• Published 27th Dec 2021
  • 1,053 Views, 1 Comments

Second Dates Are For Swimsuits - MagicS

Applejack and Sour Sweet try and enjoy their date at the water park with hopefully no interruptions.

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Second Date

Applejack’s beat up old pick-up truck stopped in the parking lot of the Canterlot Hurricane Water Park. Her second real date with her girlfriend was about to begin and she was pretty darn happy right now. She never would’ve figured things could go so well after starting it off with a blind date, but that and their first date had gone really well, minus a few hiccups, and now Applejack truly did feel like she was in an honest to goodness relationship. This wasn’t just a fling (which she would never partake in to begin with) and they weren’t trying things out anymore. She and Sour Sweet were girlfriends. Real girlfriends. And boy oh boy did it feel great.

Not too long ago she wouldn’t have even cared too much about having a girlfriend or not but after getting one and knowing what she had been missing she couldn’t imagine preferring the single life. Funny how that works out, she, Rarity, and all her friends would’ve said she had no interest in romance and now she was one of the few of them actually dating someone.

“Never would’ve figured her for the type that would want to go to a water park,” Applejack said as she hopped out of her truck.

It was a Saturday in summer and naturally there were loads of people heading inside the park. The admissions booths underneath the gigantic signboard with the splashy water art were already dealing with some pretty long lines. And for some reason Sour Sweet had said they’d meet up here inside the park instead of meeting up outside first. Applejack didn’t get it but she’d be a liar if she said she got everything about her girlfriend. Not getting everything about her was part of the fun.

Applejack pulled out her phone and looked at the text message onscreen:

Meet me at the Dolphin Snack Shack at 12:00

She shrugged her shoulders. If that’s how Sour Sweet wanted them to meet and for how their date should start then so be it, Applejack would roll with it. Sour had been planning this for almost two weeks now, ever since Applejack had told her she had a lot of work to do in the summer that would keep her from going on another date for a while. Sour Sweet took that as an invitation to plan out something a little more special and fun than just meeting up and eating lunch somewhere. It was easier on the both of them now that Sour was more into the relationship too and said she wasn’t worried about being spotted by people they knew or was bothering keeping it a secret. As far as Applejack knew though she hadn’t told her friends from Crystal Prep much about Applejack though. But Applejack wasn’t going to push her on anything like that just yet. Slow and steady with a girl as… volatile as Sour Sweet could be. Applejack wasn’t going to force things on her.

Okay—was the simple reply Applejack had texted her back earlier.

Rarity would’ve blown a gasket at Applejack sending back such a simplistic response but Applejack knew well by now how much Sour Sweet hated those emoji-things, smiley faces, hearts, and most especially pet names.

She still remembered the look on her face when Applejack had called her her “Sour Sweetheart”.

No, pointless silly affection over texts like that wasn’t Sour Sweet’s style. She didn’t like it. There were only a few moments when she was in a particular mood in real life where she liked stuff like that. And Applejack had to work very hard to navigate to find those moods and not accidentally annoy her girlfriend when flirting or saying sweet things. Again, that was part of the fun.

She wondered though if maybe she should’ve bought an all new swimsuit for this date though? It seemed kind of weird, not like it was a fancy dress or something, but maybe she still should’ve done something special. Rarity probably would’ve said she should get a new one but Applejack didn’t consult her on it. Instead she was going to end up wearing her same old blue and green suit she had had for years. Oh well, Sour Sweet had never seen her wear it at least. It was currently tucked away in her bag, she could’ve worn it under her clothes but now she’ just slip it on once she got to the locker rooms after paying for entry.

“And aint no one going to barge in on or spy on this date,” Applejack mumbled to herself as she got in line. It wasn’t just Rarity she hadn’t consulted for the date, it was everybody. Applejack didn’t want them doing what they had done last time. Or worse.

In fact, the only one of her friends who even knew she was going on a date today was Pinkie Pie. And that was because she happened to be hanging out with her when Sour Sweet first called about it. Applejack had made her cotton candy friend Pinkie Promise that she wouldn’t interfere with the date. That included telling Rainbow, Rarity, and the others about it.

