• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 1,459 Views, 142 Comments

40 Years - bookhorse125

A community collaboration of a tale that spawns across all generations of My Little Pony.

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Chapter 1 - Admiral Producer

It all began on a particularly beautiful afternoon in Maretime Bay, a relatively humble Equestrian settlement sitting atop a massive hill that overlooked the pristine ocean. It had become known throughout history by traveling ponies as the “Brightest Light In The Night” due to the lighthouse that used to stand majestically on the outskirts of the town, guiding all boats and ships safely through rough weather and harsh seas.

It was also known as the “City of Great Change” due to all of the recent events that had occurred within its borders of late and that could not be understated. So many things had happened to the town that it could be considered a miracle that nopony had gone insane from it. There was once a time in which Maretime Bay was ruled by fear and isolation and it was now the home to all ponies of all kinds.

Maretime Bay was always crowded in the early afternoon as the ponies were going about their daily lives. It was a bright and sunny day like every other, yet there was a sense of peace in the air around that time that could not be explained by anypony. It was always a phenomenon that just happened and nopony questioned it. The Sun was shining brightly, lighting up the streets and environment in its warm embrace, and all the clouds were clear. The birds chirped and sang on the branches of the trees and everypony was enjoying the beautiful morning.

Earth ponies walked briskly across the crosswalks, talking with friends. The pegasi practiced their flight, spinning merrily in the huge blue canvas they were born to dominate. Their powerful wings beat against the current of the air, propelling them higher and higher in their conquest of the skies. Unicorns carried their groceries with their magic, a feat that seemed easy for them even though they had just gotten it back. Huge delivery trucks rolled down the streets, threatening to crush the little fillies who always played nearby.

The town was filled with chatter and lighthearted banter between all three pony races. It had been two days since the ponies had almost lost their magic forever once more on Maretime Bay Day and the experience had brought them all closer together in ways that they could not describe. Gone were the days of paranoia, mistrust, and segregation, and in its place were friendship and harmony, two sacred virtues safeguarded by the three Unity Crystals that protected the land. Stored in the Crystal Brighthouse of where its guardians resided, the Crystals were responsible for containing all of the realm’s magic and maintaining the coexistence between the tribes.

As the cheerful atmosphere permeated the town like friendly morning perfume, an orange earth pony with a pink mane and tail zoomed by on roller skates, waving hello to everypony she passed. Her name was Sunny Starscout, self-proclaimed history fanatic, savior of Equestria, and best friend to everypony in Maretime Bay.

She was humming to herself merrily as she skated by, the soft breeze blowing through her mane. Everyone she passed waved back to her. Sunny was a respected figure within the town now, having saved the magic not once, but twice. But it didn’t start out that way. Before the unicorn incident that had kickstarted the quest to retrieve the Unity Crystals, Sunny used to be an outcast and looked down upon.

It seemed like only yesterday that she was the most wanted pony in all of Maretime Bay for her reckless antics. She used to be the town’s radical activist whose ideas no one listened to.

However, after bringing the magic back and proving that all ponies could be friends, Sunny was not only a friend to everyone in town, she was their hero. Her life had been permanently altered for the better the moment she broke into the Canterlogic factory that fateful year. Since then, she had met friends of all different races and saved Equestria from her childhood friend-turned-maniacal-fascist. She and her friends had accomplished feats that the townsponies could only dream of accomplishing and for that, they were eternally grateful.

As she sped by the townsponies, the familiar outline of the Crystal Brighthouse soon began to take shape and Sunny propelled herself faster towards it, an excited grin plastered on her face. This was her home and the place where most of her friends lived with her, save for Hitch Trailblazer, the sheriff of the town. Her friends were all waiting for her by the entrance; a hyperactive and open-hearted unicorn named Izzy Moonbow, a fearless pegasus named Zipp Storm, her social media-obsessed pop star sister Pipp Petals, and of course, fellow earth pony Hitch.

“Hey Sunny!!” Izzy called out. “There you are!!”

Sunny skidded to a halt next to her friend. “Hey there, Izzy!! Great to see you. I was just doing my morning skating rounds as usual.”

“In the afternoon?” Zipp inquired, chuckling. “That’s new for you.”

Sunny blushed sheepishly. “Well okay, maaaaayyyyyyybe I overslept a little bit, but I just can’t help doing it anyway! Anyway, how’s Sparky, Hitch?”

“Oh he’s fine,” Hitch replied. “He’s back at the station sleepin’ the day away! This is the most he has slept in a good while. So that gives us all day to spend together!”

“Splendiiiiiiid!” Pipp exclaimed in a sing-song voice.

