• Published 25th May 2022
  • 3,252 Views, 59 Comments

Izzy and the Moonlit Garden - Sledge115

Izzy Moonbow has always felt alone. Until one day, when she comes across a garden hidden amongst the trees and its caretaker, a strange mare named Luna.

  • ...



Seasons passed. Bridlewood remained the same. The trees grew older still, the village quiet as ever. But Izzy Moonbow stood tall and proud, for she had friends to visit.

Or she would be there right now, if her thoughts weren’t racing so much. For here in Luna’s garden, she paced back and forth, muttering all the way.

“Okay, big day! Or night, I guess. I’m gonna head out there and… hmm, what am I going to do? Do I just… talk to them? Oh, there’s so much to think about!” she exclaimed, scrunching her nose in thought, and she stopped, turning to look at Luna. “Do you think… do you think whoever wrote it is still around? I mean, they could have moved away and all. It’s been a while.”

“Sweet child,” Luna said, shaking her head, “you’ll do just fine. Greet them, say hello, ask them to play with you. Anything, anything. You are Izzy Moonbow. You can do this.”

She stood up to her full height. Izzy, tall as she was now, could only reach up to her chin, all in all. “Come,” said Luna, patting the space next to her. “I have a gift for you.”

Izzy followed her lead, seating herself. Her eyes widened when she spied the item in Luna’s hoof – crystals and threads.

“Is that a…”

“Headband?” Luna finished. “Why yes. You ought to appear your best when you meet them. If you’d allow me…”

When it was all done, her headband in place, her long mane was a little more tidy now, she could tell. Izzy hopped off the seat, looking back at Luna. As she always did, she kept up that elegant outlook even when those tell-tale bashful twitches came through her facade.

“What do you think?” Luna said. “Your examples were rather useful.”

“Well,” Izzy said, chuckling, “I don’t have a mirror on me right now, so I guess I’ll have to ask them first.”

Luna let out a fond laugh. “That is true. Now, do you remember what you need to do?”

“Follow Orion’s horn, towards where the wind blows,” Izzy recited. “Right? There’s a bunch more like, the scent carried by the wind or, or the other constellations but… did I get it right?”

“Lovely. You remembered my lessons.”

“Well, duh,” Izzy replied. “You sure know a lot about nights.”

“I remember every night,” answered Luna, “as I shall remember this one.”

She gave Izzy a sly little wink, one that she returned in kind.

In the five years that had gone by, neither of them had ever spoken much of the dream. Luna, Izzy had concluded, had no real desire nor reason to speak of it or the forgotten past again. But the smell of lavender had been stronger than it was before, for Luna had grown so much more of it in the moonlit garden.

For Twilight, Luna had said then, nothing else. Izzy didn’t mind much. Luna was her friend, and that was all Izzy needed to know.

“Oh! I almost forgot,” said Izzy. Before Luna could reply, she’d rummaged through her satchel, presenting a woven straw hat. “A gardener can’t do without a hat, right?”

Wordlessly, Luna accepted it in her hoof. She placed it upon her head, where it tilted slightly.

“Oh, darn it,” Izzy bemoaned. “I forgot to fit it first.”

“That is alright,” Luna assured, a hoof upon her shoulder. “’Tis a comfortable wear, and I thank you for it.”

She tipped her new hat.

“Remember, Izzy Moonbow,” Luna said with dramatic flourish. “Should you need aid, know that I will always watch over you.” She reached up to brush away a strand of Izzy’s mane, smiling warmly. “But I believe you have it well-taken care of.” She paused and her gaze turned a little more serious. “Izzy. Do you remember how, when we first met, you asked about stardust and what it was?”

“Yes…” said Izzy. “And you said it was magic, and that it was gone from the world.”

“But it is not entirely,” said Luna. “Not to those who know where to look. For it still touches all ponies at least once in their lives, in that one crystalline moment of realisation of who they are, the transition from childhood, when their purpose becomes known to them.”

Her eyes followed a certain trail meaningfully, and Izzy’s gaze followed where Luna’s led, towards the little symbol of the blue-buttoned heart on her flank.

“Go out there,” Luna whispered, “and make your mark.”

Feeling her lips quiver a bit, Izzy had little else to say, but one.

“Thanks, Luna. For everything.”

Their last hug was the tightest. Nothing else was said, only quiet little glances. As she was about to push the vine curtain apart, Izzy looked back at the garden. There Luna stood, Tiberius upon her head, the two of them waving goodbye.

