• Published 6th Aug 2022
  • 1,598 Views, 31 Comments

Equestria Girls: It's Showtime--Wallace and Gromit: Cracking Contraptions - PlymouthFury58

Some days are boring. Some days think they are going to be boring. Not with these two around.

  • ...

The Bully Proof Vest

"It was nice of you to stop by, Wallace," Fluttershy said.

"Oh, it was no problem. No problem at all, lass," Wallace replied.

It had only been a few weeks since the cheese-loving Wallace the inventor and his dog Gromit had moved to Canterlot from England, and in that time, people had been going on about rumors of how he was an "idiot genius", a "cheese addict", and all other sorts of rude comments towards the man. Despite that, every time she saw him going around in public, he always carried a large and kindly smile towards everything and everyone he met.

And Twilight of course took an instant liking to his intellect and his knack for inventing, but Fluttershy herself hadn't bothered to introduce herself to him, mainly in part because he was a stranger. That all changed one day when she was visiting some birds in the park when she saw Wallace, and he was walking his dog. She instantly went over to meet them, and he introduced his dog as Gromit. Gromit was a bit stern with the girl, but Wallace connected with the kindness she showed to them.

So, she had asked them if they would have liked to come by her cottage for tea. Wallace agreed, and that evening he arrived, wearing that same white shirt and red tie underneath a green sweater vest, brown trousers, and black shoes, but he was also wearing something metallic and heavy-looking on top of his vest. When she asked him what it was, "What is that you're wearing...um, if you don't mind."

"Not at all, lass," Wallace had said. "This is my latest invention: the Bullyproof Vest."

He didn't say anything else about it, other than to not worry, and he walked inside ready for tea and crackers.

Fluttershy had shown him the parlor and living room, still feeling nervous about Wallace, though his charming smile and quirky positive attitude couldn't keep her down for long.

"It was good timing on my part," Wallace said, looking out the window. "It appears that the storm had arrived early."

A lightning flash and thunderclap startled Fluttershy.

"Eep!" she shrieked.

"Are you alright?" Wallace asked.

"Uh, um, uh...it's just that...storms make me nervous."

"There's nothing to worry about," Wallace said in an attempt to cheer her up. "As long as the storm's out there, and we're in here, we are perfectly safe."

Just then, another flash and loud clap occurred, and the entire house lost complete power.

"Oh, dear."

Fluttershy began quivering.

"Oh, no," she shivered. "I don't like the dark. I'm scared of the dark especially during storms!"

"It's quite alright, lass," Wallace comforted, gently patting her shoulder. "Tell you what: I'll get the tea and crackers while you stay here."

Fluttershy nearly shrieked. "NO! I-I'm sorry...it's just that it's even worse w-when I'm a-a-alone."

Wallace thought for a moment, trying to think of something that would put Fluttershy at ease. "Tell you what," he said. He went over to where he took a candlestick off of the mantelpiece, placed on the coffee, struck a match, and lit the wick. "If you only concentrate on the candlelight, then the storm outside won't scare you as much."


"Trust me on this. I'll be right back."

Fluttershy nervously made her way to the coffee table, where she knelt to level her eyes with the wick, letting the flame dance around in her vision, oblivious to the silhouette in the window.

Meanwhile, Wallace was in the kitchen preparing the tea tray. He found two tea cups and filled them with hot tea that Fluttershy had prepared prior to his visit, humming a little tune to himself.

Suddenly, the kitchen door creak open as it rapped against the door frame, startling Wallace. Now he was feeling a bit nervous, his hand shaking as he placed the kettle and crackers on the tea tray, completely missing the figure watching him from outside.

He made his was down the hall to the parlor, the kettle and cups shaking with his hands, when a shrieking cat from upstairs startled him again. He stepped into the parlor, warming up a bit that Fluttershy was looking less agitated from before, while a figured stalked in the kitchen.

"Feeling better, Fluttershy?" Wallace asked.

"I...I suppose," she replied.

"Don't worry. I've brought the tea and crackers. This should calm our nerves." He sat in one of the chairs, poured both cups full of tea, and took out a cracker as Fluttershy took a few calm sips. "Ah, cracking," he smiled.

"You seem to like crackers a lot, Wallace," Fluttershy said. "Um, i-if you don't mind me saying."