The ponies went inside the Crystal Brighthouse where they all sat at the breakfast table for a belated morning meal. Sunny cooked pizza as usual and everyone had an individual slice of it. As they ate, each discussed their plans for the day, as well as their daily lives.

“So Hitch,” Zipp asked curiously, “Any luck figuring out why Sprout’s been ditching his community service duties?”

“I’ve been giving him stern warnings left and right,” complained Hitch in an exasperated tone, “But he doesn’t take me seriously anymore! He thinks I’m going soft due to me taking care of Sparky! Well, I’ll show him soft!!”

“Well,” Sunny reasoned. “I think before we worry about that, we should focus on the day before us. Since we’re all not busy, we could use some time to ourselves. And you know what that means!”

“Shoppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnng!!” Pipp declared, earning herself a glare from Zipp. “What? I need to be the first one to buy the recent fashion trend! If I wear this, it’ll be a massive hit! 400k views in the first eight hours!”

“Wow, 400k views now?” Hitch remarked. “You sure mean business this time.”

“That I do, Hitch,” Pipp replied proudly. “That I do.”

“Well,” Zipp said, “While Pipp is chasing after the next viral trend, I’m going to do some investigating. The townsponies need its detective.”

Hitch was about to reply when suddenly, there was a bright flash of pulsating white light. Sunny and her friends shielded their eyes from the brightness as they began to hear the sound of vibration, which only got louder and louder, building in intensity until…

The light faded and behind them was a giant blue portal, swirling with dark energy.

Izzy squealed with excitement. “OOH!!! A mysterious portal!! Come on, let’s goooooo!!” Before any of them could react, she leapt into the portal.

“IZZY!!!” Pipp cried. “Oh no no no no no!! Don’t worry, I’m comiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnng!!!!!” She jumped into the portal next.

“Pipp!!” Zipp facehoofed in exasperation. “Ugh, why doesn’t she ever think things over?!” She looked back at Sunny and Hitch. “You two coming?”

Sunny glanced cautiously at Hitch. “Look, I know it’s dangerous, but we really have to get Izzy back.”

Hitch sighed deeply. “I know. I may have my reservations, but we must find out the truth behind this mysterious portal before it hurts anypony else. Show me the money!!”

Without a second thought, Hitch dove headfirst into the portal with Sunny following closely behind him.

Lightning flashed across the stormy and dreary skies of Equestria and struck the ground below it in a powerful display of fury. The only source of light came from a barely visible patch of the Moon, which was hidden amongst the omnipresent darkness. Storms were not usually this powerful, but outside of the protected pony civilizations, nature knew no bounds and was free to do what it wanted. Ponies had no control over the weather here. This was uncharted territory for them and nopony dared wander outside the protections of their kingdoms.

Another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky and roaring thunder sounded in response as the clouds grumbled angrily. The surrounding trees and shrubs shuddered as every fiber of their being was rocked back and forth, side to side, and every which way from the strong wind.

Out in the unknown regions, atop the tallest mountain known to ponykind was Opaline’s Dark Castle, an imposing structure that commanded authority from its presence alone. There were many unoccupied castles throughout the land, including the famous Castle of the Two Sisters Ruins. However, this castle was not one of those abandoned structures forgotten to time. In this castle existed the one and only alicorn left in the entire world:

Queen Opaline.

The dark purple alicorn had once tried to rule Maretime Bay and drive the three pony races apart through orchestrating simple fights that would drive Earth Pony against Earth Pony, Unicorn against Unicorn, and Pegasus against Pegasus. However, the plan failed and she was defeated and exiled by the legendary Princess Twilight Sparkle, who banished her from Equestria and created the three Unity Crystals. This ended up dividing the ponies further, allowing the force field to weaken year by year until Twilight and the Guardians of Harmony became nothing more than a myth, and Opaline was finally ready to exact her revenge and retake what she felt was rightfully promised to her.

Opaline stood on the balcony of her castle, staring out into the far reaches of the realm with a sinister grin on her face. This was the moment she had been waiting for. Equestria was finally going to be hers once more.

One final fight.

She cackled with the sort of maniacal delight that only the craziest of ponies would ever have the capacity to let out as she thought of her rival Sunny Starscout and her friends lying before her. Oh how wonderful it would be to see them in her clutches, the last hope of harmony gone.

“You see this, Misty?” Opaline gestured for her henchpony, pointing at the world below her. A smaller blue unicorn mare with no cutie mark timidly walked beside her. “This is our future domain. Everything the light touches shall be our kingdom.”

“All of this will belong to you?” Misty asked in a confused manner, indicating the horizon off in the distance. “But it’s just so…expansive! How will you rule it all?”

