• Published 18th Feb 2022
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The Legend of Equestria: Majora's Mask - xombiekilla

The Element of Courage, Hero; twelve years of age continues his journey with his new friends. He ends up at an alternate universe with its own set of rules.

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Chapter twenty-six: Grand Finale

The Grand Finale:
Final fight with Majora

The heroic team finally reached the top and saw the possessed Luna and Celestia floating beside her. Luna and Celestia were enveloped in evil purple magic, which made them unable to fly or use their powers. Majora was momentarily surprised as the mask fixed its glare at Hero. "Are you guys safe? That's excellent news; everyone is here!" Celestia said.

Hero and the team looked up to the possessed Luna. "We found them, Celestia," Rainbow said confidently.

"Oh good... I knew you'd come through for us, Hero, Twilight, and the rest of your team. Luna... hang in there," Celestia said as tears streamed down her cheeks. She felt terrible that this took so long over nearly several cycles.

"We have to think of something, right?" Fluttershy tried to brainstorm with everyone, not including the possessed Luna.

"Impassable swamp, treacherous mountain, vast ocean, and deep canyon. The four who are there are now here, Majora! Your plan has failed!" The possessed Luna slapped Celestia with the back of her hoof.

"Quit talking out of line, you stupid pony," the masked alicorn snapped bitterly.

"That's enough, you creepy wooden mask. We will not take this anymore." Rainbow protested as the masked mare shrugged.

"Well, whatever. Even if the four did come, they couldn't handle me. Just look above you!" The team then looked up, and the mask said, "If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it."

The possessed mare summoned its evil magic with a high-pitched shriek, using Luna's Canterlot Voice to strengthen it. Time was even shorter now as the moon was descending faster.

Hero played the Oath to Order song as the Moon fell towards Termina. After he finished, they heard chanting in the distance as they approached the precipice of the Clock Tower.

Majora was surprised and looked around as the holy and harmonious magic of the chanters conflicted with his evil magic. Luna's body convulsed violently in midair as she clutched her hooves onto the masked face and panicked from the strong magical effects. Under Majora's influence, she used her royal voice to speed up the Moon's descent.

The Four Giants emerged from the white fog surrounding the Clock Tower and made haste to close in. They approached from Termina's farthest reaches: swamp, mountain, ocean, and canyon. As they reached the Moon, the skies turned blood-red due to the gravity change of the falling Moon.

One by one, they held their hooves onto the underside of the Moon to stop it from falling. In a rage, they were able to stop the Moon as the mask tore itself off Luna's limp body. Celestia acted quickly after she was freed from Majora's magic grip and caught Luna as she fell to the ground.

The mask fell to the ground, and it seemed like they had won. Luna woke up in Celestia's embrace as she hugged her tearfully. She was happy to be free from the control of Majora. "Sister! You didn't give up on me. Thank you!"

"Luna, Hero, Twilight, and her friends saved us." Celestia then used her wings to help Luna relax in a soft hug.

Luna looked at them and nodded in gratitude. "Thank you all for your heroic deeds. Why am I not surprised you came through for us again, Hero?"

Twilight noticed the mask on the ground and let out a saddened breath. "Discord... So, this is what would have happened if he had never been reformed and became too powerful to stop; this version of him is nothing short of frightening."

"That's inconceivable. It's too disturbing to believe. That's Discord's evil version in this twisted universe." Luna looked disturbed and for a very understandable reason.

"That mask... That mask is Discord?! No way... that is unbelievable, I agree." Even Celestia was shocked. Once the shock had passed, her mind became stoic again. "Well, he can't do any more harm now. It's over, everypony. We won; Majora will never be able to control you anymore, Luna." Then, in an eldritch-like ancient voice, sounding very similar to Discord but very deep-pitched, came forth to shock them.

"Certainly. It was made clear to me that she had far too many weaknesses to be able to handle my immense power!"

The mask rose into the air, emitting a sinister dark glow as it spoke, "This puppet's role has just ended." Majora proceeded to glare at the group and then at Luna, declaring, "A puppet that can no longer be used is but mere garbage!"

