• Published 6th Jan 2023
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An Alternative Ending - ultrapoknee

When you discard something, it's easy to forget the wrongs you committed. But, more times than not, the past always comes back to remind you of your fallibility.

  • ...

The Great and Powerful Showmare

[Canterlot Judicial Hall.]

The courtroom fell into silence once again. Trixie continues to hold her pose while the occupants react differently to her presence. Jason has his hand toward her as if to introduce her on stage. Chrysalis groans while slamming her head on the podium. The gallery and judges look on with confusion. Whereas the elements had varying degrees of shock.

"Her?! You have her as a witness!" Rainbow said, pointing at Trixie.

"Yes, I feel Trixie has good insight to share with the rest of the world," Jason said.

Rainbow falls over, laughing as Trixie approaches the center. "Wow. You must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel. What she's going to say? How to be a blowhard?"

"Hmph, this attitude is precisely why the Great and Powerful Trixie is here today. I can't wait to wipe that smug grin off your faces!"

"I thought we were past this, Trixie!" Twilight said.

"Did you forget already, Twilight? Ponyville doesn't give second chances. Now that Trixie knows what kind of monster you and that hick village are, Trixie will not allow you to poison my new best friend! Stand aside, Rainbow Dolt. Your day of reckoning is at hand!"

Rainbow wipes the tears from her before moving back with her friends. "It's right shameful, Trixie,"

"And ungrateful," Rarity added.

"We thought you had changed," Fluttershy said softly.

"We get it. You're hurt. I want to hear what she has to say!" Ember said sharply.

"Witness. Name and occupation, please," Jason said,

Trixie clears her throat. "Look upon me, members of the court, for I am Trixie Lulumoon. The most excellent and most astonishing show mare in Equestria!"

"We heard you the first, girly. Get on with your testimony without all this bloody posturing!" Grandpa Gruff angrily said.

"Sheesh, tough crowd. Anyway, I was but a simple traveling stage magician before I came to the town of Ponyville. I believed I could entertain the simple-minded ponies with my bedazzling tales and performances. However, as I set my stage to begin my act, a few neigh sayers disturbed my show!"

"Believe me; it wasn't much of a show," Rainbow stated.

"Ya'll wasn't doing anything but blowing hot air," Applejack said.

"And humiliating everypony in the town hall!" Rarity added.

"It was you who humiliated the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"Enough! Miss Trixie. Defendants! We are not here to have a back-and-forth with conjecture. Please use the Gjallarhorn so that we can have a clear picture of the events in question!" Luna stated.

"Gladly," Rainbow said while flying up to the horn. The memory plays out with a group of ponies standing before a stage. Trixie came out with her pitch. She was telling the audience of her feats in defeating an Ursa Major. The elements voiced their opinions on Trixie being a braggart, prompting Trixie to challenge her hecklers. Applejack went first, showing off her skill with her lasso. Trixie enchants the rope to wrap around Applejack's legs and shoves an apple in her muzzle. Rainbow went next by bursting through clouds, making the water splash on her for a miniature rainbow to appear above her head. Trixie used her magic to make the rainbow swirl around Rainbow Dash, leaving her dizzy. Finally, Rarity goes up and uses magic to fashion a beautiful dress. Trixie uses magic to turn Rarity's mane green with twigs. The memory ends with Trixie professing her greatness. "See that? Your star witness is nothing but a big jerk!"

Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack supported Rainbow as the gallery and judge appeared to agree. Fluttershy looks especially appalled as she was visiting her parents at the time. "Hey! You said I was not going to get into trouble...!" Trixie whispers harshly at Jason.

Jason, in response, calmly brings out one of his papers. "Do you see this, Miss Dash?"

"It's a piece of paper. So what?"

"This paper contract permits Trixie to set and perform on her stage in Townhall. You can see the signature of Mayor Mare right here, so it's official. As Trixie stated, she is a traveling stage magician whose job is to entertain an audience to make ends meet. The Great and Powerful Trixie is her stage persona. Are you following me so far?"

