S FLUTTERSHY FOLKS, COMING TO HER FRIEND'S RESCUE!



Sunset gets knocked loopy and fantasizes/dreams she's in a wrestling match.

Thanks! :twilightsmile:

Same, but they're surprisingly kinda hard to write.

You're welcome! Now to wait 200 years before uploading the next chapter.

need more!!!! I won't survive a couple of years at max

it was a pretty even fight i think which i liked, i kinda pictured dash finally throwing sunset to the ground and pinning her arms under her knees before grabbing sunsets head slamming her into the floor a few times before Flutters showed up

I'll do my best to get another chapter written so you can get your dose of Sunshyne within the next decade!

I wish I thought of that before I wrote it but alas I didn't, anyways I'm glad you liked the fight! I don't think I'm good at writing fight scenes mainly because I don't have experience writing that, plus I don't like my precious Sunny getting too hurt because I'm a big softie for her. Though would you mind if next time I write a fight scene I could use your idea, I doubt this'll be the only fight in this fic.

like i said i'm full of good ideas for these things, mostly cuz i have too much time on my hands to think of these

On on hand, I'd have laughed if Fluttershy came in and fought Rainbow herself, but on the other hand...

"Rainbow Dash!"

Sunset chuckled blithely and looked past the athlete at her best friend, she knew that Rainbow Dash's friendship with Fluttershy was all but over now that she walked in on her assaulting a student for an awfully invalid reason and she was going to rub it in her face to make it hurt. "Uh oh Dashie, I think our sane mutual friend doesn't like that you're attacking people~"

Rainbow had obviously paled, she turned around slowly and chuckled nervously. "Uh- Hi Fluttershy.."

"How. Dare. You."

"Uh- Excuse me?"

Fluttershy scowled and marched up to Rainbow, her face was only an inch away from Rainbow's when she stopped using her indoor voice and started yelling in a volume that was highly unusual for the normally very quiet girl. "How. Dare. You?! You- You assaulted an innocent person!"

"She isn't innocent Shy, she tried to-"

"I. Know. What. She. Tried. To. Do."

"Hey now, I just-"

"Well you're wrong, whatever you thought was wrong, whatever you did was wrong. You're not a good person to be around, and you're not my friend."

"What?! Fluttershy-"

...that probably hurt Dashie more than any physical blow.

Sunset and Rainbow preparing to fight:

Fluttershy coming out of absolutely nowhere kicking Dash's rear:

Sunset: :twilightoops:

Sunset witnesses Fluttershy's surprising fighting prowess and strength.

nice work

Is fighting in school an instant expulsion offense now? Though, I have a feeling this isn't the last we see of Skittles the stupid.

"Zero tolerance policy" apparently, but probably so because I'm planning on ending the fic soon. Unless I make a sequel to this, I doubt it, but if a sequel does happen Skittles the Stupid will probably return.

Love the nickname for RD though, I cackled for like 2 minutes straight.

Zero Tolerance would imply Sunset getting expelled/suspended too even if she didn't fight back. Yes it's hella dumb, but schools with Zero Tolerance punish all parties involved, even the victim.

It would have been nice to see rainbow getting chewed out for beating someone just because she doesn't want fluttershy to be friends with her.

Really? Damn that's so so dumb, I haven't been in school for a couple years now so I wouldn't really be up to date with policies like that unless I looked for specific updated rules, etc.

Yeah definitely, but it's too late for that now unfortunately.

Well you're the author so never too late unless you choose that path. Ps although some schools have given up zero tolerance and some never bothered with it there are those who probably would have to be hit with a proverbial club just to get it in there that it is a bad idea.

Honestly when I inevitably rewrite all my old fics in a year or three I'll make sure to add in that Skittles the Stupid getting yelled at for being a moron. It'll be added, just waaaay down the line.

And I'm glad people are finally gaining common sense again, the lack of common sense and wisdom among many educators is staggering and depressing.

Unfortunately getting those in power to see sense is often like pulling teeth with a hammer. Extremely hard to do. I heard most students want to be rid of dress codes because they don't want to deal with the school pettiness about styles and I agree that a bunch of kids shouldn't have to worry about being professional or some adult having too many disgusting ideas about kids. Personally I don't care if you have a hundred bad thoughts as long as they stay in your head.

Well then grab me my sledgehammer because I'm pulling some people's teeth.

Seriously though, why do adults make such an issue over what a kid wears to school? As long as it's not some overly revealing thing or something that has a vile/inappropriate image on the shirt, pants, or whatever then it's fine. Are these so called adults struggling with a certain philia that parents should be aware of? 🤔

My faith in humanity decreases year by year. And ironically I've got a fic idea I'm probably going to take a month or five on and then immediately hate lmao.

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