• Published 2nd Nov 2022
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Book 1: adventures in Senior Year - GRYFFINDOR123456

Sunset is pregnant with Flash’s twins(my OCs Dawn and Eclipse. But unfortunately Sunset also encounters a villain who wants to kill her. With help from https://www.fimfiction.net/user/508212/HelloPussy

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Option B

“PHYSICS!” I shouted enthusiastically. I swept up my bag in one swoop. Sunset grinned, as she picked up her bag and then kissed Flash on the cheek. “See you after school in the band room,” she whispered.

I dragged Sunset to Advanced Physics. “Easy, Twi,” she said. “I feel a little queasy.”

I dragged her to her seat, her hair looking like it has been dragged through a hedge backwards. She dumped her bag on the chair, hurrying to the bathroom to fix her hair. She came back, neat and tidy, ready for learning.

Micro Chips slipped in, sitting next to me.

Mr Doodle swept in, shutting the door with a bang. Sunset jumped, before rubbing her left hand against her stomach.

I smiled. “Today we will be talking about the conservation of energy. What is the most important rule?” asked Mr Doodle.
My hand shot up. “Shimmer!” snapped Mr Doodle. “Were you even listening?”
“Sorry sir,” replied Sunset meekly.
“Shimmer, what is the answer?” He asked impatiently.
“Um… Energy cannot be created or destroyed? It can only be transferred, dissipated or…” she groaned. “Sir, I feel like l am going to be sick. Can I go to the bathroom please?”
“No,” he replied.
Sunset’s face was as white as a sheet.
“Sunset, are you sure you’re okay?” asked Micro Chips. “ Did you eat today?”

Sunset shook her head. “I don’t want to damage the baby.” she said.

Sunset then threw up. “Go out of the room,” he said.
“Sir, she’s pregnant,” I said.

Sunset looked up at Mr Doodle angrily. “Look, sir. I’m having a baby and I’m not at my strongest. Didn’t Nurse Redheart tell you?”

“Get out of my classroom,” he snapped.
Sunset stood up unsteadily. She grabbed her bag and walked out of the room.

I heard the wall shake, as her head hit it.
I went out; she had knocked herself out.

Blood oozed from the top of her head. Her eyes were closed. I knelt down next to her, moving her away from wall.

Flash came down the corridor with the rest of his Geography class.
He knelt down next to Sunset and I. “What happened?” he asked.
“Mr Doodle sent her out for being pregnant and she was so unstable that she must have banged her head on the wall.”
Flash looked up. “I think we need to get her to Nurse Redheart,” he said.

Author's Note:

Next chapter: Coma