"What?!" Luna exclaimed in anger. "Irritable cur, how dare you call me a puppet!" She felt offended that he only viewed her as a mere object to be used and nothing more. Suddenly, the mask flew into the Moon's mouth and entered the angry Moon, causing its amber-yellow eyes to glow with a luminescent hue. The mask's influence brought out pure hatred and evil from the Moon.

"I... I shall consume... consume... CONSUME EVERYTHING!" The coalition of his fury and power fluxed immensely as even the giants struggled to keep him from destroying everything.

Hero saw the pale lavender light pouring out from Majora's mouth, which he used to enter. Rainbow panicked, "Oh no! This is not good. Turn back time now! We still have time to escape."

"No, Rainbow. We have to do this. He made this personal," Twilight said to her.

Rainbow asked Hero, "Are you seriously thinking about entering that Moon?" to which he nodded.

"I shall go too. I want Majora to know that he has no more power over us. Will you join me, Sister?" Luna asked.

"Yes, Luna. I shall. He has to be stopped," all the gathered team eventually agreed. They entered the Moon and were forcefully pulled into its mouth, screaming upwards from the sudden shift of gravity.

As a warm and gentle breeze bristled their fur, everyone's eyes opened up to see a grassy field on what seemed to be a bright and beautiful day. The field was in complete contrast to the Moon's exterior. Could the Moon have contained its own unique pocket dimension?

The fact that the Moon had magical properties shouldn't have been that surprising, considering its angry scowl the entire time Hero and his friends tried to stop it from crashing into the Earth. "Augh... my aching head. What—what is this place?" Twilight wondered upon seeing this Eden of a dimension.

"It's so tranquil here. Quite the juxtaposition of its destructive exterior. How is this possible, Sister?" Luna asked.

"I have no idea, Luna. But we must find Majora and fast before those Giants lose their strength and can no longer hold this Moon back," responded Celestia.

Then, they saw a single evergreen tree out in a clearing on a lone hill in the middle of this perceived heavenly dimension. Many ancient structures, entities, and monuments were in the distance, making it feel like an ancient civilization had once resided there. Each esoteric creature looked at the group as if confused about why they were there. Their focus was set on the center of the clearing, to that great evergreen tree.

There was a ghost-white stallion colt wearing Majora's Mask who was sitting at the edge of the evergreen tree. He was curled in the fetal position with his hooves and his head tilted down as if trying to keep to himself. As Twilight and the others approached him, she pointed him out to everyone, "Look! Over there! There he is."

"Welcome to Arcadia, everyone—before all things you've ever known—before my demise once passed; this was my home for a time," he said in a childlike voice that was sweet and pure as if he were an innocent boy instead of the world's greatest threat, "This was my home until it no longer was—until I was betrayed—until there was no more love to give."

Twilight pondered the possibility that Arcadia was the beginning of life, "Fascinating, this is an ancient civilization. The rich lore and culture on its own—to see the beginning of everything."

Conversely, Rainbow pointed an accusatory hoof at him and said, "Don't try to play the weak little victim with us, buddy. We're not buying it. It doesn't matter where we are; you're going down!"

"So, you have joined me to play my game; my friends are here, and we're lonely. Why don't you try talking to them?" Majora asked, looking up at them curiously with the innocence of a small child.

"We are not interested in your games, Majora. We shall finish this right now!" Luna said, stomping her hoof in mild irritation, still miffed at being used as a puppet.

"But everyone loves to play games. It's the essence of happiness, isn't it?" Majora replied as if he dared to consider this as a game.

"Tis an elaborate ruse you've conjured for thyself. I shall give you that much. But we're here to destroy you, not play with you," Luna said with a hint of suspicion.

With a deep sigh of resignation, Twilight said to Majora, "Fine, we'll play your game, Majora."

"Are you nuts, Twilight?!" Rainbow was shocked at Twilight as Majora ignored Rainbow's remark and looked up at her for what she had to say.

"Only on one condition: When we win, we will fight you, and we'll finish this, once and for all, Majora," Twilight stated firmly as she struck a deal with the evil entity.

"Lovely then. So, shall we begin?" Majora then sent the entire party into a rift-like dimension within a dimension.

