• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 2,849 Views, 214 Comments

Flurry Heart is Evil! - UnknownError

After defeating King Sombra again, Cadance comes to an inescapable conclusion about her daughter. Flurry Heart is completely and utterly evil.

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The Omens of Flurry

Mi Amore Cadenza limped out of the shower as gracefully as she could with a boot on her hoof. Admittedly, it was still quite graceful. It turns out that dumpster-diving with an open cut tended to aggravate the injury. Her hoof itched quite badly.

Cadance ignored it and flipped the switch next to the bedside lamp. The far wall sparkled under the specially-installed spotlights. Usually, Cadance’s Shipping Wall had a grand and noble purpose, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

The box of foal pictures—Box #1 of #132—landed before the wall with a muted thump on the crystal floor. Cadance narrowed her eyes and levitated her ball of red yarn around her horn. She licked her lips before taking a pink marker between her teeth.

It was time to work.

Three hours later, Shining Armor opened the door to the bedroom. “Honey?” he asked worriedly. “I got a report from Flash about—” he was cut off by stepping into the snare just beyond the door frame. The red yarn yanked him up into the air and flung the unicorn bodily into a pile of discarded string. Shining pushed the string out of his eyes with a huff. It was caught in his neat blue beard. Again.

"Are you shipping again, honey?" Shining called out playfully. "I keep saying that Flash and Fizzlepop..." he trailed off.

Cadance towered over him. She glared down with bloodshot eyes. “I figured it out.”

“That’s wonderful,” Shining said on reflex. His ears pinned back.

Cadance tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. “Do you remember how we met?”

“You came to foalsit Twilight,” Shining responded slowly. “I was playing O&O with the guys.” He tapped a hoof to his chin. “You know, I always thought it was weird that Celestia asked you to foalsit Twilight—”

“This isn’t about that accursed game,” Cadance spat. She stomped her boot. “This goes far beyond that!”

Shining stared down at the mummified hoof. “Woah, honey!” He struggled to untangle himself. “We need to get you to a doctor!”

“I am not the problem!” Cadance snarled. “Look!” She grabbed his head with her magic and forced him to look to the wall.

Shining’s eyes widened at the wall. It was covered in pictures of Flurry Heart at every stage in her life, crisscrossed by red string with wild circles around specific pictures. Words were scrawled onto the crystal in glittery pink marker.




“I figured it out,” Cadance declared with a smile that stretched her muzzle a bit too tight.

Shining very badly wished he could teleport like Twilight.

“So,” Cadance shifted her wild stare back to her husband. “You know I defeated an evil witch to become an alicorn?”

“Yes, honey.”

“I wrote a book about it.”

“It’s required reading for elementary school,” Shining sighed. “We still get accusations about misappropriated funding.”

“It is a beautiful story about a pretty filly defeating an ugly witch,” Cadance retorted with a twitching eye. “But I didn’t tell you all of it. I never wrote it down.”

Shining, wisely, shut his mouth.

“Prismia told me a prophecy,” Cadance intoned. “When we were alone in that cave, before I opened my heart to her and showed her all my wonderful kindness, she told me something that’s been on my mind. For years.”

Shining waited. Cadance did not say anything; she just breathed raggedly, staring at the wall without blinking. “Okay?” he prompted her.

Cadance jabbed her boot to the ceiling. Shining looked up and whimpered. The words were carved into the ceiling, written in reverse. He tilted his head back, but Cadance levitated a hoof mirror over to help.

Princess you shall be, until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear.

“That’s not going to buff out,” he groaned.

Cadance dropped the mirror. “I knew I was destined to be Princess,” she hissed. “And I knew when I squeezed those wings out and that horn. It was fate.”

Shining frowned. Unwisely, he attempted logic. “Honey,” he began, “I thought you said Flurry was corrupted by Sombra.”

“She is!” Cadance whirled back to the wall and plucked one of the red strings. “He’s been corrupting her from the start!”

“From the moment she was born?” Shining asked. “Honey, she didn’t mean to destroy the Crystal Heart. She was a foal.”

“Of course she meant to destroy the Heart!” Cadance exclaimed. “She was claiming her destiny by besting me!” The alicorn leaned against the wall, squinting at a picture of baby Flurry blasting a hole through the ceiling, pursuing Sunburst with a giggle on her lips. The picture caught Sunburst in the middle of a terrified scream.

“Flurry’s not destined to destroy you,” Shining tried.

“Of course she is," Cadance scoffed, then her eyes turned misty. "And I was so happy,” she added longingly.

Shining’s expression went blank. He stopped struggling in the pile of string. “What?”

“What kind of mother doesn’t want to be overthrown by her daughter?” Cadance asked rhetorically. She smiled at the earlier pictures. “She was perfect.”


“At first, I thought that nag Sunset Shimmer was the one,” Cadance admitted. “So, I framed her for sneaking into the restricted archives. Imagine my surprise when it turned out she actually was sneaking in anyway.”

“Wait, is that why she just tossed Sombra back through the mirror instead of dealing with him!?”

