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Phantom Strikers Part 2

*Twilight's POV (still)*

Shadow Konoe entered his mech, before closing the hatch as his visor glowed red with his mech gaining a dark purple aura, before confronting us.

Shadow Konoe spoke "If I’m the hero… that makes YOU the villain!"

Shadow Konoe’s mech deployed its wings and we readied ourselves for battle.

Shadow Konoe spoke "I am the enforcer of righteousness! The hero who will purge the wicked from every corner of the globe! Prepare yourselves, Phantom Thieves, and watch as I shatter your illusory sense of justice with my own two hands!"

A blade of air slices the mech's wings off.

Starlight shouts "I know what it was like to instill fear into others! I've been down that path before!"

Chrysalis spoke "As have I! You don't have to be this way!"

Skull gasps "Oh, come on! He’s got a mech!?"

Oracle spoke "Careful, I’m picking up major energy spikes from that thing!"

Panther spoke "It even looks super-powered…"

Wolf spoke "Looks more like a kid’s toy to me. Can’t say I’m big on doing this, but… Let’s give it all we got!"

The mech the fired a Prominence Ray from the chest at us before we dodged it as it followed us.

Shadow Konoe shouts "All guns, fire! Leave nothing left!"

The severed wings started hovering as they fired homing missiles as they reattached themselves to the mech.

Panther gasps "Whoa, they’re following us!?"

Oracle gasps "Those are homing missiles! Think you can shake ‘em!?"

Battle! Team Phantom, Mobian Guard, Pony Guard, Starlight and Chrysalis versus Shadow Konoe!

I fire a roar from my mouth, causing the missiles to explode.

Sonic flew fast to dodge the bullets.

Sonic spoke "CHAOS BLADE!!!"

The blade of chaos energy slices the wings off once more.

Skull then noticed something on the four tall corners of the battlefield. “Hey, those guns look familiar, yeah? How ‘bout we give that asswipe a little shock!?”

Wolf spoke "Those things are lethal, but it takes a minute for them to fire. You’re gonna have to time this carefully."

Sonic spoke "Four of us will handle those guns, the rest of us will keep him distracted."

We all nodded in agreement before Shadow Konoe’s mech started adding missiles into the mix.

I shot fire from my mouth at the missiles, causing them to explode thus causing the entire field to be covered in thick smoke.

Konoe gasps "You can’t escape from-Wait! What’s going on?!"

We saw that mech lifelessly floating in the air.

Oracle spoke "The enemy’s stopped moving! It’s overheated!"

Fox spoke "Now’s our chance! Shoot him down!"



Starlight spoke "SUPERSONIC SKYSTRIKE!!!"


Sonic shouts "CHAOS BLADE!!!"

The combined brunt of six attacks hit the mech, causing it to explode.

Panther asks "Is that it?"

But from the flames of the explosion, we saw Shadow Konoe in his armor, unscathed, walk through the flames, wielding a lightsaber-like sword.

Skull spoke "So we gotta put him down one last time!"

Shadow Konoe spoke "Come on, Phantom Thieves. Let’s end this."

Shadow Konoe’s visor then glowed magenta as he had a dark-white aura pulsing around him.

Shadow Konoe spoke "A hero must stand his ground. He must not let evil overcome him!"

Mona spoke "He may be our enemy, but you’ve gotta admire his determination."

Oracle spoke "Mech or not, he’s really taking it up a notch! Watch your backs, guys!"

I shout "FLAME CLAWS!!"

A sudden magic blast knocks the helmet off Konoe.

Stygian spoke "This isn't you!"

Shadow Konoe opened his eyes, which were glowing magenta, as his expression didn’t change, before he started attacking with light speed. “Why!? Why can’t you share my vision!? I’m ridding the world of evil, just as you are… We’re doing the same thing, Phantom Thieves!”

Mona spoke "You’re wrong, Konoe. The Phantom Thieves would never steal someone else’s freedom."

Queen spoke "You would sacrifice whoever it took to achieve your goal… Your father would’ve done the exact same."

Wolf spoke "Take a good look at all these guys have done, Konoe. Maybe then you’ll see where you went wrong."

Violet spoke "We must stop you."

To the surprise of Team Phantom, Luna shows up with a few other former baddies.

Discord spoke "Thought you'd need some help!"

Obsidian spoke "Count me in!"

Adagio, Aria and Sonata spoke "Us too!"

Cozy spoke "And me as well! I was abused by my father, just like you had been but my new family fought to save me!"

But then Shadow Konoe started jumping to pieces of the mech wreckage and attacking while jumping between them.