Not that she didn’t love and appreciate her friends—but she knew how much of a pain they liked being when it came to her love life. Another reason why she wasn’t quite so forceful on making Sour Sweet open up to her friends.

Applejack looked around at some of the people in line, quite a few families but also lots of groups of friends and a lot of couples. She kind of stood out for not having anyone with her. Hopefully that didn’t give any guy or girl the idea she was single, she didn’t want to have to fight off any advances and she knew this was the kind of place people liked to flirt. If Sour Sweet happened to see her talking with someone before they met up… oh boy.

Thankfully she got through the front gate and into the female locker rooms/changing stalls/and showers fairly quickly. Was Sour Sweet already in the park and waiting for her or would Applejack be the one to wait at the Dolphin Snack Shack?

She threw off her clothes quickly and slipped on her two-piece swimsuit, stuffing everything but a small waterproof bag with her money in it into a locker. As soon as she stepped out of the locker room the hot sun came down on her and she was able to look out across the whole park. On the left side of the park was a mess of all different kinds of waterslides, while the right held a big wave pool, a few smaller pools and things for younger kids, and a lazy river that wrapped around it all. The middle was taken up by an area with a lot of tables, beach chairs, and places for food.

Applejack smiled and started to walk down the central area on the lookout for the Dolphin Snack Shack. A lot of people were already out and having fun, it was a lively place and she definitely was going to put it down as someplace she should come back to with all her friends.

Looking around the various places she saw something that finally stuck out—a Haywaiian style straw shack with a big plastic dolphin on the top.

“Must be it,” Applejack strolled right over to it. There were a few windows to get food from it from and then a couple of umbrella’d tables around it to sit at. And she didn’t see Sour Sweet anywhere. Applejack reached up and scratched her head, a clock on the snack shack showed that it was just about noon so it should be just about time. Sour must’ve come in after her and was on her way.

Since that was the case, Applejack decided it would be nice if Sour Sweet had something here when she arrived. So she stood in line and got a pair of sodas for them before sitting down at a table and waiting for Sour Sweet’s arrival. It didn’t take too long before that pretty voice filled her ears.


A smile lit up Applejack’s face and she turned around in her chair. “Hey there, Sou-er-er-er...”

The rest of the sentence died in Applejack’s throat as her eyes opened up wide and she fully registered what Sour Sweet was wearing. A black bikini with a side-tie bottom and a top that only just barely covered enough. It was the first time she had seen her girlfriend like this and while Applejack had always known Sour Sweet had had a nice body, really seeing it like this was a different experience. From her dieting to her dancing, it left her with a body that didn’t have an ounce of fat on it—except in one specific area. Her breasts were quite big and Applejack was doing an incredibly bad job of not staring at them, and she could tell from her hips and the hug of the swimsuit that she had an impressively curvy and toned backside as well. The bikini left so much freckled skin just out there for anyone to see, it was only a step or two removed from being obscene.

And Applejack felt an intense blush rising to her face the more she looked at it.

“Oh that’s it,” Sour Sweet grinned, putting her hands on her hips. “That expression right there. That’s why I didn’t want us to come together, I wanted to see how surprised you would be.”

Applejack sputtered and ran a hand through her hair. “W-Well it’s uh, you look—um, you look...”

Sour Sweet rolled her eyes and sat down next to Applejack. “Come on, you’ve made out with me in the back of your truck but this is making you feel awkward?”

“You had all your clothes on for that...” Applejack gulped and took a sip of her soda, trying to not stare some more but there was hardly anyplace she could look at her girlfriend right now. Her body was just so lithe and slim, like a model’s, but her sizable breasts and curvy butt made her even more attractive at the same time.

“I guess I know what you’re going to be using tonight then~” Sour Sweet poked her in the cheek.

Applejack spat out her soda, her face going even redder. “S-Sour! I-I don’t even-”

Sour Sweet laughed, having to rub her eyes clear of the tears forming there. “I’m just teasing you, silly.” She then raised an eyebrow at Applejack. “But do you really not ever… you know?”

Applejack covered her burning face with her hands. “It’s embarrassing, can we please change the subject?”