“Us, Misty,” Opaline attempted a warm smile, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. “You’re an equal part of this too. As soon as Sunny Starscout and her friends are down, I shall give you what you’ve always deserved.”

“A cutie mark?!” Misty bounced up and down with excitement.

“Yes Misty. But only if we win.”

They headed inside the dark and claustrophobic walls of the throne room. This was where Opaline came up with all of her plans. As Misty began to walk away from the alicorn she considered to be a mother, there was a blinding flash of pulsating white light.

Misty shielded her eyes from the brightness while Opaline stared at it with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. Finally, the bright light faded and in its place was a blue portal, swirling with dark energy.

Misty took a few steps back in fear. “O-Opaline, w-what i-is th-this?”

Opaline walked next to her and examined the strange portal. “I do not know. But I sense there is a sort of raw power contained inside. It could be mine. I WANT THAT POWER!!!!”

“Opaline, no!!”

Misty was too late, however, as Opaline had already leapt inside. She considered running for her life, but curiosity eventually got the better of her and she hopped inside as well.
Meanwhile in G3…

It was the biggest Rainbow Celebration in the history of Ponyville and everypony from across the land had gathered their friends and loved ones for a festive celebration. Invitations spread like wildfire as ponies from all across Unicornia, Breezie Blossom, and everywhere else had promised their attendance.

The festivities had lasted all day and Princess Rarity had delivered the traditional rainbow that gave the ceremony its name after giving a rousing and motivation speech. Now it was time to dance under the moon. The Breezies strung the nighttime banners along the walls of the houses, decorating the whole town in a beautiful display. The Unicorns used their magic to create a makeshift northern lights to adorn the skies in order to set the mood.

As ponies danced the day away, a blue earth pony named Rainbow Dash walked leisurely through the crowd, humming the “My Little Pony” theme song to herself as she strolled through the quaint town she called home. She was relieved that the party had gone as well as it had due to all of the last minute planning, but all of her friends had pulled together and helped bring everypony in time. It was certainly a relief that there was no trouble this time around, that was for sure.

Rainbow loved the celebration as it was all about rainbows and she looked forward to it every year. She was so distracted with her thoughts that she didn’t notice the pink pony in front of her and bumped into her, sending them both falling over.

“Oh I’m so sorry, darling,” Rainbow apologized. “Completely my fault, I-“ She instantly brightened upon seeing who it was. “Pinkie Pie!!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie exclaimed. “So great to see you! Guess who else is here?” Emerging from the corner of one of the houses were Scootaloo, Cheerilee, Toola-Roola, StarSong, and Sweetie Belle.

“I never got to properly thank you all for pulling this together,” Rainbow Dash thanked them. “I can’t believe we actually pulled it off.”

“You’re welcome,” Cheerilee replied. “You know we always pull through with the Rainbow Celebration. It’s a relief that nothing went wrong!”

“Tell me about it,” Sweetie Belle added. “I brought cookies! Baked them myself, can you tell?” She pranced excitedly.

Rainbow laughed. “No wonder why they tasted so good. I take it that it was your idea for the art competition, Toola Roola?”

Toola Roola nodded enthusiastically. “StarSong wrote the song for the winner. Tell her how you did it!”

“Spike and I rehearsed the song all night!” StarSong explained. “I literally thought it up in a dream and…well…Spike liked the song when I sang it, so we gave it a go.”

Rainbow smiled warmly. “We’ll always pull through together.”

Pinkie was about to reply to the positive when all of a sudden, there was a blinding flash of white light that illuminated the entire area. The ponies all shielded their eyes from the harsh brightness until it gradually faded.

Rainbow Dash peered curiously at the sight that beheld her. Right in front of she and her friends was a pulsating, blue portal.

“Ooh!!” exclaimed Toola Roola. “A portal!! See you guys on the other side!” Before any of them could react, she hopped into the portal, disappearing into it.

“Toola Roola!!” Cheerilee called after her. She turned towards the others. “We have to follow her, girls! Come on!”

Rainbow Dash sighed in exasperation. “Of course. Adventures always seem to find us. Alright, hopefully this won’t take long.”

With a single deep breath and a single prayer, the six remaining ponies took off with a running start and leapt into the portal, heading into the unknown.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Admiral Producer for writing this chapter!

So, I know that it's still early on, but we still need more people, more authors, in order to make this project really happen. So if you would like to help, let me know and I'll get you added to the schedule! If you know someone who might like to help, share this story with them! This is going to be a huge undertaking, and I need everyone's help to make it happen. So, yes, that includes you! This will not happen without you!

Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thank you for reading!