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Last Crusade

*Nyx's POV*

I call out "Hey Scoots!"

Scootaloo asks "Yeah?"

Rusty spoke "I got a letter for you and it's from your parents!"

Scootaloo excitedly asks "REALLY?!"

Rusty spoke "Yeah!"

Deep down, I knew this would cause problems but I kept quiet about it.

Rusty spoke "I just realized something! They don't know that you have a boyfriend though!"

Scootaloo froze at that.

Myuri spoke "He's got a point Scoots."

Lance spoke "Least I had it easier."

I spoke "I'm sure they'll understand. Plus I bet they'd be surprised to see you flying for real too!"

Scootaloo excitedly spoke "I KNOW!"

Tail wagging, Myuri spoke "Cutie Mark Crusaders forever!"

Rest of us spoke “Cutie Mark Crusaders forever!”

Danyelle spoke "Hey kids."

I spoke "Hey mom."

Rusty asks "What do your parents do Scoots?"

But Scootaloo didn’t hear the question since she was still so excited for her parents.

I spoke "Scootaloo!"

Scootaloo asks "Huh?"

I spoke "Rusty asked you a question about the job your parents have."

Scootaloo giggled. “Well, that’s how I got my daring and can-do attitude like Rainbow Dash!”

Applebloom spoke "Ah heard from Birchtooth that they wrangle the most dangerous creatures though."

Scootaloo giggled at that again. “Hehehehe! You’re not wrong about that.”

Myuri's ears twitch suddenly before growling as a Cragadile barges in, scaring most of the students.

Myuri growls louder than the Cragadile, making it more docile.

An earth stallion spoke "Crikey! Now that was impressive!"

I spoke "Myuri's as fierce as her mom though. Oh, I'm Nyx Hikari."

Snap spoke "G’day there, name’s Snap Shutter, and I see you met my daring little daughter."

I spoke "I've known Scootaloo since I moved here with my adopted mom."

Myuri spoke "Ah'm Myuri."

The rest of Scootaloo's friends introduce themselves.

Rusty spoke "And I'm Rusty Prower, Scootaloo's boyfriend."

Snap asks "…Beggin’ ya pardon?"

Scootaloo spoke "It's true dad."

A Pegasus mare spoke "Well that is certainly a surprise."

Scootaloo spoke "Mom!"

Rusty spoke "That's not the only surprise, show em Scoots."

Scootaloo unfurls her wings before flapping them to take flight.

Needless to say, Snap and Mane were surprised before smiling.

Iris was talking with Asriel.

Scootaloo spoke "Nyx's mom has done a lot of crazy things though. From discovering new species to freeing an entire nation of monsters that were trapped underground. Plus her older adopted brother is the grandson of Princess Luna!"

The two became speechless at that.

Asriel spoke "It's all true and if Danyelle hadn't turned me back to my true self, I would have been stuck as a flower forever... She saved me..."

Scootaloo asks "Mom? Dad?"

Rusty spoke "I think they’re probably broken."

A balloon had been popped behind the two, scaring them.

Scootaloo spoke "This is a first."

Danyelle asks "How so squirt?"

Scootaloo spoke "I’ve never seen mom and dad like that."

Danyelle spoke "But the way your dad talks reminds me of someone...."

Scootaloo spoke "Yeah. I think my dad said he was from Austallia."

Holo soon arrived after taking her pony form.

Holo asks "Excuse me but are Scootaloo's parents here?"

Scootaloo spoke "Uh-huh."

Holo spoke "I found two bodies in the forest... Both are mares..."

Mane gasps "Wait… Don’t tell me…!"

Holo spoke "I rushed them to the hospital right after I found them though. Redheart, Gingerheart and Cloudbreeze are tending to their injuries right now."

Scootaloo and her parents sighed in relief.

Myuri spoke "Good thing my mom patrols the Everfree Forest, she doesn't want anyone gettin hurt."

Danyelle's Suicune popped out of its ball.

Sui chuffs.

Danyelle asks "Something wrong?"

I spoke "I think it senses something."

Danyelle asks "What is it, Sui?"

I glance outside.

I spoke "Uh mom, there's a Ho-oh outside...."

Danyelle asks "Wait… what?"

Lance spoke "I heard a rumor that whoever sees a Ho-oh is said to have a long lifespan...."

Danyelle spoke "If it’s heading to Canterlot, it’s gotta be important."

Irene yowls "MOM!!!!"

