• Published 3rd Jun 2023
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The Fall of Opaline - Admiral Producer

Following the events of “The Last Problem,” Twilight takes on a new apprentice in Luster Dawn’s absence. But when a heartbreaking betrayal leads to her student’s tragic fall to darkness, Twilight must make the ultimate sacrifice to save her home….

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Chapter 5: Too Much Power, No More Control/Opaline’s Betrayal

ACT 2: Opaline’s Story

From the moment we returned home from the Crystal Empire, Twilight and I barely saw each other outside of a few passing greetings and interactions. She spent all her time holed up in the Canterlot Archives with Starswirl the Bearded, searching through book after book, spell after spell, trying to find a way to alter my fate.

To say that I missed my teacher was an understatement. I felt so alone without her constantly beside me. I barely knew anyone in Canterlot outside of Spike and he never had time to talk to me. He was always so busy with his Friendship Ambassador duties that he didn’t once stop to check how I was feeling.

So I stayed in my room as I was told to, practicing some spells I had already been taught. As I put to use some basic levitation, I marveled at how much stronger my hood was than other unicorns my age. I still knew nothing of my origin, or how I was blessed with such powerful magic, but the vision that the Crystal Heart gave me still haunted every fiber of my being each day.

I was scared to do anything for fear of turning into that evil alicorn, which is why I stuck to safe spells during practice. Deep down, I knew that one wrong move and I would accidentally corrupt myself with dark magic. I couldn’t even imagine killing anypony for anycreature simply because I felt like it. It felt wrong and it certainly was. Back then, my developing brain couldn’t comprehend the concept of murder, so what I saw that night came as a huge shock to me.

I didn’t want it to be true, but I knew that I was going to become a monster sooner or later. Twilight loved me very much, but even she could not prevent the inevitable. Despite this, so many questions were racing through my mind. Why was I doomed to suffer this fate? Why was I forced to turn evil and slaughter millions? Nothing made sense. I had tried my best to do as I was told and live a good life as I’m sure my nonexistent parents would’ve wanted from me.

Yet fate still wanted to punish me. But why? What had I done to deserve this? All these thoughts were running through my mind, all while I thought about Twilight. There were so many times that I wanted to see her and tell her that everything was going to be okay, that she didn’t have to worry about me.

Alas, the guards never allowed me in, and it aggravated me each time. That was when one night, I decided that I was going to do the unthinkable, something only a truly crazy pony would ever think to do.

I was going to sneak into the Archives so that I could help Twilight.

They say that love can make you do truly insane things and that was certainly the case for me. She had gone out of her way to give me a home, as well as raise me like her own. There was no way that I was going to let her suffer through my inevitable destiny alone.

However, one often meets their destiny on the road they take to avoid it, and I was about to learn just how fast my turn was going to be. I had spent so many weeks dreading it, but now…the first seeds of darkness were beginning to blossom.

At midnight sharp, I got out of bed and headed towards the Archives. I didn’t bother to put on a disguise as I wanted Twilight to see me. I didn’t just want to sit around and be useless. I would go up to the guards, force my way in, and then explain everything to Twilight, who would finally let me help her.

I wanted to prove that I could do the same important things as she did. Besides, this was my chance to finally learn about my past. After all, there had to have been some book in there about the nature of unicorns with powerful magic, right? And even if there wasn’t, then that wrinkly old wizard Starswirl surely knew more about me.

As I walked down the main hallway that led to the gated doors, I saw the same griffon guards who denied me entry last time. My teeth immediately clenched in hate upon seeing them. They had been so mean to me the previous night that I had tried to get in. I felt like smashing them both against the nearest wall in revenge.

However, I had to remain calm. If I was perceived as a threat, then things would instantly go wrong. I bit my tongue and walked over towards the two guards with a forced smile on my face.

“Um, hello sirs!” I greeted them as nicely as I could. “Sorry to bother you two again, but I was just wondering if I-“


The interruption from the first guard was abrupt. It was clear that he remembered our other encounters and wasn’t having any of my bullshit.

