• Member Since 25th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago



The Dragon Lands are a relatively harsh land when compared to other, more fertile regions. Full of many different large reptilians, poisonous creatures, active volcanoes, the occasional forest or jungle. And, of course, dragons. It is a land of competition, aggression, resilience, and struggle. Though there are many creatures clawing and biting their way for survival and territory, dragons often find themselves on top. They have a pretty easy time dealing with most opposing creatures, given their fire breath and thick, hard scales.

With that being said, dragons are not left without adversity or nuisance. Other dragons and certain larger or unique beings can be found giving dragons a hard time for any number of reasons. Rocs, for example, attack their young with hard beaks and talons. A few of them together, if desperate, could harm an adult dragon. Sling Tails tend to inhabit mountains, making flight near mountains require finesse. Or, at least, hardheadedness.

One creature, however, will prove to be more than just an inconvenience. More than just a potential source of food. More than a small part of a larger picture. In fact, this creature will prove to be not only persistent, but dangerous. And, many times, deadly.

Dragons are not safe from this creature. They aren't even sure what it is. What they do know, is that it is one opponent worth paying attention to.

This is the story of...

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 6 )

I have a feeling those cocky young dragons are so going to die, and will just provoke the guy more. :ajbemused:

Thank you for commenting and reading my unfinished work. I am very proud of this and plan to produce more. I do believe you will enjoy this thrilling piece of cathartic writing.

I look forward to future updates

Good story so far, best of luck.

Thank you for your well-wishing and your interest in my work. I believe you will enjoy my further updates.

I am glad you enjoy the story so far. I am sure you will enjoy the coming chapters.

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