The room they were in looked too familiar for Hero - it was the interior of the Woodfall Temple. However, it had been repurposed as a gauntlet of sorts. Hero also noticed that his friends were all gone, thanks to Majora's magic. It was another one of his mean old tricks, but this wouldn't stop Hero in the slightest. He put on his Changeling mask, which clamped down onto his face and transformed him. His face shot up with horror as he screamed from the pain, but in a flash, he was in his changeling form.

Hopping from one pod to another, Hero used his insectoid wings to fly in the air and access hard-to-reach platforms. He made it to one room to see Rainbow Dash chained up in shackles made from darkness. "Hey, Hero, do you mind helping me out here so I can strangle Majora?"

Hero then struck the chains with his chitinous hooves to break them. They were designed to be broken only from the outside to keep anything trapped. Rainbow unfurled her feathery wings and stretched them to relax. "Thanks, buddy. Now, let's go and save the rest of our friends."

Hero and Rainbow then saw Fluttershy trapped in what looked to be plunder vines. A rooted monster was there as they saw her terrified face. "You gotta do something for Fluttershy, Hero. Those vines will kill her."

Hero nodded and pulled out his hive horns to play the Yak's Lullaby. The swirling magic reached the plunder vine beast as it yawned and was put to sleep. Its vines loosened and let Fluttershy go, and she gasped for fresh air. "We got you, Fluts. Don't worry."

"I thought I was seriously going to die. Oh goodness." Fluttershy then hugged Hero and Rainbow as they consoled her. "Thank you, guys."

"No problem, Fluts. It's what best friends do. Now let's keep going, Hero." They continued down the path to see Pinkie trapped in what looked to be a cage made from wood as she was rattling the cell to try to break free.

"We got you, Pinkie, don't worry." Hero then approached the cage using his razor wings to cut through the cell and slice it open to free her as she sighed in relief.

"That was too close, guys. Thanks. That wasn't very funny." Pinkie huffed in rage as she hopped out of the cage to join her friends, who all made their way through the Woodfall gauntlet. Passing through the first door, they reached a room with a tiny colt wearing Odolwa's Mask on his face. He then looked up at Hero to speak to him.

"Hey. You found me. I tried to hide, too. Hey, you have a mask that doesn't transform you, right? The ones that aren't too important. Could you part with one?" The masked boy said in the same tone that matched Majora's earlier.

Hero then gave the masked boy his Gibdos Mask, and the boy looked satisfied. "Wow, thanks. You're nice. Did you know that? I have a question: Why do other ponies and creatures have emotions? What are those like? And why can't we ever feel them?"

After offering the mask, a door was revealed to Hero and his friends. They entered a room that resembled Snowhead Temple. The temperature was too cold for a changeling. So, Hero removed his changeling mask and put on his yak mask. He felt the painful transformation again as he screamed with his face tilted up. The mask was fixed onto his facial joints, and he became a yak again.

He used his tanky body and giant cloven hooves to punch the solid ice masses, smashing through them with a few well-aimed strikes for each ice blockade. As they proceeded, they saw Rarity frozen on the wall. Her hooves were shackled with icy binds. She requested help from her friends, "Please, just get me down from here. This Majora knows how to push my buttons." She continued, "Yes, I can see how this can be Discord. He does the same thing to us in Equestria."

Hero's friends instructed him to use his yak might to smash at the wall beside Rarity to free her. He readied his hooves against the wall to Rarity's right side. However, Rarity warned him to be careful, "H-Hero... Do not use that much force. Are you listening to me, Hero? Hero, no—" Despite her warning, he smashed the wall, which shattered Rarity's icy binds. The impact shook the entire room, causing the icicles above to fall onto Hero's friends. He covered them to protect them from the falling icicles.

His plated backside took most of them, but a couple of them managed to scratch him at his haunches, making him wince from the slight abrasion to his body.

Thankfully, they were only minor scratches, which weren't significant. "Oh, dear, are you okay, Hero?" Fluttershy asked. Hero nodded, and they advanced further into the icy gauntlet. They saw Applejack encased in a solid mass of ice, and she appeared to be reaching for her stetson with a horrified look.

Rarity winced as soon as she witnessed Applejack's situation. She was the first to empathize with her friend and suggested to Hero, "It's Applejack. We have to get her out of there. Hero, please, use your fire arrows this time."

