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School Daze Pt 1

‘So you’ve ever wondered what happened after defeating the Storm King or living with my best friends in the world, well I’m about to tell you so follow me as we see what happened immediately, after we left my new room.’-Signed Sonic The Hedgehog.

Tara Strong

Ben Schwartz

Andrea Libman

Ashleigh Ball

Tabitha St. Germain

Cathy Weseluck

Kelly Sheridan

Nicole Oliver

Vincent Tong

Gavin Langelo

Lauren Jackson

Shannon Chan-Kent

Katrina Salisbury

Devyn Dalton

John de Lancie

Michelle Creber

Claire Margaret Corlett

Madeleine Peters

Maurice LaMarche

Hugo Weaving


(End song)

Castle of Friendship: Cutie Map

The group had navigated through the corridors of the castle finally arrived at the cutie map room, when they did the Mane Six and Spike were shocked to say the least that the map had expanded.

Sonic on the other hand was in awe of the map itself, it showed all of Equestria along with a lot of places outside of the country. He felt his stomach fill with excitement, from all of the possible adventures that could come from these places.

After a moment of silence Twilight was the first to break it. “This happened while we were gone?” Her question was answered by Sonic.

“I think so, but honestly I’ve never even been here before.” His answer was mostly ignored.

“Wow! Those are all the places we went when we left to save Equestria!” Applejack pointed out, as they all looked to one another.

“Ugh! There's that horrid town where we were almost sold!” Rarity said with disgust, with most of the others agreeing with her when they went to Klugetown.

Rainbow suddenly zoomed to a certain ship that was flying in the air. “The pirates! They were pretty awesome! Uh, once they decided not to throw us overboard. And where Blue dude here did a… uh what was it called again?” She asked Sonic to which he faced her.

“Sea Shanty also known as “Wellerman” which is pretty ironic, when you think about it.” He joked making the others shake their heads in amusement.

“And Mount Aris!” Pinkie pointed out as she knocked Applejack over. “Ooh, Starlight! Did you know we made seashell necklaces for aaaaaa...” She inhaled to catch her breath. “...aaaaall the seaponies?” This caught Starlight off guard.

“I... You... Really? What about that unicorn? The one who attacked Canterlot?” She asked with concern.

“Tempest! I invited her to come to Ponyville, but she wanted to spread the word of the Storm King's defeat and share what she learned about friendship.” Twilight explained.

“You’re right on that “Bookmaster” kinda of a shocker that she decided to leave, so soon.” Sonic commented.

Twilight smiled and nodded at him with understanding. “Y'all think that's why the map grew? Friendship quests beyond Equestria?” Applejack asked as she trotted over to Fluttershy.

“I hope not. I've had quite enough life-threatening adventures, thank you very much.” She said with sternly, while Applejack smiled at her with amusement.

A measuring tape suddenly appeared from nowhere extending its reach towards the map, and coming into contact with it as Pinkie ran over holding it with a construction hat, that had a red light blinking on top of it she also wore a buckle with construction tools. “How many friendship quests do you think we need to go on before we have to expand the throne room?”

Everyone looked at her weirdly before refocusing on what was happening. “We can’t do it all alone.” Twilight declared.

“Sure we can!” Pinkie exclaimed whiling holding a clipboard before dashing to one of the walls with a drill. “We just need to knock this wall down, get some paint...” She held out a paint can and brush, but Twilight cut her off.

“No. I mean, the world is filled with so many different creatures who know nothing about friendship. We need help if we're gonna teach them all about friendship. Lots of help.” She explained as she went around the table to a certain part of the map.

“Perhaps. But where does one go to learnabout friendship?” Rarity questioned.

“I’m with “Fashionista” on this one, considering it took me thirteen years to interact with someone else.” Most of the group looked at him with wide eyes, except Twilight and Spike.

“Oh yeah that’s how long I was in isolation for, with ten years being spent on a different planet while the other three were here in Equestria.” He explained making them all ‘oh’ in response.

They all then diverted their attention to Twilight who placed her hoof, right by the waterfall that went down to Ponyville was. “Here! They can all go here! Because we're gonna open a school!”

“That’s a great idea just one question.” Sonic said to Twilight who faced him.

“Go on.” She responded.

“How long will this take exactly to build, more specifically who’s gonna build it?” He asked, to which Twilight grew a confident smile.

“I already have that figured out.” She replied, Sonic simply whistled as he gave her a thumbs up.

“Well I better get my face ready!” He commented when suddenly a frying pan appeared from nowhere hitting his forehead, the others winced before he placed a hand on said forehead. “AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!”

Sonic ran at incredible speeds through the town of Ponyville, passing by most of the residents who jumped in surprise of his sudden pass by. He also ran past the Mane Six before sliding to a stop and running back towards them.

Sonic ran with his fist forward as he then ran through the school hallways entering different rooms, it then showed Sonic and the Mane Six standing in front of the students who walked into the school.

The CMC high hoofed, as a figure opened their eyes with a glare, while Celestia looked at scroll worried, to which Sonic ran with determination before shrugging nervously.

Chancellor Neighsay looked furious, while Sonic jumped from nowhere and grabbed hold of Starlight’s hoof running with her, it then showed Cozy Glow who flew alongside the CMC.

Sonic then ran through the Castle of the Two Sisters, barley dodging a sword that was swung by a hidden figure.

Sonic was seen standing before he rushed off to the side. Sonic then jumped at something with his arms spread out. Sonic then ran really fast to where his legs had become wheels before blasting off down the train tracks.

