• Published 3rd Apr 2022
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Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 34: Fake It

Twilight Sparkle had grown accustomed to having to talk her fellow diarch and now wife, out of knee-jerk, often violent reactions. But as Sunset jumped up on the dining room table in order to stare eye to eye with the Goddess of Life and Creation she was finding it decidedly difficult to scold her reaction. Truthfully, she wanted to do the exact same thing.
Twilight knew she should feel ashamed of that hesitation, but history and personal feelings were factoring in at the moment. Still, as it often went, someone had to be the adult in the room.


“Give me one good reason I shouldn’t cut you,” growled Sunset Shimmer, her voice reverberating with barely contained rage, wings unfurled and burning and in real danger of setting the ceiling on fire.

Aine, unsurprisingly, did not blink or flinch or even appear threatened at all. Was it trust or arrogance? Sunset could not decide. Regardless, another familiar voice spoke, and all the eyes in the room shifted from Sunset to the dark corner from which it had originated.

“Because I asked her to come,” said Luna with a bow of her head, her face twisting bitterly, “and trust me, it took a great deal of convincing that no pony would come to harm in doing so. Please, beloved niece, sheath your righteous sword and contain your justifiable anger. The lives of every creature in this world may depend on it.”

Sunset closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and with as much control as she could muster, sent her sword away. “You have two minutes to convince me.”

Aine snorted and rolled her eyes. “I am not so easily intimidated, Sunset Shimmer.”

“Fine, one minute.”


Aine snorted again. “I know how to find Void and it will most likely require all of us to capture him.”

With that one statement, Sunset reassessed the situation, snarled her displeasure of it all, and hopped down from the table. She retrieved her chair and sat down next to Twilight, crossing her forelegs in a pout that would have made Twilight giggle at any other time. One final, defiant huff blew some of her mane from her face and back to waving with the rest.

“Raven, Isabella, please stay. Spike, please pass on the non-classified information to the council and stay in contact with the other leaders. Captain Walnut, speak with EIS Director Book Keeper about having Clover the Clever summoned to Canterlot immediately.” Twilight paused to tap her chin and smile. “Flurry, be safe on your journey and maybe ask Thicket to come with you, as a suggestion of course.”

Flurry smirked, waggling her brow a bit. “I think I’d like that. I was going to take the train out of Ponyville anyhow.”

Both captains bowed and started for the door, Gauge taking just a bit longer to wait for Sunset to make eye contact. She smiled at his concern and playfully shooed him away, unable to keep the smirk from spreading across her face. He was likely overtired from their previous ordeal and needed rest and time with his family as well. That left Isabella and Raven in a room full of alicorns.

“Hmm. I guess Discord ran off,” commented Sunset, glancing around for the usually floating draconequus.

“Hardly,” Aine replied. Her horn flashed and the chaos spirit fell from the ceiling, crashing up the table.

“Ow! You know that sort of forced transformation stings when one is trying to be a fly on the wall.”

“I care not for your petty complaints, chaos child. However, you are crucial to finding your maker who has put us all in considerable danger. Appreciate that and stop being a pest.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes and began to rise from her chair. "There is no need for name calling. Discord in my friend he understands what is at stake."

Discord rolled his eyes. he spun about and was dressed in bright yellow and orange fishing gear. “Oh yes, I can see it all now. Little old me tied to a stick as bait for all the wonderful monsters and whatnot horrors in the In Between. Nothing brings the baddies swimming like chum in the cosmic water.”

Sunset Shimmer groaned. “Fuuuuuuck. I hate the In Between.”

“It is the collision point of all the cosmic forces as mana flows through the ley lines to every point the void touches. Even places I cannot reach physically. I can glimpse the event horizon, see the flow like a haze in the distance. Sometimes, some magical creatures shine bright enough for me to press against the veil more clearly.” Aine turned her gaze squarely upon Sunset Shimmer. “That was how I could speak to you in the human dimension, granddaughter. Your light burned bright enough for me to see through that inky haze. My brother has always been most comfortable in that chaotic dead universe and plans to ride out the destruction the omega beast will wrought. Therefor we must go to him.”

“I have questions and concerns, Mother Creation.”

Aine grimaced. “I have never liked that title, Twilight Sparkle. I would prefer to only be addressed by my name. Ask your questions.”

Twilight glanced to Sunset and hardened her resolve. “I have no objections to taking the fight to Void. We all understand what is at stake and that we are on a time limit. Obviously, I will want a detailed breakdown of your plan and its execution.
However, I have MUCH objection to this mission if you are planning to use any of my friends and family as bait or… for sacrifice.” That last word bit with heated edge. Twilight had not forgotten so quickly Aine demanding Sunset Shimmer be sacrificed to the beast.

