• Published 23rd Feb 2023
  • 1,189 Views, 15 Comments

Mlp Bakugan: Battle Planet - Blaze-saber

Ever wonder what happens when the world of Vestroa merges with Equestria? Here's the end result.

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Chapter 2: Burger Run

The days that have passed have been interesting ones now that Shine enrolled in the School of Friendship and what Princess Luna told them was true. All across the land, a bunch of young creatures found Bakugan like Leonidas and the others. But for some reason, only young creatures are able to roll them out. It was real shock for Applejack and Rarity when they found out that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle have one of their own.

But the ones who is really enjoying the Bakugan here in Equestria are Shine and the Young Six. Ever since they met their Bakugan partners, they have had most fun time having battles together. Plus, their teachers even let Patches come and everything. They even came up with the name for the tiles on the ground, Baku-cores. One day, the group were having a nice Bakugan battle as it's Leonidas versus Phaedrus.

"Phaedrus, Pyrus Flare!" Smolder shouted as she threw a Baku-core to her partner.

"You got it!" She shouted as she absorbed the core and unleashed a barrage of fireballs straight towards Leonidas.

Phaedrus B-power: 650.

"Leo, Golden Guard!" Shine called out as threw a Baku-core to his partner. Leo absorbed the Baku-core before he created a shield to block the attack.

Leonidas B-power: 800.

"Don't think we're going down that easy!"

"Oh please, you should be used to be losing by now!" Smolder taunted. "Charge forward, Phaedrus!" Her Bakugan partner move forward before moving her body to hit the ground and throw a bunch of rocks right at Leonidas. Leonidas used his claws and wings to block the incoming rocks being flung at him.

"Nice one, Leo!" Shine cheered. "Now counter that with Aurelus Laser." Leonidas then fired a golden beam from his mouth straight at Phaedrus.

"We saw that coming!" Smolder shouted with a smug tone as Phaedrus did a evasive maneuver to dodge the attack.

"Leo, our best move! Aurelus Flame Wave!" Shine called out.

"But that would leave me wide open." Leo protest.

"Uh, you're already open!" Shine told him as the others watch from a hillside.

"Just because it's a practice match, doesn't mean you shouldn't try Leo!" Falcron called out.

"Okay Phaedrus, let's end this!" Smolder shouted as she threw a Baku-core to her partner.

Phaedrus B-power: 900.

"Bit Blast!" Phaedrus declared as she unleashed a bombard of fireballs straight at Leonidas while his back was turned. The moment he saw it coming, it was too late to dodge as it was too close.

Leonidas B-power: 500.

"Leo!" Shine called out in concern when his partner got knocked back. When Leo stood back up, he noticed that Phaedrus was nowhere to be seen. Little did he know that she managed to hide in the smoke from the blast and got behind him.

"Finish it!" Smolder shouted as Phaedrus change up the final attack. "Twisting Inferno!" Phaedrus unleashed a beam of flames straight at Leo and the moment he turned to see it coming, it landed and his B-power dropped to zero.

Leonidas B-power: 0.

Leo returned to ball form and fell to the ground before Shine went over and picked him up. "Oh yeah! I won! Dragons rule!" Smolder bragged as she won the battle.

"Okay, me and Sairus are up next." Ocellus said as she held up her Bakugan. Shine let out a disappointed scarf before he joined the others on the hillside while Ocellus rolled out Sairus. Leo popped open and flew up to Shine as Sairus and Phaedrus battle.

"But Shine, we lose when I do just what you say." Leo complained as they watched the battle.

"We just need to practice so that we can win." Shine told him. "Maybe if you just trusted me, Leo."

"'Trust'? Bakugan were born to battle." Leo told Shine. "You should be the one trusting me, Shine." The whole day, the seven of them continued to have battles with their Bakugan. The girls decided to play a little fun with the boys as their Bakugan kind of scared them into the water. Their Bakugan continued to battle all night until the following day.

Shine and the Young Six are in Headmare Twilight's office and looking dead tired. "Have any of you gotten any sleep?" Twilight asked as she is concerned for them. "Each of your teachers said that you all fell asleep in class and can barely keep your heads up."

"Sorry, Headmare Twilight..." Shine said as he let out a loud yawn.

"We really are..." Ocellus said as she laid on the couch next to Yona and Sandbar. "Our Bakugan really wanted to battle all night..."

