• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Horseword maintenance and installation specialist. Mareschizo extraordinaire.


Medusa is like every other seapony. She's just a little ill, right now.

This story was written for the Thousand Words Story Contest, Horror Category. It placed somewhere. The coverart is an image by Cahan

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

Tense, gripping, and totally unique concept, especially with the inspiration. Their ocean is not so different from our own... but for those who live in the depths, the dangers of the ocean leave them much more fickle. There's plenty left to see with the concept of a kingdom that rules by hard examples, sequestered away from the more innocent and just ponies above. You can dig up a buried grave and fill it in, but you can't do anything but look at the example floating in the abyss.

A disturbing, but distinct example of what horrors might be found in the pony oceans, and a great translation to pony principles at the same time: strikingly optimistic, despite the unknown. Great work fitting this into 1000 words; I would love to see more of the concept in further detail.


Poor thing.

Delightfully distressing, and a great use of your thousand words. I like how you leave Medusa’s actual condition to the reader’s imagination. Best of luck in the contest, fellow competitor!

I can relate

She turned herself into a pickle. I don't know whether to laugh or be horrified. Well done.

This is awesome. I love how you prime the reader to assume Medusa is a monster by going into a long tangent about the dangers of the ocean and by using the name of a very dangerous creature, only for then to reveal how (just like actual mythological Medusa) is really a victim, kept alive out of pity. But what would be "just" a sad story is further elevated by the grim body horror you utilize here, I'm really impressed with how much is said with how few words.

The Horror category is already proving to be really fierce, between this and the self-aware Twiggles story I'm sure the judges are facing quite the task.

Beautifully done, I love how alien the ocean setting feels, already associated with the horrifying and ugly creatures of earths deep sea. It primes you for a big monster, only to find a victim. I feel like some inspiration from Frankenstein was taken here!

Intresting fact about Medusa. Medusa as a rape victim was added by the Roman poet Ovid to show the horrors of absolute power and how those with absolute power can destroy innocent and make the innocent into criminals. (Ovid was exiled by the Roman Emperor Augustus. And as such turned very anti-monarchist.)

In the orginial myths Medusa is just a monster with no backstory.

This is accurate and was on my mind when I titled this fic/Medusa's character.

There's certain significance in how Swift Current views Novo in the first part of the story.

Thats really amazing. Rereading this and seeing the view of Nova. I love the connection to Ovid. It's really amazing that you added that.

Fry were forbidden from swimming into the drop-off.

ah such a funny equivalent of “foal” for aquatic species

They stopped to curiously examine Swift, no doubt intrigued by the wicker basket full of smelts and seaweed that Swift was holding in her right forefin.

hehe, someseapony must’ve done some underwater basket weaving to make that

For which of them had never looked up at the hulls of passing ships, or the speckled smoke of machinery in the distance, and wondered what life was like above the waves? A warning like Medusa was necessary, after all.

so true, thus is the function of myths in a culture

In Swift's eyes, a seapony-turned-monster was still a seapony, somewhere within.

aww! what a good heart

She was just a little ill. Just a small infection. A parasite, the kind they would sometimes find on the fish they caught. A bad fish in the batch, to be discarded.

oof, those fish parasites sure do get weird! then again so do land parasites. parasites are just fucked up in general and great fodder for horror concepts

A rush of water, as a young tail fled.

And Medusa was alone.

whew, i’m glad the filly (fry) survived! and what a tragic tale, possibly with implications for just how Queen Novo kept her seaponies isolated during their time in hiding. beautifully rendered, with the feeling of myth and tragedy. love how at-home it feels in the world of Equestria, where things are wonderful and nice within the walled garden. thank you for writing!

She could feel the way it brushed against her jellyfish dress, swaying gently in the living pulse of the ocean.

Oh. That kind of medusa. That’s very clever.

Fascinating, disturbing, and heartbreaking by turns. You performed the shift from building tension into psychological and body horror exquisitely, and the story feels much larger than the word count would seem to allow. Excellent work throughout. Thank you for it and congrats on the bronze.

Thank you both for the comment, I'm glad you enjoyed.

She could feel it, the way it ebbed and flowed and came and went. Many lived within, but the ocean itself was alive, too. A body that had consumed her. Pulsing. Alive. There was her, and she knew she lived. But she was within something greater, too. A part of a whole.

Your prose is so beautiful. This story was haunting, and while I knew about the lice, the fluke were something I could have gone my whole life without learning about. So thanks for that...

This is why you never visit the surface

Hello! A slightly belated courtesy note for my review of this. Body horror, feels and a clever (and disturbing) parallel with our world. One of my favourite fics in the contest. Have a like and a favourite.

i don't want to be a fish.

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