Sonic was seen hanging out with Discord, to which it showed him dancing alongside the Young Six, then showing multiple moments of him fighting the mysterious figure. He then hugged Celestia and Luna at the same time who smiled.

Sonic dodged arrows by moving left and right, it then showed him playing guitar alongside Vinyl and Octavia, before showing him jumping off of a house.

Sonic did a midair flip, but then joined in with the Mane Six and all of the students within a picture that showed them all together.
(End song)

Chapter 1: School Daze Pt 1

Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns

“I think a school of friendship is a wonderful idea, Twilight! I'll help in any way I can.” Celestia expressed with agreement as she gestured her hoof towards the classroom full of Unicorns.

Twilight who was holding a notepad with her magic wrote down some notes with her quill, trying to get as much information as possible. She then ran after Celestia who was walking down the hallway, with Spike also following closely behind. “I just have a few questions. What time should school start each day?” Twilight asked Celestia who smiled at her student.

“It really d—“ But she was cut off when Twilight swapped notes.

“What's the ideal length for class? Do you test regularly?” Celestia smiled once more.

“Oh, well, that's—” But she was cut off again.

“What about class projects?” Celestia tried to speak once more.

“That's a very—” For the third time she was cut off.

“Assigned seating? Open seating? Or is that... too unstructured?” Twilight asked only for Celestia to giggle lightly and grab her notes, with her magic. “Oh, Twilight. You were my star pupil. If anyone knows how to run a school, it's you.” She explained while handing back the notes.

“There's a big difference between attending a school and running one. It's not like there's a rule book to follow.” Twilight guessed.

“Actually, there is. The EEA guidebook is very specific about how to run a school.” Celestia explained.

“The EEA? I've never heard of that.” She looked at Spike who shrugged. “Should I have heard of that?!” Twilight asked with worry.

But Celestia continued smiling at her. “Of course not. You've never run a school before. The Equestria Education Association is a board of learned ponies that oversee every school in Equestria.” The explanation was written down by Spike.

“Even your school? But you're you!” Spike pointed out.

Celestia shook her head lightly. “Not even a princess can do whatever she likes when it comes to shaping young pony minds. The EEA ensures that whether it's unicorns studying magic, Pegasi learning weather, or Earth ponies researching agriculture, all schools are held to the same high standard. They'll need to approve your plan before you can move forward.” After she said that Twilight grew determined.

“Okay, Spike, looks like we have a presentation to make.” She stated.

Spike scoffed. “After everything we've been through, how hard can that be?” He asked with a slight smug tone.


A light shines down onto them and they were both to say the least were intimidated, by what they saw. Even though they had notes upon notes of books prepared for the occasion it all seemed to be useless, when all of the eyes were on them with emotionless faces.

“I'm gonna go with "really hard".” Spike whispered to her as he hid behind the notes, while Twilight faced the ponies in front of her.

“Uh, hello. My name is—” But she was cut off by the Unicorn who stood above them all, “Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am Chancellor Neighsay. Equestria owes you a great debt. But princess or no, we expect you to do things by... the... book!”

He grabbed the book that was in front of him and placed it on the ground, in front of Twilight with his magic. Twilight picked it up and flipped through all of the pages before looking back up at Chancellor Neighsay with a smile.

“I think you'll find my curriculum meets all your requirements, Chancellor.” She told him before sending all of the books to each member of the EEA.

Neighsay opened it up and went flipped through it’s pages. “And can we trust you to follow through with this plan? Will you leave the school unattended to gallop off on your... "adventures"?” He asked cynically.

“My journey beyond Equestria showed me firsthoof that the threats out there are greater than we imagined!” This caused all of the EEA members to talk amongst themselves with what they just heard.

“If we want to keep our land safe and create a friendlier tomorrow, we need to teach the Magic of Friendship far and wide.” She continued.

“A school for ponies to learn how to protect themselves.” He inquired.

To which Twilight became a little nervous. “Uh, more like respecting differences and communicating.” This caused Neighsay to look towards the different members who all nodded, at Twilight’s idea with approval.

He then came to a conclusion. “The EEA concurs. Every pony should be prepared to defend our way of life. So, if your work is in order, provisional EEA approval is granted. We will need to observe your school up and running before it can be fully accredited.” He explained.

Twilight and Spike smiled at the approval. “Then please, join us for Friends and Family Day. It'll be the perfect time to see our progress!” She finished.

Neighsay then grabbed a stamp and pushed it against her curriculum book, approving of school which made both Twilight and Spike relieved that they managed to do so.

Castle of Friendship

Sonic was on his bed casually reading a comic book titled. “Humdrum and the Black Knight Issue 3” and to say the least he was enjoying it.

“Ha! Take that King Archer you should never underestimate the power of Humdrum, no matter how small he may be in size!” The sound knocking on his door became present as he faced towards it.

“Come in!” He called to whoever it was, the door opened up to reveal Twilight walking in with a smile on her face. “Oh hey ’Bookmaster’ what brings you into my humble abode?” He quipped getting a chuckle out of her.

“I’ve come to tell you that we’re officially opening up the school.” She announced making Sonic cheer a bit placing his comic down.

“That’s great!” He hopped off the bed and stood in front of her. “So what happens now?” He asked to which she continued smiling.

“While I was discussing with Celestia about the school, she mentioned that you should attend it as well… with her permission of course.” Twilight explained.