“Why do we need him alive anyhow?” added Sunset.

Aine scowled at Sunset, hard. Twilight felt the room grow both hotter and colder simultaneously and swore she saw steam rise from a number of surfaces. After recomposing herself, Aine approached the table and sat opposite of the diarchs. Luna took a seat as well, next to her mother, but not within reaching distance. It sent the subtle message that she was aware of her mediator role in the meeting.

“I will forgive the uncouth tone of your statement considering what Void has done to this world and to you personally, Sunset Shimmer. The answer for why we must go after him and capture him alive is one in the same. We need his power. Otherwise, no matter what plan I suggest or you choose to put into motion yourselves will succeed because we will be out of balance. The omega beast would simply eat us all. So no, I will not sacrifice any creature unless it is absolutely necessary. If this is unacceptable, it would simply be better for me to end the world now, swiftly and painlessly. Let their souls rest in the safety of the well instead of the gullet of a monster.”

“That is not an option!”

Aine turned to Luna, who had jumped from her seat and slammed a hoof onto the table, cracking it. Aine flashed her daughter a level stare that bordered on boredom. “I’m surprised you would object, Mistress of Death. You would have quite the collection in your hollow to see after.”

“I am not Samael and even he agrees that such action would be foolish because there is no guarantee the beast cannot consume The Well even with the world gone. By doing so it could potentially spread itself through the ley lines to everywhere else!”

“A collapse of all the different universes. Each unique facet withering and dying, crumbling in on itself," said Twilight with a exasperated gasp. "Could one creature really do that?”

Sunset squirmed as a memory flashed through her mind. She saw Celestia being assaulted by mirror world Sombra, powerless to stop her father’s draining of precious life energy. He turned his corrupted red eyes to her and flashed his fang toothed grin as he bragged about destroying his own universe in an attempt to reach Celestia again. He bragged about it with glee with his prize in hoof.

“I know for a fact that it only takes one creature to destroy everything. And they don't have to be a god to do so.”

Aine closed her eyes and nodded. “On that, granddaughter, you are correct. Few would sleep well at night if they knew just how fragile existence really is. The walls that separate our universe from those next to us are strong, but thin. Hence why clever and often devious minds such as Star Swirl and Datura were able to find ways to break through. The only reason I have ever surmised my siblings and I cannot crossover has to do with some divine law of reality that supersedes even us. It keeps creatures like us from finding out if we have counterparts as well. Such thoughts are both frightening and humbling.”

Nothing was said for more than a few breaths, each creature lost in their own thoughts. Raven pretended to clear her non-existent throat to bring all their attention to her. “I feel I need to point out the obvious in this endeavor. Void will not come quietly. He will fight you by any means necessary because his life depends on it. He believes he is safe in the space between, but coming back here means a higher probability of death. How do you plan to capture him?”

“Luna attempted to fight Void on his terms." Aine glanced to her daughter, face dour and disappointed. Luna rolled her eyes. "That proved ineffective. It will take all of us plus the mortal alicorns to overpower him and his prepared defenses in the space between.”

“You are dodging the question,” Raven said bluntly. “Which means you do not actually know HOW you are going to capture him. A goddess you may be, but I find your foresight and consideration of the unexpected lacking.”

Aine was taken aback, jaw hanging slacked, before she sneered at Raven. “You are not of this world, construct. What gives you the right to speak so disrespectfully to me?”

Sunset started to stand when Raven held up her hoof. She straightened her frilly choker where her veil stone was held and flashed a Sunset-esque smirk as she stared down quite possibly the most powerful creature in their known universe. “What gives me the right, you ask? Where to begin. Ah yes, how about the fact that I am a fully functioning, constantly evolving AI from another world and have sworn no allegiance to you. I have, in fact, never worshipped any being no matter how much power they can wield or miracles they can perform. Because of this, I observe everything objectively without clouded expectations. Understand that the more I interact with different individuals the more I learn. The more I learn the more preferences and subjective opinions I can form to better understand what I am observing and interacting with. Everything is taken into account, both good and bad habits and I have seen many of each in many creatures.