“You’re hilarious,” Sour Sweet giggled again. “Never had a problem being the one to initiate a make-out session but a little lewd talk and you’re falling apart. Hm, maybe it has to do with the swimsuit."

“That thing certainly isn’t helping,” Applejack grumbled.

“I know, right? I picked it out specifically because of that. Doesn’t it look great on me?” Sour Sweet asked, stretching in her chair to show off her perfect body some more.

“Yes, it does,” Applejack responded as stonily as she could given the situation.

“Sorry, but I just couldn’t help but want to tease you. This is the sexiest thing I could think of to wear,” Sour Sweet said.

“You probably turned a lot of heads on the way over here...”


Applejack frowned. “Maybe. A little. I don’t want other people looking at you like that.”

A slight blush came to Sour Sweet’s face. “Ooooh, I’ve gotten your possessive side to come out. That makes me pretty happy, to be honest. So you don’t want anybody else looking at me the same way you’ve been ever since you saw me in this bikini?”

Applejack blushed harder. “Yes...”

Sour Sweet shrugged. “Well, I can accept that. I won’t wear such a skimpy swimsuit out in the future, but for now I think I’m going to enjoy teasing you with it.”

“Guess that’s the best I can hope for,” Applejack glanced at her girlfriend and felt her heart flutter when taking in her curves. “H-Here’s your soda by the way, figured we could have something to drink before we hit the slides, if want.”

“Sure, sounds good to me. Was there anything that looked fun to you?” Sour Sweet asked as she grabbed her soda and began drinking.

“Well this place was your idea so I figured you had some plans for what you wanted to do. I’m good with anything, waterslides or just relaxing in one of the pools or around the lazy river,” Applejack said.

“Then let’s go to some of the slides first,” Sour Sweet smiled. “There are some where you ride on a two-person inner tube, so we can share one together. Wink wink.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “You don’t need to say that.”

“Prude,” Sour Sweet smiled and stood up with drink in hand, pulling Applejack up as well and locking arms with her. “There, now like this nobody is going to think we’re “just friends” hanging out. I don’t want anyone flirting with you either.”

The gorgeous girl attached to her made Applejack heat up some more. “You’ve certainly gotten more open about this.”

“I don’t care as long as nobody we know is around to make fun of me for it,” Sour replied.

“One of these days I’ll have you change about that too,” Applejack said.

“Whatever,” Sour Sweet brushed her off and pulled her in closer so the two were practically connected at the hip, one of her large breasts brushing up against Applejack’s arm. “Let’s go enjoy the slides already.”

“S-Sure,” Applejack sweated and took a drink with her free hand to try and distract herself.

The two of them walked like that over to the actual water slide section of the park. They both turned quite a few heads, partially from the affectionate way they were acting with each other and partially from Sour Sweet’s bikini. There were a large series if slides, some of them you went down without a tube and others that you rode down on a larger one. There were even a couple of those super high and steep slides. Applejack would’ve liked daring Rainbow Dash to go down those but for her date with Sour they should probably stick with the simpler ones. She didn’t know how much of a daredevil Sour was anyways.

Once they had gotten close to the slides they threw their drinks in a trash bin and got ready to go down their first water slide. Sour pointed out one right away, a larger slide where you sat in a two-person inner tube for it.

“So you weren’t joking,” Applejack said as she grabbed one of the tubes and the two of them went to stand in line for the slide.

“Of course not. And by the way, I’ll sit in the front spot so I can lean back into you,” Sour Sweet smirked. “Or considering where you’ve been looking lately you’d prefer to lean back against me.”

“Shut it,” Applejack blushed.

It took some time since the whole park was crowded and the lines were long, but Applejack and Sour Sweet finally made it up the stairs to the top of the slide. The ride attendant working there offered a friendly smile and had them wait, with their inner tube in the water, before they were ready to head down the slide. It was a wide-tunnel slide with parts of it that were closed all around and other parts open to the air as you traveled down it. Sour Sweet got down in the front of their double and Applejack sat right behind her.

In another second they were given the okay and the two of them scooted down into the slide. The rushing water pulled them in and they zoomed down, curving round and round inside a tunnel before coming out into an open part and dipping down a fall. Sour Sweet laughed with glee the whole way and it made Applejack doubly happy to know how much she was enjoying it. Applejack put her arms around Sour’s waist and Sour smiled and leaned back into her, the two enjoying their pleasant ride down the slide to the fullest.

Eventually they came to one more drop and zoomed out into the pool at the bottom of the water slide. Applejack and Sour Sweet both jumped off the inner tube and walked along the bottom of the shallow pool, carrying the tube out and putting it in the receptacle.

“That was a lot of fun,” Sour Sweet said.

“Sure was,” Applejack agreed with a big grin on her face.

“Come on, there are a ton more to go on!” Sour Sweet grabbed her by the hand and pulled Applejack along.

Applejack was too excited to remember to blush.

They spent the next hour going on slide after slide and having fun together, racing down twin slides, or going with a big group on an inflatable raft down a half-pipe. It was all a blast. They were having a real date with each other where they were just able to enjoy each other’s company to the fullest. This was a lot better than just going out to eat somewhere. And they had gotten past the early stages of their relationship too where they were still getting to know each other. They weren’t just finding things out, or testing, they were a real couple happy to spend time together. It filled Applejack’s heart with warmth and she was willing to bet Sour Sweet felt the same way. Though she’d never admit it.

The two of them flew out the exit of another slide and into the pool, Sour Sweet shooting up out of the water a moment later looking like a swimsuit model while Applejack watched on.

“Whew!” Sour Sweet raised an eyebrow at Applejack. “That was a lot of fun, dunno about you but I could go for some food right now. Then maybe we could hit up the lazy river and relax a bit?”

“Uh huh, sounds good,” Applejack dumbly nodded along.

“Oh my god, could you be anymore of a teenage boy right now?” Sour Sweet teased, snorting and hiding her mouth behind her hand.

Applejack bit her lip and looked away. “You did this on purpose, it’s not my fault.”

“Right, come on now, let’s go,” Sour Sweet said and walked up out of the pool.

Applejack tried not to stare at her butt.

Back in the central area of the park, there were stands selling hotdogs, hamburgers, nachos, slices of pizza, and even sushi (which Applejack never liked—why would you eat raw fish?). Applejack was going to let Sour Sweet decide what to eat and then she’d pay for the both of em. Even though Sour was likely substantially wealthier than she was, Applejack still wanted to do this sometimes.

“Let’s get sushi!” Sour Sweet said, pointing to the sushi stand.

Applejack laughed awkwardly. “Got a feeling you want sushi just cause it’s not fatty and greasy like this other stuff...”

“You may think my dieting is silly but I wouldn’t have such a killer body without it. And then you’d be sad,” Sour poked
Applejack’s nose.

Applejack blushed and brushed away Sour’s hand. “Fine.”

Sour Sweet smirked. “Alright, let’s get in-”

“Well I’ll be, if it isn’t Sour Sweet, and Applejack too? What a pleasant surprise!” A faux-polite voice that was very familiar to the two girls said.

Applejack looked over in surprise while Sour Sweet darn near froze up completely. Sunny Flare was there, wearing a swimsuit of her own, and so were Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, and Indigo Zap. The whole rest of the Shadowbolt team had come to the water park today. Surely it was just a coincidence? In fact, did Sour Sweet ever actually tell them she was dating Applejack?

“How are the two of you doing?” Sunny Flare asked with a smug grin on her face.

“That new swimsuit certainly shows off your body a lot,” Sugarcoat said.

Applejack glanced over at Sour Sweet and saw that the girl was going red in the face with nervousness and embarrassment, so she thought it best to take the reins of this conversation. “Uh, h-hey there girls. We’re doing good. So you came to the water park today too, huh?

“Yep!” Lemon Zest exuberantly said and walked right up to Applejack, she grasped her hands and started shaking vigorously. “It’s super awesome to meet you! I mean, not like we totally haven’t met you a few times before already, but you weren’t Sour’s girlfriend back then!”

Sour Sweet let out a wordless high-pitched cry of embarrassment and blushed even harder.

“Eheh...” Applejack rubbed the back of her head. “So you knew about that?”

“Sort of,” Indigo Zap said. “Sour told us she was dating someone after Twilight set her up on that blind date, but she wouldn’t tell us who or anything else.” She gave Applejack a thumb’s up. “Way to go by the way.”

“Uh thanks… so you all knew the two of us were here today somehow?” Applejack raised an eyebrow at them.

“Oh! That’s me!” Lemon Zest raised her hand and grinned. “Pinkie Pie texted me and told me Sour was bringing her girlfriend here today. I told Sunny. Sugarcoat, and Indigo, and Sunny got the idea to come here and meet up with you two.”

“Since it didn’t seem like you were ever going to introduce her to us on your own,” Sunny Flare giggled.

“I want to die...” Sour Sweet squeaked out.

Applejack sighed and put an arm around Sour Sweet’s shoulders. “Don’t be like that, nothing to be embarrassed about.” She snorted and shook her head. “Clever way of avoiding breaking a Pinkie Promise, Pinkie...”

Sugarcoat came up and looked up and down Sour Sweet’s bikini-clad form. “Someone was trying hard today.”

Sour Sweet grumbled and buried her face in Applejack’s shoulder. “I really didn’t want any of you to see us like this… seeing us on a date is bad enough already, but this?”

“Oh don’t be like that, Applejack is right, you shouldn’t be embarrassed,” Sunny Flare said, coming up and patting Sour Sweet on the back. “We would’ve forced our way into things sooner or later.”

“Jerks...” Sour Sweet mumbled.

“Come on now, they’re not being so mean or anything,” Applejack said as she patted Sour Sweet’s head. “Aint it good that it’s all out in the open at least? I’m sure any teasing that goes on will all just be in good fun, your friends would know better than to ever make you cry.” She looked up and narrowed her eyes at the others. “Wouldn’t you?”

Sugarcoat coughed into her hand and looked away while Sunny Flare whistled innocently. Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest were at least slightly more positive.

“Yeah it’s whatever,” Indigo shrugged. “I mean, we were definitely going to tease about having a girlfriend cause that’s just what friends do. But I wont go overboard.”

“Same!” Lemon Zest chimed in.

Indigo Zap grinned and came up next to Sour Sweet, playfully elbowing her in the side. “Speaking of which… does she taste like apples?”

Sour Sweet pushed her away and finally detached herself from Applejack, she folded her arms below her ample chest and stared down at the ground, fuming. “...she only smells like them.”

“Guess you’re growing fond of their smell then?” Sunny Flare asked, fluttering her eyelids.

Sour Sweet bit her lip. “Yes...”

“Ahem,” Applejack coughed and blushed slightly in embarrassment as well. “Uh, happy as I am that y’all can have a nice friendly conversation about your friend’s girlfriend, there may be a couple of subjects I’d like to be avoided...”

“What subject?” Sunny Flare held a finger up to her chin. “Liiiike, how good you are in bed?”

Applejack sputtered in embarrassment and Sour Sweet looked up to glare at her friend.

“Shut up, we haven’t even gone that far yet!” Sour Sweet growled.

“Oh, ‘yet’ huh? So you’re thinking about it?” Sunny Flare wiggled her eyebrows while the other three girls laughed.

This time Applejack had to cover her burning red face with her hands while Sour Sweet grew increasingly angrier at her friends.

“What healthy girl wouldn’t at least think about it a little?” She answered. “Are you just asking all these questions cause you’re jealous that you’re still single?”

“Don’t try and change the subject,” Sugarcoat interjected. “We’re talking about you.”

“I bet Applejack thinks about it too! Specially after seeing Sour in this bikini!” Lemon Zest said, giggling the whole time.

“Well? Do you?” Sunny Flare asked Applejack.

“Stop bothering us!” Sour Sweet grabbed her by the wrists and tried to push Sunny Flare away.

“I-I mean, that kind of thing should come after, shouldn’t it?” Applejack said, looking out from between her fingers.

The other Shadowbolts looked at her and Sugarcoat raised an eyebrow. “After what?”

Applejack fidgeted and dropped her hands, shyly rubbing them together in front of her stomach. “Well… marriage, right?”

