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Episode 1 - Picking up the Pieces

Episode 1 - Picking up the Pieces


A sunny sky cast itself across Equestria. All seemed well. But under the sun kissed heavens ran a cold shiver down the spine of the world. Fall was slowly turning into winter, the many creatures that roamed the land were preparing to hibernate, and the citizens of Ponyville had been living rough for the last week. Their homes and places of work had been obliterated by King Sombra, or at least a version of him from another timeline. While some had been able to seek shelter with relatives in other towns, the majority of the townsfolk weren't so lucky, instead having to either seek refuge in the hospital or Twilight's castle, the only two structures not reduced to ashes capable of holding so many people.

Fortunately, rebuilding for a second time in as many months had been sped along by the assistance of the Royal sisters, contributing supplies and manpower in order to have the town rebuilt before the winter chill fully took hold, with construction efforts almost around the clock. No hands had been idle during the reconstruction, and one pair of hands hard at work were those of Peter Parker, once again finding himself playing handyman. Only this time he felt more part of this community, not just a passerby or a stranger. Or even a prisoner. Now he felt some semblance of belonging. And with that came a sense of conviction. “Ok. That should do until the next wood shipment arrives. I need to run over the plans with AJ anyway. Might as well stop for a water break.”

Despite the carnage that had unfolded, everyone's spirits seemed to run high. None more so than Peter’s. For months he had felt so isolated in a world not his own, almost leaving his life as a hero behind. But it would seem he could never be done with Spider-Man, even if he tried. That part of him seemed to follow him, even across dimensions. Not only that, but he was able to face his anger and use it in a positive way, saving the residents and others in the process. Maybe he wasn't a monster after all - a thought that brought him some degree of happiness. A quick shake of his water canteen dulled his happiness a tiny bit, as the contents were all but gone. “I could have sworn there was still some left.”

“Too far in yer own head again, Pete?” The southern tone of Applejack caught Peter’s attention, in her hand was an extra canteen of water, which he took with gusto. “Thanks AJ. Guess I’ve been doing more work than I thought.” The farmgirl took a seat on the ground, motioning Peter to join her. “Ah don't think it's that. You’ve been workin hard, no doubt, but ya ain't been a one-man crew so to speak. And I’ve seen how strong ye can really be. Ah think yer still recoverin from last week.” Just the mention of those events caused flashes of memories to pass in Peter's mind, making him remember the beating he had taken. Sure, he had been in bigger scraps, but it had been a while. Maybe he was just shaking off the rust?

“You might be right. Been awhile since I’ve had to fight that hard. All that healing won’t be helping either. I’ll have to take it easy for a while.” A nudge to the shoulder hinted that Applejack would be keeping a close eye on her friend while he recovered. “Ah’ll hold ya to that. Gotta say, you have been puttin in a lotta work. Sure ya don’t wanna rest up for a bit?” A few drops of water later and Peter got to his feet, ready to continue. “Not until I’ve got these supports finished and checked. Wanna give me a hand?” A firm nod from the farmgirl, signalling the two to get back to work, both grabbing some of the last pieces of wooden supports they had to hand.

The day continued to pass on by, only now the light of the sun was fading faster than it had done the week before. Apart from the chill air, it was a sign that winter was on the approach. And so much had still to be done. Buildings were beginning to take shape, but not as they had done before. Looking over the plans, Peter noticed a key addition that was very different from before - A means to utilise electricity. “Must be weird to have the town modernised like this? I heard some of the older folks blew it off.” Having been raised on a farm, Applejack wasn't accustomed to much when it came to more fanciful things like electricity.

“Ponyville is an old town, with an old history. Ya might say we've had to do a little catchin up with the rest of the world. And we did it all slowly. This… this aint slow. We aint used to this sorta leap into the future, so ta speak. It’ll take time. Folk here aint like the ones in the big cities.” Even as she looked at the new layout, Applejack found it hard to comprehend. Behind the plain and simple building would run wires and other fixtures. Even the lampposts out on the street would be replaced, their oil burners taken away to be lit by the gentle hum of a lightbulb. All of it began to feel a little overwhelming, even for her. “Ah know we all voted on it, but it feels all so sudden.”