Danyelle zooms off.

I ask "Scootaloo, you okay?"

Scootaloo spoke "Yeah."

But then we saw a portal open up as we saw a faun fall out of it with some kind of spirit following her.

Guinevere asks "You okay miss?"

The faun asks "Y-Yeah. I think so. Wait… what happened to me? How did I turn into a faun?"

I spoke "I don't know what caused you to turn into a faun..."

The faun asks "Wait… Where are we, Wendigo?"

Wendigo spoke "I have no idea, Emily."

Ragnir asks "Emily, That you?"

We saw that Ragnir and Drake arrived.

Emily spoke "Ragnir!"

The faun ran over and hugged the dragon, as Ragnir hugged back.

A loud boom was heard since Sonic was racing Rainbow through the sky.

Sonic laughs "EAT MY DUST SKITTLES!!!"

Rainbow Dash was really neck-and-neck with Sonic.

Rainbow Dash laughed back, “IN YOUR DREAMS BLUEBERRY!”

Since he was half alicorn, his speed had tripled.

Sonic spoke "LATER SLOWPOKE!!!"

Sonic flew off faster than ever!

But then somehow, Rainbow Dash started flying as fast as Sonic!

Lance spoke "GO DAD!!!!"

Bold and Azure spoke "GO MAMA!!!"

Both speedsters push themselves to the limit.

The two caused a huge sonic windboom/rainboom combo, before a sword made of fire fell from the sky and pierce the ground, causing no damage to any of the environment.

The resulting explosion could be seen all the way to Wonderbolt Academy.

Fleetfoot spoke "Holy hayseeds.... SPITFIRE!!!! I think we've got another potential member!"

Spitfire spoke "On it! Keicho!"

Keicho spoke "Of course!"

Fleetfoot spoke "You're not gonna believe it but it's that hedgehog-alicorn hybrid!"

Meanwhile, we were eyeing the flaming weapon.

I ask "What is it?"

Spitfire: What?! Really?!

Scootaloo carefully approached it. “I-I don’t know.”

Soarin spoke "I heard from Thunderlane that the Blue Blur is Princess Luna's grandson!"

Lance approached the weapon before pulling it out of the ground.

Spitfire shouts "WHAT?!"

The weapon in Lance’s hands transformed into a rocket lance and a pair of battle boots as the young hedgecat grabbed both.

Soarin spoke "It's true."

Lance spoke "Woah...."

Keicho spoke "I’ll admit, I did not expect that."

A stranger spoke "Well well, this is quite a surprise."

We looked behind and saw an old stallion alicorn with an eyepatch and a spear.

Soarin spoke "Every noble in Canterlot had freaked out about it when Lightning Flash returned."

Rusty asks "Who are you?"

Spitfire giggled at that.

Emily and Ragnir noticed the stallion. “Odin?”

Soarin spoke "But the funny thing is... Even though Princess Luna's a waterbender, her son's a firebender yet Sonic's an airbender...."

Jet asks "You know this guy?"

Spitfire spoke "Must be because of their personalities and abilities."

Ragnir spoke "Of course. He’s the one who invited us to the Brawlhalla Tournament."

Soarin spoke "I heard that Lightning Flash and Light Breeze are next in line for the throne though."

Jet spoke "Okay....."

Spitfire spoke "Oh."

Odin spoke "And it seems that young Lance has the potential to join the Brawlhalla tournament as well. But the choice is still his."

Soarin spoke "Yeah."

Lance spoke "And break up the Crusaders? Not a chance! And I know that Scootaloo feels the same way."

Spitfire spoke "Well, should we get going?"

Scootaloo spoke "Yeah!"

Odin gave a gentle smile and nodded. “You choose your own values and friends instead of a chance to battle. I respect your decision. But since you have proven yourself worthy, that rocket lance and those battle boots shall remain yours.”

Soarin spoke "No need to, Rainbow's here and so is Prince Sonic."

Sonic laughs "Oh man... I may not have had my wings long but I've never pushed my muscles that hard before..."

I spoke "Lance is extremely loyal to his friends though."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Yeah… Me neither… But that… felt… AWESOME!!!"

Odin: That is why I’m allowing Lance to keep his new weapons as a gift for always being there for his friends and loved ones. So Lance doesn’t have to join the tournament.

Sonic spoke "I'm still faster than you though Skittles!"

Bold was on Lance's head.

Lance spoke "Thank you sir."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh yeah? I’d like to see you try me, Blueberry!"

