• Published 13th Dec 2021
  • 3,752 Views, 152 Comments

A Dazzling World - Spyder27

Adagio tries to find a way to be happy in this new world and ends up falling in love with her old enemy, Sunset Shimmer.

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Hello There, Adagio

Author's Note:

This story does contain mentions of alcohol, slight violence, the feelings that life isn't worth it and/or suicidal thoughts, fire, profanity, and mentions of a gun. Overall, this is supposed to be a romance fiction, but if these things are not to your liking, I would urge you to click off this story.

A big thanks to my friend who helped me edit this story and you can check out his work on AO3 here. https://archiveofourown.org/users/H_phone001/pseuds/H_phone001/works and the help of a proofreader named PoisonClaw and here is the profile page! Check out some of the work! https://www.fimfiction.net/user/15386/PoisonClaw


No matter where I go, music seems to be a fundamental core of society. People and ponies alike adore it and value someone’s musical prowess even above their own character or personality. It was one of the ‘talents’ that society valued the most, making it a top position in the world. Once upon a time, I used to have such a gift for song and music, being able to push others to do my will with a single note. It was my paradise and I loved every second of it. At least, until everything was taken away from me. Not only my world, but also my voice? I suppose that just goes to show I was blind to think I was strong enough to take over this world.

Power is one of those parts of life that I can’t live without. It doesn’t matter what others see in this boring little world. I only see the potential for power that I could have grasped. I mean, why else would I be alive today? Being born a siren is a privilege among all creatures and I should be seen as their rightful ruler. It doesn’t matter much anymore, now does it? Without power, there’s not much of a point in living a useless life. I used to be so powerful, but now? I’m just a weaker creature among these ponies…

Actually, they’re people, right? I don’t really care that much, but I suppose all I have left is my intellect. If I can’t even correct myself, why should I exist?

“Dazzle! You’re up!” I suddenly hear a loud and crude voice call my name as the music slowly comes to a halt. The night club is always a great place to meet new people, at least ones that will either drug you or treat you horribly like the assholes they are. I put the empty glass down, swallowing my last shot of whiskey before standing up. My hair could still bounce to the movements of my body and there’s a special shine left to it, compared to everyone else in this world. I suppose that’s the remnants of my past as a siren. Magic still lingering ever so slightly. Walking towards the stage, I only hear the usual whistles and crude remarks about how it would feel to have one night with me. If I still had my magic, I could easily sing a single note and make sure those kinds of people never return here. Or anywhere else on Earth.

Some of these men and women always try to buy me a drink or try to have a friendly chat about what products I use in my hair. At the end of the day, I know that all they want is a single night in bed with me. It gets on my nerves every night, but I can’t say a damn thing. At least I still have whiskey to make me be able to tolerate it, and not crude or cheap whiskey either. It is one of the better beverages that I can tolerate much more than the wide variety of beers offered at the bar. Four Roses Single Barrel. Maybe my sense of taste is failing me, but it isn’t unlike some of the lower wines of Equestria, though I could always be losing my mind. The sweet vanilla taste always lingers on my tongue for a while afterward and lets me soak in one of the only good parts of life left.

Combined with the soft blue lights of the stage, I have an environment where I’m able to practice my singing on these poor saps, while being paid for it. The lights are all on me now and I know the same old routine. Putting on my best sly smile, I pull the microphone toward my lips. “So, you all missed me?” I say in almost a whisper. The usual yelling and swooning of the audience only reaffirm what I said. Of course, there are a couple of drunkards who yell for me to “show the goods”, but security is quickly throwing them out the door. This nightclub isn’t the best in town, but at least they paid well and offered security. I nod my head and music begins to play slowly. Due to those damned girls and their magic, I lost my innate gift at singing a year ago. My voice sounded like a duck that was dying back then, but now my voice is singing at a better note. As much as it pains me to think, I don’t have the best voice in the world. I can argue that I sing better than most club performers today, but that isn’t saying much. I open my mouth and start to sing a small note.