Peter thought back on the two months he had lived in Equestria, and all the things he had to adapt to. Now that he thought about it, he was kinda spoiled with how things worked in his world. “I know what you mean. Change like that can feel overwhelming. How's Granny Smith taking it all?” Applejack remembered the talk her family had regarding what was to happen. Though she wasn't thrilled with the result. “Ah would say we had a calm discussion on the matter, but that would require maself or Big Mac gettin a word in. It was more Granny goin on about how the older folk are bein left behind. Even Applebloom got brushed off!”” As the two worked away, Applejack was letting her frustration take over, missing multiple swings of her hammer.

Fortunately, Peter was there to keep her right, catching her next botched swing before she damaged anything, or herself. Seeing how worried he was gave Applejack pause allowing her to regain her composure. “You said once that Granny Smith was one of the older villagers, right?” One thing Peter had yet to learn was the intricacies of the three clans. It felt like he knew more about the Alicorn princesses than the people they ruled over. “Yep. We Earth Clan live for quite a long time. Though Granny’s a rare case. Most of us don’t live for as long as she has. Ah get why she's so stuck in her ways, but it gets ma goat everytime we argue. What about you? How long do folk live on your world?” Peter began to wonder how he could answer such a question. People back home weren't exactly like him.

“Well, the regular old humans on Earth only live about a hundred years at best. And seeing as I’m not human, I have no idea how long I’ll live for.” Ever since Applejack and her friends had found out Peter's secret, there had been so much more mystery around him. From what they were told, not only was he alien to their world, but to his own as well. She couldn't comprehend just how lonely it must feel. “Did ya ever try and find out where ya came from before? Find out what you are?” Applejack's question gave Peter pause. In truth, he had tried to seek out his origin, only to find more questions with no closure in sight. And those who did have the answers weren't exactly forthcoming. “I did. Never found any answers. Eventually I just gave up.”

The truth and a lie all at once, so well mixed that even Applejack herself couldn't tell the difference. So she decided it was best not to pry and move on. Perhaps with time Peter would tell the whole story. But it wouldn't be today. “Why aren't you two wrapped up more?!” Came the quiet yet stern voice of Fluttershy, dressed more appropriately for the incoming weather as opposed to her two friends, wearing only shirts and safety gloves on their top halves. “Looks like my favourite cinnamon roll has as many layers as the real thing.” Peter called out to Fluttershy, who tried to burrow her face into the collar of her jacket to hide her flushing cheeks. “You should be wearing more layers too, mister! And you, Applejack. What if you catch a cold?”

The farmgirl, barely feeling a lick of the cold, carried on with her work as if to prove a point. “Quit yer fussin, Fluttershy. I’ll be perfectly fine. As will Pete. We’ll be stoppin soon anyway, what with it gettin late and all.” With the sun now cresting below the horizon, it was time to consider calling it a job well done for the day, brought on more by Fluttershy tossing the pair their jackets. Though his mind wanted to continue and finish at least something, Peter knew his body was more than depleted, which he found odd. But with the ever disapproving stare of Fluttershy setting on him, he had no choice but to relent. “Might as well tidy up and head back. Wonder how everyone else got on today.”


The three friends, tools and supplies in hand, made their way to the castle, which had been used as a base of operations for the rebuilding efforts. And as a refugee camp of sorts. Many of the rooms had been converted into storage, or makeshift bedrooms, mostly for the townsfolk still displaced. Though it was quickly found out that even the mighty castle couldn't hold almost half the town and accommodate supplies and guards, so several townsfolk lined the hallways Royal guards had been stationed within the castle to help oversee things, and to act as extra security should another attack somehow befall them. An officer sat at a desk, tasked with keeping a registry of supplies and tools. Fluttershy began to veer off from the others, heading towards the map room. “You two sign in your gear, and I’ll meet you for dinner.”