The two speedsters glared at each other, before falling onto their backs in laughter.

Odin spoke "You’re welcome, young Lance. *Starting to leave* And remember, you might find more fighters visiting here, even those from other worlds or time periods."

Odin then left with a teleport spell.

Sonic spoke "Just don't call me a rat though... It's kind of my berserk button..."

Bold spoke "That was different...."

Rainbow Dash spoke "And don’t call me a horse… It’s kinda my berserk button too…"

Lance chuckles "But at least I can help protect all of you, especially Apple Bloom."

Soarin spoke "That's more of a shared trigger that all ponies have..."

Applebloom blushed, just as a pair of wings the same color as her body popped out.

Sonic spoke "Heh, same with being called a rat being a shared trigger with all hedgehog Mobians."

That left us surprised.

Rainbow spoke "Shadow tends to scare me at times.... I think his other trigger is "emohog"....*shudder*"

Applebloom asks "What're y'all lookin at?"

Sonic spoke "Don’t really blame you. But Lightning Dust can get scary since I think her other trigger word is “Nothing Dust.” *shudder*"

Lance, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo spoke "Your back! It has wings!"

Shadow pops up before kicking Sonic in the rear, punting the royal hedgehog through a wall.

Applebloom gasps "B-but how?!? Mah parents are both earth ponies!"

Applebloom gallops off while screaming Applejack's name.

Korra spoke "Hey Applejack."

Applejack spoke "Howdy, Korra."

Korra spoke "I think something's wrong with Applebloom."

As if on cue, a Pegasus filly that looked exactly like Applebloom shows up.

Applejack asks "What in the?! Since when did you have wings?!"

Applebloom spoke "Ah don' know!"

Holo spoke "Pear Butter!"

Pear Butter asks "Yeah?"

Holo spoke "Somethin's off about Applebloom... She's got wings...."

Pear Butter spoke "Oh dear…!"

Holo spoke "Plus Lofty and Holiday got attacked by a timber wolf earlier but I saved them."

I noticed some sand on the ground, but I shrugged it off.

Lance spoke "I don't think that's part of Iggy's stand...."

“It’s probably nothing.” I assured before dust devils blew in!

Myuri snarls "DUST DEVILS!!!"

Twilight had fired a roar at the dust devils, knocking them away.

Despite being a firebender, Danyelle flapped her wings hard thus kicking up a tornado to blow the dust devils away.

But when they faded, we were shocked, because we saw an Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Twilight, and they looked like they were going through a war, while the rainbow-maned Pegasus had a prosthetic left wing.

Danyelle spoke "I think these six are from a different timeline... One where Radiant doesn't exist..."

A large stallion spoke "So this is where the hidden realm is."

We saw a giant stallion, bigger than Big Mac, but his eyes glowed blue and had no mane.

Danyelle hisses "WHO ARE YOU?"

Blaze was on Millie's back as the immortal Beast-lord kicked up a giant tornado, removing the rest of the dust devils.

There were a Mane 6 in tribal markings, and a mane 6 in black armor as Ragnir attacked with his katars, cutting off the stallion’s head, before his body fell down.

Danyelle spoke "Okay... we've got the Sombra timeline, Evil Chrysalis timeline and Nightmare timeline... Along with the Prime zone, R63 zone, taur zone, tech zone.... and various others too."

But then the stallion’s head turned to sand as it went to the top of the neck, reforming and reconnecting the head without injury. “As I was about to answer, I am Geras, a fixed point in time. *Cracking neck* And with every death and rebirth, I grow stronger."

Twilight and Danyelle roar loud, calling in all of the Smashers.

Maria spoke "You don't belong here!"

Geras scoffs "Hmph. I’ve already seen what I needed to see. I’m no longer needed here."

Geras walked away before turning to sand and disappeared.

Danyelle groans "It's just as I feared.... No world or timeline is safe as long as SHE'S on the loose..."

*Danyelle’s POV*

But then everything in time froze around me as Kronika showed herself amongst a sandstorm.

Kronika taunts "Oh Danyelle. How many times have I heard you say that?"

I snarl "SHUT THE HELL UP!!"

My Fenrir mother leapt out of my shadow before snarling.

Kronika spoke "Do you realize how many timelines we had this conversation? Raiden has disrupted the balance of time. So there will be no Raiden in the New Era. But you have also disrupted the balance of history, so there will be no you, no Danyelle in the New Era."