"So tired..." Smolder groan as she was laying back to back with Sliverstream and Gallus.

"The Bakugan have so much energy when they battle..." Gallus complained as each other Bakugan partners popped open and looked at them.

"Well I guess I can let this slide." Twilight told them. "But you all should put a boundaries with your partners if this is the result every day. I'll even let you sleep here to help."

"Thank you, Headmare Twilight..." Each of them said as they were either laying on the floor or on one of the two couches.

"We definitely needed this..." Shine said before Leo hovered above him.

"You definitely do not need this!" He shouted as the other Bakugan hopped on to their partners. "What we really need is battles!"

"Lots of battles!" The Bakugan shouted in unison.

"Feel free to keep on going guys..." Shine told them as he turned to his side. "Right now we sleep, and eat, do bathroom stuff, maybe shower..."

"Shine, could you not talk so much? I'm trying to sleep here..." Smolder complained.

"Snap out of it!" Leo shouted. "I need to fight in a real Bakugan battle, like we did with Falcron."

"We will, soon, like tomorrow..." Shine told them.

"Bakugan Battle! Bakugan Battle! Bakugan Battle!" Their Bakugans started to chant. Silverstream tried to cover her ears to block them out as did Gallus.

"Give it a rest already!!" Smolder shouted at them as she was getting annoyed with them. "I can't sleep with all that racket!!"

"Yona so tired..." Yona groaned. "But Yona can't sleep, because Yona is so hungry..." She had a hungry look on her face that made Shine jump up.

"Something tells me that you don't want to be near a yak when it's hungry." He said as he is a little afraid of being near Yona at the moment.

"Fine, me and Shine will go get food for everyone." Leo said as he flew up next to him.

"Wait, me?"

"Other than Twilight, you're the only one who's standing up right now." Leo explained to him. "Plus your grandfather already gave you lunch money.

"I'll come with." Twilight told them as she got her saddle bag ready. "There are some things I want to ask Leo about and this might be a good opportunity." As they walked out, the Young Six waved them off in a sleepy tone before they rested their heads.

Both Shine and Twilight are making their way to the local hay burger place while Leo hovers next to Shine. "Like I don't get tired, huh Leo?" He spoke up as they walked.

"We need to battle more, Shine." Leo told him. "If we want to get better, we got to keep at it and--"

"Are you still going on about that stuff?" Twilight asked Leo.

"I feel like you both are holding me back from my full battle potential." Leo told them both.

"Leo, you woke up from a long sleep like a few weeks ago while your friends popped out of the ground." Shine told him when stopped. "So what potential?"

"We can learn through battles!" Leo answered with enthusiasm. "Look around you, potential battles are all around us." He pointed to a group of ponies walking by. "Those ponies for example."

"You can't attack ponies!" Twilight quickly told Leo before he pointed to some trees.

"Okay, that tall green creature."

"That's a tree, it doesn't move and we can't fight plants." Shine told him before Leo pointed to a train.

"That metal monster is eating ponies, we should battle it!"

"That's a train and ponies ride in it to get places!" Shine quickly explained. "Look, we battled Bakugan and only Bakugan. Why are you so focused on battling?"

"So I can get stronger and to be honest, I'm not quite sure myself." Leo admitted before they heard roaring coming from nearby.

"It's a monster!" They heard somepony screamed as they saw ponies run away. They were quickly ran into the direction where the ponies were running away from and saw a green mantis like Bakugan towering over the burger place.

"A Bakugan?!" Shine exclaimed when they saw it.

Back at the school, the Young Six were fast asleep while their Bakugan partners watched them and getting a little impatient. "Geez, how much sleep do they need?" Sairus asked the others.

"Too much, I'm done waiting!" Sharktar told them before he went over to Sliverstream. She started to push on her back before he pushed her off the couch and onto the floor, but she was still asleep after that. Trox got out a horn before squeezing the end and blasting Yona in the face with a loud noise to try and wake her up.

Turtonium rolled up into a ball as both Falcron and Phaedrus looked ready to launch them at their partners before Gallus's tail came swinging in and knock them away.

Back at the burger place, a lime green earth pony with a gauntlet like device on his hoof is leaning against a table in front of one of the employees with a smug look on his face. "I'm not going to say this twice," he said. "I want a large hay burger with extra pickles, a large chocolate milkshake, hold the chocolate, and all the cash you have."

"What...what is that thing?!" The employee asked as she was frightened by the Bakugan towering over the building.