She left Peter and Applejack to return their tools, something they had to do at the end of each day. Not only that, but they had to document what work they had done and how many supplies they had used. It was a lot more bureaucratic than what Applejack had been used to. Then again, she was pretty much her own boss. “So much darn paperwork. Ah ain't ever seen the like! And what if one day ah make a mistake and have to use extra wood or nails? They gonna write me up for it?” Peter found it a little funny that the farm girl was getting so worked up over something like this. “You aren't used to other people having oversight over your job, are you?” If looks could kill, the stare Peter got from Applejack could have ended him hundreds of times over. Then again, he’d probably survive those too.

“The only person ever bossed me about was Granny, and that were so ah could learn how ta run the farm. Nowadays, the only one ah answer to is me. So yeah, ya might say I’m a little pissed that I’m getting told how to work I’ve been doin most of ma life!” Applejack practically shouted the last few words, a few pairs of eyes looking her way, making her feel a little embarrassed and wanting to escape. She hurried towards the map room, Peter following behind apologising to those who were startled. “I get it. You go so long doing your own thing, then have to work as part of a team. And suddenly you're not the master of your own destiny anymore.”

“It ain't like that” Sighed Applejack. “I love being part of a team. The girls and I? I'd follow that team anywhere, anytime. But this ain't no team. It's all paperwork and fussin over little things.” Peter had worked with Applejack long enough to know that she was a lenient boss. If the work was done on time and everything was done as it should, she didn't complain. The problem she had here, at least in Peters mind, was the greater extent of micromanagement that came with putting a whole town back together. “Trust me, they don't exactly like it either. But this is an entirely different sort of job. These are people's homes we’re rebuilding, so we have to do it by the book.” Despite her grief with the situation, AJ knew that Peter was right. She began to chuckle, causing Peter to be confused.

“Sorry, ah ain't laughin at you. The funny thing is how much you’ve changed bein here. Now you’re the one tryin to keep us on the straight and narrow. Maybe ya needed that fight to get yer head in gear.” It was something Everyone had taken notice of. Ever since his battle with Sombra, Peter had been a lot less reserved with them, more open to even little conversations with people. Much of his past was still a mystery to them, but it was more than the girls had gotten in months. And for them, that was more than enough. Besides, after the whole “alien from another dimension” part came into the light, what else could they ask? ”Might be enough fer most of us, but Twilight might keep pushin him fer more. Might wanna bring that up with her, prevent future drama. Petes done more than enough fer us.”

The two pushed open the doors to the map room catching the attention of everyone inside. Celestia and Luna were busy overseeing several documents relating to the town's rebuilding efforts, while Cadence played with Flurry Heart, the latter of which made a beeline for Peter as soon as she spotted him. “Well hello to you too, Flurry! Look at you, all wrapped up for the weather.” The infant princess had on about three layers of clothing to keep her insulated from the oncoming cold. Perhaps a little excessive, but Peter wasn't about to tell Cadence how to best look after her own daughter. One thing he had noticed over the past week was that Cadence had been spending even more time around Flurry, and in return the baby girl had been seeking the attention of her parents. Perhaps as a reaction to the events from a week ago.

Rarity was also in the thick of paperwork herself, having agreed to help oversee parts of supply shipments as well as the funding that would have to come back into the town once things were rebuilt, a task she was doing in tandem with other business owners. Rainbow Dash was decked out in similar work gear as AJ and Peter, doing her own part with the labour involved to put things back together. Though she had to be slow and methodical like everyone else, which irked her somewhat. Fluttershy put her reserved nature aside to hand out food and water to everyone, or to remind them to keep warm now that the weather was changing. Though some took that advice more than others. And Pinkie did what she did best - keep everyone in high spirits.