Sonic pumped his fist into the air. “Yes! I finally get to do something else for once!” But he noticed his friend held a small frown to which he raised a curious brow.

“There’s a catch to all of this isn’t there?” To which she nodded with disappointment, obviously not liking what she was about to say.

“You see the EEA might not take a liking to you considering, there has been no recorded history between a species Like yours and ours. And I believe if the EEA found out about you, it might lead to consequences that could affect not only you, but those that are close to you as well.” Her explanation made Sonic groan in annoyance sliding a hand down his face.

“Great, just great… the second things start to get good, they decide to get worse.” His complaints made Twilight feel bad for him.

“Look I don’t like it either but we have to do this, otherwise we won’t be able to succeed at spreading the magic of friendship far and wide.” She then pulled out something from behind her.

“Also you should wear this just in case.” Sonic saw what it was and he just stared at what he was seeing.

School of Friendship

Just adjacent of the Castle of Friendship was the brand new school, that Twilight and her friends have opened which was a pretty good size all things considered.

Out front a path to the entrance rose from the water and lead to a waterfall, which split in half to reveal the entrance doors and right above it was a picture of Twilight Sparkle.

But inside were the group of nine individuals who were preparing for the first day of school, but… “It's too much. Too much!” Rainbow Dash yelled from inside.

Rarity was the next to speak. “Ugh, you think so? I had hoped dressing the part would help me feel the part.” Rarity complained while wearing a teacher outfit.

Rainbow flew down and met with her nose. “Not your dress! This! Us! Teaching?! They're gonna think I'm an egghead!” After releasing her stress she flew forward only to backup, as a cannon moved forwards.

And Pinkie popped out of it. “Well, the students are gonna love my confetti cannon class. It's gonna be... a blast!” She put on a helmet and blasted quite literally out of her cannon.

Fluttershy stood in front of some of her animals and tried practising. “Um, hello there. I'm your teacher. I hope you enjoy class. But if you don't enjoy it, that's okay, too.” Only to have most of them leave and Angel Bunny facepalm himself, making Fluttershy frown sadly.

Applejack stood next to Starlight behind a table. “I don't know about all this.” She admitted.

“Yeah me too, after all I have to wear my same attire I had from the festival.” Sonic added while being seen wearing a red shirt that went down to his legs, a cowboy like hat and sunglasses.

“Why are you wearing that darling might I ask?” Rarity questioned.

To which Sonic scratched the back of his head. “Honestly it’s because “Bookmaster” is worried of what the EEA may think of…” he took of his hat and sunglasses.

“…This!” He finished making them all look at each other in understanding as he put his hat and sunglasses back on.

“Makes sense considering they had to make a cover up story, to avoid you being known to the full public all over Equestria.” Rainbow inputted.

“Yeah and I thought becoming friends with you guys would be enough.” Sonic added with disappointment while crossing his arms.

“It's going to be fine. Everything about this school just feels right.” Twilight said casually while reading the rule book.

“See? If Twilight isn't stressed, you've got nothing to worry about.” Starlight pointed out before walking to the side with some books.

“And you're sure you want us to be teachers? In classrooms?” Applejack asked with worry.

“And me being a student?” Sonic added just as worried, Twilight then floated the rule book in front of them.

“The EEA is very clear on how schools should be run. We have a hugeresponsibility, and I need you all to do this by the book. That means no cannons in class, Pinkie and no using your speed Sonic.” She stared at the both of them with a serious look.

“Awww. Not even a teeny cannon?” Pinkie asked high pitched while holding a very tiny cannon that went off.

Sonic frowned however. “Come on! That’s my special trait, I mean I’m still weary of those who want my power… but isn’t this a little excessive.”

“I know it's not some big adventure against the forces of evil, but this could be the most important thing we've ever done. I can't run a school of friendship without my best friends. Can I count on you?” Twilight asked them.

“Of course you can, darling.” Rarity responded.

“Call me Professor Egghead. I’m in!” Rainbow added.

Sonic looked at them and smiled. “Okay I’ll do it because it’s something new after all.” They all placed their hooves/hand together, and then lifted them up into the air showing they were ready.

Suddenly the bell rang and Pinkie got excited. “Ah! First day at school! So many new ponies!” She screamed loudly, making the group smile.

“About that. One thing I forgot to mention. It's not just ponies.” Twilight explained as she opened the door revealing not only ponies but a Dragon, Griffon, Yak, Changeling and a Hippogriff.

All of them came in and to say the group were shocked would be an understatement. “That was unexpected.” Pinkie admitted which took Sonic by surprise but he didn’t speak about it.

“Okay I guess I should go join the crowd then.” He told his friends before walking into the mass of students, not before grabbing the edge of his hat and tipping it to his friends.

“Ooh! Students certainly traveled from far and wide to attend our school!” Rarity admired while handing a student a book with her magic.

Twilight who was reading the rule book looked at her friend. “Princess Celestia helped me reach out to all the kingdoms. After all, friendship is something that needs to be shared with every... creature.” They saw a Changeling who looked very shy, which reminded Twilight that they couldn’t just say Everypony.

She then made the rule book disappear in a flash and went up front, to get all of the students attention. “Welcome to the School of Friendship! I'm your headmare Twilight Sparkle. Please follow Guidance Counselor Starlight to sign in and get your class assignments. Then we can show you your living quarters.” With that said the students began moving around.

