• Member Since 26th Apr, 2019
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This story is a sequel to Star Trek Equestria: Reformatted: Emergence

Space: The final frontier. This is the story of the USS Equestria. Her voyage of discovery, and her evolution into something more. And the story of her crew, who like the Equestria itself, are fresh out of the classes of Starfleet Academy. Together, they will go boldly into the unknown. Seek out a world once thought to be pure fiction, and along the way, they will grow as a team, and as a family...

In the second installment of this epic adventure, Proxima and her crew are hot on the trail to the first clue that could help them to find Cybertron. But they are not the only ones looking for the planet. An ancient enemy to the Cybertronian people is also looking for Cybertron and will stop at nothing to find it. Now the crew will need to race to be the first to discover the first clue.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 115 )

That's the symbol of the Jungle Planet for the Beastformers.

great chapter wonder what is going to happen next time on Proxima ball z

Is it?

I know it as the symbol on the Jungle Cyber Key from Transformers Cybertron.

Great chapter wonder what is going to happen next time on Proxima ball z

Hmmm, wouldn't Data's trip through Star Fleet set a precedence for Harmony (once she has a (proper sized) body?


Then again, Data isn't exactly a Sentient Starship so the similarity in that case wasn't immediately obvious.

Techncally, Harmony could be considered akin to a McCaffrey brainship, but with a proper-sized body, she would be extremely similar to Data (independently mobile and sentient) ...

I had no idea what a McCaffrey brainship was until just now, but I agree with you that she can absolutely be considered a mix of Data and such a brainship.

Now we'll just have to see if anyone thinks to bring either up in the debate.

great chapter wonder what is going to happen next time on Proxima ball z

Indeed! And loved the start with the Simulation. I always liked how Star trek showed respect for the past with its Simulations


Vic Fontaine's lounge from DS9 was awesome

Now I wonder, what Simulation would sparkler or kicker prefer?

Maybe singing with a human popular singer of the past? For the kids in my Story, they drove a ship, while trying to hunt a whale

Great chapter wonder what is going to happen next time on proxima ball z

Kinda reminds me of when the enterprise was stuck in that radiation field.

And proxima sick, could be worse about the magic

Mhm and the magic, i mostly saw a unicorn or alicorn being sick is a common cause for pony on earth or in an alt universe

Great chapter wonder what is going to happen next time on proxima ball z

Someones going to be stealing Arnold J Rimmers Hard Light Bead? :trixieshiftright:

I actually like having these 'filler episodes' broken up into multiple chapters like the rest of the story. Makes the whole thing feel more important than just the problem of the week.

Well this was the first actual threat that could have lasting repercussions. Because the ship got sick so they'll need to be more careful.

Plus we don't know what exactly happened to Sela so that's something else that will make a comeback at some point.


In the TV Scifi comedy series Red Dwarf, in the first episode, crewman Rimmer dies and is recovered as a hologram. Origionally he could only exist where the emmiters existed in the ship, but eventually a microdrone style hologram emmiter was used and could generate a surface forcefield to give interaction with real world.

We have the tech to make textured free form in air fields now, but people dont seem to like them because theyre only complex focused ultrasound creations, not gravity or anything alien etc. :pinkiesad2:

great chapter wonder what is going to happen next time on Proxima ball z

Keep voting against and N'Var comes ever more non grata to the rest of the council?:trixieshiftright:

I really like the latest chapter, can't wait for the next one!!!

Not N'Var itself necessarily.

Sometimes the representatives of a world do not reflect the world's values.

AKA, Corruption

Great chapter wonder what is going to happen next time on proxima ball z

The Pres is giving them quite the slapdown to start with, though even if it was direct there in paperwork they would argue about the paperwork.

I thought the main two reasons someone of power would fight that hard is one, they didnt realise just how close they were to no longer being in power. and two, they had that power because they were making extensive non leagal misuse of that what they were so vociferously complaining about other peopkle talking about. especially if they are affecting mental links over a subspace communications network and overloading the bandwidth through saturating the error correction algorithms.

Which works great if they can get an AI kernal projected to Earth where the comms link can be collapsed and the AI kernal erased locally. :trixieshiftright:

Comment posted by Captain_Cosmos deleted Jul 11th, 2023

Sela had to get her genetically based neurological disorder from somewhere? And just how much are her parents being played by extra galactic Flim Flam bros? The Amplifier sounds more like something Moties or Teletran would come up with? :trixieshiftright:

Who knows where her condition came from.

Maybe her family has a history of it and all records of such were destroyed because they’re all deniers.

And as for the device. Yes. You’d be right it’s what Teletran might make

i suppose diplomat or first officer might suit her well, maybe medical too

First officer isn’t exactly a career. It’s a position on a ship. Already filled by Sela

great chapter this did not show up in my feed i only knew about it because of looking for updates to stories in my favorite

Oh dear. I really hope those dont turn out to be Luv Catz.:twilightoops:

As for them thinking things will be quiet? I suspect Murphy just barely got out of his deck chair, and now he is heading for the bar. :trixieshiftright:


I might have misread the desciption of the small quadrapedal alien being feline like and made me think of the Luv Catz that Chrysalis waas nomming on in the comics? :pinkiesad2:

I have not read the comics. SO I don't know what a Luv Cat is.

I was primarily going on the idea of duological evolution, where basically, two alien ecosystems could develop in near perfect parallel with each other without ever coming into contact.

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