“Welcome back, you two!” Chirped the pink haired party planner, ever happy to see her friends. “I made up some warm cocoa for everyone, so help yourselves. There's plenty to go around!” A warm drink sounded amazing right now, so Peter and AJ grabbed the biggest glasses they could and filled up, Peter making sure to grab a smaller cup for Flurry. Over at the map table, Twilight was glancing over a bunch of new notes she had been scrolling down, mingled in with plans for Ponyville's renovations, all dedicated to the workings of Peter's web shooters. While the intriguing gadgets had survived the battle with Sombra, they had taken more than a few beatings, largely unnoticed until the fight was over. With Peter being so focused on assisting with the work around town, Twilight had been using her spare time to look through the notes so she could learn how to repair them.

“You know Peter, for such a simple sounding concept. You sure made these web shooters complicated to maintain. So many small, moving parts.” Though Twilight was always eager to learn new things, it seemed that the technical aspect of the shooters were a little out of her wheelhouse. She could take as many notes as she wanted, but she couldn't quite piece together the intricate mechanism that Peter had weaved to make the shooters work, earning more than a few chuckles around the room as her friends and family found her struggle a little amusing. So often it was Twilight who had all the answers, now here she was practically pleading for help. Fortunately, Peter was more than happy to assist, picking up the tiny pieces and slotting them into place without even thinking about it. “Believe me, I didn't have much fun figuring all this out either. But I had to try and minimise the components as much as I could while retaining the capacity to some degree. My first set of shooters were bulky, and much more prone to faults.”

“How many times have you redesigned them?” Asked Twilight, her curiosity returned now that she wasn't struggling anymore. Years of designing spider gadgets flashed across Peter's mind, some he’d rather forget. “At least half a dozen. It took me about a year to get the parts to even come close to making them more compact. Helps when you get a job at a big tech company.” The last part was said with some degree of smug satisfaction, all while Peter sipped on his cup of cocoa and had Flurry nestled into his chest, clutching her own cup. “Pray tell, Peter. What sort of company did you work for? I never pegged you as someone to work for a corporation.” Rarity chimed in, her business laden mind piping up as she multitasked between listening in and helping with paperwork. In the past this was the point where Peter would have shut down, giving vague answers. It would seem this time was about to be different.

“It's called Wayne Industries. They specialised in tech that would help people - medical care, space exploration, environmental protection, that sort of thing. Their science sector was one of the best in the world. When I got the opportunity for a scholarship with them, I jumped at the chance. Besides, the only other option was Os- some other place that didn't have what I was looking for.” The stumble that Peter made didn't go unnoticed. And while everyone wanted to know why, they figured it wasn't a good idea. “So why did ya go fer Wayne Industries? What made them stand out?” Applejack quickly got the conversation back on track, Peter letting out a sigh of relief, but his features still held some sadness in them. “Because they only made things to help people. To benefit lives. They didn't make things to kill people.”

And slowly, more of the veil fell away. The way in which Peter spoke made the girls remember that there was still so much they didn't know. And made a few of them wonder if they would ever get the full story. Unfortunately, any further conversation was cut short by the doors to the room bursting open, with Shining Armour, Spike, and a few guards walking in, all carrying plates. “Ladies, and Peter - dinner is served!” A joyous cry went out while everyone found a spot to eat. Twilight and her friends made use of the map table, while the elder princesses had a temporary dining table set up, though most of it was covered in logistics. The boys, joined by Flurry, parked themselves on the floor in a little huddle. While there was still food to eat, lack of storage meant that whatever came in had to be given out equally from the kitchens. And despite being royalty, the princesses were more than happy to agree to this concession while they operated in Ponyville. A trait Peter very much respected them for.

It wasn't the most 5 star banquet you'd ever see, but it was enough to warm bellies and make them feel content. Despite the work ahead and the chill of winter setting in, there was little reason for sadness in Ponyville. And for Peter, it finally felt like he could start living again.

Author's Note:

And we are... BACK!

I know it was a long wait, but here we are with the start of Season 2. Not exactly back with a bang, but our heroes need a little break, dont they?

Comments ( 3 )

Alright now I have to binge read season 1 in preparation for this:rainbowlaugh:

Good start👍.

Good luck!

You good at your work.

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