• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 301 Views, 10 Comments

Snips and Snails and Puppy Love Tales - Caladis

Snips and Snails practice courting but fall in love with each other instead of the original targets of their affection

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Chapter 3 – A Date

Chapter 3 – A Date

Snips woke up extra early the next morning and walked to Snails house. He waited outside for Snails and smiled brightly at his friend when he finally came outside.

“Good morning. I thought we could walk to work together.”

There was no school that day, and the Ponyville Day Spa was on the way to where Snails worked so it was a good chance to spend even more time together without either of them being late.

Snips’ gesture was sweet, and Snails realized that he must still be trying to make it up to him for what happened yesterday. Snails was more than happy to spend more time with his best friend as he led into the next question.

“So… what are your plans for today?”

Snips shrugged. “I’ve got at least a full eight-hour shift ahead of me, about the same as you. I was thinking though… maybe we should practice having an actual date at a restaurant followed by more cuddling back at your place?”

Snails was slack jawed at the suggestion but recovered quickly and responded. “The question is… do we want to be seen together in a context that might suggest that we are in a relationship other than friendship. I know that your image means a lot to you…”

Snips nodded slowly, understanding his worry. “I don’t think that anypony will rush to that conclusion and even if they do, it will make our flirting with the girls that much more unexpected when we go back to it.”

Snails couldn’t fault his logic. “Okay then. Which restaurant?”

Snips was a little shy about the suggestion… “What about that Prench restaurant? The Ponyville Café?”

Snails stopped and looked at Snips… “That is the nicest restaurant in town… and also maybe the only restaurant in Ponyville that could be considered a date spot for ‘serious couples.’ It’s also a little expensive… are you sure?”

Snips scoffed. “The Cutie Mark Crusaders are not going to want hayburgers and fries from ‘The Hayburger.’ And besides… it’s not just about practicing the art of dating… we want to know what’s on the menu so if our dates ask us for advice on what to order, we can sound like experts. I’d wager that it would impress them.”

Snails had to admit that the logic, once again, made sense. “You sound like you’ve put some thought into this.”

Snips nodded proudly. “I have! I’ve been thinking about all the little things you’ve said. Mares like surprises. And mares like a stallion with a plan. There is nothing more uncool than telling them… ‘whatever you want to do is okay.’ I picked up a copy of ‘Confident Stallion’ yesterday after I left your house and it said that you have to plan the date from beginning to end. Hoof feed them what you want to happen and impress them with your foresight into their wants and needs.”

Snails nodded as he processed the information. “That sounds a lot like the advice in Mare’s monthly… ‘Let your stallion make the first move and see if you like what he’s showing you, and make adjustments accordingly.’ I wonder if the two magazines have the same editor…”

They arrived at the Ponyville Spa and this time Snips wasn’t surprised when Snails gave him a peck on the cheek. While it did push the boundaries of mere friendship, it was good practice and was slowly starting to break down Snips walls in showing public affection. Snips, however, was able to surprise Snails by publicly returning the peck on Snails’ own cheek before he walked away to finish the journey to his own place of employment.

Snips was whistling a happy tune to himself, pleased that he had managed to do that without burning his own face off in embarrassment. Aloe was smiling at her youngest employee.

“Ah… early today. And so happy! What has you in such a good mood?”

Snips did blush at that, but he didn’t want to lie to his boss. “Well, umm, I have a date tonight!”

Aloe’s eyes seemed to glow in excitement. “Oh, how wonderful! When is it supposed to happen?”

Snips frowned slightly, not certain where this was going. “Um. Tonight? After I get off of work?”

Aloe simply beamed. “Well then, we have no time to lose.” She turned towards where her sister was working in the back office and bellowed. “LOTUS! FULL MAKE-OVER!”

Snips heard the sound of a heavy book closing and then rapid hoofsteps. Lotus came sprinting into the main area of the spa, looking around excited. “Where? Who!”

Aloe pointed at Snips. “Snips is having his first date tonight and we have a lot of work to do.”

Lotus simply devoured Snips with her eyes. “Oh… a challenge. I haven’t had one of these in a while.”

Snips turned on his hooves to flee the Spa, but Aloe blocked him. “Tut-tut. Store policy. All employees going on a date must look their best. Everypony in town knows everypony that works here. And you must represent the spa while you’re on your date. Don’t worry… the make-over should only take ten to twelve hours…”

Snips whined. “But… but… The date is supposed to be somewhat causal, and it’s supposed to be in eight hours… besides… if I don’t work today then I won’t have the bits to pay for the date! I can’t ask a pony out and then not be able to pay for it! That’s rude.”