“Excuse me?” I asked indignantly.

“Pipsqueak, we’ve been through this 15 times already,” the first griffon guard said in an exasperated tone. “Every night for two weeks straight, you ask the same question and every night, it’s always no. Take a hint already for Twilight’s sake!”

I glared at him. “I just want to see Twilight! I’m not trying to steal anything!! She needs my help searching!!”

“No, no she doesn’t. I told you already, you moron, she asked us to keep you out. We’re just following orders.”

The way he spoke to me got me angrier and angrier. As we argued back and forth, I felt the strong tingling of my magic inside of me. All I wanted to do was pummel him, and the next thing he said was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.

“I hardly think she even values your input at all,” he told me. “Plus, you aren’t even allowed to be here at all. Didn’t the Princess tell you to stay in your room?!”

I growled. “That is none of your concern. Let me in!!”

“No. And if you keep talking like that, we’re gonna have to detain you. Now what’ll it be?”

That was when I snapped. My horn started glowing with magic and I slammed him against the doors of the Archives with all my strength. “HOW DARE YOU!!!!! TRYING TO ARREST ME JUST BECAUSE I’M LOOKING OUT FOR YOUR BOSS?!!!! WHAT KIND OF GUARD ARE YOU?!!!”

I had never spoken to anyone like that in my life and it frightened me to my core, hearing my own words coming out of my mouth. But at that point, all reason had gone out the window. He stared at me in complete fear. It seemed like he didn’t expect me to react the way that I did.

It was at this point that the second guard aimed his spear at me. “Stand back!! Get off my friend, you witch!! You’re under arrest!!”

I turned to look at him and he immediately started backing away in utter terror. I laughed. It was a sinister laugh that I didn’t think I would ever let out. It made the second guard tremble and he started getting on his knees, begging me for mercy.

I smiled sinisterly. “Too late…”

Within moments, I had them both held by their throats, encased in levitation bubbles. I then proceeded to repeatedly slam them both to the floor violently. I could hear their bones break further upon each impact, yet I only pressed harder.

The first guard coughed out blood. “W-what a-are y-you?!”

I stood over them with a cold, impassive expression on my face. It was at that moment where my turn was complete. There was no turning back now. “I…am a nightmare.” My magic choke hold tightened further and I began to strangle the guards as hard as I could.

In my mind, it was justified. They couldn’t keep me from helping the pony I called my mother. They could try all they wanted, but eventually I always won. After all, that’s what love does, doesn’t it? It drives you crazy to the point where you kill anyone who gets in the way of your family. I understood that more than anyone.

I was so distracted with choking the guards to death that I didn’t notice Twilight and Starswirl run out the door upon hearing the commotion. The grey unicorn then blasted a beam of silver magic at me, which succeeded in knocking me off my hooves and onto the ground.

I groaned, getting up slowly. I was expecting it to be another guard, but my face fell upon seeing Twilight and Starswirl standing angrily in front of me. I knew instantly then that I was doomed. I couldn’t explain what I had done.

They wouldn’t understand.

“Opaline Arcada, what the hell were you doing to those guards?!!” Starswirl demanded angrily. “Answer me!!”

My body was trembling all over from fear and I hung my head in shame. What could I say? That I only did this because I wanted to help? There was no chance that they would ever believe me. Or at least, that’s what I thought.

Twilight seemed to be the only one who seemed to understand. She knew me so well that she could read my body language and know exactly why I had done what I did.

“Opaline, I…” Twilight was fighting back tears. “I knew it…I knew you were going to do this. You wanted to help me so badly and I…I didn’t let you.”

I nodded, tears of my own forming. “Please, Twilight! I’m sorry I hurt them, I only wanted to help you find-“

“That’s no excuse!!!” Twilight shouted. “You severely hurt these guards!! No. YOU NEARLY KILLED THEM!! What’s gotten into you?! The Opaline I know would never do this to anypony!! No matter what the circumstances were, she wouldn’t hurt a fly!! What happened to you?!!”