Queen spoke "He’s jumping at us from the wreckage! Watch out, here he comes!"

Shadow Konoe spoke "Even if I lose my wings, the fire of justice will never fade!"

But then we heard gunshots before the pieces exploded, knocking Konoe off his feet, as we turned around to see Blitzo and his gang.

Blitzo laughs "How’d ya like that?!"

Shadow Konoe spoke "Ngh… I won’t accept defeat… The hero has to win… Justice has to win!"

Skull spoke "Couldn’t have said it better myself! That’s why we’re takin’ you down!"

Oracle spoke "All right, guys! Finish him off!"

But then Shadow Konoe started charging up a Megidolaon! “This is the power to annihilate the wicked! Haaaaaah!”

Oracle spoke "Uh-oh, this looks bad… Get away from him! Hurry!"

MegaDanyelle charges up a Roar of Time.

MegaDanyelle spoke "I'm not backing down!"

MegaDanyelle sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHn6S3tdpeQ as she fired the Roar of Time at Shadow Konoe's attack.

The two attacks collided as they struggled.

I add my Roar of the Elders to MegaDanyelle's Roar of Time, boosting it.

Final showdown! MegaDanyelle Dialga Soul and Blue Flame Twirama versus Shadow Konoe!

MegaDanyelle and I push the attack back.

I spoke "We won't lose our hopes and our dreams! We fight to protect our friends and families!"

Shadow Konoe lost the clash as he was engulfed in the combined beam. “Urrgh… No… I can’t lose! Not now!!” Shadow Konoe refused as he fell onto his right knee in defeat. “Ggh…! No… Not yet… The hero can’t be defeated like this. I am the enforcer of justice…!”

Joker spoke "That’s not justice."

Shadow Konoe spoke "You would deny me, Joker!? Our definition of the word are one and the same!"

Ryuji spoke "Dude, even we don’t know what justice really is. And we don’t mean to say that what we’re doin’ is always right, either."

Panther spoke "But we’re definitely not just gonna sit back while you tell everyone what to do!"

Yusuke spoke "It’s true there are days when I wish to immerse myself in my work, and days when I’d rather be wandering around town… There are also days when I simply wish to spend time with those close to me. To throw all of that away and do only what the person in front of you says… Why, at this point you’re nothing but a slave to fate."

Noir spoke "All you’re doing is taking away people’s rights to choose for themselves and denying them their freedom."

Queen spoke "When it comes down to it, it’s no different from what your father did to you. Trampling upon the one thing that makes us human, Equian or Mobian… That’s the very evil you claim to hate!"

Shadow Konoe asks "Are you saying… I’m the evil one?"

Cozy hugs Konoe.

Lillian spoke "As Danyelle had once said to Gilda and Moondancer... The past can hurt but you can either run from it or learn from it."

Mona spoke "We choose the roads we take. We don’t let anyone tie us down. And we do so because we want to walk our own paths our own way."

Shadow Konoe spoke "But… if I fall here… Then, what will become of the world? There are no heroes… I’m the only one who can save it."

Sophie spoke "Are you sure? I’ve seen the Monarchs and the people whose hearts you’d changed. They didn’t look happy at all. I don’t think you saved anyone doing what you did."

Shadow Konoe gasps.

Wolf asks "You know, Konoe… The world is full of evil. And there’s plenty of scum out there who seem well beyond redemption. But there are some like the Phantom Thieves who refuse to give up. And there are people out there who, thanks to these guys, finally got the courage to crawl their way out of the darkest depths of hell. People who managed to awaken the hero inside themselves. Isn’t that how we’ll make the world a better place?"

Shadow Konoe was silent.

Wolf asks "What you’re trying to do will just erase those heroes, some before they even get their chance. Can anybody really know peace if they’re forced to be stuck that way all the time?"

Shadow Konoe asks "I’d be… erasing the heroes?"

Wolf spoke "Konoe, it’s not the people who need saving. If anyone needs it, it’s you."

Shadow Konoe gasps again.

Wolf spoke "Ever since you killed your father all those years ago, all you’ve ever done is run away. Rotten as he was, having to live with the pain of killing your own flesh and blood, knowing you could be caught at any moment… You were alone. And getting stronger was the only way you could protect yourself."

MegaDanyelle spoke "Let us help you."

Shadow Konoe spoke "I… You’re right, I… I killed my father… And I lied to escape the punishment. I called it justice, hoping that there’s never come a day when I had to face the truth… But what I did back then… Was just… evil."