One particular pony walked to the right and admired the location, but then accidentally bumped into someone. He looked to see a Griffon who turned to face him. “Whoa, sorry! I'm Sandbar. Are you a student here, too?” Sandbar asked to which the Griffon stared at him unamused.

“No, I just figured I'd randomly stand here and see how many ponies would walk into me.” The Griffon spoke sarcastically.

Then a loud gruffly voice was heard. “Gallus!” This caused both of them to flinch but Gallus complied to the voice, and walked towards its owner.

An elder Griffon wheezed heavily scaring off a few ponies, Rainbow Dash flew over recognising him. “Grandpa Gruff? What are you doing here?” She asked in surprise.

“Flew all the way from Griffonstone to introduce Gallus.” He gestured his hand towards the blue Griffon, who had his head hung low.

Gallus then looked up to Rainbow Dash and went wide eyed. “Rainbow Dash, right? Gilda told me about you. You're a teacher?” Rainbow nodded. “Huh. Thought you'd be... cooler.” This made Rainbow frown in shock.

Suddenly the doors opened. “Ponies!” Some turned their heads to see a giant Yak.

One particular pony recognised him instantly. “Prince Rutherford!” Pinkie yelled as she bounced over to a younger Yak that Rutherford walked over to as well.

“This Yona Yak. She come to pony school. Hah. Make it better.” Pinkie saluted.

“Yak can't wait to meet ponies and tell all about Yakyakistan!” Yona exclaimed only trip on her hair and hit a wall which caused a plant to fall, then she hit a statue holder that made a stone statue fall, followed by a hanging fabric.

Yona then fell flat on her stomach dazed as Pinkie caught all three objects, Yona managed to get out of her daze as Applejack walked over and placed her hoof on the Yak.

“Why don't I show you around before you destroy the place?” Applejack suggested.

A blue dragon pulled an orange dragon by her arm much to the latters annoyance. “But dragons are better than this! Why am I here?“ The orange dragon asked while getting out of the hold.

The blue dragon came back over. “Because as Dragon Lord, I'm ordering you to be here!” She then looked over and saw a familiar purple dragon. “Hey, Spike! Come meet Smolder.”

Spike looked over and smiled running over, as he dropped his parchment and quill. “Great to see you, Ember!” He hugged her waist, making Ember embarrassed but he let go quickly.

He then looked to see Smolder only to get confused. “Uh, which one is Smolder?” He asked to which Ember turned around and was surprised.

Smolder looked confused before looking forward to see a taller brown dragon, who looked shy rubbing her arm. Smolder leaned forward analysing the dragon with and eye only for a voice to break her concentration. “Ocellus! What did we talk about?” A Changeling named Thorax walked over scolding the fake dragon.

Ocellus looked down embarrassed as a cyan aura surrounded her, and turned into a smaller cyan Changeling. Smolder in absolute shock walked backwards. “I told you, stay in your own form. It's the polite thing to do. Sorry, she's shy.” He explained.

Suddenly a new voice appeared. “What is that?!” A Hippogriff poked her head over the crowd and flew after Ocellus, who transformed into a pony before running off as the Hippogriff continued following her.

Ocellus ran and hid under Fluttershy’s mane. “No way! I didn't know ponies could turn into... um... What are you?” The Hippogriff asked pulling up Fluttershy’s mane.

“A changeling.” Thorax explained to her.

“Ponies can turn into changelings?!” The Hippogriff squealed.

“No, but changelings can turn into ponies.” Fluttershy explained as she rubbed the back of Ocellus’s head making the young changeling smile.

“Huh. That's confusing!” Suddenly a bigger Hippogriff landed next to the smaller one, making Ocellus walk back in fear transforming into her normal form.

“I am General Seaspray of Her Majesty Queen Novo's navy. I would like to introduce the queen's niece, Silverstream.” He told them.

“This place is amazing! I've spent most of my life in a coral reef underwater. I was a seapony, but now I'm a Hippogriff. Long story. Anyway, wow! Is that a yak?!” She yelled flying off after messing up Fluttershy’s mane.

Soon enough all of the students were hanging out with one another, but one student was by himself. Sonic just walked around in his disguise casually not really thinking all that much, but he was interested with the other creatures attending as well. “Man I wish I could just not wear these clothes anymore, but alas I have to because of potential fear of my existence being known to the EEA and all of Equestria which I’m surprised mom pulled off.” He then sighed in disappointment.

“If only things could be different but, I’m glad she’s given me a chance to improve myself.” He complimented her silently.

“Thank you so much for supporting the grand opening of our school. I hope you'll all join us for Friends and Family Day to see the amazing progress your students are making.” Twilight announced which caused most of the students to cheer.

“Looks like school's in session!” Twilight said to herself while levitating the rule book into her hoof.

They then began to sing.

Students: The School of Friendship, first day of class
Will we fail or will we pass?
Students come from far and wide
Brand-new friends here by our side

Twilight Sparkle: Take a breath, look around, it's amazing
I can't believe that it's real
Students galore, new ideas to explore
Can't contain the excitement I feel
Can't mess up, can't afford a mistake now
Think "success", keep it firmly in sight
Make sure to do things by the book
Make sure to do it all right

Students: The School of Friendship, must get to class
Will we fail or will we pass?
Students learning from the best
Taking notes to pass the test

Twilight Sparkle: Wait, hold on! Not like that! Just a second!
I'm not sure if that method's approved
Let me take a look – yup, right here in the book

Rainbow Dash: Come on! We just got in the groove!

