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Miller Minus

Cherish the thought.


King Sombra has been brought back to life once againβ€”only this time, he doesn’t have his horn. Weak without it and withering away day by day, Sombra sets out for the Crystal Empire to find his missing piece, chaperoned by the downtrodden and endlessly kind Troubleshoes Clyde.

They’d better hurry. Twilight Sparkle has caught wind of Sombra’s return, and she’s getting awfully tired of destroying him.

Winner of the M/M Shipping Contest.
Cover Art by aquoquoo.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 61 )

Miller's back baby!!! What a fun start, can't wait to see where you take this 😁

This story is a sequel to A House For The Holidays. I didn't put it in the description because it's not required reading and also I forgot.

Shout out to Vivid Syntax who first requested a story featuring these two characters back in 2019. It's been two years, and they've never fully left my brain since.

Remaining chapters to be posted on the 9th and the 11th of November. Much loveπŸ’™


An interesting ship idea!
I’m gonna love this!!

Sombra's so grumpy & Clyde so nice, I am so glad there's more to this. I look forward to the rest!

Can’t wait until Sombra realizes that he scored himself a himbo boyfriend.


Thank you all for your comments! Chapters 2 and 3 are nearly done and will be up tomorrow.


Whoa the title changed that's crazy

Boyfriend down!! I repeat: Boyfriend down!!

Clyde needs a bonnie. Or maybe Sombra is bonnie

The SHIP IS SAILING I repeat the ship is sailing.

A photo appeared before him, held up by Sombra’s hoof. It depicted the black stallion himself, laying back against the blanket with the ducks on it, holding the camera above him with both hooves. He had his head turned just so, lip curled in a snarl, one fang shining against the glint of a purple light from somewhere. Fierce and deadly, and no mistake.

'Fierce and deadly' you are a house cat, Sombra.

I am so invested.

Well. There would be no more respect for privacy today. Not until Sombra was neutralized.

You never thought to... I don't know, help him change or show him friendship? Where's the friendship in killing someone, princess?

All done :v

Good luck to everyone else in the contest!


They’re adorable together. It was a great story. I hope to see more of your work in the future.

Howdy, hi!

You have been successfully entered into the MxM contest! Thank you very much for your participation and we look forward to reading!

Je suis dans la système :raritystarry:

Just let them live their lives Twilight, it's not like you haven't let other tyrants walk free, after all.

This was really cute though! I'm so glad the original story got a sequel, these two are actually very cute together and I love this outcome and how things from previous chapters accumulated together in the end.

friendship may be magic but murder is fantastic

you can't spell slaughter without laughter

Twilight opened her mouth, then closed it without speaking.

β€œWhy did it stop?” she whispered. The stallions didn’t answer, and that was just as well, because the real question she wanted to ask was locked deep inside her.

sombra set it from vibrate to silent

Sombra pushed himself onto his elbows. β€œI thought you said you threw that in the fire,” he said evenly.

β€œUh,” Clyde said. β€œUh.” And at first, Sombra thought Clyde was avoiding his gaze. But no. He was staring at his lips.


When he reached the back of the wagon and steadied himself, he cast one last look behind him to see Clyde splashing his face with water, running up the shore, snatching the photograph from the sand and holding it over the fire. He hesitated, then their eyes met, and he nodded. He threw the photo in and stepped back to watch it smolder.

β€œGo,” he whispered.


Rage bubbled inside King Sombra as he listened to Clyde’s defeated hoofsteps. The shame in his breast was heavier than ever. It didn’t matter what Clyde had said. You could not hide without being a coward. And while hiding from Twilight Sparkle was bad enough, now he was hiding from lowlifes. Hiding from worms. Why should he fear them? Why should he fear anyone? And who gave any creature the right to threaten a servant as loyal and dedicated as Troubleshoes Clyde?

The rage stopped bubbling, like a stovetop had been turned off underneath him. There was nothing left inside him but heat.


β€œMr. Sombra? Hey, Sombra, easy, easy!”

Blackness crowded the edges of Sombra’s vision. He twisted and fell towards the sand, but something caught him just in time, and he dangled there for a moment before the blackness took everything and left him with nothing.


