• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 543 Views, 38 Comments

Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

  • ...

Chapter.11: A Presentation of Pandemonium

Bob and Larry settled into their guest rooms as Twilight Sparkle performed her royal duties. Spike accompanied them there and told Bob and Larry what was happening.

"Okay, so Twilight Sparkle is having a top-secret meeting today with diplomats from Vanhoover. It is so classified that I'm not even allowed to know the details. We will have dinner prepared this evening, and afterward, Princess Celestia and Luna will arrive to discuss your plans regarding Cozy Glow. Would you mind if I gave you a tour around the castle to pass the time?"

"Why not," said Larry, "I guess we have nothing else better to do."

"Sure thing, Spike," said Bob, "I would love to see more of this extravagant castle."

So Spike took Bob and Larry on the castle tour while Twilight performed her royal duties. That evening, the four of them had dinner and later went in front of the castle doors to await the arrival of the former rulers of Equestria.

Then, above and behold, Bob and Larry watched with awe as Princess Celestia and Luna flew down from the sky towards the castle sky.

"Holy TriStar!" exclaimed Larry, "those are two of the most magnificent creatures I have ever seen."

"Don't tell me you have a crush on them as well," whispered Bob.

"No, not like that, Bob," giggled Larry, "I mean magnificent in the sense of looking out over a view of the Grand Canyon."

"Oh," responded Bob, "I see what you mean, and I agree with you. It's no wonder why all of Equestria holds them in such high regard."

Princess Celestia and Luna landed before Twilight, Spike, Bob, and Larry. Twilight bowed before them and said, "Good evening, Your Royal Highnesses."

Celestia and Luna did the same towards Twilight, and Celestia said, "No, good evening to your royal highness. Remember, Twilight, Luna, and I are retired, and we no longer need to be addressed with royal titles."

"Yes," said Luna, "you are the current ruler of Equestria, and only you need to be addressed in that matter."

"I see we have acquainted with two talking vegetables, who, as I've heard, are on a secret mission," said Celestia.

"And we have heard they come from another dimension outside Equestria," said Luna.

"Hello, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna," said Bob. I am Bob the Tomato."

"And my name is Larry the Cucumber."

"Please, my dear veggies," said Celestia, "just call us Celestia and Luna. As I said, those royal titles aren't necessary."

"It is also easier and faster," said Luna, "I don't need to refer to you both as 'Bob the Tomato' and 'Larry the Cucumber' when Bob and Larry are more convenient."

"That makes sense," said Bob. "I've also heard you two are the most powerful beings anypony has ever known across Equestria."

"And yet," said Larry, "you are still not any gods to be worshipped."

"That is correct," said Celestia. "I may be thousands of years old, but I'm no god. Nopony, not even me, knows exactly how the world of Equestria came to fruition before I was born. I don't consider myself superior to other ponies, so I don't think I deserve to be worshipped."

"Besides," said Luna, "if we were gods, it would be an eternal career. We would never have time to retire. That doesn't sound like my cup of tea."

"Wow, you're both so powerful and yet so humble," said Bob.

"Hey, if we want to be respected, we should earn it," said Celestia.

"I also hear that some ponies use both of your names as casual interjections," said Larry, "so I guess it makes sense you are not elevated to the status of gods. Because in me and Bob's religious beliefs, it is offensive to use the name of our God in that matter."

"Right," said Luna, "Celestia and I have heard all about your religion from Princess Twilight Sparkle; it is quite the ideology. Anyway, why don't we get settled into this meeting regarding Cozy Glow?"

"Yes," said Twilight, "Bob and Larry, why don't you join Celestia and Luna in one of the castle's diplomacy chambers? Spike and I will join you two after the meeting."

Celestia and Luna were familiar with the castle's interior and led Bob and Larry into a small room with two couches, shelves, and a coffee table with a vase with a flower. Bob and Larry sat on a sofa on one side of the room as Celestia and Luna sat on the other.

"Now, Bob and Larry," said Celestia as she gave a deep breath, "this is going to be difficult to discuss, but..."

Suddenly, the two alicorns and two veggies startled when the vase flashed in a magical aura. The flower grew taller and more prominent, forming a giant, smirking, familiar face.

"What?" the flower said mischievously, "Am I not "grown" up enough to be invited to the meeting?"

The flower snapped one of the leaves on its stem and transformed back into Discord's regular appearance, which shocked Bob and Larry in wonder.

