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Flight to the Finish

*Lance's POV*

I was on Flora's back as she walked through town since I had no idea how to use my wings yet.

“I hope Twilight and Rainbow Dash know how to help me.” I said to myself.

Diamond spoke "Well, if it isn't the freaky little hedgecat!"

I growl "Trample off Diamond, I'm not in the mood for your crap. Not since your mother got fired from the school board!"

Diamond laughs "What good is a freak that can't fly?"

But I smirked. “Oh yeah? And how was Scootaloo able to fly, huh?"

Myuri was in full wolf form as she towers over Diamond, making the snobby filly scream and run away.

Myuri laughs "Oh my god... That was priceless!"

“Yeah. But I had her there with mentioning Scootaloo’s ability to fly.” I agreed.

Myuri chuckles "But did you see the look on her face when I scared her?"

“Eyup.” I said, quoting Big Mac.

Rainbow was flying past while carrying a scroll in her mouth since it was from Gilda.

“I wonder what’s going on.” I told Myuri.

Shifting back to pony form, Myuri spoke "Let's go ask!"

“Alright!” I agreed.

Flora chuffs as she followed after Rainbow on foot while carrying me.

Rainbow spoke "Hey Twilight, I got a letter from Gilda!"

Twilight asks "What is it?"

Rainbow spoke "She's signed a team up for the Equestria Games that are coming up!"

Twilight asks "I’m guessing we’ll see her again?"

Rainbow spoke "Her and Ezee as well as their children."

Twilight spoke "*Squeal of excitement* Now I’ll see what a gryphontaur looks like!"

Rainbow spoke "Egghead."

Twilight spoke "Fanfilly."

Rainbow spoke "Fox brat."

Twilight spoke "Rainbow Blunt."

Rainbow spoke "Nerd."

Twilight spoke "Hard-head."

Rainbow chuckles "Nerdy egghead."

Twilight chuckled back. “Hard-headed fanfilly.”

The two then started butting heads with competitive smirks.

A sudden "SIT GIRL!" command was heard, causing Twilight to be face down on the floor.

Twilight yelps "Gah!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Come on, Danyelle! We were just having some fun."

Danyelle spoke "That's far enough Dash, you have a foal on the way though. Plus you're setting a bad example for the kids."

Twilight got up with a groan. “We can’t exactly help it if we get competitive.”

Danyelle spoke "I can see that."

Myuri spoke "Hey Twilight, Dash."

Twilight asks "Need something?"

I spoke "I want to learn how to fly."

Twilight spoke "Okay!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "You came to the right ponies!"

I slid off Flora's back before unfurling my wings which were no bigger than Scootaloo's wings.

Twilight asks "Wait a minute! Did you become part alicorn?!"

I spoke "I don't have a horn though."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Huh. Maybe you don’t have one yet."

Myuri spoke "Zoey and Korra don't have horns either. Their magic flows out through the claws."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh. Right."

Danyelle spoke "Oh feathers! I was supposed to help four of the Crusaders with their routine!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Maybe I can come along."

Danyelle spoke "Sure."

*In the training field*

Rusty asks "You sure about this Scoots?"

Scootaloo asks "Of course I am, Rusty! What? You don’t trust me?"

Scootaloo swept her tail, up and off Rusty’s chin, making it impossible for the Mobian to resist.

Rusty spoke "*Swoonful sigh* I do trust ya, Scoots."

Silverstorm spoke "Focus you two, we have to train! And Rust, you know your parents would shave your fur if you got Scootaloo pregnant too soon."

Rusty stammers "R-Right! Sorry!"

I was laughing as I had arrived with Danyelle and Rainbow.

I chuckle "Real smooth Rust."

Rusty spoke "Oh yeah, cuz? Like you’re any better with Apple Bloom."

A sky blue gryphon hen with green eyes was giggling.

Guinevere giggles "Funny fox!"

I ask "Hey Applebloom, when did we get a gryphon in the group?"

Apple Bloom spoke "No idea, Lance."

Danyelle spoke "That's my fault, I found her in rough shape a week ago... She got attacked by Diamond Dogs on the way here."

Danyelle stomps her right foot three times on the ground before a Diamond Dog shows up.

Rainbow asks "How did you...?"

Danyelle spoke "I scared them into obedience."

Rainbow spoke "Changelings and Diamond dogs?!? You are the most craziest Mobian I've ever met!"

Danyelle spoke "Hey. Crazy is normal for me. Ever since those adventures with Sonic and the others, not much seems crazy to me anymore."

Rusty spoke "Not to mention the amount of headslaps you often gave to Knuckles."

Danyelle spoke "Heeheeheehee! And I hear he has a crush on the new echidna girl."

I groan "Her name is Shade... Have you forgotten that auntie?"

Danyelle spoke "No, I haven’t, little guy."

Rainbow spoke "I hate to pop your balloons here Dany but we have to haul flank and tail to the train station!"

Danyelle spoke "Oh, Chaos! You’re right!"

Rainbow spoke "Okay kids, time to go!"

I spoke "Right!"

I got onto Flora's back since my wings were small and hers were bigger.

I spoke "I'll see you there! Flora, run!"

Flora took off at a run towards the Crystal Empire since she wasn't old enough to fly yet.

Danyelle and the others head to the train station.

Applebloom was on Flora's back with her forelegs around my waist.

I chuckle "Not used to being on the back of a beast-lord huh?"

Applebloom stammers "N-no..."

I started blushing as I placed to my hand on Applebloom’s head to calm her down.

Flora chuffs.

But never me or Applebloom heard as she started blushing as well.

Flora soon arrived at the Crystal Empire just as the train arrived.

Flora chuffed again, this time doing it louder, snapping me and Apple Bloom out of it.

I spoke "Oh, we're here."

Applebloom spoke "Eyup."

Danyelle spoke "Hey kids."

“Uh… Hi auntie.” I bashfully said, but I think auntie caught on what happened, given that smirk of hers.

Danyelle asks "So, did you two enjoy each other’s company?"

Applebloom was hiding her face with her hooves.

That made me stammer in complete and utter embarrassment with an apple-red blush on my face.


Ms Harshwhinny spoke "*Ahem* The Ponyville flag will be carried by... The Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

I spoke "Yay!!!"

Scootaloo exclaims "Awesome!"

Applebloom spoke "We did it!"

But then I blushed before asking Applebloom something. “Uh, Apple Bloom? Could I talk to you alone for a minute?”

Applebloom pounces on me before giving me a kiss on the lips, much to the surprise of the others.

My eyes were widened in shock at first, before closing them, kissing Apple Bloom back, losing ourselves in the moment and pleasure.

Diamond was in shock.

Rusty spoke "Seems somepony is jealous."

Diamond Tiara just stuttered in humiliation.

Applebloom chuckles "Hehe."

*Meanwhile in Ponyville*

Blaze was yelling at Spoiled.