"Haven't you heard the news? That's a Bakugan." He told the employee.

"Hey stop right there!" Shine called out to get his attention. "Who are you and what do you think you're doing?!"

"The name is Surge and it's quite obvious when I'm doing." He answered before he turned to the employee. "Is my shake ready yet?" She quickly snapped out of it before raced off to get his shake. "I wouldn't keep me waiting if I were you!"

"Surge, stop this at once or else I'll--" Twilight demanded before the Ventus Mantonoid stomped the ground.

"I don't think you're in a position to demand anything, princess." Surge said in a smug tone.

"What's this guy's problem? Bakugan shouldn't be used like this." Shine said in a angry tone. "It's despicable."

"Really, and who put you in charge of my Bakugan?" Surge asked before he noticed Leonidas hovering beside him. "Your brawler right? Mantonoid!" Said Bakugan went back to ball form before Surge caught it when it came down. "Why don't we settle this with a Bakugan battle?"

"That's just fine for me! Let's do this!" Shine shouted before Leo flew in front of him.

"Shine, this is going to be a real Bakugan battle." He told him. "Put up the Drome."

"The Drome? What's that?" Shine asked in confusion but Twilight knew what he is talking about.

"Just do as Leo said, hurry!" She told Shine.

"Still don't know what you're talking about, but here it goes. Drome up!" Shine shouted before a gust of winds swirled around before a dome appeared and started to expand. The Drome pushed Twilight, the burger place employee, and a few other ponies in the area as it expanded until is it expanded in a large area of Ponyville. Both Shine and Surge turned anthropomorphic while Shine is wearing the clothes from the first time the Drome was up and Surge is wearing a dark green vest with light green pants.

"The Drome keeps everyone outside and safe. Now we can really battle!" Leo explained before he folded up into a ball and landed in Shine's hand.

"Are you ready?" Surge taunted as he readied his Bakugan in one hand while holding his shake in the other.

"Here we go!" Shine shouted as readied Leo. "Bakugan Brawl!" He threw Leo at a golden Baku-core and popped open when he landed on it. "Bakugan, stand!" Leo then grew to giant size as the Baku-meter activated.

Bakugan Battle Commencing.

Leonidas B-power: 800.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Surge shouted as he threw his Bakugan at a Baku-core. "Bakugan, stand!" His Bakugan popped open when it landed before it grew to the same size as Leonidas.

Mantonoid B-power: 600.

"Blah!" Surge grunted after taking a sip of his milkshake before tossing it away. "Gross, needs chocolate."

Shine quickly picked up a Baku-core and threw it towards Leonidas. "Leo, Aurelus Laser!" He commanded as Leo charged up power before firing a beam right at Mantonoid.

Leonidas B-power: 950.

"Time to play!" Surge declared as he readied the device on his arm. Shine watched how when the device glowed before Mantonoid quickly dodged Leo's attack. "Mantonoid!" Surge then threw a Baku-core to Mantonoid. "Ventus trap!"

Mantonoid B-power: 750.

Mantonoid thrusted its arms around before throwing a ball of web straight towards Leo. The ball of web expanded before landing on Leo and covering him in web strings.

Leonidas B-power: 700.

"Leo!" Shine called out when he saw he could barely move with the webs all over him.

Back at the school, the Young Six continued to sleep as each other Bakugan partners got out a small glass as they were holding spoons. "Wakey wakey." They said as they got ready to wake them up before Smolder get up and shot them a death glare.

"Do it and it'll be the last thing you would do." She threatened them.

Back at the battle, a big puff of smoke was poofed in the Drome as Leo took damage from Mantonoid as Leo is unable to move with the webs all over him.

Leonidas B-power: 500.

Mantonoid B-power: 850.

Mantonoid continued to attack Leo as Shine watched. "Leo, look out!!" He warned.

"That's so sad." Surge mocked as Shine was looking for a Baku-core to help his partner. "You have no idea how to use a Bakugan. Control the Bakugan, you control the world!"

"What do you mean control the Bakugan?" Shine asked.

"Well how else do you get it to do exactly what you want?" Surge asked as held up the device on his arm.

"You can't be serious!" Shine shouted. "It's not about control at all! Bakugan are our friends!" He then spotted a golden Baku-core before he ran over to it and picked it up. "Leo, remember what Phaedrus did you during practice yesterday?! Let's use that!" He through the Baku-core to Leo and he absorbed it when it made contact.