“Furthermore, I am Sunset Shimmer’s personal assistant. That is my primary function and has been since the moment she first activated me and said, 'hello'. To be a bit overdramatic, Sunset breathed life into me and my life exist to serve and protect her by any means I can access. From a professional standpoint, I stand ready at all times to do anything and everything for Sunset Shimmer, be it advice or a much needed smack to the back of her head. From a personal standpoint, she is like a mother to me and I take GREAT personal offense when others put her in harm’s way or wish to see her suffer and sacrifice. No matter the reason. No reason is good enough. I love her and seeing to her physical health and mental well being are my duty and part of my very soul.

“If you believe the creatures of this world should just bow down and do whatever you say without questioning your reasoning and/or intent you are greatly mistaken and your hubris on the matter knows no bounds. You abandoned the right to play goddess to these creatures long before your self-imposed exile over the last few years. You may have had your reasons, but you abandoned them all the same. Lastly, I’m dating your sister. So, I can say whatever I want to you. So, nyaaah.”

Sunset Shimmer snorted and nearly fell out of her chair laughing at the absolutely horrified expression on Aine’s face because of Raven’s final remarks. Twilight held it together better, glancing to Isabella, who had been standing like a statue in the presence of so many alicorns. Twilight simply smirked, snorted lightly, before finally schooling her expression back to ruler-neutral. Discord, however, completely lost it and literally fell into pieces that turned into tiny Discords that continued to cackle madly all around the floor at a much higher pitch. He reassembled himself a moment later.

“Oh, sun and moon! Splendid riposte, my dear Raven! I think I actually heard a blood vessel explode in the back of her head from that one!”

Aine masked her displeasure well and eventually held her nose high with a mighty horse snort. “I have no idea what you are talking about. 'Dating my sister?'”

“I think she’s referring to Harmony, sister,” Chaz offered. The two anthro alicorns had been sitting so quietly that they had nearly been forgotten at the end of the table. “I seriously doubt she’s referring to Belldandy, considering where we have been up until recently. But I could be wrong.”

“You have been wrong before, but on this matter you are not. The only creature I would have been able to 'date' would be my brother and that thought makes me uncomfortable.”

"What? I would be a good date. I'm a good pony."



"Your mouth is moving again. Be a dear and fix that."

“Harmony is but a fragment of her former self and would not understand what it means to, ‘date’ as you called it." Aine scoffed dismissively. "I do not understand why we are even talking about this nonsense! There is planning to be do-”

Once again, the room lit up brightly and all the inhabitants, other than Belldandy, had to shield their eyes. When the light died, a glowing, translucent crystal Twilight Sparkle was standing near the table. She blinked twice then turned her eyes to Sunset Shimmer and scowled.

“Sunset Shimmer, I am thoroughly disappointed in you.”

Sunset groaned, rolled her eyes, and threw her hoof in the air. “Yeah, yeah, a lot of that sentiment going around. Seriously, is anypony keeping score?” Discord pulled out a giant chalkboard from behind his back with the words, “It’s all Sunset Shimmer’s fault” scribbled across the top and included a cute, angry faced Sunset doodle in the corner along with quite a number of tally marks. “Figures.”

“Your most recent confrontation along the coast of Equestria released an exponential amount of chaos energy into the land, saturating the entire surrounding environment. It has already begun causing radical changes to the environment that will likely take years if not centuries to be cleansed.”

Sunset glared back at the not Twilight Sparkle. “Okay, first of all, it was either that or let Cosmos go critical mass and kill everyone and everything in that entire area. So, I chose to bleed off some of the excess energy first. Secondly, it was actually Flurry Heart who created the crystal vines to do so… even if it was my terrible plan to begin with. But honestly, it could have been so much worse!”

“I would show you the adorable uni-bunny mutant, but it hopped off somewhere. Probably back to the forest to make more of itself. After all you know what they say about bunnies,” said Discord with a nonchalant shrug.

Harmony turned her glare to Discord. “I am not amused by this.”

“Well, I suppose I COULD mosey over to the coast and help speed up the process of 'decontamination.'”

Harmony’s eyes widened and her sparkling luster brightened. “Would you?”


“I do not like you, Discord.”

Discord stuck out his tongue. “Oh, boo-hoo. I’m the Lord of Chaos! You are not supposed to like me! A little harmony, singing, dancing, that is all well and good for the first few albums, but the world needs a healthy dose of the unexpected from time to time to shake things up. That is what I do. Nothing harmful, just a little chaos to pass the time. I’m the spice of life! Embrace it!”

“Children!” All the eyes turned back to Aine who had to take a moment with a breathing exercise that was similar to the one Cadence had taught Twilight many years ago. “The issue is contained to a relatively small area for the moment. It will be addressed later. What is the concern right now is how we will go about capturing Void.”