“I’m sorry!!” I begged, tears of regret and anguish streaming down my face. “Please, all I wanted to do was be there for you, so you wouldn’t have to worry about me alone!! You’ve been so stressed lately that I only wanted to help you and prove that I’m not worthless to you!!!”

“You’ve proven nothing tonight except that you’re a dangerous psychopath who deserves to be locked up alone in Limbo for her own protection!!” Starswirl yelled. “What you have done is evil, Opaline!! You must be punished!!”

“YOU CAN’T LET HIM DO THIS, TWILIGHT!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. What else could I do?! My mind was panicking upon hearing Starswirl’s proposition. I hoped desperately that Twilight would talk him out out of it, just something. Anything! “PLEASE, I DID THIS FOR YOU, FOR US!!!!! I GAVE YOU THIS, I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!!! I LOVE YOU-“

“SHUT UP!!!” Twilight boomed, using the Royal Canterlot Voice. I was taken aback. She had never yelled at me like that before. At that moment, I knew that our mother-daughter bond was officially over. There was nothing I could say to justify what I had done. The next thing she said sealed the final nail in the coffin. Through tears and sniffles, the next four words she said is something I still remember to this day. “My daughter is dead…”

My heart shattered into a million pieces. My perfect world suddenly crumbled before my very eyes in a smoldering heap. I was left stunned and speechless, which was most likely for the best. There were no words left to say. All those constant words of encouragement and praise, all the months and years of spending precious time together…all of that was gone in a snap. In that very moment, Twilight had disowned me and was willing to see me imprisoned without giving me an opportunity to explain.

As fast as I could, I ran down the hallway and didn’t look back. I didn’t know if any guards were chasing me or not. All I knew was that I had to escape. I felt the clip-clop rhythm of my hooves as they stampeded across the floor in a mad dash for the exit. I knew right then and there that I would never see Twilight ever again.

I was an orphan once more. And all because I had become the very thing I swore to destroy.

Once I had reached the exit, I continued to run until I was far away from any detection. I then looked back at Canterlot Castle, my former home, for one final time. I let my mind reminisce about all of the fun I had with Twilight.

Then I turned forward and vanished into the night. I had no idea where I was going, only that I was no longer welcome in Canterlot.




I spent the entire night on the run. My hooves ached from so much running, but I knew that I couldn’t stop. I comforted myself in the prospect that at some point, I would find a new place to stay, I would find a new family.

I walked the moonlit fields in a daze, wondering if starvation would eventually take over and finally put me to rest. Deep down, I hoped that would be the case. I didn’t want to live any longer with the shame that I now carried.

My face was stained red from the tears I had shed, tears that were now long gone. My flank was still badly bruised from where Starswirl had shot me, and that pain remained with me for as long as I could remember. It hurt whenever I walked, let alone run.

I could barely even move, yet I still had to push on regardless. I forced myself to stay awake and I kept going, wandering aimlessly underneath the beautiful glow of the Moon.

By morning, I found myself in front of an old, spooky forest. This was said to have been my birthplace, the location where the Canterlot guards found me and took me in.

The EverFree Forest.

It was less spooky during the daytime as you could see, but it still carried an aura of mystery behind it. I walked through it, stepping over loose twigs and leaves to stop myself from falling. The trees loomed large over me, dominating my surroundings and blocking out the view of the sky.

Whenever an owl hooted or a Timberwolf howled, I cried out in alarm or jumped back defensively. The animal noises scared me to death as I was completely and utterly alone, with no one around to defend me should anything happen.

This lasted for several hours until I reached the deepest and darkest parts of the forest. Suddenly, there were no more noises and everything went completely silent. There was no light filtering through this area and I could barely see a thing.