Twilight Sparkle: Can't mess up, can't afford a mistake now
We are shaping young minds to ignite
Do it like it says in the book
Now make sure you're doing it right

Pinkie Pie: There's not an equation on how to have fun

Fluttershy: The students look bored now – oh, what have I done?

Applejack: Can't teach bein' honest, not sure what to do

Rarity: I'm quite certain I'm lost

Mane Five: None of us has a clue!

Students School of Friendship, another class
Wish it were more of a blast
Thought this school would be more fun
Can't wait for our classes to be done

Twilight Sprakle: Can't mess up, can't afford a mistake now

Pinkie Pie: No way to have fun

Fluttershy: Oh, what have I done?

Students: Bored with this class

Twilight Sparkle: Think "success", keep it firmly in sight

Students: Wish that we could leave en masse!

Rarity: We don’t have a clue

Students: Listen to this one request
Make things fun, we're really stressed

Twilight Sparkle: Make sure to do things by the book now

Everyone sans Twilight: Can we tell her this thing is a mess?

(End song)

School of Friendship: Days later

Sandbar, Smolder, Gallus, Ocellus, Yona and Silverstream were walking together down a hall to their next class, all of them groaning loudly. “Is this what boring is? Am I bored?” Silverstream asked desperately.

“Ugh, please. These ponies are the heroes of Equestria?” Smolder complained obviously not believing anything she was told.

Sandbar faced her. “Listen, these ponies saved all of us from the Storm King.” He explained, making Gallus frown even more.

“How? By boring him into surrender?” He sarcastically remarked getting a smile from Smolder.

“Our teachers are a little different than I expected.” Ocellus admitted with disappointment.

“Ugh! Pony school waste of time! Yak school teach how to braid yak hair! Braiding yak hair is best! Whoa!” Yona’s rant stopped when she accidentally tripped on her hair again, causing her to roll into Smolder sending her flying.

“Is there anything in Yakyakistan that isn't the best?” Smolder asked while crossing her arms, Yona quickly got back up to her feet.

Yes! Wait. No! Yaks best.” This made Smolder roll her eyes.

“No claws, no wings, no fire. What is it exactly you're proud of?” She asked questionably this made Sandbar step forward.

“Whoa, cool it. No need to harsh Yona's love for her heritage, okay?” Only for Gallus to speak up.

“Awww, are we not being sweet and friendly enough for you, pony?” He retorted aggressively.

“That was sarcasm, right? Because you weren't being sweet or nice!” Silverstream inquired with optimism.

Smolder walked over to Gallus. “Maybe dragons and griffons are just too tough for friendship.” She fist bumped Gallus who smiled at her.

“Yaks tough, just not nasty.” Yona claimed stepping forward.

“Who you calling nasty, klutz?” Gallus growled.

They were head to head pushing aggressively until someone called out to them. “Okay, break it up! Break... it... up!” Rainbow flew down and pushed them apart.

This was followed by Applejack lassoing Gallus and Starlight levitating Yona into the air, all three Mares glaring. “What is going on here?!” Starlight demanded to know.

Gallus smirked. “Just a friendly discussion about the magic of friendship amongst friends.” He sarcastically remarked.

Applejack though wasn’t having it. “Everypony— I mean, everyone, go to your next class!” She ordered to which they all did as told. “I just can't believe it. Fights breakin' out when they're supposed to be learnin' friendship?” Applejack said with confusion.

“Things definitely aren't going as "by the book" as Twilight planned.” Starlight told them.

“That's because we're terrible teachers! Face it. This school isn't gonna work.” Rainbow pointed out making the other two Mares realise she was right.

School of Friendship: Minutes Earlier

Somewhere else in the school Sonic was walking by himself, sighing heavily as he took note of how this wasn’t working. “This has been so boring! Nothing fun has been happening, I haven’t been able to have a single conversation with anyone here because of how I look! And worst of all “Bookmaster” doesn’t seem to realise at all because of that stupid book!” He ranted to himself.

“So much for trying to make friends.” He muttered to himself, but suddenly an idea popped into his head. “Hey I know a place I could go, the nearby lake! None of the “Rainbow Ponies” will even check there!” He smiled to himself, before heading to his next class.

School of Friendship: Headmare’s Office (The next day)

To say all of the teachers were upset would be an understatement as they all complained about their problems, but Twilight didn’t seem to phased.

“I get it. Things are getting off to a rougher start than expected. But that's okay!” She said happily to which Spike grabbed her face bringing it close to his own.

“Who are you, and what have you done with Twilight Sparkle?” He questioned only for Twilight to levitate him off the desk.

“Every school in Equestria follows these rules. As long as we do too, we'll be fine.” She explained with optimism.

“Maybe we should... try something new?” Starlight suggested.

“The EEA will be here this afternoon for Friends and Family Day. They need to see a school that follows their guidelines.” This made the others uncomfortable.

“Even if those guidelines aren't working?” Fluttershy said nervously to which Twilight stood up.

“Well, then we have to try harder and make sure they do.” This caught them off guard.

“But what about Sonic? From what I’ve seen he hasn’t said a single word to any student, in any class I’ve taught him.” Rainbow inputted, this made the others look at her in agreement.

“Yeah he hasn’t said anything in mine too.” Pinkie added, all of them seeming to agree.

But Twilight wasn’t having any of it. “Just try to talk to him about it.” The others were very unsure considering what he was already dealing with.

