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“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss


After her problems with time travel, Princess Twilight Sparkle hid away all information about that branch of magic. The spell that Starlight had used was destroyed, but even knowledge of it was too dangerous - no lengths were too much when trying to avoid changing the past or creating paradoxes.

Unfortunately, she underestimated just how determined her friends would be... and just how foolishly they would use it.

Featured 11/1/2022 - 11/3/2022!

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 69 )

Of course Pinkie is the start to all of this. It's the only illogical option.

Of course Rainbow Dash would use time travel for the most pettiest/competitive of reasons :rainbowlaugh:

And of course AJ's stubborness is the reason she time-travels. These all fit so well with their characters.

Now, will the CMC doom the world with it?

This might be the best use of the spell so far. And good thing you stopped the CMC. Rares won this one.

Spike deserves all the breaks

Ok, this is also a good use of the spell, if a doomed one. Some species went extinct for a reason.

An oh dear lord, things are gonna get crazy.

Ok, Discord using the spell just to fuck around with physics is just. You really put a lot of thought into how each of these creatures would use it.

And I know who Discord would consider more chaotic than him.

Oh this was surprisingly heartwarming and I loved it. It's also a great use of the spell. Well done Trix.

Hahahahahaha of course, the consequences of their actions finally catch up to them.

And now Sunny has time travel. I wonder how many hugs she's gonna give to Celestia. Or to her past self.

Oh, yeah, you've already walked that path one too many times.

This was absolutely hilarious and this is a great ending. The only person in existence that would know to not take the quick solution in life.

Awesome job as always!

Is Pinkie pulling off Bill & Ted's time travel gambit there?

Also, her lecturing to Twilight about the importance of avoiding paradoxes is hilarious. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::facehoof:

Oh no.
What are you doing Apple Bloom.

Best ponies strike again! :raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry:

It was frustrating, but Twilight knew Pinkie was right. The explanation made no sense and was paradoxical, but it was also Pinkie Pie and past experience had shown how dangerous attempting to solve her could be. So the little purple alicorn relaxed a little.

Oh yeah definitely especially with all the mishaps all because she wants to know the truth about Pinkie Pie and her Twitchy tail

Generous & Pragmatic Trixie!

"Yeah," the other Pinkie loudly agreed. "I mean, come on Twilight, that's basic temporal mechanics!"

Time traveling gives me a headache

Perfectly in character!

Now I'm thinking of the levels of trouble that would have followed if Sci-Twi had found that scroll first... :twilightoops:

Well this is a pretty interesting start of a story and of course Pinkie Pie started this whole chaotic situation about the time traveling and she even explain how she got the spell time and it looks like Rainbow Dash is going to use it as well this is going to be a very interesting one indeed

Oh wow Rainbow Dash that's what you were trying to use the time traveling thing is to give yourself a heads up about a date with Applejack trying to be the first one huh wow well then again that's probably how that is

While the two Applejacks concocted their plan (and Big Mac tried to minimize the damage,) other trouble was brewing. Because Apple Bloom had started thinking . Mostly about how useful time travel could be, and just what good the Crusaders could do with it. All she had to do was borrow that scroll for a little while…

Oh no lol

Apparently Applejack got the time scroll and she warned herself not to get too fooled about rainbow dashes plan about dating her first and something tells me Apple Bloom is getting an interesting idea which this would not go very well

Wow Rarity you travel a lot and meeting yourself in time four times that's not going to create a lot of time Ripple but then again I guess that keeps you pretty busy

That wasn't enough, however, and Spike snatched the glass away. " I'll get it. We discussed this: I came back in time so I could do all your work and you could get a day off. And in the future, once you get the scroll, you'll do the same for your past self."

Is that how that works but then again I'm sure Spike wants a break

Spike nodded. "She did. She said it was only fair after everything I've done to make sure I got a turn, too." His cheeks flushed at the memory of her fluttering eyelashes and divine smile. "She even suggested I use it for this. 'You work so hard, Spikey-wikey,' she said."

Awww that was nice Rarity to do that for Spike

"I thought about that," Spike admitted as he leafed through Twilight's (spare) day planner to check her upcoming schedule. "And we will. But it isn't like this is going to cause any problems. We're only interacting with ourselves, we aren't leaving the castle, and we aren't doing anything weird. So what's the harm?"

... yeah about that

So apparently Rarity gave it to spike and he used the spell time to give Spike a break and probably will cause a time repeat but at least Spike will take a break while the other one do the work I guess that's fair and I guess Fluttershy is next

Howdy, hi~!

My goodness, such shenanigans. This was dumb and I loved it. The comedy was on point and everyone's turn with scroll felt very them. wild ride from start to finish, thanks for the story!

"He was," Twilight admitted, "But it was such a nice day out I thought I could get some fresh air and–" She paused as a portly flightless bird waddled past behind Fluttershy. It took a second to identify the relevant parts of the taxonomy - though the peculiar hooked beak and long, curved neck were kind of a give-away - before the alicorn's attention went back to the pegasus. "Is that a dodo in your house?"

Is that what you're doing Fluttershy save the extinct animals

Twilight did not. In fact, she was downright unamused. "You brought back the dinosaurs ."

This is so like Jurassic Park

So it looks like Twilight went to Fluttershy's house to give her a book but instead she saw a couple of animals which apparently supposed to be gone for a long time even the dinosaurs wow Fluttershy and I wonder who got the time spell

Well then apparently Discord really is trying to mess with laws of physics and even the time paradox and apparently he wanted to give it to somebody who can actually do a little bit more chaotic

Oh wow Trixie that was pretty nice of you to give yourself a winning money especially sharing with Starlight but the thing is where did you get the lottery ticket from

And apparently everything kind of went out of control and starlight has to fix the problem or else it I guess that's what happens when you're playing with time traveling

Good job sunset do not attempt to do it it's not going to be pretty well I got to say this was a pretty interesting story about messing with time traveling and it was pretty funny keep up the good work

Leave it to Fluttershy to use time travel to bring back extinct animals lol

You mean well, Fluttershy, but don't play God, it never works out for anyone.

Leave it to Sunset to solve it the easy way. BURN the scroll! Ha! Problems solved.

Good call Sunset.

This was well written, each of the characters' motives fit them perfectly.

Trixie got a little greedy.

this is why you stick to a closed loop victory machine, you can only ever send back info from the moment you turned it on, and your future self can be a manipulative prick so you don't trust it

Oddly enough, Bootstrap Paradoxes are perfectly allowable in CTCs. You're not as wacky as you think, Discord! :rainbowlaugh:

Causality loop isn't technically a paradox, it's "you've already changed the past" which is how Starswirl's spell worked. Not Starlight's.

Sunset, Sunset, Sunset. Do you really think that the human Pinkie Pie didn't come across it in the two hours it was sitting unattended?

Very funny reveal in the penultimate chapter -- of course those would be the consequences of every character using it.

“Rainbow Dash and Applejack started dating shortly after they were born”

I mean that's what I was thinking when starlight was like just throw it in a portal.shakes head


Except Spike. His day off worked out fine and hurt nothing.

Because he is the hidden Element of Sensible Thinking.

AAAAaaaanddd Sunset proves herslef to be BEST PONY EVER!!!! :trixieshiftleft::derpytongue2:

Leave it to Sunset and Spike to be two of the smarter ones. Although I don't blame Trixie for using the time spell to win a lottery. I probably would have:rainbowlaugh:

“Time repeat”
Its “time loop” but okay.

If You Give A Pony A Time Spell

They're gonna want a glass of milk.

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