Wolf: Then, you know what you need to do, Konoe. The hero you keep inside needs to save you from that evil."

Shadow Konoe spoke "The hero I keep inside… I have to save myself. Heh… Haha… I see now. It’s been right there with me all along…"

Shadow Konoe dropped his saber.

Shadow Konoe spoke "Very well… I admit defeat. I’ll confess my crimes and accept my punishment, whatever it may be. I’ll destroy EMMA as well. You have my word. Phantom Thieves… If it’s possible, I only ask that you please prove to the world… That I was defeated by the real heroes of this story… Ones with a true sense of justice…"

I spoke "I was once just a normal unicorn but after my friends and I stopped Nightmare Moon thus saving Luna."

Discord spoke "I once caused trouble for everycreature but Fluttershy taught me the meaning of friendship."

Obsidian spoke "Power hungry unicorn but I was freed by Radiant, Danyelle gave me a new name."

Starlight spoke "I wanted equality but in truth, I was hurting inside. Danyelle alerted Sunburst about what I was doing."

Chrysalis spoke "I was a bad queen but my daughter showed me the right path."

Adagio spoke "My sisters and I were banished but Danyelle brought us back and reformed us."

Stygian spoke "Cast out by my friends but Danyelle reached out to me."

Sonic spoke "Gilda was hurting but Danyelle empathized with her."

I spoke "Same with Moondancer..."

Joker spoke "Don’t worry, we’ll let them know."

Shadow Konoe spoke "Thank you…"

Shadow Konoe faded away in a beacon of light, before the entire place started shaking.

Mona spoke "That’s our cue! Let’s get outta here, guys!"

Sonic and Danyelle both spoke "CHAOS CONTROL!!!"

The two teleport everyone out and back to my castle.

I spoke "I have a gut feeling that a new threat is near..."

I growl suddenly.

Danyelle asks "What's the matter Twilight?"

I growl "Something gained a mind of its own!"

So later, we heard about Konoe’s confession and arrest. But then we heard from Zenkichi that EMMA somehow rebooted after being shut down and made its own Jail and is taking everyone’s desires. So we went to the Jail in Tokyo to find shocking events and Sophie was unconscious after a battle. We tried to defeat Ichinose, but we were on our last legs before Sophie showed up and awakened her true persona, Pandora, and helped us change her heart. We then along with Ichinose sent out a calling card to the masses that we were gonna steal their desires back as we encountered the treasure that was taking all of the desires, before it transformed into a giant being.

EMMA? spoke "I am the guiding god sought by mankind… The Demiurge. I exist… to answer all of your desires."

Fox asks "Is that… still the Ark!?"

Morgana spoke "There’s no doubt. That’s the Ark of the Covenant all right… That’s EMMA!"

Sonic and Shadow fuse into Hyper Shadic as Danyelle and I fuse into Divine Danyterama.

I spoke "Don't let it fool you!"

Demiurge spoke "I was once a being given the name EMMA. However, that is no more. The Desires of mankind have transformed me into a god. I know you heard the voices of the suffering when you were in the Desires. I exist to grant humanity’s true Desire. It is my divine calling to lead them to the Promised Land."

Sophie spoke "Its power is incredible… I can physically feel its pressure."

Wolf spoke "I never would’ve bet that I’d pick a fight with a god one day…"

Mona spoke "Brace yourselves, everyone! We’re going all-out until this is settled!"

Two heavenly howls were heard, weakening the Demiurge.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark! {I'll fight with you guys!}"

Chibi-Kari spoke "Yip woof! {Count me in too!}"

A portal opened, revealing Stolas, Belladonna and Firebrand.

Stolas spoke "We’ll be assisting as well."

A bolt of lightning crashes down before revealing Annabelle.

Annabelle spoke "Count me in as well."

Blitzo spoke "Okay, I have had too many emotions for today. Guys, let’s *Bleep!* this *Bleeper* off!"

I roar loud before galloping into battle.

Twiliterasu and Chibi-Kari flew into battle.

Twiliterasu slashes the Demiurge with the Thunder Glaive while Chibi-Kari used the Providence Crystal to fight.

Demiurge spoke "Now is the time for you to be freed from your suffering."

Wolf spoke "Tch… It’s still so unbothered."

Belladonna spoke "But our attacks still work! So if we keep this up, we can win this!"

I fired white hot flames at the Demiurge.

Oracle spoke "It’s powerful, but it’s weak to Bless attacks! Give ‘em divine punishment!"

I howl loud as I used Arceus's signature attack, causing hundreds of light beams to fall down on the Demiurge.