Sombra whirled on Clyde and jabbed a hoof into his chest. β€œYou think your mother’s ghost is haunting you?” he snarled. "Well, she has nothing on me. If I am destroyed by your foolish sentiment, do you know what I’ll do?” He lifted his nose just underneath Clyde’s and bared his teeth. β€œI will stalk you till the end of your days, Clyde; I will ruin every friendship you ever make, buckle every house you try to build, make you violently ill before every single one of your precious little rodeos, and inside every cup of bourbon you pour for the rest of your days, you will find the unmistakable taste of my urine. Do I make myself clear?”

β€œYou do.”

The anger vanished, replaced with exhaustion. Sombra hung his head and nearly rocked it into Clyde’s chest.

β€œI will not let your kindness ruin me,” Sombra muttered. β€œUnderstand?”

Clyde immediately responded, β€œAll due respect, Mr. Sombra, but if my kindness ruins you, then I ain’t doin’ it right.”

such a good exchange ho oo o l y fuck

For the record? Twilight was at ten reasons now.

  1. The revivification shockwave.
  2. The agitated horn.
  3. Discord’s flimsy testimony.
  4. The impossible fortress.
  5. β€œWe’ve” made a mess, huh, Troubleshoes?
  6. Speaking of Troubleshoes, why was his wagon currently parked outside a Neighagra Falls hotel, hundreds of miles north of Ponyville, when he distinctly claimed to be headed south from there?
  7. And why had a pair of impoverished dragons appeared in Twilight’s castle that morning, claiming to have been attacked by what they described as an β€œevil shadowmonster” acompanied by a β€œgiant so-and-so of an earth pony?”
  8. Why did the aforementioned wagon smell like it a stallion who hadn’t showered in eons?
  9. What was with all the black hairs inside the wagon?
  10. And why was it that when Twilight finished inspecting the wagon, she saw Troubleshoes’ guilty-looking face in the window of the hotel, looking like a pony who had done a lot more wrong than squat in some unoccupied evil fortress?

At some point, Twilight’s list of reasons to believe that King Sombra had returned to Equestria had morphed into a list of reasons why she would never underestimate Troubleshoes Clyde EVER again.


Logical and manic and caught up in her own whirlwind of a mind

Troubleshoes had shed a single tear, at some point. Twilight saw the track under his right eye, and nothing more. Her own eyes were burning. What has he done to you? she thought. And how do I bring you back?

Oh my god! This is how you do it! This is a perfect villain Twilight!

β€œTroubleshoes,” she whispered. β€œThe fugitive I’m looking for isn’t you. You know that, right?”

Troubleshoes didn’t answer. He only leaned against a wall and rubbed a sore spot on his shoulder.

Had she hurt him? She tried to remember the last few moments, but her mind was blank. Her most prominent recent memory was the crowd of ponies outside, watching the arrest unfold, gasping as she blasted the door into the room. Seeing the new ruler of Equestria do something… that Princess Celestia would have never done.

β€œI’ve made a huge mistake,” she said. She turned to Troubleshoes, and said, β€œI’m sorry. I… I have to go. You’re not under arrest. I…”

She knew she should go back out there. Placate the crowd. But she couldn’t. The shame was eating her alive.

So she teleported home.


β€œDo you mean to tell me… that you outwitted Twilight Sparkle?”

Clyde’s eyes widened.

β€œI reckon I did.”

Sombra flew into the kiss. He shot forward and pressed himself to those dumb, wavering lips until they went firm and pressed back. Then they pressed harder. Sombra felt his legs weaken, heard the bed release Clyde’s weight, felt himself pushed back and back until he bumped into a wall and his spine rose up against it.

They broke free, but only by an inch. Sombra threw a hoof around Clyde’s neck and pulled his big head toward him. He pushed their heads together until their the bridges of their noses lay flush.

β€œWowee,” Clyde breathed.

And it was such foolishness. It was unbecoming for a pony of his position. But Sombra pulled their lips together once more, made his whole body relax, and allowed Clyde ease him away from the wall and into his embrace.

It was the strongest King Sombra had felt since being revived.


Clyde withdrew from the tarp and tied it back down. Well, he told himself, there you have it. There and gone, just like all the good fortune that ever came his way. But it wasn’t so bad. The Sombra in his wagon was no longer the Sombra he knew from Neighagra, or from Ponyville, or from anywhere on the trail. He was back to being the Sombra from Appleloosa again, first climbing into the wagon. The Sombra who hated him.