"Discord!" snapped Celestia, "this is a private affair, and you are not welcome here right now!"

"You better leave this very minute!" growled Luna, "or I will get Princess Twilight Sparkle to deal with you."

"Wow, what kind of creature are you?" asked Bob.

"Oh, please, to make you my acquaintance, veggie buddies. My name is Discord, and I am a draconequus. I am part mammal, part bird, part reptile, but 100% chaos. I see some questions regarding a certain filly, and I will happily answer them."

"Discord, I'm warning you!" yelled Celestia.

"Oh, it's fine, Celestia," said Larry, "I think this guy is quite entertaining, and I'd like to hear what he has to say."

"Thatta boy, my cucumber chum," said Discord. "You said so yourself, Princess Celestia, that this subject matter is hard to discuss. Why don't you let me do the honors?"

Celestia sighed, "All right, Discord, I admit you have information that Bob and Larry would want to hear. Just don't stir up too much trouble."

"Great!" said Discord, "you and Luna wait here for a little while as I take Bob and Larry on a field trip."

Discord snapped his talons and transported Bob and Larry into a tiny theater with two big seats where both the veggies sat.

"Woah!" exclaimed Bob, "where are we?"

"My fellow tomato," said Discord on a PA system, "you are going to watch a little presentation I put together in my chaos dimension, and the two of you will need some popcorn!"

Then suddenly, two large popcorns conjured in front of Bob and Larry, along with two large sodas in the cupholders and 3D glasses, appeared on both of their faces.

"Cool, Bob!" said Larry, "this Discord fellow is even more exciting than I thought."

"You're right, Larry; he is certainly unpredictable."

Then Bob and Larry heard the voice of an unseen announcer. "And now get ready for Animatronic Ancedotes with your host Discord."

Discord appeared in front of the curtains in a suit and top hat with a complementary cane as fanfare played in the background.

"Welcome, gentlemen, to the show. I will share everything I know about Cozy Glow, but first, let me tell you a little about myself."

Discord disappeared as the curtains moved side to side, revealing an animatronic version of Discord in place.

"Hmm," said Bob, "this reminds me of one of those attractions at Disney World."

Discord then began to narrate from the PA system as different animatronics depicted the events he mentioned. "Thousands of years ago, I plagued Equestria into chaos. The two royal sisters wouldn't have it, so they trapped me in stone so I could cause no further damage. I stayed a statue for a thousand years. When that millennium had passed, I could break free from my stone prison thanks to the argument caused by three fillies on a field trip. My chaotic dominance over Equestria had been re-awaken. I turned the clouds into cotton candy and made it rain chocolate milk. Draconequuses just want to have fun. But Celestia and Luna weren't alone this time. They were now in the company of six mares, including Celestia's number-one apprentice. I played a little game with Twilight Sparkle and cast a spell on her five friends to act in the opposite ways of their Elements of Harmony. But she was able to break the spell, empower the Elements of Harmony, and trap me back into my stone prison. Thankfully, Princess Celestia didn't think I was all that evil and wanted Twilight Sparkle and the gang to reform me. I thought the idea was nonsense and even mocked the Mane Six's attempt to reform a master of chaos like myself. Fluttershy was the only pony who offered to be my friend; she was, after all, the Element of Kindness. However, while trying to rehabilitate me, I played a prank by flooding Applejack's farm and freezing the waters. Fluttershy was so angry with me that she rejected our bond and I was heartbroken. I promised Fluttershy I would turn my life around, and she forgave me. I have relapsed several times, and Fluttershy still hasn't given up on me."

Discord reappeared on the front of the stage as curtains drew.

"Mindblowing," said Larry, "what was it like frozen as a stone statue that long."

"It drove my chaotic being crazy," said Discord. "Not being able to move yet still being able to hear and see. It was quite insufferable. But it was only one thousand years of my life, and I have thousands more to live."

"It is also heartwarming for Fluttershy to show you her hospitality," said Bob, "even if you didn't deserve it. I could tell she is sweet and innocent just from meeting her."

"Yes," said Discord, "there hasn't been a pony I've had a closer relationship than her."

"Does that mean you would date and marry her?" asked Larry.

"Oh no," said Discord, "our relationship is strictly platonic. I may be old enough to be her ancestor, but she is almost like a mother figure to me."

"Anyways," said Bob, "are we going to learn more about Cozy Glow."