Tina growls "You idiot! Without Danyelle, there's no Mobian Guard! Plus the Divine One won't exist either!"

Kronika laughs "Precisely. You certainly are clever, Tina. But I wonder, how will your daughter fare in the final battle, without you?"

Sand swirled around mom before she disappeared!

I snarl “Where did you take my mother?!”

Kronika spoke "She is alive for the time being. Let us see how destiny plays."

Kronika disappeared as time flowed normal again with the sandstorm gone.

I growl "That IDIOT!! She knows that I don't fight alone!"

Hearing my resolve, Dialga and Palkia arrive to aid me in my upcoming fight.

The rest of the Legendary Pokémon I had befriended or rescued arrive to help me out.

Enkai chuffs.

Arceus spoke "We will help you Danyelle, you helped all of us so it's time we repaid the favor."

Latias nuzzles me.

The temporal counterparts started waking up.

I ask "Are the lot of you okay?"

NM Rainbow Dash snaps "Who are you?! Where’s her majesty?!"

C Rainbow Dash asks "Wait… I’m alive? But how?"

S Rainbow Dash spoke "At least you two have both of your wings."

I growl in an alpha tone, making the three of alternate Rainbows shut up.

I spoke "I may not know what it going on but many worlds and timelines are in danger because of one person."

Tina managed to escape via shadow movement and make her way back to me.

Tina spoke "I’m glad that Kronika took me, because I now know where her keep is."

I hug my mom while crying.

I cry "I was so afraid...."

Tina spoke "But Liu Kang was there too. We gotta join Raiden and the others so that we can defeat Kronika together."

Silver soon arrived with four mares and a stallion.

Silver spoke "I brought backup just in case though."

The earth mare "spoke Wow! I can believe I’m gonna meet THE Mane 6! Ooh! I’m so excited!"

I spoke "Let me guess... Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Hitch Trailblazer and the sisters, Pipp Petals and Zipp Storm."

Izzy gasped. “How did you know?! Are you psychic?!”

Sunny sighs "No Izzy, it’s Danyelle’s dimensional scream."

Fu then appeared. “Hi everyone!”

I spoke "I will not lie to you any longer! Equestria... No, every world and timeline is in grave danger. But when I look at you all, I don't just see subjects. I see friends, family... Strong, brave individuals who have stood by each other's side and have never, ever backed down from a fight! Today, we face a danger like none before! As one of your royals, your friend and as a sister in arms. I ask you to fight one more time! For our freedom!"

Dialga, Palkia, Giratina and the dragon students all roar loud.

Myuri and Holo howl loud, setting off the other wolves.

Twilight roars loud.

A portal opened, revealing an anthro Starlight Glimmer and an anthro Trixie Lulamoon.

Starlight Glimmour spoke "I think we can help."

I ask "How?"

Rainbow Falcon spoke "Us too."

Rainbow Falcon, Flutterzoe, Appletank, Sunbold Shimmer, Vera Pinkie and Moondancer showed up as well.

Glimmour spoke "Rior Ladnah!"

Lulaluna spoke "Vrelp Lonshin!"

The two anthros spun and posed as their mane grew out and made portals, with a giant clock tower coming out of Glimmour’s and two dragon-like bats out of Lulaluna’s.

To my amusement, the ENTIRE Looney Tunes cast and Tiny Toons cast showed up.

Bugs spoke "We all heard the call so we came running to help youse guys and gals out."

”That’s great.” I said with a smile.

Appletank spoke "Bagie Yorb!"

Moondancer spoke "Avavago!"

Appletank and Moondancer spun and posed as their mane grew out and created portals, summoning a giant dog demon out of Appletank’s and Gomorrah out of Moondancer’s.

Clarity, Ifrit and their two sons howl.

But then a whirlwind appeared before disappearing, revealing an alicorn stallion. “I can help transport you all to her keep.”

Tina asks "Fujin?"

I spoke "This fight is between her and I though."

Fujin spoke "Then we must hurry. You go straight to Kronika and Shang Tsung. The others and I will help our allies fight her army."

I ask "Shang Tsung?"

Fujin spoke "Quickly, before he defeats her."

Wind surrounded us as we found ourselves in our forms for the human world surrounded by a red sea.

All of the Pokemon I had befriended, rescued or caught were with me for battle.

I yowl loud, getting Kronika's attention.

I growl "KRONIKA!!!! THIS ENDS NOW!!!"

To be continued