• Published 2nd Feb 2024
  • 183 Views, 2 Comments

Where Has the Magic Gone? - MorbidTheBrony

The days go round and round... Adagio was sick and tired of this unfulfilling cycle. Where did her magic go?

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Round and Round and Round...

The days go round and round, round and round...

This was the only line Adagio Dazzle had managed to write for a song that didn't even have a name yet. She stared at the lonely line on the near blank sheet of paper, hoping that something, anything would finally come to her. But the more she just sat there, the more lost she felt.

Adagio really wanted to give it a shot this time, to create a wonderful piece of art after what felt like an eternity in purgatory, but she had spent so long from the paper, there was just nothing for her to give it now.

She closed her eyes and held her head in her hands. The last time she felt anything, she could trace it as far back as the battle of the bands. That is... before she and the Dazzlings lost. After that, they had spent a long time trying to get back what they lost. But it's now that Adagio questioned to herself, was this even what she wanted anymore? What could she even gain by staying on the path she was on?

Her eyes widened with that thought. What was she thinking? Of course this was what she wanted. It's everything she and her sisters strived for nearly their entire lives! Nothing was different... right?

The drive was left back on that stage, and ever since, Adagio hasn't lived a single day. Did she lose the magic?

Who was once a force to be reckoned with, she was reduced to everything she hated, and was forced to remain living as such. How ironic the future could be, where she would always see herself on a golden throne. Was she the fool for having an aspiration, for wanting to be in control of her own destiny?

If reality was any evidence of that, then the answer was a resounding yes. Adagio felt so small, and the world looked so big. Never before did she have no idea of what to do next. She felt scared, and she didn't know why.

She used the newfound time to see the worth in what little she had left. She had her sisters, which she struggled to stay the leader to. She had their apartment, which they struggled to even keep. She had her voice, which she struggled to even find again. It all seemed so insignificant to her now; she hardly felt fortunate to have managed to live this meaningless life for so long now.

In the years since it was left behind, Adagio managed to completely forget the thrill and the beauty of a crushing victory. Her name was Dazzle, and she made sure no one ever forgot it. There was nothing she loved more. But now, there was very little to look forward to. Nothing that pushes the soul to do more than live the day she came to know so well. At this point, there was nothing she loved more than the steaming cup of tea always by her side. Could she find the beauty in the simple things?

It was a miserable existence. Everyday was left unfulfilled. Adagio knew it in her mind, she managed to dig herself so low that there was no going back! She had nothing left to give and she hated that it was true!

It's a piece of paper! You write words on it! Why was it so hard now?! Just this once, please, let her stop this madness! Let her breakaway and escape this cycle!

And then suddenly, the pen in her hand broke into two. She hadn't even realised how tightly she was holding it anymore. For a moment, it seemed she was completely gone.

The page and Adagio's hand were covered in the splattered black ink. The former siren did nothing more than stare at the puddle for a moment. It didn't spread far, but the stain on the page was near an enough inconvenience to kill any and all motivation. Not like it was much of a loss. All she wrote was two words over and over again.

Adagio was ready call it quits right now. Like always, she would just throw away what little she had and chalk it up as another day wasted. She picked up the paper and the ink blot ran down, dripping off the bottom. For some reason, she didn't have the courage to throw it away. While she didn't benefit from keeping it, it mattered just as much to get rid of it. She couldn't be bothered. She was tired; it was late. So, she just left it on the desk. Maybe she can care enough about it tomorrow.

Unfortunately, she would find it difficult to find sleep that night. Adagio just laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She was now completely alone with her mind, and it was just saying the same spiel as ever: everyday was the same, she had lost her passion, she could barely see beauty in what simple little she had left, she just wanted an escape, the days go round and round, round and round.

Round and round... it played in her head again and again.

Adagio had lost her magic. For so long, she couldn't meet this imaginary quota to feel even slightly fulfilled. She tried to reach something she couldn't anymore, and now she has nothing to show for it.

But maybe, she could have something else to show. Adagio was not the same siren as before, and she never realised she was pretending to be. It was just she and her sisters now, alone in search of a new purpose.

A new magic.

Adagio looked over to her desk. The paper still sat there patiently. There was a strange sensation in Adagio's chest. She could swear she actually wanted to go over there again.

Unable to resist the urge, Adagio climbed out of bed, the carpet feeling soft on her feet. She walked over to the desk and looked at the words on the paper. There was something there, she could finally see it. She grabbed a new pen and began to write.

Everything seemed to fall together so naturally now. And after not too long, Adagio felt like she finally had something to be proud of. All it needed was a finishing touch. She brought her pen to the top of the page.

'Find the Magic'

Comments ( 2 )

The days go round and round...

This is possibly one of the BEST music videos I've ever seen

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