The bell suddenly rung as Twilight regained her happy attitude. “Another morning, another chance to inspire our students!” She exclaimed as the others frowned but decided to leave, she nodded in approval before refocusing on her work.

School of Friendship

In one of the many hallways students were heading to their next class, but Smolder and Gallus were heading another direction which caught Sandbar’s eye. “Hey! Professor Dash's class is this way.” He pointed down the hall but he was ignored.

Both Gallus and Smolder ended up walking towards Ocellus, Yona and Silverstream. “Where are you going? You're not skipping, are you?” Ocellus asked with concern.

“That’s exactly what we’re doing.” Smolder replied calmly while fist bumping Gallus.

“But Friends and Family Day—” Silverstream was interrupted by Gallus.

“Is after class. Relax. This is just a quick... mental health break.” He explained while tapping his head with his wing.

The three creatures in front of them whispered amongst themselves, before facing the mischievous duo. “That sounds legit! We're in!” Silverstream confirmed.

“I guess I'll tag along, too. Make sure you don't get into... trouble.” Sandbar told them, making both Gallus and Smolder roll their eyes.

All six of them walked forward laughing only to hear a familiar voice. “This way, Angel!” It was Fluttershy.

“Professor Fluttershy! We're busted!” Silverstream whispered, to which Ocellus walked forward and changed into Rarity.

Fluttershy came around the corner and saw them. “Oh, my! What are you all doing? Aren't classes that way?” She asked them pointing down the hall.

“Ah— A generosity field trip, daaaaarling. I'm taking the students to the lake to look at our divine reflections.” “Rarity” explained.

“Oh, that sounds nice. Have fun!” Fluttershy told them before walking off, but Angel glared at them growling but hopped after his carer.

Ocellus turned back to normal, and together they all jogged down the hall laughing. “I take back everything I said about you! That was cool!” Smolder admitted making Ocellus smile.

“Thanks! Wait, what did you say about me?” Ocellus asked confused but she didn’t get an anwser.

The six of them made their way down the hall and were ready to relax a little bit.

School of Friendship: Courtyard

Meanwhile both Twilight and Starlight were walking together, discussing about the school. “You're sure sticking to the book is gonna work?” Starlight asked concerned.

“My friends can handle anything. They'll have these problems turned around before we know it.” Twilight stated with determination.

Then a portal opened up behind them. “Problems?” Chancellor Neighsay asked stepping out of the portal with a clipboard, making both Twilight and Starlight gasp.

“Chancellor Neighsay! You're here!” Twilight greeted nervously.

“Yes. And you seem unprepared. If there are problems...” He said as he wrote in the clipboard.

“Problems? Ha! Of course not! We can't wait to show you around!” Twilight exclaimed as both her and Starlight smiled nervously.

Neighsay continued writing notes making Twilight chuckle nervously.

The Lake

Somewhere a little bit away from the school were the group of young creatures, all having a blast talking with one another. “And that's why griffons breathe fire when we get mad.” Gallus finished making Silverstream excited.

“They do not! Wait! Do they? No! Really?!” Silverstream asked with excitement still filling her voice.

“Griffons just full of hot air!” Yona joked making them all laugh.

“And yaks are actually good at jokes. How about that?” Smolder admitted with surprise, before anyone could continue the sound of one’s voice became known.

They all became nervous as it got closer as they hear it was coming from in front of them, but their worries were put to rest when it turned out to be a bipedal wearing clothes.

“Hey isn’t that one of the other students?” Ocellus asked, to which they nodded.

“Yeah but I’ve never talked to him, have any you talked to him?” Smolder asked them to which they shook their heads.

“Well we should do so anyway.” Gallus said calmly to which they began walking over to the figure.

The Lake: Meanwhile

Sonic had made it to the lake not noticing the other students, he was purely focused on just relaxing for the awhile.

But then he heard footsteps coming his way in fact multiple footsteps, he looked to see the group of students walking towards him and he was nervous. “Hello there friendly student why are you here?!” Silverstream asked him.

“Uh… I came here because I wanted to get my mind off of school.” He replied making her gasp.

“Same with us!” Sonic was shocked to say the least.

“That’s pretty cool but yeah I don’t really like school right now.” He admitted.

“What’s your reason?” Smolder asked him to which he held a frown.

“Because of well… this.” He gestured to his clothes.

“What’s wrong with that? It’s just some clothes from what I was told.” Gallus said calmly.

“No you don’t understand… it’s just that well… I’ll just show you guys.” He proceeded to take off his hat, sunglasses and shirt off revealing to the group of students who he was.

“Woah!” They all gasped in surprise of the blue Hedgehog that stood in front of them.

“Yeah.” Sonic replied flatly.

Suddenly Silverstream shot up. “Wait, wait, wait, wait! I’ve heard about you!” Sonic and the others were surprised to say the least.

“Really?” He asked her to which she nodded.

“Yeah you were uh… who are you again I kinda forgot.” She replied embarrassed.

“Oh I’m Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!” He answered making Silverstream cheer.

“Now I remember!” This made them laugh.

“So what’s the whole deal with the disguise thing?” Ocellus asked with curiosity to which Sonic faced her with a frown.

“Alright I’ll explain why… Basically I’m like an alien only from another world. Somehow I ended up with my adoptive mom, then I was forced to leave because of reasons. Then three years later lived on a different planet, and then spent next ten years alone on another planet called Earth, then came back here three years ago and ended up meeting with the “Rainbow Ponies” went on an adventure, helped stop The Storm King by sending him to another planet. Reunite with my adoptive mom and then the school opened up, thus leading to where we are right now.” He finished with a smile after his fast explanation.