That was when my hooves on something strange and scaly. It wasn’t grass, far from it. It was a completely different surface. I shrieked and stepped off of it. I couldn’t see what it was at first, but that was when the ground beneath that surface began to glow.

It illuminated the area around me in a harsh red light and suddenly I could see what was in front of me and what I had stepped on.

Laid out in a single-file row for about a mile in front of me were the deceased and decaying bodies of dragons.

I screamed.

Dead bodies?! What happened here?! Why kill innocent dragons? What had they done to deserve any of this?!

That was when I spotted a necromantic circle right below the first body. It was a large, red circle of magic that only cults dealing in necromancy would use. Inscribed in reverse Old Ponish in the center was a block of text that supposedly commanded the spell.

Fortunately, Twilight had taught me a little bit of how to read the language and my mind instantly knew to reverse the order of the letters in order to decipher it.


I gasped. I could not believe what I was reading. My eyes widened as it finally registered to me what exactly the text meant. This was how I was born. Whatever cult had existed in the forest years ago had used the dead bodies of dragons to create me.

I was a product of an experiment by this organization to create the ultimate alicorn, presumably with the intention to overthrow Twilight and take control of Equestria. Although the cult had fled, the evidence of their existence still remained intact.

Suddenly, I knew who I was. The vision that the Crystal Heart showed me suddenly made a lot more sense to me. All the puzzle pieces fell into place perfectly in my mind and everything I had seen became clear to me. I knew the purpose behind my creation, and my strong magic.

I wasn’t like the average unicorn. The reason why magic was so powerful that I could raise the Sun without any training at such a young age was because it came from dragon fire, the most powerful form of magic in the land. I was created to be a weapon, not a tool of peace. I was never meant to conform, never meant to be a follower. I was meant to be the leader, the commander.

I was meant to rule.

I returned to Canterlot immediately upon discovering this, ready to exact my revenge on those who wronged me. It didn’t matter that just yesterday, I was averse to killing anyone. Twilight and Starswirl had scorned me, tried to imprison me without letting me explain.

They tried to hurt me. And I was going to give them a taste of their own medicine. By this point, I had fully embraced my destiny and what it entailed. If the inhabitants of Equestria didn’t want my love, they would get my hate.

This time, I managed to acquire a black cloak to disguise myself as I re-entered the city. Thankfully, no one appeared to recognize me and I was in the clear. I knew now that the only way that I was going to wash away my sins and live in peace was if I killed everyone who knew.

I snuck into the castle undetected, passing myself off as a disfigured mage along the lines of the ancient Empress Sable Spirit, who couldn’t show her face due to the amount of shame felt from it.
This seemed to fly with the guards, who let me proceed further.

As I was passing by Twilight’s room, I overheard her and another pony talking. My curiosity peaked, so I peered through the window, eavesdropping on their conversation. Twilight was sitting on her bed, talking to a pink alicorn with a yellow and orange mane and tail. I had only seen her one other time.

Luster Dawn.

“…you think she was always like this to begin with?” Luster asked cautiously. “Ponies just don’t…turn into monsters overnight, do they?”

If only you had seen what I’d seen, girl.

Twilight sighed. “I don’t know. I know she was trying to help and I acted out on my emotions there. Starswirl certainly wasn’t doing the situation any favors. He certainly means well, but his fiery temper only fed mine that night. If I had just remained calm…maybe this wouldn’t have happened to begin with. I could’ve fixed this. Now I have nopony left.”

“Twilight,” Luster put a comforting hoof out and touched her former mentor’s. “You can’t fix it. You thought you knew her, but you know that she’s an evil pony with dark tendencies. You can’t teach someone who already has evil thoughts not to have them.”

When I heard that, I felt like barging in there and strangling Luster. What did she know about me?!! Who did she think I was?! I never asked for any of this! I loved Twilight more than even she did! She had no right to call me a hopeless case. My anger towards her was now put to immeasurable levels and I hated her with every fiber of my being.

I vowed that she would be first.