And that was the Sombra that he’d fallen for. So why let it bother him now?


King Sombra, evilest of the evil, bringer of misery and strife, found that his heart was fluttering in his chest. He rocked forwards into Clyde’s fur and rubbed his face in it. He felt Clyde kiss the spot where his horn should be. And the only thing he knew for sure was that he didn’t even want his horn back if it meant that Clyde could never kiss that spot again.

i am crying


Bicyclette did not lie in saying:

i am at a loss how to praise this fic enough. can i just get away with describing it as "perfect"?

You have such wonderful prose that never stays a moment too long, that always says the right thing in the right way with a subtle weight that I adore.

Twilight approached the small two-story detached home as quiet as a mouse that was trembling with rage. Then she saw him coming over the far side of the roof: Troubleshoes Clyde, wearing his small hat and a belt full of tools. Twilight ducked behind the wall like an assassin and listened, thinking, Troubleshoes on a roof? That can only lead to…



Always superb. I would point to more examples but I feel like I'd end up copying down every line of your story. There's nothing wasted here. It's perfectly cooked. It's justβ€”

It's like perfectly steeped tea, spiked with bourbon. It's elegant and floral and it punches you in the face and it kisses you and you get SO fucking drunk on it before you realize what's happened, and when it's over with you sit down on the ground next to the fire and you think to yourself: "Just one more, I swear."

And the potβ€”nor the bourbonβ€”never empties. This story only ends when you're passed out unconscious on the ground, and even then I suspect more than a few of us who've read this will dream about it.

It's a criminal shame that this isn't among the highest rated stories on the site.

Poor Troubleshoes. Just his luck.

Congrats again on winning the contest. I'm incredibly proud of you.

4. A giant crystal fortress had appeared in the forests outside Appleloosa.

that would certainly be a good reason!

Twilight had been growing during her short time on Equestria’s throne, marking little notches on her bedpost in the castle like she had when she was a filly, but this stallion still had a few inches on her.

aww! super cute mental image, but yes Troubleshoes is large

β€œDon’t think so, Your Majesty. I ain’t got experience in weaving. No looms in here, neither, that I can assure you.”

ha, loved this line! very fun comedic routine here

And really, more power to him. The housing market was frankly out of control.

indeed! i like how this feels like a show arc, with Twilight letting her assumptions lead her away from the truth.

He had always been a decent judge of character, had Clyde. And in Princess Twilight Sparkle he saw a pony fixing to wipe Sombra off the face of the planet without so much as a second chance. And everypony deserved a second chance. That’s what Mama Clyde always said.

she did do it once before, after all!

β€œDo not question my creation. This house is completely soundproof.”

From outside, the cry of a gull was heard.

Clyde couldn’t help but grin. β€œThat so?”

definitely a good way to make this version of Sombra disarming

Sombra scoffed, then threw his head back and gave a single β€œHAH!” Added: β€œClyde, I would throw you to a pack of wolves if it would shine my greaves.”

so tsundere!

Clyde unhitched himself from the wagon and undid the tarp, which he whipped back like a showpony revealing the stage for his magic trick.

it is very reminiscent of Trixie

Sombra’s mind calculated wildly, looking for another way to get to the Empire. But he had none. And so King Sombra, baron of evil, baleful ruler of all that lived and breathed, climbed into the wagon and laid on the blanket with the ducks on it. His cape, at least, made for some extra padding.

ugh, i love the contrast so much!

Clyde blinked very slowly. β€œIs there anythin’ I can do ’sides that?”

β€œCertainly. You could lose that ridiculous accent.”

Clyde tilted his head and squinted. β€œWhat was the first thing again?”

hard not to quote every line of banter, but every line was gold. we're barely into the story and i am already amazed by how you made these two characters, who i never would have imagined interacting, work so well together in a story.

Sombra could feel that weight grow with every step under Clyde’s care. When he retrieved his horn, and his powers with it, the first pony he destroyed would be this insufferable workhorse. He passed the time deciding just he could do it. So many ways to torture a pony…

oof! certainly hope some sort of character development happens for this guy!

Any moment now, he would see a purple alicorn flying overhead. Any moment her magic would rain destruction upon them…

oof, very understandable lingering trauma from that event

β€œYou mean you’re aiming for the obstacles in our path?”