The girls, including Sour Sweet, all stared at her.

“Do… have you been thinking that far ahead?” Indigo Zap asked.

Applejack looked back at them like they were the weird ones, a light blush hitting her cheeks as she chewed on the inside of her mouth. “I-Isn’t that normal? I mean… I don’t do something like “fooling around”, the two of us are in a serious relationship, ain’t we? And the endpoint of any serious relationship is marriage.”

The other Shadowbolts silently turned to look at Sour Sweet, who was turning the deepest shade of red any of them had seen a person’s face turn into.

“Isn’t this like, your third date?” Lemon Zest asked Applejack.

“Well that’s just the way I am. I’m sorry but that’s the kind of thing I think about, okay?” Applejack said, folding her arms in annoyance. “Not the sorts of topics you gals were trying to get out of us.”

“Wow, Sour. Your girlfriend is quite the serious one. Maybe you’ve found a keeper?” Sunny Flare said.

“Shut up...” Sour Sweet quietly said before reaching forward and grabbing Applejack’s hand. She pulled the other girl along and started running with her out of the food zone. With an angry glare on her face she looked over her shoulder at her friends. “And you had better not bother us for the rest of the day! I mean it!”

“S-Sour!” Applejack said as she was pulled along.

“Be quiet for a second, okay? We’re going to the lazy river,” Sour shushed her.

The other Shadowbolts watched them go, sharing pleased grins with each other.

“I think they’re cute together,” Lemon Zest said.

“And so fun to tease,” Sunny Flare laughed.

Sour Sweet didn’t say another word as she dragged Applejack through the park to where you entered the lazy river, a stand with individual inner tubes passing them out to everyone who wanted to go in. She grabbed an inner tube and Applejack got one as well, when Applejack tried to open her mouth again, Sour pressed a finger to her lips and waded into the river. Applejack followed and the two got on and sat in their inner tubes, letting the slow current start to carry them along.

As they floated on the water, Sour Sweet finally opened up her mouth.

“So… you think about that?” She asked, not looking directly at Applejack.

“Well, I mean, i-it’s not like I’ve fantasized or planned out a wedding or nothing, or know when anything more serious is going to happen, you know? But… I’m an old-fashioned girl. To me a relationship like this is the step you take before getting married. Soooo… yeah. I do think about it,” Applejack answered.

“You’re embarrassing. We’ve barely gone out and you’re already thinking of marriage,” Sour huffed.

Applejack shrugged. “Can’t help it.”

“A lot of people would think it’s totally creepy for you to think that far ahead.”

“...and what do you think?” Applejack reached across the water and grabbed her by the shoulder.

Sour Sweet turned to her, a luminescent blush right across her freckled face. “I don’t think it sounds so bad. In the future.”

Applejack smiled warmly at her girlfriend. “Right. In the future.” She paddled her inner tube over until the two of theirs were almost touching and leaned over for a hug… accidentally causing her to go off-balance and fall right off the rube and into the river, grabbing Sour Sweet as she went and pulling her in too. The two splashed in the water and got their heads back above the surface, where Applejack sheepishly grinned at Sour. “My bad...”

“At least you didn’t yank my swimsuit off,” Sour Sweet smirked. “You would’ve passed out from seeing that.”

Applejack blushed. “Yeah whatever...” She swam a bit with the current to retrieve their lost tubes and came back to Sour Sweet. “You know I was thinking too but… how’s about next time we all hang out together, your friends and mine? I mean, I think it would be a good thing, in the end.”

Sour Sweet rolled her eyes. “You just saw how they all acted...”

“I know, I know, but still. For me?” Applejack smiled.

Sour Sweet bit back a small chuckle and swam towards Applejack. “Alright. For you.”

She reached her hand out underwater and grasped Applejack’s, the two of them floating along like that down the rest of the length of the river together.

Author's Note:

I have no plans to continue this series.

Comments ( 1 )

Took me a while to read your series, but it was worth of it.

It's a shame you aren't planning to expand further the SourJack relantionship, yet it was fun as well cute to read. Wish you luck at any future project you got in mind.

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