“You still have not explained how such can be done,” said Raven. She moved to come stand next to Harmony who, for the first time since arriving, brightened and smiled warmly. Raven, much to Sunset and Twilight’s surprise, tapped her broach opal and allowed her illusion to disappear. Harmony nuzzled Raven's all natural MAU.

“I see the new chest plate is holding and performing optimally,” said Harmony before turning her eyes back to the others gathered.

Aine turned to Luna with an expression that was a mix between confusion and slight revulsion. Luna simply shrugged, the faintest hint of a smile gracing the corners of her mouth.

Belldandy waggled her cup before Chaz, beckoning him to refill it.

Discord retrieved what looked like a two liter bottle of cola from behind his back, threw in a few hard candies that immediately began to fizz and proceeded to chug it faster than a timed college student during Rush Week.

Isabella remained standing like a statue, unable to process all the creatures that just kept popping into the room, completely disregarding and bypassing all their rather expensive security. It Called into question the point of such measures and how much they would cost to enhance or replace. Thoughts of paperwork kept the griffon grounded.

Finally, Twilight Sparkle glanced to Sunset Shimmer who glanced right back to her. Twilight’s eyes did all the talking. Sunset read them as if she had said, “Well, do YOU have a plan?”

Sunset’s own expression spoke to Twilight in reply of, “Nope. Not really.”

The silent, sideways glances and facial conversations finally came to a head when Luna growled and shouted. “Is it not obvious what must happen?!” No one else spoke, but all the eyes were upon the dark blue goddess of death. “We need Void’s power, but he will not come quietly. The only solution is to do to him what was done to Samael.”

Sunset blinked rapidly. “Wait, are you suggesting I merge Void with somepony else?”

“That is exactly what I am proposing, beloved niece.”

“I don’t even really understand how that happened the first time. Can the process be repeated? I mean, wouldn’t it run the risk of, you know, actually killing one of them since it does involve a sword to the chest? Not to mention who would we even get to…”

Twilight followed Sunset’s line of thinking as if it were on a page before her. “No…”


“He is the most logical choice,” added Harmony.

“I don’t like where this is heading,” said Discord. He tried to snap his paw and nothing happened, panic beginning to set in as he snapped repeatedly.

“Nor do I,” mumbled Aine, but they all heard her anyhow.

Luna gestured to herself. “Though I appear as Luna it is because that is how we wished it to be. However, you must understand that I am not Luna nor am I Samael. We are the same now. We have to reach consensus on some things, but for the most part we coexist seamlessly as one being. Discord is, as was pointed out, the most logical choice.”

“But what makes you so certain that Discord and Void would reach such a balanced coexistence as you and Samael have?” asked Twilight, her face full of concern for her friend who gave up on trying to escape and pouted by crossing his arms.

Luna examined her black hoof and black fetlocks. Without her hooded cloak they would see that she was now half black as were the tips of her wings. It had been strange to look upon a body that was so familiar and yet so different. She got used to it... not like she had a choice.

“If you had asked us to undergo this change voluntarily, we both would have said no. However, it has brought unique perspective and experiences to us both through shared memories and with that we have gained better understanding of not just the world as a whole, but of mortality. Though Aine only lived among the mortals for a single lifetime, she in truth, learned a great deal in doing so. She interacted, observed, I dare say found her own new perspective in loving them. Especially her love for Celestia and Luna. If Void were to become merged with Discord. He too would gain such insight. It may calm him.”

“Assuming he does not go power mad and decide to wipe out half the population of the universe by snapping his paw,” quipped Raven.

“I understood that reference.”

Raven smirked at Sunset briefly. “I knew you would.”

“We are not stabbing anypony in the chest!” shouted Twilight frantically, pounding her hoof on the table. “There has to be another way! An, an, an interdiction cage. Or, or a null field, or some sort of complex binding spell or turning him to stone! We have turned plenty of villains to stone! I vote in favor of getting him stoned. Something? Anything?!”

Sunset wanted to laugh at her wife's word choice but bit her lip and shut it down as desperation tears welled up in those amethyst eyes. It was endearing how much Twilight cared about all her friends.

“There is… merit to the proposal. If done properly, it could be done consensually without the need for stabbing, as is Twilight’s primary concern. However, I doubt Void would be willing to do so,” said Aine, tapping her chin while shifting her eyes about, seeing what no one else could see.

“Which puts us back at square one. We need him, whether it’s his power or his help in banishing or destroying the beast. So, like Raven has pointed out, more than once, we have no idea how we get him back here.”