β€œNo, sir. They’re aiming for me.”

ha, loved this initial use of Troubleshoes's bad luck. though i guess having to haul a would-be tyrant to the Crystal Empire is bad luck it itself

His hair was wet, and he was wrapped in a blue blanket with ducks on it, while the mare with the black hair tousled his mane and pretended she wasn’t doing so.

aww! the blanket!

Clyde smiled innocently, faced forward and resumed his march. β€œI just thought I’d lost it,” he said.

oof! i guess being around a normally-lucked individual averages out their lucks a bit, fasscinating

β€œRemind me, Clyde, to summon this β€œCamera” to my domain and have her create a painting of me. My painters were good, but they were never so accurate.”

ah, perfect! love this whole time-displaced exchange, especially that Troubleshoes addresses him as ""Mr. Sombra""

Clyde had marched from morning to dusk, and his joints were barkin’ like a pack of dogs outside a Griffonstone slaughterhouse.

well, that's both a delightfully appropriate countryism and a worrying bit of worldbuilding!

β€œReckon you should take your shin-pads off,” Clyde suggested. β€œMight make you feel lighter.”

Sombra glared at him. β€œThey are greaves.”

β€œReckon you should take ’em off just the same.”

Sombra continued to glare. Without breaking eye contact, he slid off his armor, and his sunken crown, and tossed them into the wagon. He strode over to the fire and sat down.

aww! begrudging vulnerability!

β€œWhile we’re there, I recommend staying quiet as a mouse in the wagon. Don’t need no attention drawn to us.”

β€œI will not cower and hide,” Sombra said.

β€œI reckon you can hide without cowerin’.”

agh, love this! i wish i could write characters this well

Clyde shifted on his log. He couldn’t decide if he’d been having too much caffeine or too much alcohol, because his heart was thumping in his chest and his face was burning something severe.

very nice

Sombra could almost feel Twilight’s eyes scanning the thin layer of tarp. Alicorns didn’t possess the ability to peer through objects, did they?

oof, for his sake, hope not! really fun to see a close-to-canon Twilight as the understandably frightening antagonist

β€œMighty kind, Your Majesty. But some things are immune to my misfortune, this wagon included. So, thanks for the offer, but I’m quite attached, as you can see.”

Sombra felt a jolt, like the wagon had been struck by a rock. Had Clyde just made a joke about being β€œattached” to the wagon? Sombra rolled his eyes.


β€œShe will say nothing of the sort,” Sombra snapped. β€œTrust me, Clyde, the only reason she hasn’t found me and thrown you in prison is because you have the affect of a moron. And at some point, somepony is going to realize it’s all an act.”

Clyde blinked. An amused smile appeared on his face. β€œMr. Sombra, did you just call me smart?”

β€œNo. Shut up.”

The smile grew.

perfect! loving this dynamic

It was important to Sombra that he spread misery to everypony he met, and that included his staff. And if he couldn’t depress such a simple pony as Clyde, what hope did he have when he was king again?

what made you think this way, Sombra?

Clyde whistled his cares away from sun-up to sun-down, never once repeating a tune he’d already whistled.

ah, the irresistible force versus the immovable object

Without a doubt, the two brightest things in the photograph were Clyde’s big green eyes, inside which Sombra could see the image of the camera.

aww, their first selfie together! so cute! and love that subtle thing with the eyes

β€œBecause it’s evidence, Clyde. It places you and me together. I don’t care. But it could sink you.”

surprising that Sombra accidentally made it seem like he cared about Troubleshoes, even to cover up his own vanity!

β€œNice to hear your voice, by the way,” Clyde said.

β€œMarch, workhorse.”

β€œYes, sir.”

ah, the dynamic! so good!

If only he wouldn’t destroy all the photos. Clyde would have wanted to see them, even the unflattering ones.

Especially the unflattering ones.


Clyde swallowed. β€œNice shot,” he said.

oh no, Sombra independently discovered the thirst trap!

Sometimes bad luck was just good luck in disguise, he thought. It all depended on how you looked at it. And then he had another thought. An ugly, selfish one:

Was there a way to make this journey last forever?