"Yes," said Discord, "let's get back to the show." The curtains rose again as the animatronics resumed operation, and Discord disappeared and resumed narration.

"Nopony knows the origin of Cozy Glow, where she came from, or who any of her relatives were. She was a student at Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship. She seemingly was one of the most squeaky-clean fillies you could encounter, but she used the power of manipulation to carry out her fiendish schemes. One day, all of Equestria's magic disappeared suddenly, and the Mane Six went down into the underground prison of Tartarus to investigate the situation and interrogate the evil centaur known as Lord Tirek, who a thousand years ago attempted to steal all the magic of Equestria, and was sentenced to Tartarus to keep Equestria safe. Eventually, it was revealed that Cozy Glow was in cahoots with Tirek, and they were working together to take over Equestria. Cozy Glow stole magical artifacts on display at the school in an attempt to harness all of Equestria's magic. But a magical plant known as the Tree of Harmony, with the help of six other students, defeated Cozy Glow; she was captured and put into Tarturus in a cage next to Tirek. But that's not where the story ends. Cozy Glow and Tirek, along with evil Changeling Queen Chrysalis, were summoned by one of the most powerful villains of Equestria. An evil ram known as Grogar. Grogar planned a coup with Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. The trio of those villains called themselves the Legion of Doom. Grogar showed the location of a mighty bell that could steal magic and tasked the Legion of Doom to find this bell. But the Legion of Doom used Grogar's bell to steal his magical powers. In a giant plot twist, Grogar was none other than yours truly. I had unfortunately relapsed again and used the disguise of Grogar in an attempted planned takeover of Equestria. I was only doing it because Twilight Sparkle would soon succeed Celestia and Luna as Princess of Equestria, and I decided to give her one last challenge to boost her ego. But the plan went wrong, and the Legion of Doom was more powerful than ever with the bell, even Cozy Glow, who didn't even have magical powers in the first place. The Legion of Doom imprisoned the Mane Six in the middle of a field outside of Canterlot, and it looked like they would be finished for good. But creatures across Equestria, near and far, produced a rainbow that depowered the Legion of Doom; even Pinkie Pie borrowed my chaos magic to trap them in a giant cupcake. I used the bell to restore the magic of Celestia, Luna, and myself. Amid her wrath, Celestia believed there wasn't a punishment suitable for the Legion of Doom regarding their destruction. So, I gave Celestia and Luna an idea to punish them in the same way they punished me those years ago. We trapped the villainous trio in stone. Because they would be getting, what they would like the least: together forever. Now it is time to take you both to the second location of the field trip."

Bob and Larry were transported to the statue gardens on the grounds of Canterlot Castle, and they looked at the statue of the Legion of Doom.

"Behold," said Discord as he appeared before the statue, "the fate of the Legion of Doom."

Bob and Larry didn't care about Tirek and Chrysalis, but they felt tremendous, horrific empathy for Cozy Glow. Frozen in stone, she looked like she wanted to scream in pain but had no mouth to do so.

"So you're saying, Discord," Bob muttered sadly, "Cozy Glow is trapped in there fully conscious?"

"That she see can hear and see hear us right now?" asked Larry in the same tone.

"Correcto," declared Discord.

Discord then transported a distraught Bob and Larry back to the meeting room where Celestia and Luna were waiting.

"Ah, Bob and Larry, you're back," said Celestia, "how did Discord do in discussing the matter over..."

"SHUT UP!!!" Bob snapped loudly.

Celestia and Luna were stunned, as Bob and Larry glared at the two alicorn princesses.

"Now, now," said Discord, smirking and shaking his finger, "that is no way to..."

"I SAID SHUT UP!!!" Bob snapped loudly again as Larry glared at Discord.

"Oh ho ho," Discord giggled, "you are going get it."

Bob then began to rant about the revelations he had just heard. "From what Twilight Sparkle told me in those stories about you, Celestia, and Luna! Is that you, Luna, were about cloud Equestria in an evil sheet of darkness, that you, Celestia, forgave her and granted her a second chance. You even did the same to Discord here. Now, this poor filly Cozy Glow, of course, I won't defend her actions. But I'm not convinced that she is too deplorable. If Luna and Discord could be given a second chance knowing their magical powers, why reject that for Cozy Glow? That child has no magical powers, and only used manipulation to commit her evil deeds. Celestia and Luna, you could've given the poor filly a more suitable punishment like juvenile detention or community service; I'd be okay with that."