Lotus smiled. “Well… how about I pay you a full day’s wages for letting me give you a full make-over? I haven’t had a chance like this in ages and I do adore the full make-over effect.”

Snips sighed, resigned. “I suppose I have no choice…”

Aloe beamed. “No, you do not. And it works out perfectly because we have a lot to talk about today that will be easier if you’re not seeing clients.”

Snips gulped as they led him into a back room.

I have a bad feeling about this…


Snails arrived at Fluttershy’s Animal Sanctuary. It hadn’t taken Snails long to realize that his cutie mark was similar to Fluttershy's. While Fluttershy seemed able to care for all animals… Snails seemed perfectly able to care for the ‘lesser desired’ animals. Snails worked very well with snakes, bats, and other creatures that most ponies were afraid of. Given his specialized nature of his cutie mark, he was even better than Fluttershy in the care of those types of creatures, which was a shock to most ponies.

Given that Fluttershy’s Sanctuary was approved by the Crown and was given a fair amount of government funding, Snail’s paychecks were above average by the standards of a day’s wage in a town as small as Ponyville. It was one of the reasons why he had been able to afford such an expensive gift for Snips yesterday.

Fluttershy smiled gently when she saw him. “Thank you for coming so early. I’m afraid that between me teaching at and you attending the School of Friendship, that we’ve fallen quite behind on several things. This might be longer than a typical eight-hour day.”

Snails gave her an easy smile. “No worries. I have a date tonight, but it should be fine if I’m a little late. So what’s first?”

Fluttershy was too shy to ask the young stallion who his date was with and was instead focused on getting everything done so he could make it on time. The day passed by quickly. Fluttershy had eleven items on her to do list and her and Snips working together like a well-oiled machine, was able to get all eleven items completed. However… eleven hours had also passed by them.

Fluttershy was a little distraught. “Oh my goodness… I’m so sorry that it took so long. Here is your pay for a full eleven hours. And please apologize to your date for me… I wasn’t trying to hold you up…”

Snails smiled again. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. See you at school tomorrow?”

Fluttershy smiled back. “Of Course! I have a special lesson planned.”

Snails nodded as he turned to walk away. “I look forward to it, Professor.”

He walked towards the Ponyville Spa. It was closer to the Sanctuary than the Ponyville Café was, and he had to hope that Snips was still working... that it had been a busy day and that Snails being late wouldn’t overly unset him. He thought back to a few recent articles.

What to do when your partner is late to dates…

What to do when your partner won’t answer your most important questions…

How to deal with the competition…

Snails shuttered. Stallions generally had less competition for the affection of mares than mares had for the affection of stallions, so not all of the advice seemed good for his situation. Of course… it was entirely possible that the Cutie Mark Crusaders would never return their affection and they were just wasting their time. With generalized dating advice articles in particular, sometimes you had to take the good with the bad and apply only what seemed to fit your personal situation… not that he was an expert on dating himself and the advice that he was following seemed to be working. He picked up the pace, not wanting to be any later than he already was. He arrived at the spa and walked in. He spotted an employee and trotted over.

“Is Snips still here?”

The employee smiled. “He sure is… and he’s almost ready for your date.”

Snails froze. He wasn’t sure what to say so he simply repeated what he heard. “Almost ready?”

The mare smiled. “Aloe and Lotus have been working on him all day… a full make-over. They insisted because he is an employee and it’s his first date.”

Snails gulped again but didn’t have time to reply as the curtain pulled back and Snips walked out into the main lobby. Snips locked eyes with Snails as he walked closer to his date and Snails’ jaw dropped to the floor.

Snips looked like a completely different pony. His short hair was styled in a crisp Canterlot fashion that was popular amongst young military Royal Guards and his tail was styled to match.

He had a light coat of make-up on his face that covered any blemishes. The make-up was a little weird, but it gave him an almost regal adult appearance that he might one day naturally have, and it made him appear to be very mature.

His teeth had been bleached to give a stunning smile. All four hooves had been hoovicured and then painted with a clear coat polish that made them positively shine.

He looked like he had spent a few hours soaking in a hot tub… his coat was perfectly clean and brushed. He seemed to have lost a little weight as well… perhaps a few hours in a sauna? It didn’t matter… he was stunning.

Snails gulped again as Snips closed the distance and then nuzzled him. “I’m sorry if I kept you waiting…”

Snails shook his head. “I, umm, just got here. My shift at the sanctuary ran longer than it normally does. I’m sorry that I’m not as prepared for the date as you are… I didn’t realize it was so important to you…”

Snips pulled back and smiled. “One of the perks of working for a Spa, I suppose. Well, shall be off?”