Practicing these songs is certainly no cake walk. If there’s even a chance of gaining my abilities back, I would do anything for that chance. For now, I only have the power to make people swoon over my appearance. I admit it, they are bold to believe I would go for anyone in this low world. Just enjoy my song for you, pests. It’s not going to last anyway, so just let your wallets flow as I practice my power.

The gentle swing of the door to the nightclub catches my attention, but I don’t allow myself to falter in my song. My eyes analyze the front entrance and I see someone walk inside the building. A woman with a sturdy build walks towards the bar. I instantly widen my eyes and my hand begins to grip harder onto the microphone. This woman is dressed in a red gown with flames extending upward from the bottom to her left hip. Her hair has a unique shimmer and her black heels show off the fiery red nail polish that was also used on her hands. I continue my song as well as I can, analyzing the intruder out of the corner of my eye. My mind is beginning to race and I want to stop this god awful song just to get away from here. No… I won’t let her intimidate me out of this performance. Her eyes meet mine for a second or two before she waves at me slightly. I have to resist the urge to grit my teeth and drop the microphone. Despite my happy voice singing out, a well of fire is seemingly lit ablaze inside me. What made you think you should be here?

The applause hits my ears a bit harder than usual, but I don’t seem to hear it this time. My eyes open wider than before and I can feel a pit of rage build up faster in my stomach. This fiery red woman matches the flame I feel in my soul. Why did you of all people have to show up here?! If I could, I would drain every last drop of life from you… She simply smiles at me and waves before taking another sip of her drink. The crowd starts to return to their own business as the music stops. All I can hear now is the faint echo of a night. One that took place a year ago. My mouth turns from a grimace to a smile of rage as I get down from the stage. There she is. The woman who ruined my life and caused me to live like a common bug. And what does she offer in return? A smile…

“Sunset Shimmer…”

Chapter I: Hello there, Adagio

The door swings open in front of me, and I grind my feet into the plush carpet of the back room. It is technically the lounge for all employees of the nightclub, but I use it the most since I am the entertainer here. The smile I forced upon my face is now gone and I can only feel this anger inside me scorch my thoughts. “Why did you have to be here?!” I yell, grabbing at my hair. Before I know it, my hand grabs one of the mugs that was on the shelf near the door and throws it at the wall, breaking a picture of me along with the mug. I slam the door behind me and start to claw at my scalp slightly. “Of course you would be here. Just to haunt me again? Just to rub it in that you fucking won?” Within a moment, I grit my teeth and kick the coffee table over, smashing the old coffee mugs and glass top on the floor. “Why couldn’t you leave me be?!”

I look at the shards of glass on the ground, as a smile comes across my face. Why should I let her break my reality again? It’s just one girl. One I should have no problem scaring away from here… Sunset is always the scared little girl inside since she’s so paranoid about her mistakes catching up with her. I catch my breath slightly as the door opens. My eyes open and I look at the bouncer standing in the doorway. His eyes have a confused tone inside them, observing the newly decorated lounge. “What?” My tone, clearly annoyed, seems to come across since he seems to hesitate telling me the problem.

“Um… Dazzle? I have no idea what happened here, but if you need a break-”

“Get to the point.” Slowly, I clench my fist and grab the back of the lounge chair with the other. “What is the problem?” His eyes look away from me and down the hall outside the lounge before he opens his mouth again.

“The guests are wanting another song. You could take a few minutes, but-”

“The guests can wait!” My voice yells directly at him and I can feel my hate seep into my stare. His rock hard exterior breaks for a moment and he takes a step back. His hand grabs onto the doorknob before he looks outside the lounge again. “Get. Out.”

The door closes quietly and I’m left alone again. My anger comes back to me, feeling the cheap fibers of the lounge chair start to rip beneath my nails. A heavy sigh comes out of my mouth as I push the chair over and turn towards the lounge’s many shelves aligned next to the jukebox. My eyes scour the shelves in search of a single bottle, but they are all covered in papers and song albums. One shelf has a revolver laying on it next to a water bottle. This surprising twist of events is initially ignored, but my mind thought about it for a few minutes. It is probably one of the bouncer’s weapons and it was left here by mistake. Though I can’t be sure. Who knows, maybe I will need it sometime?