Leonidas B-power: 750.

"Okay Shine!" Leo shouted before he stomped the ground to use Backdraft. The flames from that move traveled up the web and burn them, which set free Leo. Leo then used Backdraft again as the cracks on the ground traveled over to Mantonoid and did a huge amount of damage when it hit.

Mantonoid B-power: 500.

When the smoke cleared, both Surge and Mantonoid saw that Leo had disappeared. "Heads up!" Surge shouted at his Bakugan. "Now the enemy's behind you!" Leo is in the air behind Mantonoid. "Get it together!"

"Thanks Smolder and Phaedrus, that move really helped us out to get things back on track." Shine said with a smile.

"What do you suggest now?" Leo asked.

"I know what we need!" Shine told him. "Leo, just stall for time now!"

"You got it, Shine." Leo said as Surge picked up a Baku-core.

"Mantonoid, Optic Beat!" Surge commanded as he threw the Baku-core and Mantonoid absorbed it.

Mantonoid B-power: 750.

Mantonoid's eyes glowed before firing a laser beam straight towards Leo. Both Shine and Leo looked determined before they split up and dodged the blast. Shine went left while Leo went right. Mantonoid looked both ways and was confused as to who would go after. "Forget the colt, focus on the Bakugan!" Surge shouted at his Bakugan as Leo flew high into the air.

"Aurelus Bombard!" Leo declared as his wings glowed bright before he unleashed orbs of golden light straight at Mantonoid. Mantonoid used its blades to block each orb being shot at it while Shine picked up a Baku-core.

"Let's end this, Leo!" Shine shouted before threw the Baku-core to Leo to increase his B-power.

Leonidas B-power: 1000.

"Aurelus Flame Wave, let's go!" Both Shine and Leo declared in unison before Leo flew higher in the air before his wings glowed bright and the light shine down on Mantonoid. That he came thinner as Mantonoid took a big blow when that light exploded before Leo came down and an explosion happened behind him.

Mantonoid B-power: 0.

Mantonoid returned to ball form as it fell to the ground before Surge quickly picked it up. "So that's what it feels like to lose?" He said to himself as Leo return to ball form and Shine caught him. "Not much fun at all."

"Bakugan are our friends." Shine told him. "We shouldn't make them do bad things. Ponyville is under the protection of me and my friends, the Harmony Brawlers! You mess with this town, and you mess with us!"

"You'll be eating those words the next time I see you. Better watch your step." Surge promised before he ran off.

Later, Shine told Twilight but he won the battle but Surge ran away. "It's okay, we'll get him next time." She assured him before the cashier brought their order to the front in bags.

"Here's your order, your highness." She said before Shine and Twilight got out their wallets. "It's on the house."

"What, really?" Shine asked when she told them that.

"Yeah, considerate thank you for saving the burger joint." She told them with a smile.

"Hey, it was nothing." Shine said with a smile.

"What is 'on the house'?" Leo asked before they took their order.

"Free food." Both the cashier and Twilight answered. Both Twilight and Shine thanked her for the food before they made their way back to the school.

Once they came back and returned to Twilight's office, they find the Young Six well rested and up when they came in. "Finally, something to eat." Smolder said as Twilight levitated the food out of the bags and gave each of them a hay burger. She did Smolder a favor and replaced the hay in her burger with gems. Shine told them about his battle against Surge as they ate while he rested on the couch.

"So, you beat this weirdo and they gave you free food to say thanks?" Gallus recapped.

"Yeah, but now we know there are jerks out there who want to use Bakugan for bad things." Shine told them. "If I ever come across somepony like that again, let me tell you--"

"We have a Bakugan battle!" Leo quickly interrupted.

"A Bakugan Battle? You mean right now?" Sharktar asked excitedly.

"Yes, that works!" Trox said.

"Come on, let's battle!" Sairus demanded excitedly.

"As soon as we finish eating." Ocellus told them before they heard snoring coming from Shine. They looked over and saw him and Leo both fast asleep.

"Looks like we'll practice quietly." Sandbar whispered as him and Sliverstream placed a blanket on Shine. "These two deserve a little rest."

Author's Note:

I have to say that Leonidas is one of my favorite Bakugans since I first played the first Bakugan game on the Wii. Now I'm curious as to which Bakugan is your favorite and it doesn't matter which series it is in.