And the group were speechless jaws dropped to the floor, none of them having any idea of what to say. “That’s so cool!” Smolder yelled as the others also commented on his explanation.

“Thanks.” Sonic replied.

They were all silent for a few more seconds before Sonic broke it. “So… what now?” He asked, to which Smolder flew up Into the air and smirked at them.

“Competition! Who’s up for a race?” She asked to which they all nodded in agreement.

Sonic most of all was ready to have some real fun, for once since school got boring but they weren’t aware of what was happening back at the school.

School of Friendship

Twilight and Starlight were walking through the halls, with Chancellor Neighsay writing on his clipboard things were going okay for now, that was until Rainbow Dash came down the hall and stopped in front of them. “Rainbow Dash! Why aren't you in class teaching?” Twilight asked with nervousness.

Rainbow looked worried. “Because my students are gone!” She replied making both Twilight and Starlight scared as Chancellor Neighsay was right behind them.

Rainbow realised instantly and became nervous as well. “Uh, g-gone somewhere else! Doing a loyalty lesson! And-and I was just going to grab, uh... this pencil! Because they need it. Wherever they are. Which I know, 'cause... I'm the teacher!”

Starlight facehoofed while Twilight tried to talk out of it. “I see. Well, Chancellor, we have other classes. We can just—“ But she was cut off.

“Let's follow the professor. I'm quite curious about this lesson in loyalty.” He said with a cold tone which made Rainbow even more nervous, as she couldn’t fly away now.

With reluctance she guided them down the hall to this supposed ”Loyalty Lesson” She had.

The Lake

The Young Six and Sonic were all having a blast, running around the lake together Sonic held back due to obvious reasons, but he would soon show them.

Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus and Smolder were all flying while Sonic, Sandbar and Yona were all running. But they were all laughing with each other enjoying the thrill. “Of course, we want to instill a sense of loyalty towards others. We encourage acts of generosity and kindness.” Twilight spoke.

Sandbar helped prevent Yona from tripping again when she stepped on her hair, by pushing her up with his strength making her smile at him as they continued to run.

Silverstream suggested an idea to the others and they agreed, flying down to the members on the ground. Gallus picked up Sandbar while both, Silverstream and Smolder picked up Yona who screamed.

Sonic grinned at them and quickly jumped up into the air and landed on Gallus’s back, which annoyed the Griffon but he quiickly realised how light he was and regained a smile.

Ocellus continued following the group without carrying anyone. “Figured we shouldn't be the only ones enjoying the view.” Gallus commented.

Yona kept screaming. “Waaaah! Yak not best at flying!”

“And appreciation for the value of laughter...” Twilight voiced again, but Yona who had closed her eyes in fear opened them and smiled at the view.

“Flying is best!” Yona yelled happily.

“Congratulations, Yona! You are officially the weirdest thing I've seen so far!” Silverstream joked.

“What do you say, Ocellus? Can you be weirder than a flying yak?” Smolder requested, to which Ocellus smiled and transformed into something huge that casted a shadow over the group.

They all looked on in awe and Sonic was beyond speechless. “Oh my Celestia that is awesome! It could compete with the national treasure!” The others gave him confused looks.

“Uh what national treasure exactly?” Smolder asked, to which Sonic smiled at her.

“Oh you see the planet I lived on for ten years, there’s this guy named Keanu Reeves and he is the nicest creature in all of the universe, and the best part is that he kicks flank in all sorts of movies!” The explanation caught them off guard but they smiled at him in response.

“Best part is that I’ve got some of those movies.” They all laughed and continued flying alongside the giant creature that Ocellus turned into.

School of Friendship

“...and to always be honest in any situation.” Twilight finished as they walked through the same hallway.

“Honesty is imperative. Princess, are we going in circles?” Neighsay asked with suspicion.

“Uh, look at the time! We'd better head to the lake for Friends and Family Day. I'm sure all the students and faculty will be there.” Twilight spoke nervously with Starlight and Rainbow Dash feeling the same way, as they walked down another hall.

School of Friendship: Outside

All of the ponies were out and about having fun, students and parents had arrived and the Mane four organised it all.

They even had cake prepared for the occasion, Pinkie then pointed at the incoming creatures who were happy to be here, Spike was with them as well being the one to guide them.

Everything was going great Thorax and Seaspray were talking with one another, Rutherford laughed while Gruff angrily stared down a pony.

Spike and Ember clinked glasses of water and juice together smiling, suddenly the sound of buzzing became known and Ember was the first to react. “What is that?!” She yelled pointing behind Spike who also turned to look.

They turned around to see most of the group of students, but were mostly focused on the giant bug like creature in the sky that flew behind them.

This caused screams to fill the air and all of the ponies fled while everyone else stayed behind, Twilight, Starlight, Rainbow Dash and Neighsay saw the commotion and were confused.

But when Neighsay looked up to his right he saw the giant bug and he was scared. “Aah! The school is under attack!” He yelled hiding behind Twilight who was also panicking.

Gallus accidentally threw Sandbar down because of a pony flying in front of him which caused Sonic to fall off of him, Sandbar rolled into the other creatures causing both Rutherford and Seaspray to be knocked over, while Thorax spun around in circles before falling onto his side like a toy figure, Gruff fortunately didn’t get hit.

Silverstream and Smolder who were holding Yona nearly hit a Pegasus, causing them to fall down into the stand that had the cake causing it to fly and hit Gruff in the face.