He didn't get many chances to make that sigh. He was rarely where he wanted to be.

ah, feeling for Clyde so much here! i am so invested in this happening now

β€œAnd it was a time of poverty and famine in the Empire, so I… I had it attached to me. I thought I could wield it to help my people. And I was right. Though... Many didn't accept my methods.”

everypony is a hero in their own story. loving this idea for Sombra's

β€œI stayed by her, those years. Did the chores. Cooked the meals. Washed her, fed her, carried her to bed. And she just kept… gettin’ angrier. Don’t think she ever forgave me for sneakin’ a doctor in the house. Don’t think I ever forgave myself for not knocking her out with a lamp and letting the doctor study her while she slept.”

oof so much. such awful, cosmic luck, and sadly true to life for some. again, feeling for Clyde so much here. his attachment to Mama Clyde's wisdom, his resignation to his fate, all of it weaves together in such beautiful melancholy.

β€œMy point is not to out-do your misery,” Sombra said. β€œMy point is that children get blamed for a lot of things outside their control. Sometimes their only crime is being born. It’s a tale as old as time.”

again, how did you make Sombra and Troubleshoes work this well together? i am loving this so much!

Then silence. Clyde turned around again, and could just about see the shape of Mr. Sombra’s rear end sticking out from under the tarp, his cape flung over his near side.


nice to have this bit of light after all that heaviness!

Cackling. Sombra was cackling for the first time in months.

aww, this is so nice in this context!

β€œEeyup,” said Sombra. He threw a hoof over his mouth.

β€œEeyup?” asked Clyde.

β€œEeyup,” Sombra burped. β€œI reckon so.”

aww! convergence!

Their hooves were touching.


Sombra pushed himself onto his elbows. β€œI thought you said you threw that in the fire,” he said evenly.


Sombra had a question for Clyde, there in the sand, but he never got a chance to ask it, for at that moment he heard something overhead. .

ah, so close!

You can take them, Sombra thought. You’re bigger than them. Divide and conquer, Clyde, divide and conquer!

it is sweet to see Sombra thinking so highly of Troubleshoes's abilities now

And who gave any creature the right to threaten a servant as loyal and dedicated as Troubleshoes Clyde?

oh this is so Sombra i love it

β€œThey’re gone. Hey. Don’t you worry, now.” Clyde’s hoof fell on his shoulder. Sombra went to smack it away, but only had the strength to lay his own hoof overtop.


A flicker of anger sparked in Sombra’s chest, then was gone. He was too tired to be mad.

too much tiredness, or character development???

Clyde’s bright green eyes kept moving all over Sombra’s body. He looked so serious, all of the sudden. Sombra realized he wasn’t the only one wondering if he’d survive this journey.

Sombra realizes he is not the only character in the story?

β€œI’m vetoing the hotel,” he announced. β€œWe must keep—”

β€œI don’t remember givin’ you veto powers.”

Sombra grumbled aloud. β€œBe reasonable, won’t you? I’ll be recognized.”

β€œReckon you’d better keep your head down, then.”

ah, Troubleshoes taking charge! though it was really always this way, Sombra just never had to face it this directly

β€œI will not let your kindness ruin me,” Sombra muttered. β€œUnderstand?”

Clyde immediately responded, β€œAll due respect, Mr. Sombra, but if my kindness ruins you, then I ain’t doin’ it right.”

Sombra now directly trying to hold on to his past ways! but Troubleshoes really is immune to it for multiple reasons. again, love how well these characters work together

And then Clyde was kissing him.

finally! love how abrupt this was in the rhythm, haha

The feeling was unmistakable. A warm, wet touch, gentle as a feather. First it was on the spot just below his ear, then against his cheekbone, making his head loll to the side. Then his chin, his jaw, and his neck.

aww, so good!

β€œClyde, listen to me!” Sombra barked. β€œGo down there, and tell her I enslaved you. Any other course of action is foolishness.”

so touching!

At some point, Twilight’s list of reasons to believe that King Sombra had returned to Equestria had morphed into a list of reasons why she would never underestimate Troubleshoes Clyde EVER again.

and Twilight learns a very specific Friendship Lesson! love it

Well. There would be no more respect for privacy today. Not until Sombra was neutralized.

oof, you really make her feel like the Terminator here

Troubleshoes hadn’t looked up from his teacup. β€œHer Majesty Ms. Sparkle. What a pleasant surprise.”

love the callback

Clyde nodded sadly. β€œThat’s good to hear. Mighty kind of ya to be clearin’ evil ponies off the streets for the rest of us good folk.”

Twilight smiled. β€œWell, it’s my job. But—”

β€œI been thinkin’ ’bout good ’n’ evil lately.”

ah, the deflation! love it!

Troubleshoes stared at their hooves for a moment, then pulled away and squared his shoulders. β€œLemme give you an example. Let’s say there’s this real awful stallion on the loose. And he’s the lowest o’the low. Leaves a trail of destruction wherever he goes. Can be a mental torture to an entire community for years ’n’ years. You’d want to lock ’im up, I s’pose.”

again, the connections!

β€œJustice is a lot like physics, Troubleshoes,” Twilight said. β€œObjects in motion tend to stay in motion, unless you act on them and change their course. But some objects just… don’t want to change course. And the only thing you can do is make sure they don’t hurt anypony in their path.”

as great as your Sombra and Troubleshoes are, i also have to recognize how great your Twilight is. she feels very Twilight from her perspective

Troubleshoes shook his head. β€œI can’t let you in there,” he said, trying to sound strong.

With a roll of her eyes, Twilight lifted Troubleshoes into the air with a spell and floated him off to the side.

this is alicorn monarchy manifest!

The mare had a black mane.

ah, i was confused for a second, and then i remembered one of Twilight's clues. absolutely brilliant, this.

Had she hurt him? She tried to remember the last few moments, but her mind was blank. Her most prominent recent memory was the crowd of ponies outside, watching the arrest unfold, gasping as she blasted the door into the room. Seeing the new ruler of Equestria do something… that Princess Celestia would have never done.

again, amazing Twilight. love this miniature arc of hers.

β€œDo you mean to tell me… that you outwitted Twilight Sparkle?”

Clyde’s eyes widened.

β€œI reckon I did.”

Sombra flew into the kiss. He shot forward and pressed himself to those dumb, wavering lips until they went firm and pressed back. Then they pressed harder. Sombra felt his legs weaken, heard the bed release Clyde’s weight, felt himself pushed back and back until he bumped into a wall and his spine rose up against it.

absolute perfection! wow i love this so much

Clyde went to sleep that night feeling like the luckiest pony in all of Equestria. But when he woke up the next morning, the bed was empty.

Say one thing about Troubleshoes Clyde, say he’s never far away from his next reality check.

big oof

No sign of Sombra anywhere. He had a knack for disappearing like a shadow, making you wonder if he was even real.

oh no, this isn't going to be one of those twists, is it?

The only thing worse than a lifetime of bad luck was a moment of good luck that was snatched away before you had any time to appreciate it. That’s what…

which is why throughout i was reading into Clyde trepidation at things going well, since having something worth having means it can be taken away...

Actually, Mama Clyde never said that. Clyde reckoned he’d come up with that one all on his own. Didn’t make it hurt any less.

and oof. great use of that recurring bit, too.

But when he went to throw Mama’s picture in the wagon, he nearly bit his tongue off at the sight of Sombra laying on the blanket with the ducks on it, wrapped up in his great red cape, shielding his face with a thin foreleg from the piddly grey light.

that is just adorable, and hopefully it doesn't mean that Sombra was a ghost all along

And that was the Sombra that he’d fallen for. So why let it bother him now?

Clyde spat in the dirt and got to work at the hitch. There wasn’t any time to be sad when you had work to do. That’s what Mama Clyde always said.

aww! that is way worse than Sombra being a ghost all along

He stepped out into the summer. His hooves crushed a bed of daffodils.

such a fitting image, just as he crushed the bed of daffodils that was Clyde's heart!

Sombra aimed himself just to the side of his loyal workorse, and began walking past him.

so we've gone from nuisance to advisor to servant to workhorse

Clyde pushed their heads together and whispered in his ear: β€œD’you reckon you’re gettin’ weaker the longer you spend away from your horn? Or… are you gettin’ weaker the closer you come to it?”

Sombra’s eyes went wide. He pulled his head back and frowned. β€œI have no earthly idea,” he said.

ooh, what a twist!

King Sombra, evilest of the evil, bringer of misery and strife, found that his heart was fluttering in his chest. He rocked forwards into Clyde’s fur and rubbed his face in it. He felt Clyde kiss the spot where his horn should be. And the only thing he knew for sure was that he didn’t even want his horn back if it meant that Clyde could never kiss that spot again.

aww, i love this so much

Canterlot sensed no further shockwaves of crystal magic of any kind. