• Published 15th Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 22: The Generations Saga (Part 2): A Tale of Two Sonics

Episode 22: The Generations Saga (Part 2):

A Tale of Two Sonics

In what looks like a chemical plant, Applejack, Smolder, Apple Bloom, Sally, Amy, and Spike were running through the place, trying to get through the toxic smell.

"Whew!" Smolder said. "This place stinks!"

"Literally," Sally said.

"Ah agree with ya both," Applejack said, blowing the smell away with her hat. "Ah'm never gonna get the smell outta my nose."

"Me, too, sis," Apple Bloom said.

"Hopefully we'll get outta here soon," Spike said.

Sally was holding out her Nicole handheld device and said, "I still can't get any connection with Nicole. C'mon, Nicole. Answer me."

"Perhaps we need ta find Alex or Tails," Applejack said. "Maybe they'll get Nicole up n' runnin'."

"Most likely," Sally said. "But we need to get out of here first."

"Yeah," Amy said. "Anyone seen the exit?" Just then, she was grabbed by something quickly, and she screamed.

"What was that?!" Smolder asked.

"I think that was Metal Sonic!" Spike said. Just then, a blue blur passed them. "Hey, was that?"

"It was," Sally said. "Go, Sonic!"

Focusing on the blue blur, it was actually Classic Sonic in pursuit of Metal Sonic.

In the white void, Twilight was carrying Nyx, whose brain was still fried from learning that MC is her father. Midpoint was carrying MC, who was still passed out, on his back while Mutt was carrying Midpoint's quiver and bow, that way Midpoint could carry MC more easily. Sonic, Sonia, Manic and the other rescued from the rift spaces were following them.

"C'mon, Nyx," Twilight said. "Wake up."

"Hang on," Manic said, reaching into his fanny pack. "I think I've got some smelling salts in here." Manic then pulled out a bottle of smelling salts. He opened it up and held the bottle near Nyx's nose. The smelling salts took its effect and Nyx coughed.

"Wha... what happened?" Nyx asked.

"You passed out when you found out that Michael could be your father," Rarity said.

"What?!" Nyx asked, jumping out of Twilight's arms and flying. "I'm... MC's daughter?"

"By that logic, Nyx is the heir to the throne of the Crayton Kingdom," Tails said.

"But with no kingdom, MC'll have to marry into an eligible kingdom," Pipp said. "I don't know if he's my type."

"Wait," Sunny said. "Back in the time Pipp, Hitch, Zipp, Izzy and I came from, MC told me and Izzy personally that he had to take care of all of Equestria when the Flames of Disaster killed Twilight. Spike was helping him as much as he could. But then... all of a sudden..."

"Everypony in Equestria started fighting with one another," Twilight said. "Causing MC to make things with the Unity Crystals."

"And the Castle of Friendship to break apart while he was standing at the very top of it," Rarity said as MC started getting off of Midpoint's back.

"But someone had to be spreading those rumors," MC said. "Someone who wanted to be ultra powerful."

"But how would that pony be all powerful?" Pipp asked.

"I can think of one thing," Midpoint said. Everyone looked at the otter. "Cozy told me when Discord had busted her and Tirek out of Tartarus. She said that she sent her, Tirek and Chrysalis to a mountain to get the Bewitching Bell. Grogar's Bell."

"Oh, boy," Twilight said. "That's a lot of powerful magic in that bell. That would be bad for a power hungry creature to have and try to take over Equestria."

"Hey, guys!" Sonic said, pointing off somewhere. "Look!" Sonic pointed at another area with an open rift. "Some of our friends could be there as well." Then they started running towards the area.

Back at the Chemical Plant, Classic Sonic jumped on Metal Sonic's head, causing him to drop Amy, her screaming all the way down. Luckily, Applejack caught her.

"Gotcha, sugarcube," Applejack said.

"Thanks, Applejack," Amy said. Then they saw Metal Sonic, heading towards a tower, and it collided with it, causing a major explosion. "Alright, Sonic!" They saw Classic Sonic running off somewhere. "Hey! Where's he going?!"

"Ah don't know, but we should follow him," Applejack said. Then she, Amy and the others started following Classic Sonic.

Outside of the area, Classic Sonic left the rift as the present Sonic and the others arrived there. MC stopped and sniffed around.

"That's odd," MC said.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"I've got Sonic's scent coming from the rift, but that's impossible," MC said.

"Yeah, bro," Manic said. "That is impossible, 'cause our bro has been with us the entire time."

"Hey, look!" Tails said, pointing in the rift. They looked and saw Spike, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Sally, Amy and Smolder heading for the rift. The rift started closing. "The rift's closing!" Twilight used her magic to hold it open while MC and Midpoint held it open by the sides of the rift with their hands. Then the six in the rift jumped through and the three let go of the rift and it sealed shut and vanished.

"Smolder!" Ocellus said, running up to the dragoness. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Ocellus," Smolder said. "But, whew! That place stunk!"

"What is going on?" Gallus said.

"I hope I'm wrong, but this place seems to be some kind of... limbo," Midpoint said.

"Limbo?" Twilight asked. "You mean the place where time is meaningless and we could be stuck here for years?"

"I don't know," Midpoint replied. "We don't even know if time is passing outside of this void or not. I don't even know because my ability to look into the future isn't working."

"Well, wherever we are, we should..." Sonic said before noticing something in Amy's quills. "Amy, is that...?"

"Huh?" Amy asked. Sonic then reached for what Amy had and he pulled something out.

"A Chaos Emerald!" Tails said. "They are here!"

"If we gather all seven Chaos Emeralds..." MC said.

"We can use them to take on that thing that brought us here and go home," Twilight said. "C'mon. Let's get the Chaos Emeralds and go home!" Then they all headed off somewhere, heading for another part of the white space they were in.

Knuckles was waking up. He looked around and saw that he was at some place familiar. He was at his home, Angel Island.

"Angel Island?" Knuckles asked. "I'm... home?" He then heard some groaning. He looked over and saw Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle, Yona, Truemen, and Maddie there with him. "Are you all alright?" He ran over to help Maddie up.

"Oh, we're okay," Fluttershy said. She then looked around. "Where are we?"

"Angel Island," Knuckles said, helping up the pegasus. "This is my home."

"This is where you live?" Maddie asked, looking around. "All by yourself?"

"Angel Island had a lot more residents here," Knuckles said. "That was until a great battle came in unexpectedly. All the other echidnas in my tribe went into battle. I wanted to join in the battle. My father stopped me from joining the fight. He said my moment to honor our tribe would come, but it was not this moment. Those were the last words he spoke to me. I never saw him again."

"That's so sad," Sweetie Belle said, tears coming out of the corners of her eyes.

"It was," Knuckles said, patting Sweetie Belle's head. "But right now isn't the time for tears. Now's the time to get out of here and back to where we came from. Something isn't right." Just then, a bunch of robots came in and surrounded the group.

"Whoa!" Truemen said. "Eggman robots."

"To battle, Bear," Knuckles said. Then Knuckles and Truemen went towards the robots.

"Yona want in on battle, too!" Yona said, charging in. She then rammed a robot, which did a chain reaction, making each bump into another robot and exploding, each doing the same as the first one. "Yona did not mean to do that!"

"She just took away our fun," Truemen said.

"Guess yaks are mightier than the echidnas," Knuckles said. "With their brute force."

"Yona mighty! Yona mighty!" Yona said, jumping up and down, causing the ground to shake, making the others fall down to the ground.

"Which might also be a problem with how excitable they get," Truemen said, making Knuckles nod.

"C'mon," Knuckles said. "Let us get going." Then they headed towards another part of Angel Island.

Back with the others, the group were walking somewhere in the white space. Spike, Nyx, Joshua, Mutt and Apple Bloom were talking with each other.

"Seriously?" Spike asked. "It was MC who fired the blast and got Princess Celestia and her guards to go to that space where they held Twilight the night before Nyx became a full pony?"

"Yeah," Mutt said. "Which was awesome!"

"Boy, this place sure is weird on time," Apple Bloom said.