Fluttershy seconded Rarity's suggestion and urged Hero to use his fire arrows to rescue Applejack. Hero complied and quickly removed his yak mask to become a unicorn again. He then used a fire arrow to thaw Applejack from the ice as she fell, clutching her hat with a huff.

After being rescued, Applejack was grateful to her friends and said, "I'm fine, everypony. It's freezing but fine. That Majora varmint is going to regret doing that to me." Her friends hugged her to help warm her up and they continued on to help their other friends.

They saw a white colt wearing Goht's Mask as they entered the second room. He chuckled and said, "Hey. You found me. I guess it was easy to do that, huh? I thought the white floor here would help me blend in better. Do you have a mask you could give me? Nothing too important, nothing you would need."

Hero gave him the Keeta Mask and appeared satisfied. He then asked the Hero a philosophical question, "Why do ponies and creatures have the freedom of choice in their lives? Does having a choice matter in the grand scheme of things? And if our choices do not matter, then why should anything else matter?"

After the second mask offering, Hero and his friends entered the third gauntlet, which looked like the Great Bay Temple. The room was filled with mechanical cogs, pipes, and pumps that filtered water throughout the room. They found Starlight trapped in a gelatinous blob that looked like one of the smooze blobs they had fought back at the temple.

Starlight was struggling to swim out of the blob, and Rainbow quickly reached out to pull her out of it. She gasped for air and thanked Rainbow, saying she owed her one, "Oh god, I thought I would drown in that. Thanks; I owe you one, Rainbow."

"Don't worry about it," Rainbow said. "We're going to stop Majora, and nothing he does will stand in our way."

The team continued through the Great Bay gauntlet and eventually found Twilight locked inside a steel cage with magic-draining properties. She couldn't warp the metal bars with her magic or teleport. When she saw Hero and her friends, she was relieved.

"We've got you, Twilight," Rainbow said.

"Please get me out of this stupid cage," Twilight replied. "If Majora thinks this will defeat us, he's sorely mistaken. Friendship is something he cannot comprehend."

Hero punched the outer core of the cage with his hoof to open it, and Twilight stepped out to stretch her wings. "That metal was infused with magic-draining spells," she said. "I hate that feeling of my magic being stolen from me."

The team then left that room and saw the third colt in a room filled with pipes. He was wearing Gyorg's Mask. "Oh, hey... You found me. I wasn't exactly trying to hide, though, if I'm honest. Do you have a mask that you don't need anymore? I would love to have another one in my collection."

Hero gave him the giant's mask he had obtained from fighting Twinmold. "Thanks. You're quite generous, you know. I have a question: Is what you do truly making you happy? What can be defined as true happiness? And why can't we ever feel happy?"

Hero and his friends left the previous room and entered the final gauntlet, which mirrored the Stone Tower Temple. Two cages were made from the energy that held Celestia in Majora's grasp before Luna was freed from Majora's influence. Both cells required the might of all collected friends to open.

Starlight pondered herself and asked, "Is this supposed to mean something? Why did Majora make the only last two Princesses freed by all of us being together? Is he trying to make a point?"

Twilight replied, "Well, think about it this way, Starlight. We wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for Hero. Majora has been watching his progression through Termina. This was designed for a purpose. It almost mirrors Discord's antics. They're the same, so I guess that makes sense."

"You're right, Twilight. Let's get Celestia and Luna out of there," Starlight said as everyone channeled their life energy and harmony magic to free both princesses, and they were relieved to be in friendly and familiar company once more.

Luna bowed to them in a gesture of respect and said, "My appreciation to you, my friends."

Celestia added, "Indeed. You all have done very well together. Our bonds of friendship are too strong for Majora to understand. That's why he's doing this. He wants to see what you'll do, Hero." Hero nodded as he looked at the rest of his friends. They were going to win this.

As they made their way through the central atrium of the Stone Tower Temple, they reached a room with the last colt, who was wearing Twinmold's Mask. He was genuinely shocked that they had made it this far.

"You found me. Well, you beat our game, I guess. Thanks for playing with us. Hey, do you have a mask you could give up without apprehension? Someone like you must have at least one more, right?" the colt asked.

Hero nodded and gave him the spiritual mask he found at the Pie Family Farm near Ikana.

"Wow... thanks. You're very kind and generous. I have a question for you: What lies under your mask? What is your real face? Is that your real face, just as this must be mine?" the colt asked before disappearing.

Hero and his team found themselves around what appeared to be an altar for worship. Celestia felt compelled to bow from the immense and unyielding aura she felt suddenly. She turned to everyone else and said, "I can't explain why, but something is telling me to do this. It needs all of us together, and this feels different from Majora. It feels... furious, protective, and grieving. Wow... Such an incredible power in here?!"

Everyone then followed Celestia and bowed in the circle. Their magic was collectively merging into masses of pure, harmonious light. One by one, their bodies were joining together except for Hero. He watched in sheer astonishment as they all came together to manifest a new mask of unbelievable and terrifying power.

Hero picked up the mask with his hooves and looked at it. The dull coloring of the room's interior had slightly dimmed over the wooden alabaster-white mask. It felt vengeful but compassionate—like a wounded father weeping for his children and determined to fight with unparalleled power.

In an instant, Hero found himself back in the Eden-like dimension. The four colts were still frolicking around, and he saw the one that had been curled up under the same evergreen tree. "So, a promise is a promise," said Majora, "You played my game and won. Now let's play a new game together. You'll be the bad guy."

Hero had the Sol Mask in his possession. "Oh, so you have that mask," Majora's face, even as a mask, gave disdain at the one Hero was clutching onto. "Very well. Shall we play?" Majora giggled maliciously, and the scene around Hero transformed from a paradise into a multi-colored room with reflecting walls that looked like a place of worship for Majora.

Hero saw Majora adorned on the wall at the opposite end of where he was standing. He braced himself and prepared to face Majora. All four masks of Odolwa, Goht, Gyorg, and Twinmold were set on either side of Majora, with Majora in the center.

Ancient Awakening Chaos


Suddenly, Majora detached itself from the wall and floated towards Hero. It had long tentacles hanging from its bottom edges, like a mane, and its eyes were glowing as it prepared to attack. The mask spun around like a disk, its tentacles acting like blades on a fan. It rushed towards Hero from the van's front and then to the rear. Even though it was a mask that wasn't supposed to move, it was surprisingly fast.

He put on his changeling mask, which clamped down onto his face, melding into his flesh and fur. He screamed with a horrified look as he transformed into his changeling form. Hero then used his flash nuts from his fight with Odolwa, which blinded Majora and caused him to fall to the ground, leaving him open for attack. Hero then used his razor-sharp wings to slice and cut the mask up.

Majora then rose up with a malicious aura and glared at Hero. His tendrils sprawled out in all directions, waving as he focused a beam of pure, concentrated energy at him to burn his insect-like form. Hero dodged the attack by backflipping and jumping to the side.

Just as the attack finished, the other four masks of the remains of the four bosses that Hero had already fought sensed their master was in danger and came to his aid. Now, it was a five-against-one match. Hero realized that he couldn't do much more as a changeling. So, he removed the mask from his face to return to normal.

Hero readied his bow with light arrows to shoot the floating masks that aimed to harm him by shooting flares at him. He aimed at Odolwa's Mask and shot it, causing it to shriek in agony before decaying and disappearing, leaving four remaining masks. Next, he aimed at Goht's Mask and shot it with the same result, causing it to shriek before disappearing.

Majora spun around again to try to hit Hero, but he backflipped to avoid his attack—another shot at Gyorg's Mask, then Twinmold. There were no more of them to help Majora. Hero then slashes at Majora's body after stunning him to make him shriek in pain before straightening himself out. The flat body was tilted upwards.

Suddenly, long, skinny, lanky limbs emerged from where arms and legs should have been. The body vibrated as the limbs manifested, but something was different. The left leg was reptilian; the right one was a goat's, the left arm was that of a griffon, and the right arm was that of a bear. A tiny head with a single eye appeared at the top of the flat wooden body, and the being maintained a childlike tone. It frantically looked around, taunting its enemy with its new perversion of life.

Primordial Incomplete Chaos

𝕄𝕒𝕛𝕠𝕣𝕒'𝕤 𝕀𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟

He darted around the battlefield like a sugar-hopped lunatic, his movements untraceable. It became apparent that this was an alternate version of Discord; his chaos, games, and trials made him the perfect parallel to the Lord of Chaos.