Aine lit her horn and projected a large, sophisticated hologram over the center of the table. As both Sunset and Twilight examined it they ran the calculations and hypotheses in their heads and at nearly the same time exclaimed, “Is this the multiverse?!”

“It is an approximation, as close as one can considering the near infinity of it all. Space and the places between are constantly shifting and changing. Keep in mind that I have never traveled to another realm, but I can extrapolate from what I know of this space here, in the middle.” Aine pointed to what amounted to a sphere that seemed to be touching all the different facet petals. “Using my knowledge of the In Between and Discord as a guide we will be able to navigate the chaotic environment and find Void’s unique essence. It is then that I suggest we surround him and immobilize him. I can teach each mortal alicorn how to summon a soul blade and transform it into a rope or chain that cannot be broken. Then, we bring him back. It will take all of us, I assure you this without a doubt.”

“I’ve got the gist of it, but what makes you think he won’t break the bindings?” asked Sunset.

“A soul blade is as strong as the conviction you put into it.”

Sunset arched a brow. “My question still stands.”

Aine sighed. “Because it has to work. Nothing else will work. Without Har… Never mind.”

“Say it.”

Aine's bright teal eyes opened and turned directly to the crystalline specter that was standing like an angry, young Twilight statue. They stared one another down for several seconds and then, Sunset saw something she had never seen on the goddess’s face before. Shame. Her ears fell flat and she bowed deeply, nose almost touching the table. “I apologize.”

Harmony blinked, but made no other movement. She continued to stare out with the same expressionless face. “Say it.”

“Without… Harmony,” Aine all but spat the words, her shame burned away and replaced with rancor as she scowled darkly. “My sister, who whole heartedly supported me from the beginning and gave her life for this world is dead. You are but a fragment of what she once was. It pains me that you have her memories and consciousness at all, seedling.”

“There are many catalogued species of plants that are, in fact, clones of their parent germinator while simultaneously growing into their own, full sized sample. We all start small, but even the mightiest oak springs forth from a simple acorn.”

Aine dead panned at Twilight, which caused her to cringe slightly until Sunset nuzzled and whispered in her ear, “I love your factoids.”

“You should listen to her, oh, Goddess of Creation,” said Raven. “That organic, meat bag brain of blood and noodle squish, shoed into a boney skull is easily the smartest creature in the room. Next to me, of course.”

“Thanks… I think.”

“This entire conversation is moot and a waste o-”

“You always did underestimate me and underappreciate me, sister. I forgive you for your hubris. Though you loved your creations before you did not understand them or what they needed.”

Aine snorted. “And you did? You allowed yourself to be used! They diffused you. Shattered your very existence! How you were able to pull enough of yourself back together... I use the term miracle sparingly, but that certainly fits the description.”

Harmony smiled and bowed her head. “I allowed it. Discord was running quite amok. As I was, I could not stop him. Not alone and not within the rules of the game. So, I showed Star Swirl how to summon a soul blade and shatter me. And from that, infused with the will of the Pillars, a tree grew and so did the Elements. The tools needed for your children to take back their world. Sister, I have always stood by your side to protect this world. And I will do so again, broken as I am.”

Belldandy stood. “Aine, sister.” The stout white alicorn glanced to the keeper of destiny. “I can see her light. I assure you, it is just as beautiful and pure as it once was, even if reduced.”

“You did say we need all the help we can get,” added Sunset. “And she saved our butts when we had to deal with your… other children.”

Twilight smirked nudging her wife in the side. Diplomatic.

Sunset winked back at Twilight. I have my moments.

Aine sighed. “Very well. I suggest you conclude any necessary business or preparations you need for the…”

Aine stumbled.

Then, she fell to her knees, eyes wide, mouth hanging open as she choked on air.

Every creature in the room stood, unsure what to say. Then, Luna stumbled as well, her eyes turning to the ceiling, seeing something far beyond the simple wood and masonry above.

“M-Mother? Was that…”

Aine began to scream as tears poured from her eyes.

Author's Note:

Happy Friday. Another week, another chapter. Was a tough week physically. there is flue or RSV or something going around rampant. I feel like bleh but I took some NyQuil and it will take me soon.

NyQuil... in the original GREEN DEATH flavor.

Anyhow, so lots of talking in this one, but we are building it up. The roller coaster is going up the hill. Won't be long now.

One last thing, I forget to say thank you to all who click on this thing every week. You, every one of you give me warm and fuzzies and a smile on my face.

Questions? Comments?

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