Izzy waved back, and off she went on her way. Down the tunnel where she’d travelled down for so long over the years, out into the village. For a brief, fleeting moment, Izzy thought to look back, to see if the tunnel was still there, to see lingering stardust upon the forest floor and leaves.

Perhaps she’d even spy those blue-green eyes again, looking out for her from between the trees.

The moment passed, though the warmth remained as always. Izzy continued her walk, past the quiet homes of her neighbours, through the mists, until she reached the edge of the treeline.

She saw an open field, with rolling green hills. Above, the stars went on and on, forever past the clouds. Izzy could just see it now, her mother painting upon the easel, a grassy sunlit field beneath clouds and the bright blue sky.

And without another hesitation, with the letter close to her heart and torch at the ready, Izzy Moonbow departed Bridlewood beneath the starry night.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Grace for the stick in the mud gag (you're right, it should have been in the movie :derpytongue2:, and to VoxAdam for Luna's line about cutie marks :twilightsmile:

Dedicated to Friendship is Magic, for all the memories and friendships made.

To Lauren Faust, for introducing us to this lovely world.

To M.A. Larson, for Luna Eclipsed, the very first episode I've watched in full, and for the Luna we all know and love.

As for someone completely different, dedicated to Hayao Miyazaki, for all the childhood memories. Thank you all.

Now, onwards to Gen 5 we go. See you on the other side!


Comments ( 33 )

This was a lovely story. I loved it from the start. Izzy is a treasure and I'm glad she took the path to friendship.

Wonderful imagery throughout and how a lot of little things tied in to the greater story. Every word had meaning with no wasted space in between. I'm as satisfied as I can be in this moment.

Thanks for sharing.

This was a touching little read, bravo!

Absolutely perfect. Everything, from the way you described the passage of time, to the way Izzy's relationship with Luna grew as she did, to the bittersweet ending, just perfect. Hats off to you, and hats off to whatever Gen 5 brings our way!

That was so good! That story had me grinning from ear to ear the whole way through. I just love the way you've portrayed Luna here. And the way you've portrayed Izzy is amazing too. It also brings so many questions to my head about this universe. Like Izzy's reaction to seeing Sunny's wooden Twilight figurine. Or Sunny's reaction to Izzy's tales of Luna. Just a fantastic idea you've come up with and put to words, I can say for certain that it made my night.

And without another hesitation, with the letter close to her heart and torch at the ready, Izzy Moonbow departed Bridlewood beneath the starry night.

And basically this is where the Story begins with My Little Pony a new generation

Wow this was a pretty good story a lot of emotional chapter but a really good one I really like that so it looks like the day is the day that she will go to Maretime Bay where she will meet her friend Sunny starscout even though they will probably will meet under the circumstances but anyway before she was going to go there Luna gave her a gift to Izzy and giving her one last lesson to follow her heart and whatever the wind take her and with that they say their goodbyes and now Izzy is heading for a brighter future to make her mark again this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

Beyond amazing


Considering how much I've fretted regarding several points in the story, this is very touching and encouraging :twilightsmile: Thank you, and it's no trouble, heh. Glad you loved it!




Aw, thank you! And, amen. Let us see what G5 brings to the table :twilightsmile:


Aw shucks :twilightblush: You got me smiling, too. I'm glad I nailed both of their portrayals, thanks!

It also brings so many questions to my head about this universe. Like Izzy's reaction to seeing Sunny's wooden Twilight figurine. Or Sunny's reaction to Izzy's tales of Luna. Just a fantastic idea you've come up with and put to words, I can say for certain that it made my night.

I wanted to leave the door open, and glad it sparked the imagination here :raritywink:


As one generation ends, so shall another begin indeed. Thank you for all the enthusiastic comments, glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

I know the hassle (if that is the appropriate word) of deciding to draw a connection between G4 and G5. It's not easy to do. Hats off to you for a rather seamless prologue to the movie, affording us but the slightest connection without sacrificing either intimacy or beauty.

My heart aches for Luna.

Sometimes I wonder if I would rather die or take immortality.

As some wise people once said, immortality can be as much of a curse as a gift.

It hurts, making friends every generation, only to see them go.

And it also hurts when your constants in your life are gone.

Making a link to g5 from g4 and giving us Luna as the last alicorn really was impactful. With the essence of the story spread out over all the thousands of words instead of focusing on a single area really drove the point further than if it were only one chapter that had what we needed.

I can see why you took your time working on it - this is easily within the top five stories with Luna I've read.

Her words, her emotions, her thoughts...

And Izzy. We come to Izzy.