"Where are you going with this?" Twilight asked.

"It's simple. Everything Trixie does on stage is a part of her act. What is not a part of her act was pony's disrupting her show with baseless comments, as you and your friends did," The elements all share nervous glances. "Therefore, you four committed disorderly conduct by badgering Trixie Lulumoon,"

"Now see here, if you are going to accuse us of such a crime, what of Trixie's actions against us?" Rarity said indignantly.

"Her actions? You mean when she offered an open challenge for audience participation, and you three willingly accepted? You could've ignored her or even left Townhall, yet you all actively joined in her act. Thus, you became a part of a government-sanctioned performance,"

"That is true, defendants," Luna said with a frown. "Miss Lulumoon was well within her right as a performer to act as she did,"

"B-But she humiliated us!" Rarity exclaimed.

"After you attempted to humiliate and provoke her yourselves? Let's not forget that you all acted brash and self-entitled. The same thing you accused her of doing. Rainbow Dash flat-out admitted it herself in the memory. Trixie did not insult, badger, or discredit anyone in her audience until you three directly confronted her. She did nothing wrong,"

"Trixie did plenty wrong!" Twilight said as she approached the horn. A new memory plays with Twilight reading in her home until Spike rushes inside in a panic.

"Twilight. Come quick!"

"Spike! I told you I am not going to show up, Trixie!"

"No, it's--"

A roar cuts Spike off. "Was that what I think it was?"


The memory continues with Twilight and Spike running past a crowd of citizens and bumping into Snips and Snails. "What's going on?!"

"We brought an Ursa Major to town," Snips said nonchalantly.

"You did what?!"

"Don't worry. The Great and Powerful Trixie will defeat it," Snails said.

Trixie hangs her down in shame as she confesses. "...I can't. I never have! No one can defeat an Ursa Major! I made that up to make myself look better!"

Spike once again urges Twilight to act, causing the unicorn at the time to gulp. Twilight's horn starts to glow as a soothing melody plays in the wind and lulls the star bear into a calm state. Next, her aura envelopes a nearby water tower and passes through a barn full of cows. Now filled with milk, Twilight strains her magic, lifting the bear and feeding it milk. Finally, she hovers the Ursa back into the Everfree forest. The ponies all cheer while Twilight looks remorseful about her magical display. Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all assure Twilight that magic was never the issue, but Trixie's attitude. Twilight later explains that the bear was only a cranky baby due to Snips and Snails waking it up.

"Ha! You may have defeated the Ursa Minor, but you never have the unique, show-stopping ability of the great and powerful Trixie!" Trixie stamps down, producing a smokescreen, before running out of town.

"Why that little!" Rainbow Dash said before taking off after her.

"Let her go, Rainbow. Hopefully, one day, she'll learn her lesson,"

Twilight's horn glows as she produces another letter. "Here's the lesson for that fiasco. Dear Princess Celestia, I have learned a precious lesson about friendship. I was so afraid of being thought of as a show-off that I was hiding a part of who I am. My friends showed me it's okay to be proud of your talents. And there are times when it is appropriate to show them off. Especially when you're standing up for your friends," Twilight said before frowning at Trixie. "Unfortunately, it seems like you did not learn anything,"

Trixie grumbles indignantly before Chrysalis starts chuckling. "O-Oh, this is too rich!"

"What are you laughing at!?" Rainbow hollers.

"You. I am laughing at you. Never in my wildest dreams have I seen such ingrained stupidity in one species before. Urgh! It makes me feel even worse for losing you so many times,"

"Keep your insult to yourself and explain your point!" Cadance said sternly.