My chance came when I saw her standing on the balcony of the castle, watching the Sun slowly set behind the horizon. As she breathed in the evening air, I cleared my throat.

She turned around, startled, and immediately cried out in fear upon seeing me. “Aah!! Opaline!! W-what are you doing here?”

“I’ve always wanted to meet you. From one former apprentice to another,” I spoke calmly, “We both think we know Twilight, don’t we? We both try to analyze what she’s feeling.”

Luster backed up against the railing in fear. “S-s-s-stay back!! D-d-d-d-don’t come any closer!!”

I laughed heartily. “Awwww, what’s with the stammering, Luster? Come on. Why don’t we be friends? After all, you already think you know me so well.”

“N-no! I-I-I’m sorry-“

“Oh you’re sorry?” I mocked her. “Well, I think it’s a little too late for that now, isn’t it? You claim to have learned soooooooooo much about friendship!!” My eyes narrowed down at her with unbridled rage. “And yet, you turn around and label me a freak. Cool story, sis.”

“No!!” Luster cried. “Please, I don’t-“

“Shhhhhhhh…” I said soothingly. I walked up close to her face, putting my left hoof over her mouth. She tried to call for help, but my grip on her mouth was too strong and it came out muffled. She twisted and kicked, trying to escape my grasp. I patted her on the head with my other hoof. “It’s quiet time, little pony…just hold still. This won’t hurt a bit.”

Luster’s eyes filled with tears and she looked at me pleadingly, almost as if she was trying to ask me what she had done wrong. I didn’t answer her as my horn lit up with a bright purple aura. I could feel it now, all of the power that I had spent trying to hold back rushing up to the surface.

I grinned as I touched my horn to her forehead and proceeded to start draining both her life essence and her magic. She screamed and shrieked as the energy came flowing out of her and into me. She fought in my grasp, struggling and squirming, as she tried to escape.

Eventually, her movements became slower and slower, her eyes beginning to close. I laughed maniacally, feeling more powerful than I ever had before. Once all the energy had been sucked out, she slumped to the floor in an unconscious state.

My eyes opened and suddenly, I could feel all the powers of a goddess at my command. It felt like something had awakened inside me. My entire DNA had been entirely rewritten. Magical fire crackled all over my body. I could feel it inside me, the power of an alicorn coursing through my veins. It felt wonderful! I had never felt so much magic at my disposal before, and I thought I was already powerful!!

On my back was now a large pair of flaming, glowing wings. They stood tall and proud in glorious fashion. I laughed once more, knowing that I had finally done it. I had become what Twilight always intended for me to become.

I had become an alicorn.

I took off my cloak and threw it off the balcony. There was no need for it anymore. There was no one on this planet who could stop me. The cloak fluttered in the wind as it spiraled towards the ground, unfolding. It then hit the ground with a soft thud.

I then turned my head and stared at the unconscious Luster Dawn, shaking my head in disappointment. She was now a unicorn once more, her divine status having been sucked out of her. Her wings had become mine. Despite everything, I did pity her. She thought she knew it all. Perhaps if she had not slandered me, she could have ruled by my side. She could’ve had everything she ever wanted.

Alas, it was not meant to be. She would’ve been a rebel anyway, too stubborn and headstrong to ever conform to my laws and regulations. It was best that I left her out of my new kingdom.

“What have you done?!”

I whirled around upon hearing the voice. It was Twilight, standing before me with a horrified expression on her face.

I smiled. “Hello, Twilight. I hope you appreciate what I’ve done with your admittedly annoyinglap dog. Rest assured, she won’t slander anyone again.”

“I understand that you’re hurting, Opaline,” Twilight said firmly. “And I never should’ve pushed you away like I did. Even now, you can still turn back.”

“Turn back?!” I stomped my hooves on the ground. “Turn back?!!! Why give up all that power?! All that magic?! I know what I am now!! And I’M NOT YOU!!!! I’m meant to be a Queen!! I’m meant to rule everything!!”