Snails walked beside his best friend as they headed to the restaurant. Aloe and Lotus both gave a contented sigh as they left.

Lotus smiled at her sister. “By Celestia… I hope it helps. Those colts still don’t seem to realize that they are perfect for each other.”

Aloe sighed too. “You can lead a pony to water, but you can’t make them drink. I sent special instructions to the Ponyville Café. This date will be perfect, I swear it.”


Snips and Snails were seated immediately upon arrival, their reservation having been booked in advance, at the table with the nicest view. An appetizer of Alsatian Cheese Tarts was brought to the table without either of the stallions ordering but menus were also given so they could order the main course and dessert.

Snails seemed confused. “Did you make the reservation and order the appetizer in advance?”

Snips shook his head. “I guess Aloe or Lotus arranged that part of it. I didn’t make reservations or place any orders in advance. The café is expensive enough that it’s never packed so I didn’t think we would need a reservation. Although… this is the best table in the house so maybe that makes it special?”

Snails nodded. “Okay… I’m a little surprised that they care enough to do this for us but it’s not like we know what we’re doing so… should we look over the menu?”

Snips nodded and looked at the menu while Snails did the same. The waiter returned with a bottle of Sparkling Grape Juice and empty two glasses plus two glasses of water.

“Are you ready to order?”

Snips nodded. “I’ll have the Raviolles dauphinois with cheese and with mushrooms.”

Snails also nodded. “And I’ll have the Souffle au Comte.’

The waiter nodded and took the menus. “Excellent choices. It’ll only take a few minutes.”

The waiter walked away, and Snips poured both of them a glass of the Sparkling Grape Juice. It was like a mix of Red Wine with Champagne, but non-alcoholic. They both took a drink and laughed at how bubbly it was.

Snails took an appetizer and looked at his friend. “So… tell me about your day, dear?”

Snips blushed a little while taking an appetizer of his own. “Well. I spent most of the day getting ready for this date, but Aloe and Lotus also took the opportunity to discuss business as well.”

Snails stilled. “Are you in trouble? I know that our recent flirting practice has been affecting your work some. I’m so sorry…”

Snips cut him off. “… It’s nothing bad. They told me that of all their employees, I show the most promise. They are offering to make me the ‘Assistant Manager’ so they can consider taking a long overdue vacation. I’ll be the youngest Assistant Manager in all of Ponyville… I don’t consider Diamond Taira to be able to make that claim since hers is a family-owned business.”

Snails was once again shocked but quickly recovered and smiled. “That’s amazing! You’ve certainly earned it. I’ve seen you put in long hours and you’re the only pony at the Spa other than Aloe and Lotus themselves that I would even consider styling my mane or tail.”

Snips blushed under the praise and replied. “Thank you… tell me about your day, dear.”

Snails sighed. “We got behind on necessary work around the sanctuary. Fluttershy considers her teaching at the School of Friendship to be very important and she does take my studying very seriously as well given that I’m a student there too… but it’s starting to interfere with the proper running of the sanctuary. We had to work extra hard today to get everything caught up. She may have to hire another pony to help with the workload… at least until I graduate. She can’t risk losing funding from the Crown if it’s shown that the Sanctuary isn’t being properly maintained… and in the meantime… I may have to put in longer hours on the days we aren’t at school. I can’t risk my boss getting in trouble with the Princess. I’ll admit that I’m more tired than I normally would be and that I might be prone to over-reacting or quick to anger, which, of course I almost never am… I just got to hope that this practice date is perfect, and we go from there.”

Before Snips could reply, the main course arrived, and they both started to eat. They spoke about lighter topics while comparing and contrasting the other menu items that they looked at but didn’t order, wondering which of the main courses would appeal to the Cutie Mark Crusaders if they were asked out on a date to the Café… and the offer was accepted.

The date did go smoothly to Snips delight.

They both found themselves too full to consider a dessert and asked for the check.

The waiter shook his head. “The bill is being paid for by the Ponyville Spa. I hope that you Gentlecolts have a nice evening.”

Snips frowned while they left the table. “Aloe paid me a full day’s wages while I wasn’t working and gave me a full make-over for free… and then paid for our date? I wonder why…”

Snails didn’t answer… his gaze was fixed on the front door that they had been heading towards. Snips followed his gaze and stopped cold in his tracks.

At the front door was Sweetie Belle… and she was with Spike.