"But no," Larry began to rant. "You had to place Cozy Glow in one of the worst prisons of Equestria. I can understand Tirek knowing how much of a threat he is. But Cozy Glow? Come on! She was already easily defeated by being put in a cage alone. If that wasn't bad enough, you trapped her in stone and sentenced her to a fate worse than death. I'd think an actual execution would be more humane!"

"Celestia," Bob said as he resumed ranting, "I'd expect you to show a little more mercy as you did to your sister and Discord. As for you, Luna, I'd expect you to grant Cozy Glow a second chance like your sister did to you. As for you, Discord, you should be ashamed of yourself after Fluttershy treated you with the unearned humanity you received. That you would incite and manipulate a troubled child to stray further down the dark road by tempting her with that bell. And don't give me any bullcrap about how you did this to boost Twilight Sparkle's ego; you did this for your own ego! So how dare you encourage Celestia and Luna to give an excessive punishment for something that Cozy Glow wouldn't have done if you hadn't used her as a pawn in the first place!"

"Get this through your goat head, Discord." said Larry, "in the Bible, Jesus says that if you cause a child to stumble in sin, you should tie a millstone around your neck and jump into the sea. So why don't you drown yourself? The three of you are even worse than Cozy Glow."

"Oh my," said Celestia, "even though I stand by actions against Cozy Glow, I'm sorry you both were disturbed by that news. I can handle you two being angry with me, and I do respect your opinion."

Luna just put her head down in silent sadness as Discord had another mischievous plan up his sleeve. "Tsk, Tsk, Bob, and Larry," he said again, smirking with that snarky tone. "You naughty boys have disrespected Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and you both need a good spanking." Discord conjured up a bouquet of poison jokes and threw them onto Bob and Larry.

"Discord, don't you dare!" warned Celestia.

"What's this?" Larry said with a mocking giggle. "You plan to spank me and Bob by throwing blue flowers?"

"Nope," said Discord, "by doing THIS!!!" Discord threw a beaker of liquid catalyst onto Bob and Larry. Suddenly, the stem on top of Bob's head grew much longer that it covered his eyes. The leaves of his stem were so heavy it rendered him temporarily blind. As for Larry, the single tooth in his mouth grew so long it nearly touched the ground, rendering Larry unable to speak. Bob screamed in horror as Larry moaned in horror.

"Bob, you need a stem cut," taunted Discord, "Larry, you need to see a dentist to get that thing fixed."

"THAT IS IT!!!" Celestia yelled, "Discord if you want to defend my honor, leave NOW!!!

Discord disappeared as Celestia approached Bob and Larry gently. "Likely, both of you are still mad at me and Luna, and like I said, I can tolerate that. But I cannot tolerate any physical antics brought upon you with the poison joke plants. You both have the right to free speech."

"Well, that's good, I guess," said Bob with a sigh.

Twilight Sparkle and Spike opened the door and were shocked to see Bob and Larry in their deformed state.

"Oh my goodness, Bob and Larry, what happened to you?" asked Spike.

"Me and Larry got attacked with by a plant called poison joke from that Discord fellow."

"Grr," Twilight growled, "I told Discord that if he kept making trouble here in the castle, I would have to take drastic action."

"I'll tell all about what happened," said Bob, "but I think Larry and I would like to retire to our guest room and call it a night."

"Mmmhm," Larry said through his oversized tooth.

"Yes, I think it is best to leave Bob and Larry alone for now," said Celestia. "LuLu and I will return to Silver Shoals."

"Right, Tia," said Luna, "I think they both have much to process."

Celestia and Luna flew away from Canterlot as Twilight and Spike helped Bob and Larry back to their guest room. As Bob and Larry were ready for bed, she took a glass container of lotion and spread some of the lotion across Bob's stem and Larry's tooth.

"This is an antidote that will reverse the effects of the poison joke by tomorrow."

"Thanks, Twilight," said Bob as he began to cry. "Tonight, we learned all about Cozy Glow, and it breaks my heart to think about what that child is suffering right now."

Bob began to sob as Larry did the same despite being unable to speak. Twilight consoled them by gently shushing them and providing tissues.

"There there," she said, "I may disagree with you about Cozy Glow. But it hurts me to see you weeping. Get a good night's rest, and we will discuss this more tomorrow morning." Twilight gave Bob and Larry a comforting good-night hug, and the two veggies went under their covers and into dreamland.