Twilight took a few steps forward, her eyes as hard as steel. “Even as you say that, I know that isn’t what you really want. You tried to help me, and I pushed you away. To that end, I am so sorry. I’ve failed you as a mentor…and a mother.”

Under normal circumstances, I would’ve accepted her apology and given this up. But I had already crossed the line. There was no forgiveness left for me, even if I did reform in that moment. I would still have to face justice for my crimes, and I was never going to submit to that.

“IT’S TOO LATE NOW!!!” I exclaimed proudly. “Twilight, can’t you see? You were right. You were right the whole time. If there was anything you showed me, it’s that alicorns are the most powerful beings in Equestria!! We have magic far beyond mortal comprehension!! Why not use that to do what we want?! Why not ask for more?!!”

“Because it’s tyranny!!” Twilight shot back. “We use our powers to help spread harmony, not chaos!!!”


“I am sorry that is how you feel about me now,” Twilight apologized. “My actions have come at a great cost to you. But seeking revenge will not appease your anger. It can only serve to fuel it.”

“Oh you’re sorry, are you?!!” I demanded. “You’re sorry for filling my head with dreams, for training me until my bones cracked?! For acting like you love me when you pushed me away every chance you got?! If you truly loved me, you would not have listened to Starswirl!!!”

“Opaline, I-“

“WELL I GET IT!!!” My horn glowed a dark purple aura as I stepped towards her with the intention of striking her down. “You said it yourself, Twilight!! Your daughter is dead!! You and I are nothing to each other!!!! If I was to kill you now, I’d feel no grief whatsoever!!”

Twilight’s horn lit up a bright pink aura. “I can’t let you do that, Opaline.”

I shook my head again. “Oh, I wouldn’t do that.” I grabbed her in a telekinetic magic bubble as she flew up, slamming her against the wall. Blood had splattered the wall from where she had hit it. She tried to get up with great effort, moaning as she did so. “EVERYTHING I DID WAS FOR YOU!!!! TELL ME HOW PROUD OF ME YOU ARE, TWILIGHT!!! TELL ME!!!!! TELL ME!!!!!!”

Twilight looked up at me in complete terror. I grabbed her in my magic again and violently slammed her down several more times. She coughed and hacked each time she hit the ground. Cuts and bruises were all over her body and she was bleeding profusely.

With great effort, she stood up once more, blood dripping down onto the ground as she did so. “I have always…been proud of you, Opaline…it was my pride that prevented me from seeing…what you were becoming…what I…was turning you into. I’m sorry…”

I paused for a moment. For the briefest of seconds, I considered whether I should’ve continued on. Perhaps it was an innermost longing for her love again, maybe it was foolishness. But for a split second, I paused.

Then the anger returned and I grabbed her in a chokehold, feeding all my hatred into strangling the one pony who traumatized me for life. She coughed and hacked, and my grin only grew wider as I continued to strangle her. I flung her across the balcony towards the other railing, where she landed with a thud.

Once I was sure that she was unconscious, I blasted the walls that kept the balcony where it was. As it trembled and shook, I quickly flew up and away from the castle using my newfound wings.

Once I was as far away as possible, I watched the balcony finally collapse, taking the unconscious bodies of Twilight and Luster Dawn down with it.

Author's Note:

Thank you, Zack Snyder, for giving me an affinity for dark and bloody violence in all these stories. In all seriousness though, this has to be the darkest chapter I’ve written in this entire Saga. We get the emotional gut punch that is the first section, the realization that an unnamed, murderous cult was behind Opaline’s creation in the second, and then full on horror in the third section. Writing Opaline’s ultimate turn to the dark side was something I anticipated since the moment I put hoof to screen on this story, and I hope it doesn’t disappoint.

There’s really not much else to say, we’re now officially moving closer towards the inevitable showdown between Twilight and Opaline and believe me, it’s going to be brutal. Very brutal.

Stay tuned!