“Then there was Twilight,” Cadance continued, ignoring Shining’s yelp. Cadance looked at the one picture of Twilight on the wall. She was dancing a jig at a Hayburger after her coronation.

Cadance shrugged. “And, well, look at her. She might be younger, but beauty was never her strong suit.”

Shining opened his mouth, but no sound came out. His brain locked up between defending his sister’s beauty or agreeing with his wife. It settled in-between on saying nothing.

Cadance moved to the first set of pictures of Flurry’s earliest years. “And when she was born, beautiful and pink and perfect, I knew she was the one.” She lingered on one picture of mother and daughter together; Flurry was wearing a very pink poofy dress with her mane expertly curled. Flurry’s expression was one of intense loathing, but Cadance beamed next to the young alicorn, as if saying “I made this!”

Which she did, technically.

Cadance frowned and jabbed at the later pictures. “And then the corruption set in.”

Flurry having bedhead during class picture day.

Flurry’s first set of braces.

Flurry’s terrible fashion sense of almost exclusively hoodies.

Flurry’s crystal reactor at the science fair, instead of the traditional baking soda volcano.

A lone tear escaped Cadance’s eye. “My beautiful daughter withered away, falling to dark magic while none of us were looking.”

“She’s a teenager,” Shining said.

“She is evil,” Cadance replied.

“She’s our daughter.”

A gleam came to Cadance’s eye. “Is she?” she asked lowly. “Or is she your daughter?”

“That’s…that’s how foals work,” Shining mumbled.

“Your daughter with Chrysalis!” Cadance accused with a wild hoof. She poked Shining in the chest with her boot. “You always defended her!”

“Chrysalis!?” Shining whinnied. “I wanted her statue mulched!”

“No,” Cadance said, annoyed. “Flurry! You always defended her decisions!”

Ogres & Oubliettes is not evil! Or Warhammer! The spells don’t even work!”

“Aha!” Cadance yelled, victorious. “I bet you met Chrysalis playing O&O! You’ve always been in league with her!”

“How would that even work?” Shining asked, unfortunately trying to reason with his wife. “You squeezed those wings out yourself. And Chrysalis was even less interested in O&O than you were!”

"And how do you know that?"

"Because she cast extra spells on me so I would stop talking to her about it!"

I should've asked her about that. Too bad she's a statue. “Flurry Heart was replaced,” Cadance declared. “At eight years old. Now, her innate Changeling evil has resurfaced.”

“Thorax said you were getting pretty racist,” Shining replied bluntly.

“My real daughter is out there, alone.” Cadance nibbled on a hoof. “She’s probably being raised like I was, adopted by some loving family and taught to do farm work without a Princess to save her and take her to real society.”

“She was replaced right when she started making her own decisions?”


“Okay,” Shining summarized. “You think your actual daughter, who you think is destined to usurp you, was replaced with a double? Who is evil, but still planning on usurping you, and that’s…bad?”

“Yes,” Cadance nodded. “Flurry Heart is evil. It may be difficult to accept, but it is true.”

“What evil has she done!?” Shining asked, exasperated.

Cadance guffawed in manic laughter. “She plots her conquests with Chaos! She steals souls! She’s turned the empire against me! Her dark acolytes wage a holy war in her name!”

“You just said you wanted her to usurp you!”

“Not like this!”

“Like what!?” Shining shouted back.

Cadance turned back to the wall and her wings trembled. She looked over the pictures, all of them, from the little baby she dressed up to the owl-eyed filly with a bad mane.

I wanted her to go to parties.

I wanted her to wear all the nice dresses and catch up with all the hot gossip.

I wanted to talk to her about mare stuff.

…I wanted her to be like me.

Shining reached out a hoof and touched Cadance’s boot. He had to wriggle forward out of the pile of string for a moment. “Please,” he pleaded. “Flurry’s your daughter. We can figure this out.”

“She is my daughter,” Cadance wept.

Shining sighed in relief. “Yes.”

“Prismia was wrong.”

“Yes, obviously. You shouldn’t trust witches in caves.”

Cadance nodded and sniffled. “I brought her into this world. I have to take her out.”

Shining began to nod, then processed the statement. “Wait, no—"

Cadance flung him into the closet. She brought over the special ropes and the gag, then their tenth anniversary outfit. “I’m sorry,” she said with tears leaking from her eyes. “The spell will be broken once it’s done.”

Shining screamed and wiggled, but the latex was too tight. Cadance slammed the crystal door shut. She considered her options.

Darkheart was powerful. She could steal souls and commanded an army of almost high-school aged colts and fillies. That was nearly as good as an army of high-schoolers themselves. She could certainly take over the Crystal Empire.

She did shatter the Crystal Heart, Cadance thought. It was the first step to her dark reign. The Crystal Heart was the key. Cadance marched out with a mild limp and a great plan. She needed somepony not local to the Empire, and she knew a certain trio was in town. Cadance looked over at the myriad of pictures of Sunburst being chased by baby Flurry.

If anypony could see her evil, it’s him.