• Published 6th Sep 2022
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My Little Pony: When Generations Collide - RobtheMorpherPony

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Season 1: Episode 6 - Second Chances (No Second Prances AU)

It didn't take long for the royal guard to collect the parts to Dr. Krono's robot which were then brought to Ponyville. When Twilight and her friends came back, Dr. Krono explained what he is and what he does for a living.

"A chao?" Hitch said.

"That's what I am. Specifically, my particular form is that of a Devil Chaos Chao. You have nothing to fear though. I assure you, I'm quite friendly." Dr. Krono said.

"So you built this robot yourself?" Sprout asked.

"Indeed. I was actually returning back to a different galactic system when I was hit by a meteor that threw me off course and caused me to crash land here." Dr. Krono said.

"I just have one question: What kind of doctor are you?" Twilight asked.

"A doctor that researches and studies chao. It's what I wanted to do with my life, and I assure you, my status as a doctor is legit." Dr. Krono said. "Even though the cost was great..." He mumbled to himself.

"Did you say something else?" Sunny Starscout asked.

"Perhaps I'll tell you some other time. Perhaps I will not." Dr. Krono said before resuming his work. "If you don't mind, I'd like to repair my robot so I can be going back home." He added.

A couple of days after this conversation is a day I knew all too well. I wanted to do my part to avoid the mistakes of what would happen this day, but I was beaten to the punch. It was also when Dr. Krono revealed the truth to me and Twilight.

Trixie was walking towards the Map room, a grin on her face. She had the perfect way to finally rub something in Twilight Sparkle's face when she got to the door.

"Are you really going to do what I believe you're going to do?" A voice asked her.

"Wh-whose there?" Trixie asked.

"Does it matter? If you're going to try and rub something in some pony's face, is that really what you want? Is that really what you'd want to do to your newest friend of all people?" The voice asked.

"How...do you..." Trixie was confused.

"Maybe instead you should be honest with yourself. Be honest with everything. I once made the mistake of being honest too late and it's costed me dearly. Do not make the same mistake." The voice said.

Trixie still had no idea who was talking to her, but that made her realize, if she wasn't honest...she would be most likely to lose everything for good this time. With her initial plan revoked, Trixie entered the room.

To say Twilight was shocked at the sudden apology of Trixie was an understatement to say the least.

What exactly has happened? My father didn't mention this... Sunny thought to herself. It was then that Dr. Krono came in.

"Dr. Krono, are you taking some sort of break from rebuilding that robot of yours?" Twilight asked.

"In one way, you could say that yes." Dr. Krono said.

"Your voice. Trixie heard your voice outside in the hallway." Trixie said.

"Hmm? Oh yes. That was me." Dr. Krono said.

Curiouser and curiouser... Sunny thought to herself.

"Dr. Krono, what exactly did you tell Trixie outside in the hallway?" Twilight asked.

"Just told her to be honest with herself is all. After all, I made the mistake of not being honest once. And it's costed me dearly." Dr. Krono said.

"Exactly what do you mean it costed you dearly?" Sunny asked.

"I wasn't always a Devil Chaos Chao. In fact, I used to be a human. The field of study I'm in now was something I wanted to be known for. But I had received some pretty bad news: I had been diagnosed with Tuberculosis." Dr. Krono said.

"I've never heard of Tuberculosis." Twilight admitted.

"You most likely would not; it's a virus exclusive to humans. I don't think you ponies will ever get a version of it. I had let the desire to fulfill my life's dream fill me, choosing to commit criminal acts in an effort to obtain the land necessary to get my research underway so I could fulfill said dream before I died." Dr. Krono said. "It was only when my diagnostics got serious and the truth had to be revealed was the person, I had to tell the truth willing to reach out and help me. Not only were they able to get me the land I've always wanted, but they saved my life from Tuberculosis. The later however, came at a price: They had to use Devil Chaos Chao DNA to save my life, and it ended up turning me into what you see before you." He explained.

"But...is that really so bad? You became a chao that researched your own kind." Sunny Starscout said.

"That's not where the price came from. See, Chaos Chao are immortal. We can't die. Period. We won't age a day either." Dr. Krono said.

"...Wait...your saying..." Trixie's eyes went wide with realization.

"Yes. This is my punishment it seems. Maybe if I had said something sooner, a different solution could have been found. Instead, this is my fate; my sentence if you will: Forced to live forever." Dr. Krono said. "No one should ever make the same mistake I did of not being honest towards others. Lest they share in my curse." He concluded.

"Forced to live forever...all because you weren't honest sooner..." Twilight said.

"Exactly." Dr. Krono said.

Safe to say I did not expect that, but honestly, I'm glad the situation was resolved without me having to reveal anything quite yet. But maybe it was both a blessing and a curse that I did not, considering what happened much, much later.