• Published 16th May 2022
  • 1,000 Views, 95 Comments

Super Ponyronpa: Cacophonous Symphony - TrackdNTraild

What happens when 16 ponies are trapped in a magic school, and have to kill eachother to leave?

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ACT 1: Fit for Kings

"Alert alert!" Philomena screamed as she flew down the hallway, leaving the ponies to be in shock at what they were looking at. They were just barely aware of the fact that Philomena was speaking on the speakers. "A body has been discovered! After a short period of investigation, the class trial will begin! But before we officially begin the investigation, please head to Restaurant Row for a special feast!"

"A feast..." Starlight whispered. Philomena still expected them to eat after seeing this? Rarity was still crying, and even Shining had a horrified look on his face. He was a guard, and even he was shocked that some pony had died. Party Favor...

"E-everypony…" Twilight tried to strengthen her voice to speak. "I-I... I know this is upsetting b-but, we need to listen to Philomena, and think rationally. The only way we're going to be able to do this investigation p-properly is if we get a full stomach. We need this food so that we can think straight. L-let's head to Restaurant Row, we can come back."

The crowd was mostly silent, but they agreed with Twilight. They knew that they had to eat, and Starlight knew it too. She had hoped that no pony had to die just so they could eat... but it was necessary. She was grateful that they could eat now, but horrified that a pony's life was sacrificed for it. The group turned and began to walk out of the school, and to Restaurant Row. Other ponies were beginning to pour into the crowd as they walked, coming from the dorms. Some ponies were already at Restaurant Row, waiting for the others to show up. Feather Bangs, Prince Blueblood, Applejack, and Double Diamond were already there. Feather Bangs seemed the most upset, refusing to look up from the table; a terrified look was in his eyes. He must've seen the body too.

"Welcome everypony!" Philomena leapt onto the table when every pony had arrived, and took a seat. "I know it is under unfortunate circumstances that we are doing this, but we are going to have a feast! Some pony has boldly sacrificed their life for this feat, and we should all be grateful! You all may eat to your heart's content!"

Philomena hit a button on the table with her talon. The button disappeared, and she flew into the air, making her way back to the school. When she was gone, a wide range of food appeared out of the table and rested on it. Vegetables, fruits, cakes and cookies, and many drinks were scattered about. Every pony instantly forgot their discomfort and fear seeing all this fresh food. They instantly dug in, grabbing plates and silverware. They grabbed what food they could, not worrying about any potential risks. Starlight could hear everypony's stomachs growling, even her own was screaming out with joy. Most ponies chose to drank something first, Starlight included. She had gotten a glass of orange juice and it was gone within seconds. She refilled it before she began eating.

She made herself her own personal hayburger with a salad, and dug straight in. Every pony was quiet; no conversation could be had at the moment. The hunger had been all too much for them to deal with, and they were finally able to eat as much as they wished. Starlight still wanted to pace herself, however. She needed to be fit to do the investigation, and she didn't want to immediately sick everything up. Some ponies were taking the smart route as well, choosing to eat nutritious things but not too many of them. Fluttershy had gotten herself a small salad, and was eating small bites. She still was incredibly nervous, and Starlight could understand.

Other ponies chose to eat as much as their bodies could handle; Shining Armor was one of them. He wasn't being light with his huge plate of food. Starlight could figure he needed to eat more because his body was so much bigger than most other ponies, and he was a guard after all. She could only imagine how much muscle was in his body, and she almost thought she could see it. Prince Blueblood on the other side seemed disgusted that every pony was digging in like savages. He picked up small things from the feast and ate them before he moved on to something else. He must've been used to eating lightly, being a prince and all. Starlight would love to tease him over the fact that he was eating grass just yesterday.

Every pony began to slow down over time as they ate and drank, more than happy to get their fill. Empty plates and bowls were stacked up on each side of the table as they each finally decided that they had enough. They sat back and relaxed, ever grateful for this meal, and they could eat any time they wanted now.

"Now that we've all eaten, might I propose something?" Twilight spoke up. The ponies turned their heads, their fullness keeping them from moving too fast. "We'll be able to access Restaurant Row from now on, as Philomena said on our first day. "I would like to propose that we have breakfast here every day. We all can eat together, and bond as friends. We can use this table as a meeting place as well; we can all talk about things that we think are important and worth discussing, and that will help better us for class trials. Plus, we can learn new information outside of them that we can use in the future."

"I agree!" Starlight nodded to the alicorn. "It's a smart move getting to meet up here, and plus if we all have breakfast together then that means we have an idea of where everypony is in the mornings. In other words, we can find holes in alibis on the days that ponies have died, if any at all."

"I'm inclined to agree with you both!" The Doctor said. "Very smart indeed. I would love to just eat here in the mornings with my fellow ponies, but being able to talk about the events makes the breakfast exciting as well."

"Exciting surely is one way to put it," Sunburst chuckled to himself. "But it's a good idea. We can keep track of where everypony has come from, and what they look like, and that will help us in our investigations."

"I suppose it's settled then." Starlight tapped the table. "Everypony in agreement say I!"

The table broke out in a chorus of 'I's and hoof raising. Not a single pony didn't speak up, even Fluttershy showed her approval by raising her hoof just above her head. As the ponies quieted down, Philomena spoke through the speakers again.

"This is a school announcement!" She cawed. "The feat is now officially over, and the investigation has begun! Every pony, please make your way to Party Favor's dorm room to begin the investigation! You have one hour before the class trial. Spend your time wisely!"

Every pony knew what they had to do. Looks were cast around the table, and the mood return to dull and dreary. They nodded to eachother and got to their hooves. They went in a large group back into the school, pouring in through the door. They all took deep breaths, preparing their stomachs for the sight they were about to see once again. They all stopped at the dormitory, afraid of going down the hall. They could see the dried blood at the end of the hallway. Every pony put on their brave faces, forcing themselves to push on forward down the hall like a group of soldiers. Starlight pulled herself to the front of the pack, and faced the situation head on.

The investigation had begun when they reached the door to Party Favor's room; the scene of the crime. Were they truly ready to face such a task? Starlight knew she was. She would get to the bottom of this, and bring the culprit to justice.


Author's Note:

Sorry for this incredibly short chapter! :facehoof: I didn't want this chapter to leak into the investigation, so I cut it short on purpose.