He was too fast to catch, leaving after-images of himself from the sheer speed alone. Hero had an idea and put on his yak mask to transform. His tanky and hulking form morphed into a yak, causing him to scream in pain.

In a flash, he was in his yak form. Majora was prancing about the room before twirling around like a ballerina. This was pretty insulting; he was taunting and celebrating the end of the world.

Hero then slammed his hooves down to create a slight tremor, causing Majora to trip. He yelped in shock before falling and kicking as if throwing a tantrum. After a few swift punches, Majora recovered and let out a brief groan of eldritch pain in a low growl before running erratically again.

Hero was engaged in a battle with Majora who was firing bolts of energy at him. Though Hero attempted to dodge the attack, Majora anticipated his moves and was able to electrocute him. Hero fell to the ground, writhing in pain as the electricity coursed through his body.

Realizing that his previous strategy was no longer effective against Majora, Hero removed his yak mask and put on his hippogriff mask. The mask clamped onto his face, causing him intense pain, but he soon transformed into a hippogriff. To his surprise, Hero found that the room they were in had its own rules of gravity that allowed for the properties of water without suffocation or affecting movement speed.

Capitalizing on what was likely an oversight by Majora, Hero then used his razor-sharp plumage at his wrists as they formed into fins so he could use them as a set of boomerangs. At the same time, Majora was moonwalking... because, of course, he would. Why not, right? Managing to trip him again, Hero dashed in for a wicked flurry of scratches and slashed onto Majora's panicking body.

After that last blow, Majora shrieked in pain before jumping back to the center of the room. He rapidly and violently twitched his body while clutching his tiny head with his skinny arms, almost as if possessed—as his body bent backward at a swift U-angle, his muscles contorted and rippled like fluid inside him as he covered his tiny head with both his hands.

His body rose back up as his shadow loomed over Hero's cautious form as he transformed again. There was a cacophony of organic snapping, bone crunches, eldrich groans of pain from his rapid transformation, and a sinister giggle. His flat and mask-like body was then malleable and flexible as it molded like putty into a serpentine-like form. His muscles on his body were then buffing up, his draconic tail with a fluffy tuft at the tip was draping at his feet, and his mismatched wings then jutted from his back; one pegasus, one bat-like.

Finally, his tiny head with one eye morphed into a goat-like head with two different horns: one deer antler and one unicorn horn. He growled in his deep, eldritch voice as flames billowed from his awkwardly fanged mouth. He summoned two long whips in each hand as he readied to go all out on Hero and his friends.

Vindictive Manifested Chaos

𝕄𝕒𝕛𝕠𝕣𝕒'𝕤 𝕎𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕙

During the final confrontation, Hero attacked with all his might. However, his attacks proved to be ineffective against his opponent's powerful defenses. As a last resort, Hero removed his hippogriff mask and transformed himself back to his original form. It was then that he remembered the special mask that his friends had created using their bodies in a strange pocket dimension. This mask was the physical manifestation of the Fierce Deity Sol's Mask.

Hero stood there, with his friends' voices echoing in his mind as he tightly held the mask in his hooves. "Do it! Put the mask on!" they all shouted in unison. As he analyzed the mask, he noticed the same intricate designs he had seen before—the multi-colored spectrum on the inside of the mask, which blended in with the white wooden exterior. Upon closer examination, he saw a glowing spiral horn and a long, spiky mane that resembled Celestia's, but with a rougher texture.

The mask had a frightening appearance with an angry snarl, white eyes, black eyeliner around the eyes, blue face paint in a V-shape around the horn on its forehead, and red war paint on both cheeks. Hero felt its overwhelming power and nervously brought it closer to his face. With a sickening crunch, the mask clamped down on him.

He panicked and screamed through his mask as he fell backward, desperately trying to remove it before his body went limp, much like Luna did with Majora's Mask before they entered Termina. He breathed deeply, suddenly feeling an unprecedented and godly amount of magic flowing into him. He tilted his face in utter shock, rather than pain, as the mask fixed onto his facial joints. His mouth was open, his teeth were sharp, and his pupils were slowly fading to white.