So excitable, so idealistic.

And the Mom part...

It certainly explained why she lived alone.

There were happy moments. There were sad moments.

I'd like to think Izzy's Mom met Luna as she passed, because what is death but an everlasting dream?

This is amazing.

Into "Greatest Stories Ever" you go.

This is definitely going into my library collection. I love how you portray Izzy, and my eyes might have actually leaked a little bit when her mom died. I loved how you portray Luna as well. This whole story was somber yet beautiful like a cello piece. I am curious though if Izzy tried to introduce her new friends to Luna...maybe a small sequel? (No pressure, just curious to see how you see it going down).

This was an incredibly sweet story.

This was great! Aside from the wonderful interactions between Izzy and Luna, the bits of Izzy's home life are fascinating and heartbreaking. I appreciated the incorporation of Tiberius from the comics; I initially assumed he was a new possum who was granted that name until Izzy's narration noted he hadn't aged either. The incorporation of Luna's lavender was nicely handled too.

Why did you make me cry? This was great! Thank you.

That was a good story.


I know the hassle (if that is the appropriate word) of deciding to draw a connection between G4 and G5. It's not easy to do. Hats off to you for a rather seamless prologue to the movie, affording us but the slightest connection without sacrificing either intimacy or beauty.

Aye, part of the challenge was allowing both Izzy and Luna to shine without overshadowing the other. I didn't want Luna (best pony) to hog the spotlight, and neither did I wish for her to be entirely superfluous to Izzy's story. It's a difficult balance to strike, heh :twilightsheepish:


Making a link to g5 from g4 and giving us Luna as the last alicorn really was impactful. With the essence of the story spread out over all the thousands of words instead of focusing on a single area really drove the point further than if it were only one chapter that had what we needed.

Why else am I so averse to short stories? I like to spread it out, let it be as impactful and well-developed as possible, hehe.

I can see why you took your time working on it - this is easily within the top five stories with Luna I've read.

Aw. I'm very much honoured!


This whole story was somber yet beautiful like a cello piece. I am curious though if Izzy tried to introduce her new friends to Luna...maybe a small sequel? (No pressure, just curious to see how you see it going down).

I aim to write stories that flow like a song :twilightsmile:

And, well, the door's open if I ever want to continue this little 'verse :raritywink:


This was great! Aside from the wonderful interactions between Izzy and Luna, the bits of Izzy's home life are fascinating and heartbreaking.

:twilightsmile: I wanted to ensure that, while it's clear Izzy's an outlier amongst unicorns as we see her in the film, she's had a decent upbringing. Her mother may not be as cheerful as she was, nor as tender as Argyle was to Sunny, but she was still a caring mother. Plus, I didn't want to take the obvious route of having Luna take Izzy in, or have Izzy be alone when she's just a child. Losing one's parent as a teenager is just as awful.

I appreciated the incorporation of Tiberius from the comics; I initially assumed he was a new possum who was granted that name until Izzy's narration noted he hadn't aged either. The incorporation of Luna's lavender was nicely handled too.

Heh, expect nothing less from me :twilightsmile: And, yeah, I was torn between making him Tiberius CCC, but figured that Luna needed one companion from her past.





Awwwww I'm glad this little story's graced your hearts :twilightsmile:

This story is lovely. Thank you for it.


:twilightsmile: Glad you liked it!

A beautiful story


Awww thank you :twilightsmile: I'll leave a reply when I can!

This is a beautiful heart warming story.

It was sad,smile and was very heartwarming
It made me feel happy.

it was a slow and peaceful story full of heart.

When hope seemed lost for a long time, it will always come back.
Friendship will always come back.



Friendship is magic

Hello! Have a review. As you'll see there, I loved this. Poignant, very well written, a fantastic pairing-up of Izzy and Luna, really nice character moments for everyone. Also, Tiberius. One of the best fics, G5 or otherwise, I've read in a while. Have a like and a fave!


Aww, thank you for the review, I'm touched :twilightsmile: Happy it's touched your heart so thoroughly, heh.


It's nice to see your username around here, and providing such a glowing review. :pinkiesmile: I feel proud to have taken part in the building of this beautiful story as a proofreader.

Then my thanks go to you as well! I really do like this fic a great deal.

What a beautiful story with melancholy and joy both. Well done!

Awesome story! Adding to favorites right now!

Lovely story! Thanks for writing this! :heart:

This fic is precious. Thank you so much for sharing it.
There's so much love and care in every word, reading it was a wonderful experience. Thank you.

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