I grab the gun, sliding it into my purse, and continue my search quietly. Finally, there it is. I grab the bottle and I grin. “You want to confront me, Shimmer? Then let’s have a talk already.” I take a big sip of the whiskey and wipe my lips with the back of my hand. Throwing the bottle back against the wall, I turn my back to the rest of the lounge. The door opens slightly and I hear music outside the confines of this room. Let’s do this.


The night is still young, but there is no reason to doddle around the nightclub tonight. Usually, I would sing a couple more songs for the patrons of the club, but now I can’t due to this woman sitting in front of me. She is the reason that my stomach has a lump building inside of it. There she sits in front of me, with the annoying innocent look plastered across her face. I sigh in irritation as I rest my arm on the bar, grabbing my glass again. Sitting about three feet away from Sunset Shimmer makes the rage I feel increase throughout my body. Taking a sip of my drink makes it easier to deal with the emotions I’m currently going through with right now, but it would still be better for both of us if I just ask her what she wants so that she can go back to bed tonight and I don’t get arrested on a murder charge.

Her eyes are focused on her own drink as she adjusts her posture in her seat. Her fingers touch the rim of the glass and she chuckles a little before looking toward me. “I suppose this is odd for you, huh, Adagio?” Her sweet voice says in her typically innocent tone. Her slight chuckle annoys me to no end. You didn’t expect this to be “odd” for me? Her seat makes a sound as it turns toward me. Her legs are crossed and her eyes meet mine. My gaze never leaves hers, whereas she breaks eye contact multiple times. Anger searing in my mind, of course I would be staring at her. Does this make her uncomfortable?

Sunset lets out a small sigh before taking the last sip of her drink, closing her eyes and nodding. “I take your silence as a yes, huh? I sorta figured you wouldn’t want to see me again.” Her eyes avert my gaze and she looks down at the bar. “I suppose I didn’t want to see you either, but… I guess I have to? I’m trying to do what I can to help others, but I have no idea why I felt like I needed to come here.” Help everyone you can, huh? Real typical. You always hold too much grief against your past; that’s why I was stronger than you.

“Let’s just get this out of the way.” My eyes look right into hers as I take a deep breath. “What is it you could possibly want from me, Shimmer? Do you want a sob story about how I was wrong? Oh, wait, maybe you want to hear me say ‘I forgive you’, right? I mean, that is what you’ve been looking for ever since I met you.” I begin to laugh at how pitiful she is, and how I’m still superior to her. “How boring do you have to be? You’re always so predictable, crawling here for my forgiveness. That or wanting to hear me apologize.” Sunset’s eyes dart towards mine with a sense of anger behind them, making me stop laughing for a moment. She stands up from her seat and brushes off her dress with a frown.

“No, Adagio. I don’t want forgiveness from you. I may admire how easily you are able to bring people together, but I can’t be sympathetic with someone who’s hurt so many people.” She turns away from me as I laugh again, trying to comprehend just what in the hell she wanted. “I’m only saying that I made a promise to help those I can in any way possible. I figured it would be worth it to talk to you if I could tell you just one thing.” The way Sunset’s body stands there makes me feel like she has no qualms with the world anymore. Despite the fact that she’s still as predictable as always, she’s finally accepted herself. You certainly have come a long way, Shimmer.

“Well, then spit it out and leave, okay? I think this meeting is already running thin on me and I’d prefer to not destroy your ego any more than I already have.” I sip from my glass again while keeping my eyes on Sunset. Her mind seems to be thinking of what to say as she slips the bartender a twenty.

“From this meeting, I can already tell you’re the same despicable person you’ve always been, Adagio…” Our eyes meet and she gives me her innocent smile once again. “Stop looking for ways to manipulate others. Stop looking for the power you lost. Life is more than how to step on others. Maybe you won’t believe this, but you can be happy too, Adagio.”