His body was a bit taller than Celestia's, and his mane was a long, flowing stream of radiant, spiky, multi-colored solar energy. He wore a celestial armor set that represented an ancient god, and his alicorn wings were a marvelous display. The tips of his mane and tail were detailed, and the black parts of his hair color could be seen at the ends of Sol's mane and tail from their fusion. He used his magic to manifest a powerful double-helix blade that was brimming with solar energy. He felt like an ancient god after this transformation, which caused Majora to give him a baleful glare upon seeing him.

"You!" Majora said in a distorted and deepened voice; he replied upon seeing Sol for the first time in thousands of years. "Everyone... Everyone always enjoyed my games... everyone... EVERYONE EXCEPT FOR YOU!... All I wanted was a chance to be appreciated... all I wanted was to be understood."

"No, Majora, they did not enjoy your sadistic games; what you're doing is wrong; you have gone too far for that now." The spirit Sol controlled Hero's voice as Sol sounded like a male version of Celestia, powerful and with immense authority. "No more playing games."

Celestia's voice echoed in Hero's mind as she spoke, "That's how I sound as an all-powerful god of the sun... how invigorating." Waves of brilliant turquoise solar magic surged forward, cutting into Majora's body as he screamed in pain. Despite his max form, he was no match for Sol, and he knew it. Hero let out a warcry, sounding more like an adult than a child, as he showed no mercy to Majora.

Each attack landed on Majora, causing him to fall to his knees and cry out in agony. The holy solar magic corroded his chimeric body like acid, and he hissed in pain and bitter hatred toward Sol. Rainbow cheered in Hero's head as they continued to fire beams of pure solar might into Majora. Finally, Majora leaped up high to the center of the room.

As the battle raged on, Majora attacked Hero with his whips, wrapping them around Hero's body and throwing him into a wall. Hero screamed from the violent impact but managed to balance himself with his wings and return to the battle. Meanwhile, Majora released spinning tops studded with sharp blades onto the battlefield.

In a moment of encouragement, Twilight's voice spoke to Hero, "You can do this, Hero; just believe in yourself and in the power of our friendship." Hero nodded and slashed through Majora's spinning tops with ease. He then minced up Majora's whips into confetti, causing Majora to panic and look genuinely frightened.

Hero then unleashed more slashes on Majora to see his body, which was now slightly unstable, as he jumped away and tried to evade close contact with the godly alicorn. "I have shown mercy to you before, Majora. When I sealed you with that mask, you deserved none whatsoever. But it was my folly to do this."

"Now, you leave me no choice but to obliterate you from existence. You sought vengeance against me and the innocent only to meet your permanent end," Sol spoke as if he were signing away Majora's death warrant. "I am sorry, brother... you brought this upon yourself; even thousands of years later, you still refuse to change and see your purpose; how sad."

Hero found himself speaking up as Sol's booming voice shattered the little confidence that Majora had left, after hearing Sol's intentions to destroy him once and for all. The other ponies that Hero had merged with were equally surprised to learn that Sol was actually Majora's brother.

With one last volley of brilliant slashes from his helix blade, Majora's body was dripping and bubbling as his flesh melted. He shrieked in agony as he covered his melting face with his mismatched hands. Desperately, he tried to push the meat and flesh back into place and failed pathetically.

This was it... No more fun... no more games... no more life... Majora then shed one last tear from the fright of his destruction as he wailed in pain from feeling his body and soul being rent asunder; every fiber of his existence was being wiped clean as if he were never born.

His warped face was then locked into an agonizing grimace as he slowly decayed and decimated from the inside out. With no soul left, what remained then calcified into a statue before eventually crumbling into a pile of rubble, ashes, and dust. The room began to distort and ripple as if reality collided around them as their vision turned a bright white.

After defeating Majora, the Moon's angry face vanished, and Hero, his friends, and the two princesses found themselves back on the Clock Tower. The sky then transformed into a cheerful sight with blue skies, fluffy clouds, and a shining sun.

The ponies and creatures of Termina gathered around Termina Field, cheering for Hero and his friends who saved their world. With Majora stopped, everyone was freed, and justice was served for all the lives that had been tortured.

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