"Very well. I am assuming the day's lesson is humility-- A virtue none of you showed during that whole affair, which is evident that you continue to point out Trixie's supposed terrible qualities. A quick reminder that her attitude was a part of her stage prop, so that lesson does not make sense. Or at least, it does not come without conditions. It would be best if you liked the pony before accepting its flaws. Of course, I also have to point out the apparent flip-flopping. You berate Trixie about showing off her magic. Yet, you call for a unicorn-to-unicorn tussle," Chrysalis that part in a perfect copy of Applejack's voice. "You urge Twilight to take Trixie down a peg, and when she does, you flip the script and say it's not about magic. Trixie's just a loudmouth," Chrysalis finished with Rainbow's voice. "Even that pathetic lesson spews falsehoods. It's ideal for you to be proud of yourself and your ability. Yet, when a pony has legal means to do the same, she runs out of town. Just look at the pot calling the kettle black,"

"I think we're going to need to find alternative words for hypocrisy," Jason comments.

Sensing the shift, Trixie added her two cents. "Y-Yes. Trixie was dealt a bad hoof. Everything was against her when I was only doing my job!"

"I wasn't aware of all these circumstances behind this lesson Twilight," Celestia said sternly, causing Twilight to shy away.

"I will say that both parties could've benefitted from humility. But Trixie's lie about defeating an Ursa Major put all of Ponyville in danger!" Twilight counters. "Don't forget that two impressionable colts believed every word and sought to prove her claims true,"

"So, Trixie is at fault for - once again - seeking to entertain ponies with a story about herself as her job entails? If we follow that logic, we should burn every book that's ever told a story to keep impressionable foals out of danger," Jason said. "Trixie, did you knowingly and willingly ask Snips and Snails to bring the Ursa to Ponyville?"

"Of course not. I even told those two colts they were out of their minds!" Trixie stated.

Turning to Twilight, Jason continues. "And those two colts understood the danger an Ursa presents and still brought it to town. I fail to see how any of that falls to Trixie's accountability,"

"No, but--"

"What I want to know," Luna said, cutting Twilight off. "How can a pair of the foals go unsupervised into the most dangerous forest and bring such a beast to Ponyville? Where were their parents? What was their punishment?"

"W-We sufficiently punished Snips and Snails by cleaning up the mess the Ursa made and placing spell number twenty-five on them. Also, the colt's parents grounded them for three months,"

"Spell number twenty-five?" Ember asks.

"It gives the wearer a long mustache. Spike loves it..."

"Show us!" Twilight did as Ember asked. The memory showed Twilight looking down at Snips and Snails. Spike makes the suggestion, and Twilight agrees. A flash of magic later, and all three had mustaches, expressing their joy over their facial hair. The memory ends with a loud groan from the judges.

"That's it!? That's all the retribution those two idiots get? They're enjoying it!!! Trixie lost everything that day! My home, my job, my reputation! Everything!!!" Trixie shriek.

"Big whoop! It's what you get after you come back with the alicorn amulet!" Rainbow calls out.

"The alicorn amulet?" Queen Novo asks.

"It's an artifact of dark magic that can give regular unicorns the powers of alicorn but at a dreadful cost. The amulet slowly corrupts you until everything you were is gone. It was crafted by a fanatic cult of ponies a millennia ago that wanted the powers of an alicorn. We caught wind of this and shut down the cult. I secured the amulet in the vault. But, we did not account for a surviving cult member infiltrating our ranks. Thankfully, we caught the pony over by the waterfall. Unfortunately, the pony put the amulet on and utilized an unstable beam spell. The explosion destroyed the pony and presumedly the amulet as well," Celestia explained. "It was not until Twilight sent a letter that I discovered the amulet survived. How did you come across it?"

"Oh, Trixie found it in an old pawnshop," Celestia stares at the show mare with a flat expression.

"Don't matter where she got it. The point is that she had it. Trixie here could not leave well enough alone and challenged Twilight to a magic duel. She was all decked out with that amulet and forced Twilight to duel her. When she won, Trixie banished Twilight from Ponyville and cut the rest of us off, where she made us her servants!" Applejack said, touching the Gjallarhorn. It showed Trixie causing havoc in Ponyville until Twilight arrived. She used the citizens and Twilight's friends to goad her into a magic duel. Despite Twilight's best efforts, Trixie displayed advanced unicorn magic that she could not contend with, and thus, Twilight was banished from Ponyville.