"I'm still a little freaked out," Nyx said. "Especially the part where MC could be my dad."

"Hey guys," Sonia said. "Look!" The entire group looked at where Sonia was pointing. They saw a rift that led to Angel Island.

"Angel Island," Sonic said.

"No doubt Knuckles is somewhere in there," MC said, making the others nod.

Back within the rift, Knuckles was leading his group through Angel Island, which was starting to fall apart for some reason.

"This shouldn't be happening!" Knuckles said. "Angel Island isn't supposed to be crumbling!"

"Hey, look!" Yona said, pointing off somewhere. It was an open rift.

"That must be the way out," Maddie said. "Let's move it." Then they started running towards the rift. They soon came close to the rift, but they had to cross a narrow bridge. Only one creature could cross at a time. "Alright, this bridge can only hold one of us at a time. Sweetie Belle, you go first."

"I'll be above you," Fluttershy said, comforting a scared Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle then started crossing. Eventually, she made it across.

"Alright, Yona," Maddie said. "Since you're heavier than us, you'll be going after me." Yona nodded. Maddie then started crossing. She eventually made it across. Then Yona started going, but when she was halfway there, the bridge started crumbling. She then started running. Eventually, she made it across.

"Oh no!" Sweetie Belle said. "Knuckles and Truemen are stuck!"

"Not exactly!" Truemen said, wrapping his left arm around Knuckles's waist. He and Knuckles jumped off their side of where the bridge once stood. Truemen then reached his metal arm downward and his palm gave off a bright orange aura, causing him to hover over the gap. He was straining to keep Knuckles from falling. "You're... really heavy!"

"That's because I am one million percent muscle!" Knuckles said. "Faster, bear!" Eventually, the two made it to the other side, meeting up with the others.

"Are you guys alright?" Maddie asked.

"We are fine," Knuckles said. "Let's go!" Knuckles then pointed towards the rift, which was starting to close. "It's closing!"

As they were getting closer, the rift was getting smaller. But then, something was holding it open. Eventually, they made it through in this order: Sweetie Belle, Fluttershy, Yona, Maddie, Truemen and Knuckles. They all looked and saw MC and Midpoint where the rift was.

"You guys okay?" MC asked.

"Well, the bear and I almost fell to our deaths, so, we're good," Knuckles said.

"Good," Sonic said.

"Now, we have to find the rest of our friends, and the Chaos Emeralds, and get out of this place," Twilight said.

"Hey, guys," MC said. "What's that?" MC pointed off somewhere.

"Some kind of gate," Midpoint said. "You think it's safe to explore?"

"We won't know that," Twilight said.

"Guys!" Tails said, making the others look over at him. He was holding the Chaos Emerald, which was glowing brighter. "The Chaos Emerald is reacting! I think there's another Emerald in there!"

"Alright, I'm going in," Sonic said, walking towards the gate.

"Sonic, are you sure?" Twilight asked.

"I've been fighting strange things for a long time," Sonic responded. "I've got this." He then started walking inside.

"He's gonna get killed," Knuckles said.

"Seriously, we need to work on your pep talks, Knuckles," MC said.

Tails chuckled and said, "Yeah."

Sonic was walking down a hall. One side was a wall of mirrors, only it wasn't. Sonic was checking his reflection, which wasn't really a reflection, it was actually Classic Sonic on the other side of blurry glass.

The two then looked at each other. They checked each other's teeth, then they patted their bellies, and then they brushed their quills. Then someone else's voice caught their attention.

"Take a good look at yourself, Sonic!"

"Doctor Eggman?!" Sonic asked, looking at the door at the end of the hall, seeing a large stone door.

"It's the last look you'll get before I close your eyes forever!" came Eggman's voice before laughing. Just then, Classic Sonic ran towards the door, making Sonic look at him in shock.

"Another Sonic?! What?!" Sonic asked. He then saw Classic Sonic about to jump towards the door. "Wait a second!" He then pursued Classic Sonic as it jumped through the doorway, as the stone door was closing. Sonic was too late to get through the doorway as it finished closing. Sonic had no idea what was going on, so he headed back to the gate, where his friends were.