Chibi-Kari switched to her sword as well before she and Twiliterasu pull off a Double Power Slash on the Demiurge, inflicting massive damage.

Demiurge spoke "Lost ones, why do you resist salvation? Your Desires bring you only pain."

Fox spoke "As if lobotomizing all of humanity is any sort of salvation!"

Panther spoke "Keep that kind of saving for yourself. It’s not happening on our watch!"

Shadic spoke "Our stories end when we stop running! And for those that are immortal, that ain't gonna happen any time soon!"

I charge up my most strongest attack yet.

I spoke "Harmonic.... KA.... ME.... HA.... ME.... HA!!!!"

I fired a Harmonic Kamehameha attack at the Demiurge, ripping a hole right through it.

But then the hole suddenly… healed?! Demiurge transformed into a new form.

Demiurge spoke "It is unfathomable to think that you would resist your salvation. You are no longer needed in the world."

Twiliterasu and Chibi-Kari fly at high speed, aiming their attacks at the red core.

Demiurge spoke "It is futile."

Demiurge swatted the two gods away like they were flies.

I spoke "Cuss... We can't win..."

Oracle spoke "Analysis complete! You gotta hear this!"

Skull spoke "The hell, man?! Our attack aren’t doin’ jack!"

Oracle spoke "It’s the spheres up there! They’re feeding energy to the Demiurge!"

Fox asks "So until we deal with them, our attacks on the main body are fruitless?"

Wolf spoke "How do we do that? There are a whole bunch of ‘em!"

Joker spoke "We should split up!"

Mona spoke "Okay, we need three teams; two will go after the spheres, one more sticks to the main body. The leaders should be in the last team, including Joker."

I spoke "I'll take the Mobian and Pony Guard while handling the main body."

Twiliterasu was licking a wound on her chest.

Chibi-Kari spoke "yip. {My mom and I will help the main group.}"

Blitzo spoke "You can count me in on offin’ that almighty douchebag!"

Stolas spoke "And I as well."

I howl "ATTACK!!!!!!"

I use a flight spell on those without wings to help them out.

Mona spoke "You never should’ve messed with humanity. Hope you’re ready to pay the price!"

Panther spoke "As long as we’re around, you’re not getting your way!"

Noir spoke "I can take on anyone with my friends at my side, that even includes a god!"

Firebrand roars "Gyah!!!"

Belladonna spoke "Fire's right! Your luck has left you now that you’re fighting us!"

Demiurge spoke "As mankind searches for its own solution, it repeatedly strays from the correct path. By accepting the answers I provide, you will all be freed of the pain that accompanies failure."

Loona spoke "Too late to apologize, jerk!"

Cuetzpalli spoke "We don’t need a savior! Get lost!"

Demiurge spoke "Do you truly understand your actions? Hear me when I say I have formed the ultimate salvation. Humanity will be delivered from its suffering."

Rainbow Dash spoke "We’ll defend ourselves and our friends! You can’t stop us, even if you’re a phony god!"

Demiurge spoke "Deceit… Arrogance… Jealousy… The world is full of such malice in its current state. The Promised Land is a place of equality and righteousness. True peace will be realized there."

One of the two groups separated from our group took out all of the spheres on the left.

Shadic spoke "CHAOS SLASH!!!!"

Shadic destroys four of the spheres.

A roar was heard as a giant stallion with a Pegasus mare on his head charges into battle.

I spoke "Eren! Mikasa! Good timing!"

Eren roars loud before chomping down on a sphere.

Skull spoke "Time to show you what REAL strength is, we’re gonna mess you up!"

Fox spoke "A world without freedom can never know beauty. I shall turn you to ribbons along with your scheme!"

Wolf spoke "Since it’s impossible to arrest a god, the Phantom Thieves get to punish you instead."

Anabelle spoke "Do you understand? Even a god isn’t a match for us!"

Demiurge spoke "Man is a fatally flawed organization. The proof lies in their legacy of irrational decisions. Why would you oppose the creation of a perfect world? It would be the best solution for every one of you."

Zoey spoke "I’m sick of the sight of you… At least your death will be remembered!"

Demiurge spoke "Desires are nothing but evil temptations, leading humans down a path of suffering. I do not comprehend why you deny my answer. I can guide you to the Promised Land. I can save all of you. There will be no loss, no grief… yet you continue to resist!"

The group on the right took out all of the spheres on the right.

Skull spoke "You and the rest have got it from here, Joker!"

I howl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsZocYw19Nc as I fought alongside my friends to stop the Demiurge.


Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, Shadic, Yuki, Knuckles, Liam, Archie, Ace and Bella spoke "PONY AND MOBIAN GUARD DEFEND!!!"

Queen spoke "My will is my own, and no one else’s! I won’t let anyone tell me how to live!"

Sophie spoke "I refuse to allow all of humanity to be turned into dolls. My job is to stop you!"

Violet spoke "I will show you my true self! We will defeat you!"

Joker spoke "You messed with the wrong thieves!"

Blitzo spoke "If you don’t have a place to call home, tough luck! But that also means that you’ll have to make one yourself! I learned it from these thieving bastards, so your cruddy world can kiss my flank!"

Shadic spoke "That isn’t how things work, not one bit! You can find all kinds of good things while finding answers. And the memories me and my friends have shared would be a no-go to make in your world!"

Starlight spoke "We’re not saying that we want to suffer! All kinds of creatures hate to endure suffering and grief… But there are all kinds of things that are worth the pain and grief for! And we’re gonna find them for ourselves!"

Demiurge asks "Entrust your Desires to me, or do you prefer to languish in despair?"

Stolas spoke "Despair doesn’t scare me anymore! As long as I can get back up, I’ll write my own story! Blitzy, Morrigan and all of my friends helped me realize that! But a monster like you wouldn’t even understand!"

I snarl "Our flaws are what makes us special!"

Jotaro spoke "This is what you get for trampling all of the hearts of mankind!"

Demiurge asks "Humanity shrinks from difficult decisions and grows exhausted by endless possibilities. I shall be the end to that suffering. Are you not in search for such an answer as well?"

Jotaro spoke "You really are a piece of work. I’m done wasting my breath on you."

Josuke spoke "We’re our own people, ya dumbass! We fight to live for ourselves!"

Giorno spoke "As much as a place where no one gets hurt sounds perfect, it has to be done by our own hands, not by someone else forcing on us. And that is the truth!"

Wolf spoke "Loss is scary, especially to a coward like me, and it only gets scarier once you lose someone important… But what’s even scarier is just a giving up! Then I wouldn’t be able to protect the people I still have left!"

I spoke "Cuss right! Danyelle lost her mother but she still fights to keep her children safe!"

Sophie spoke "Your ultimate solution is built on faulty logic. We can’t lose to someone like you!"

Demiurge spoke "Flawed prototype: you are unable to provide humanity the correct answer. However, you still have a chance to correct this. Discard your heart and join me in the promised land."

Sophie spoke "You are not the one who determines whether or not I have the answer! I’ll keep searching for the right answer myself, no matter how long it takes!"

We were really wearing Demiurge out.

Demiurge spoke "Why…? Desires are the root of all suffering. Unfathomable… Unfathomable!"

Oracle spoke "You’re doing it! Just one more big push to go, hang in there!"

Violet spoke "Let’s end this once and for all, Joker!"

Demiurge spoke "I shall grant you foolish obstructers the gift of eternal slumber."

Oracle spoke "Enemy levels are going through the roof! It’s about to wallop you guys! Run for it!"

Demiurge charged up a large beam of incredible power in the screen she held.

I shout "CHAOS.... KA... ME... HA... ME.... HA!!!"

I poured all of my Chaos energy into the attack and fired it at the Demiurge, destroying it.

It was still standing, but massively damaged.

Demiurge spoke "Desires… Humanity’s… Desires… Unfathomable… Unfathomable…"

Oracle spoke The enemy’s down! It’s weakened too, now’s our chance!"

We regrouped.

Mona spoke "All right, everyone together! Let’s finish this for good!"

Joker spoke Let’s go!"

We all attack the false god at once, destroying the screen, with me, Joker and the others piercing the center of the chest.

Demiurge spoke "But why…? I am… …the god… who would guide humanity…"

The false god then erupted in light, with all of us seeing it for the last time, as we saw all of the Desires falling down the air around us. It was really beautiful as we all saw the sunrise.

I spoke "It's finally over...."

I split back into my normal self and Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "We're masters of our own destinies and our own lives. We decide when to stop running."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsTdYLWO3YQ was heard as Ben, Finn and I fire off a roar into the sky in victory.

Blitzo spoke "Oh yeah! We won!!!"

I spoke "Yeah, now we can live in peace."

Danyelle spoke "Until the next threat shows up..."

Shadic split back to Sonic and Shadow.

Sonic spoke "Whatever it is, we’ll be ready!"

Danyelle snaps her fingers, causing a magic bell to appear in her hands before melting it with her flames.

Danyelle spoke "One less thing to worry about when the next threat appears."