"Not at all, lass. I do like me crackers, especially with a slice of cheese."

"C-can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"What's your favorite cheese flavor?"

"Of all the cheese I've eaten, my favorite would have to be Wensleydale. Mmm, just thinking about makes me mouth water for it."

"I'm sorry that I haven't got any cheese with me."

"Oh, I don't mind it really. As long as I've got my crackers by my side and in my hand, nothing can go wrong."

What he failed to notice were two figures lurking behind the window curtains, watching him and his cracker.

A cluttering noise distracted Wallace from his cracker and towards the parlor window, where one of the sills was wide open.

"What was that?" Fluttershy squeaked.

"I'm not sure," Wallace replied, going to eat his cracker, only to find it missing. "What the?"

"What is it?"

"Someone's nicked my cracker."

Just then, a creak from the cabinet across the room startled their nerves again. It was as if that whoever had broken into the cottage, frightened them to bits, and stole Wallace's cracker, had decided to hide themselves in the cabinet for a final scare.

"Wallace, I'm scared," Fluttershy shivered.

"Whoever this is stole my cracker," Wallace said, gulping. "I'll take care of this."

"Just...just be careful, okay?"

Wallace got from his chair and made his way over to the cabinet. Taking care, he stuck out his arms and opened the cabinets doors to reveal...a cracker with a bit out of it.

Wallace gasped.

Fluttershy shrieked and dove for cover behind the table.

"Phew. Huhoh, haha. Never mind, Fluttershy," Wallace chuckled. "It's only my cracker-AAAARGGH!!!"

He screamed at the of the two intruders. Dressed like common criminals, one wielding a rolling pin like a weapon, and the second standing on top of the first one's head hopping for a game of fisticuffs.

Fluttershy whimpered. "P-p-please. Leave us alone and leave."

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," Wallace said, no longer feeling scared or worried. "Leave this to me."

From the device on his chest, he pressed the button on top of the metal box, which launched a boxing glove that the two intruders flying through the air and crashing through the door that led into the hallway, leaving behind markings of a large dog and small rabbit.

Just then, the power returned, and Wallace smiled with congratulation. "It's alright now, Fluttershy. You can come out now."

Fluttershy hesitantly emerged from behind the coffee table to see a smiling Wallace standing next to the parlor door with figures implemented through it. There was also a large boxing glove attached to a giant spring protruding from the metal box attached to his metal vest. She peeked through the opened door to find Gromit and Angel Bunny, dressed like burglars, sprawled against the wall and both sporting black eyes.

"Oh, my goodness!" she yelped. "Are you two okay?"

Angel grumbled.

"Heheee!" Wallace smiled, winding in the glove with a small crank. "This Bullyproof Vest works a treat!"

Gromit rubbed his stomach and Angel held his head while Fluttershy tended tended to their black eyes with ice packs.

"That final test was conclusive, eh, lads?"

That irked Fluttershy the wrong way.

"What do you mean test?" she sternly asked.

The sudden change caused Wallace to become put on the spot, feeling nervous. Angel devilishly smirked.

"Uh, don't take this the wrong way, lass," he stammered, "but Gromit and your bunny volunteered to be test subjects of my latest invention: the Bullyproof vest! The newest method of home security. Simply wear it like a vest, and when in range of the bully, you press this button to launch a fist right at the head, knocking them onto the ground with enough time to call the authorities. It was lucky that you offered to have me for tea when you asked."

"What do you mean?"

"I needed an active testing ground, and while I was thinking of using my own house, it was your bunny's suggestion to use your house instead, complete with a simulated thunderstorm."

Fluttershy turned to glare at the now shrinking Angel Bunny. "Angel Bunny," she scolded. "I am very disappointed in you, young mister."

"Oh, don't be too hard on him, lass," Wallace said. "It was only-Whoops!"

Unfortunately, Wallace stepped right onto the rolling pin that Gromit dropped, which caused him to land on his face, activating the Vest, and the springing glove then sent Wallace crashing into the ceiling above them.

"Oooh!" Wallace exclaimed.

"Oh, my goodness! Wallace, are you okay?!" Fluttershy panicked.

"I'm alright, lass, but you'd better get a ladder. I think I've cracked me artex."

Angel Bunny facepalmed.