"What happened?" Amy asked.

"I don't know how it happened... but there's... another me," Sonic said.

"What?" Manic asked. "C'mon."

"This isn't funny, Sonic," Sonia said. "Tell the truth."

"He is," MC said. Everyone there looked towards the royal fox. "I can literally smell lies. Plus I didn't need his smell to know that he's lying. Look." He then pointed towards the gate. Everyone looked towards the gate and saw Classic Tails, looking at Tails.

"Whoa!" Tails and Classic Tails said in unison.

Back where Classic Sonic was, he was somehow in the Death Egg. He was about to run off and into an elevator shaft, but he stopped in time. Just then, a giant robot came up on an elevator, in front of Classic Sonic.

The Death Egg Robot then tried jumping on Classic Sonic, but Classic Sonic sped out of the way as the elevator started rising, taking the two with them. Classic Sonic then aimed a spin attack on the Death Egg Robot's butt, knocking it over. They reached the top of the shaft, where there stood a bunch of platforms. Classic Sonic was jumping onto a platform as the Death Egg Robot was about to attack. Luckily, there were bombs placed on each platform, and the Death Egg Robot hit it, stunning it. Classic Sonic spun on the arm and he jumped and bashed the Death Egg Robot's head, making a chain reaction, making it self-destruct.

Eventually, the Death Egg Robot broke into pieces. Eggman's voice was coming from the robot scraps. He was groaning and coughing. Classic Sonic shrugged his shoulder and ran over to the scraps, but the creature from earlier came in. Then a black and dark purple sphere came from the scraps and Eggman called out, "What?! No! No! Sonic! Save me!" Then the creature opened a rift and went through it. It then closed after passing through.

Classic Sonic then left the gate, meeting up with Classic Tails, and all the others who were rescued.

"I can't believe there's two of me," Sonic said, putting his hands on his hips.

"I think I've figured it out," Classic Tails said.

"Yeah, me too," Tails said.

"That makes three of us," Twilight said.

"Doubles of us..." Classic Tails said.

"Places and enemies from our past..." Tails said.

"Which is a clear sign that we're travelling through time and space," Twilight said.

"Therefore, we are in the Nexus of All Realities," Midpoint said. "It's a part of the Multiverse Effect."

"But the real question is... how did this happen?" MC asked.

"I think it has something to do with that big 'thing' that just kidnapped Eggman," Tails said.

"It sounds like the same thing that kidnapped your friends," Classic Tails said. "I mean, our friends. You know what I mean."

"Time is really tricky here," Midpoint said. "Basically, we need to find someone who's an expert on this place. But we cannot do it here."

"I guess we'll have to wait until that guy in the Iron Mask comes back," Classic Tails said. Almost everyone there was shocked. MC then sped towards Classic Tails and pinned him towards the gate.

"Iron Mask?!" MC asked. "That's impossible! The Iron Mask is dead!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Midpoint said as he and Classic Sonic were getting MC to let go of Classic Tails. "Take it easy, MC. This is the Nexus of all Realities, meaning that the Iron Mask this Tails saw is probably just a counterpart of her trapped in this universe as well."

"He's right," Tails said. "It's just a possibility. Your mom just might have a counterpart in this place. It depends on whether this one is like your mother or not."

MC sighed and said, "Fine." He then let go of Classic Tails. "We'll find her, and we'll ask her as many questions as we can." He then started walking away.

"How does he know that the figure in the Iron Mask is female?" Classic Tails asked.

"The Iron Mask is MC's mother," Tails said. "She died protecting MC from a psychotic alien." Just then, the creature from before came out of a rift and started flying across the white space. "There it is!"

After it flew over their heads, the creature opened up another rift and flew through it and vanished.

"Where'd it go?!" Classic Tails asked.

"We need to find that thing, our friends, and the Chaos Emeralds," Sonic said. "And fast." Just then, he saw Classic Sonic holding up something.

"Okay," Sonic said. "Two down, five to go."

"This is going to be one really interesting adventure," Twilight said. "Even if it might lead to the end of time."

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Generations Saga (Part 3):
Best Frenemies Forever

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