Ocellus who was still a giant flying bug nearly fell onto Thorax before quickly darting to the side, only to crash into a tower causing it to break and fall down, Ocellus transformed back to normal falling onto the ground.

The tower pieces fell down and landed hard onto the ground causing dust to rise, blocking everyone’s view. Thorax and Seaspray coughed from the dust while Rutherford was on his back, Gruff licked some of the cake actually enjoying it.

Twilight and Neighsay looked to the right and saw the group of students, Twilight was shocked but Neighsay was flabbergasted. “Uh, maybe skipping class wasn't the best idea?” Silverstream said nervously.

“How dare you! This act of aggression against ponies—!” Neighsay began but was interrupted.

“I-I'm so sorry, Chancellor. We clearly had some students get a little carried away.” Twilight spoke with authority but Neighsay couldn’t believe what he’d just heard.

Those are students? But you said you were opening this school to protect Equestria! To defend ponies from... dangerous creatures who don't have our best interests at heart!” He growled while pointing at the other creatures.

Sonic who had been tucked into a ball was shocked at what he heard, racism against others because of things he mistook them for.

“My school teaches for all of us to work together through friendship.” Twilight explained calmly.

“And how do you know these creatureswon't take what they have learned here and use it against us?” Neighsay spat back.

“Friendship isn't just for ponies!” Twilight shot back.

“It should be.” Neighsay replied coldly not backing down.

Sonic who had uncurled was shocked. “Hey isn’t that going a little too far!?” He shouted to the Chancellor who was disgusted to see him.

“What is that thing?! Another one of your students?!” Neighsay demanded.

“Yes I am and you shouldn’t judge others based on bad history!” Sonic defended the other creatures.

“We’ve already dealt with enough of you wretched creatures and none of them should have ever come here it’s no wonder you’re out of control, you’ve had no family to guide you!” This made Sonic go wide eyed that was the worst thing anyone could have said to him.

He felt tears in his eyes well up and he hugged himself looking down at the ground. “Unicorn think yaks no need friendship? Maybe yaks no need pony school!” Rutherford yelled.

Neighsay frowned. “Well, perhaps you should return to your kind.” He pushed Rutherford back.

This made Ember angry. “"Your kind"?! Smolder, let's go!” She flew off and so Smolder followed suit.

“Queen Novo will want to hear of this!” Seaspray growled.

“Well, this place seemed lame anyways.” Gruff said without hesitation as the both of them walked away.

The other students followed as well with Thorax walking up to Ocellus. “It's fine. We know not every pony sees us the way you do. We're used to it.” Thorax sadly spoke as he and Ocellus flew away.

Twilight was angry with Neighsay and walked up to him with a frown on her face. “Princess Celestia helped me reach out to all the kingdoms! When she hears you closed the school because—!” But she was cut off again.

“Because you failed to meet the EEA's standards?” He accused pointing a hoof at her.

“What?!” Was all Twilight could say confused.

“Irresponsible teachers, students skipping class, endangering ponies! Your school is a disaster. Perhaps if you had had higher standards for who was admitted, this could have been avoided. Regardless...” He placed a hoof on his medallion causing his horn to glow yellow with magic.

He then shot a yellow beam at the school causing cyan chains to wrap around the building, which then manifested into a lock that became a part of the entrance.

Neighsay turned around to face the group. “By order of the EEA, I am shutting this school...” He stomped his hoof. “down!” He declared.

This made Twilight sadly gasp while the others looked on in worry, Sonic meanwhile was still affected by what the Chancellor had said to him prior, hugging himself the entire time.

Neighsay then left via his medallion through a portal and disappeared leaving them with their thoughts.

Twilight looked at the Hedgehog who was looking down, she along with her friends heard what Neighsay had said to him it was awful and just cruel.

“Sonic are you okay?” She asked nervously, which was met with silence the others felt the wind blow around them showing that they were the only ones around.

“I thought that if we followed the rulebook then we…” But Sonic quickly spun around and faced her with an annoyed face.

“That’s where I stop you Twilight.” This caught most of them off guard he had never said Twilight’s name before, meaning this was serious.

“You see all of that thinking going into one book, Y’know if you actually paid attention, then you would have noticed things weren’t so great and that everyone but yourself was miserable.” He grabbed the book from her wing holding it with an angry look.

“But considering you didn’t I just have to ask you one question?… how smart are you now?” This made them all go completely silent, as he threw the book onto the ground causing an echoing sound of a bang, making the group flinch from how loud it was.

He turned away walking a few steps before stopping once more, facing the group with his back turned to them. “But to be fair it’s not entirely your fault…” He faced straight ahead once more. “…It was also mine.” He whispered loud enough for them to hear.

And without another word he walked forward back towards the castle, arms dropped with his head hung low sniffling silently to himself.

Twilight who felt the most guilty, did the same walk with shame leaving only sigh as a response. The rest of the group watched in sadness as both of their friends entered the castle, allowing their thoughts to thrive and re-evaluate their whole situation.

Frowns staying strong across all of them with the wind whistling silently.

Author's Note:

This took so long to write but hopefully it was enjoyable enough, also the reason it’s mostly the episode is because it’s the setup and I’m pretty much forced to do so.

And I just wanted to say that the story after the next chapter will focus mostly on Sonic meeting other characters, which will hopefully satisfy people who want more Sonic scenes.

But with that said I hope you enjoyed this chapter.