Something about her eyes tell me she’s serious. This whole message about ‘being happy.’ I can’t hold myself back from erupting into laughter. “Seriously?! Me? Being happy? Oh, Shimmer, I was happy~” I say in a small whisper, setting my glass back down on the bar. “Perhaps you forgot, but you took it away. For ONCE in a long time, I was happy. Gaining that power back was the greatest part of this dull life in this world of people.” My smile fades away as the dull nightclub lights lit up half of our faces. “Happiness is a possibility. One that’s left my life as you can see. So, if you’re done telling me about your…” My fingers raise in the air and make quotes. “‘Power of friendship’, then let’s just go our separate ways again. Truly, I never want to see you again.” I turn my chair and start to stand up before I feel Sunset’s hand grab my shoulder. “What are you-”

“It’s not some vague promise. I thought power was the only thing in the world too. I thought love and friendship was a hoax, but… I found it. And if I can turn my life around, so can a siren.” Her eyes gently search the room before they meet mine again. “Especially a lone siren.”

I rip my arm out of her grasp and stare at her with hate consuming me from the inside. Every instinct in my body told me to get rid of her. To clean her stain off my life. But even if I tried, it wouldn’t remove the past. And I would have to suffer the consequences of this world’s justice system. “What in the hell makes you think I’m alone?” I barely mutter out, knowing she was correct about her observation. Aria and Sonata… They used to stick by me. We were the only family we had, but after we were defeated, I suppose I went too far. I told them my plans for possibly regaining our power, but they didn’t agree with me. Aria thought it would be best to try and find a way to repair our gems, and Sonata wanted to accept her new life as a mortal girl. I pushed them on the issue back then and it only resulted in making us go our separate ways.

“Sonata wouldn’t be seen without you or Aria unless something happened. Even if they didn’t work here, she would come and support you, no matter what. What happened to your friends, Adagio-”

“Will you shut up?!” I yell in her face, wanting to slap her for the remark. Again, everyone’s eyes center on me and my face flusters. “I um…” Before I let myself get even more embarrassed, I sit back down in my seat. Apparently, I stood up instinctively because of my outburst. If my body moves instinctively, I may actually have to hold myself back from attacking her in the future. In the future? Let’s hope not. If I never see her again, it would be too soon.

Sunset sits in her chair again and tries to look me in the eyes, giving me her innocent appeal again. “I’m sorry. If that’s a sore subject for you, I shouldn’t have mentioned it.” Her hand tries to grab mine in an attempt to comfort me, but I pull away instantly. My eyes stared into hers and I could feel my anger rise. Why would you try to comfort me? You’re nothing to me.

“You’ve said your advice, Shimmer. Now, tell me. Why do you persist in staying here in my presence?” I laugh slightly and kick my feet up on the bar. “You’re still such a dog, trying to be good to everyone. If you haven’t figured it out, you’re like a worm to me, Shimmer. So, why don’t you be a good lil doggie and run back home to your friends?” My laugh seems to anger her, showing me a look of disappointment and frustration. Finally, she stands up and grabs her bag.

“You’re so selfish, Adagio. One day, your deeds will catch up with you and you’ll realize you were wrong.” I can’t help but laugh harder at this statement. “I wish I could have-”

“Fixed me?! God, you’re so stupid, Shimmer!” I exclaim while holding my aching gut. I still couldn’t stop my laughter, but god, this is hilarious. Suddenly, a sharp pain zips throughout my cheek and into my forehead, knocking me back. My head hits the floor, pain going through the back of my skull. I open my eyes as quickly as I can. What the hell happened?

There, Sunset stands above my body with her hand raised in the air, her face as shocked as mine. I gently cupped the cheek that she struck. Did she seriously just hit me…? What? Did I do it? Despite my confusion, Sunset stares into my eyes before turning around toward the front door. “I’m sorry,” is all she said before walking out that dark doorway.