"Oh, it was dreadful! Trixie had us slaving away at her every whim. Some of the things she wanted hardly made sense. She forced me to make crude banners. I can't tell you how often I picked myself trying to keep up with her demands!" Rarity said as the memory displayed what she was saying.

"Yeah, and we had to carry those banners all day. She made the Cakes build a cookie throne. She said it was when she got hungry and wanted food available pronto," Rainbow said.

"She had me mash up my apples for some applesauce face cream. You can't use applesauce for that, and she tickled me something fierce if I don't comply," Applejack said. "Thank goodness Twilight thought of a plan to get that amulet off of her,"

The memory ends with Twilight utilizing her friends to trick Trixie into taking her fake amulet while Rainbow snags the alicorn amulet. Twilight performs her show for the Saddle Arabian delegates and Princess Celestia. Jason tried to remain stoic as each scene of Trixie's occupation played. But Jason could feel one of his start to tremble as a scowl slowly formed.

"This is oppression to you? This is the pain you suffered under the horrific and unjust Trixie? Hooves prickled from needles, holding banners and mashing apples into applesauce. If that's the worst you've ever experienced, I got three years of stories that will make you wish Trixie with the amulet became your Princess! Try living in a cave. Try surviving the bitter cold at night. Try crying yourself to sleep. I wish I bumped into a corrupted Trixie instead of meeting you. She, at least, would've given me a roof over my damn head!" Jason saw the ponies flinch over his bite. He calms down and focuses on his witness. "More on that later. But, it would interest the court to know why Trixie returned,"

"You mentioned that your life became sour. What events lead to this dark hour?" Zekia asks.

Trixie eyed Jason for a time after his short speech and moved to the horn. "When I said I lost everything, I meant it. Thanks to the Ursa, the wagon that held most of my possessions was gone. I snuck back into Ponyville to try and salvage my earring for my show. Instead, the mayor refused to pay me and handed me a bill for the damages the Ursa caused. Trixie had to pay for those outlandish damage costs and use her savings to get to her other venues. But everywhere I went, ponies would ostracize and boo me off the stage. They would constantly bring up my first defeat of Twilight Sparkle and throw it in my face. I was a laughing stock..." The memory played out various scenes of Trixie receiving more hecklers than before, as some would throw rotten food at her, forcing her to run out of each town she visited. "It got so bad that I could no longer support me through my dream profession. I had to seek work at a rock farm to make ends meet. I got a letter one day. A small venue owner had enlisted my talents. I thought it was going to be my big break. It turns out it was anything but that..."

Another memory plays with Trixie entering an average-looking building. Inside, she saw several mares and stallions with various outfits going about their day. A portly brown-furred, golden-maned stallion approached her. "Ah, Trixie. Thank you for coming. Did you find the place, okay?"

"Trixie had no trouble. You have a lot of other talents with you, Mister Poon Sleazy,"

"Oh, them? Believe it or not, this is a slow day. Now come into my office so we can talk business~," Trixie shudders as she sees how close he got to her and the awful cologne he was wearing. They entered a room where two ponies - a mare and a stallion stood by the door. Poon Sleazy sat at his desk, taking out a large sack of bits. Trixie's eyes sparkled at the money as Pon spoke again. "We are always in the habit of finding mares like you. You have the right kind of attitude that our audience loves. Here's the script,"

Trixie shakes her head and takes the paper. "Oh, I appreciate your input, Mister Sleazy, but-- AH!? What is this?"

"It's your new script for the film you'll be starring in,"

"B-b-but, this isn't a stage show! It's-it's an adult film!!!"

"Well, yeah, this office works in the adult film industry. Did you not see the business card I sent with the letter?"

"Yes. But I thought that was a joke! The Great and Powerful Trixie cannot be seen peddling smut! I'll never recover!!!"

"Oh, I get it. This is a big change from what you are used to. Don't worry. You're still in the show biz, just in a different field,"

"And this-this script!? Why should I perform in something like this? I thought you said ponies like my attitude,"

"You like it? We want to keep that arrogant show mare persona-- have your scene where she is getting her comeuppance with her assistants. Ponies have a lot of switches geared to the rough treatment. Besides, if you were any good at your previous gig, you would've taken off by now. Then again, tangling with a mare that defeated an Ursa might not have been a good advertisement. Anyway, let's get started on your initiation," The stallion suddenly exposed himself while the two ponies behind her took out lewd objects. "Now, you want to pace yourself. Believe it or not, the actors need a lot of stamina for this kind of thing,"

The memory ends with Trixie shouting out in a panic before using her firework spell to blind the ponies in Sleezy's office. She took the bag of bits and ran out of the building. "After that horrible experience, Trixie had to lay low. Trixie knew that my life would never return to the way it was because of you, Twilight! Trixie needed to beat you to get her life back! Eventually, Trixie caught wind of an old shopkeeper selling magical charms and artifacts. Trixie needed that edge to face you down. But Trixie did not know of the corrupting effects of the alicorn amulet. So, after my second defeat, Trixie was back to square one. My apology tour had minimal success because I had to pay back Sleazy for the bits!"

"That's a harrowing experience, Miss Lulumoon. And all of it traces back to Twilight and her friends' callousness. Well, do you still find Trixie's suffering funny?" Jason asks. None of the defendants could muster a response. Rainbow didn't look as smug anymore. Fluttershy and Rarity had massive blushes on their face. At the same time, Twilight made her best impression of a goldfish. Celestia visibly shifts slightly away from the elements as she hangs her head. Pinkie was a different case. She wasn't expressive like her friends. She merely stares at her bench while sending the occasional glance toward Jason. Jason dismisses it. "You know, Miss Lulumoon. I would say you have cause to sue Ponyville for your treatment,"

"I do?" Trixie asks in confusion.

"Yes, you do," A new voice stated. Everyone turned to see Starlight and Spike returning. However, the two did not go back to the defense side. "Per Ponyville law articles and subsidiary contracts. Once a venue has been rented, the presiding officer must pay the amount owed by audience attendance, with the official host receiving a 25 percent cut upon completion. Trixie, how long were you going to do your show?"

"Three days total. But, I fled after one," Trixie said.

"That means you weren't fully paid for that show and were unjustly charged. I think mayor Mare does have a lot of explaining to do. Or, will the crown fit the bill?"

"Spike!" Twilight exclaimed. It was unclear if she blocked out or did not hear Starlight as she rushed over to him. However, Starlight's aura surrounds her, and they teleport back to the center. "Starlight! What are you doing?"

"Weren't you the one who told me to respect decorum? Besides, another witness has come forward; me!" Starlight said with a frown.

"What!?" The elements save for Pinkie exclaimed.

"You're turning your back on us!?" Rainbow shouted.

"Why, darling?" Rarity wails.

"Starlight...?" Twilight asks in a hurt tone.

"When I asked what Trixie did for everypony in Ponyville to put her at hoofs length, you would tell me to ask Trixie. But Trixie would never say anything beyond ponies there don't give second chances that she did not want to talk about it. I figured it was like my situation. But that wasn't bad. Trixie got ripped out of her career and mistreated for it. All those lessons, all those lectures, I thought I was becoming a better pony with you girls. I should've realized this when you tried to convince me not to be friends with Trixie!"

Starlight moves to the Gjallarhorn as Twilight raises her hoof. "Starlight, please!"

Starlight shakes her head. She touches the horn, playing a new memory. It was one of Twilight and Starlight setting the table. Twilight tried to work a friendship lesson that was poorly received and thought out as Starlight used her magic. But the real purpose was to set up a meeting with Princess Celestia about Starlight's friendship studies. Starlight was shown trying various methods of befriending the citizen of Ponyville with no luck. It wasn't until she met Trixie in the spa that she made progress. The two mares shared common ground, having formerly been antagonists to Twilight and her friends.

"Trixie was the only pony with whom I felt any real connection because she had a troubled past. But what did you do? You tried to convince otherwise!"

Twilight recoils in shock at the reappearance of Trixie. After a brief exchange, Twilight pulls Starlight to the side. I know I said to make friends with anypony. But, with your past and Trixie's past, I'm not sure she'll make the best first friend,"

"But you did forgive her for whatever she did, right?"

"Of course, it's just she wasn't a very friendly pony,"

"Well, you did say anypony. And I just assumed that you trusted me to make friends on my own. The same way Princess Celestia trusted you!"

Twilight sighs before smiling. "You're right. I trust you. Just be back before the dinner,"

"But you did not trust me! Or forgiven Trixie. You stalked us that whole time while we were out!" Starlight said as the memory shifted to Twilight talking to Starlight in a bush.

"Hey, how is it going with your new friend? Because if it isn't working out for any reason, I can introduce you to my friend here. You can come out now," A white-furred two-toned blue unicorn pops out of the bushes next to Twilight. "You like music. DJ PON3 would make for the perfect last-minute change for the dinner with Princess Celestia,"

"You kept switching from ponies. I've never even spoken to impress the Princess. It bothers me that you didn't give Trixie a second chance. You even took the ponies you picked to dinner. But you still tried to break us up!"

"Hold on, Starlight. Don't forget that Trixie was using you to get to me!" Twilight said, showing the memory. "Ahem, you just decided to skip our dinner without telling me! Are you aware at this very moment, Princess Celestia is waiting for you at a table with exquisite silverware placement!"

"Y-Yes, but--"

"This is precisely why I didn't want you to make friends with Trixie!"

"Aha! You still don't trust me. But guess what, Princess? It doesn't matter if you want to give me a second chance. Starlight had to choose between you and me. And she chose me! Your pupil chose me! So, ha! I win!!!" Trixie gloated.

"See? It was all about winning for you, Trixie!" Twilight stated as the memory ended.

"Yeah, it was about winning at that moment. But I genuinely wanted Starlight as a friend. She was the only good thing I had going for me. It broke my heart at the thought of losing her. So much so that I went to do the moonshot manticore mouth dive, hoping my friend would save me. But, if she didn't, then that would've been fine too,"

Starlight gasps at that revelation. "Trixie. Tell me you didn't intend to do that!"

"I am sorry, but what are you talking about? What is this trick you performed?" Chrysalis asks. Trixie touches the horn again as the memory shows her getting inside a cannon, lighting it, and launching herself straight into a manticore's maw. She only survived due to Starlight returning to teleport her. "So, you mean to tell us that you were going to commit suicide because you lost your only friend?"

"How quaint," Jason spat.

"Starlight returned after I admitted I was wrong and encouraged her friendship!" Twilight stated.

"So? Do you want a medal for fixing a problem you actively caused? One that could've been avoided if you weren't a control freak! You don't get to pat your back on this. Not this time. Not after everything we've learned. What's the point of learning lessons if you still make the same mistake? Do you remember the lesson for convenience's sake at that moment, then go and abuse some other poor sap as part of your friendship quota? 'Oh, I need to write a friendship letter, but nothing is happening. I know; I'll hypnotize an entire town to create one,''

Twilight's eyes widen at Jason's words. "W-What? What did you say?" At Twilight's question, Jason merely smiles.

Before Twilight could inquire further, Luna spoke up. "I believe that is quite enough for today. Much has been revealed, and I cannot help to express my disappointment. Trixie Lulumoon. You have suffered extensively with little compensation. My disappointment only grows concerning your time in Ponyville and the behavior of its citizens. Especially those two colts. Such an action of bringing this beast would be cause for banishment. At a minimum, Snips and Snails would've been taken away from their parents by foal protective services!" Luna said. "The Equestrian crown will personally see that you get your due, Miss Lulumoon,"

Trixie bows her head deeply. "Oh, thank Princess Luna,"

"Court is now adjourned,"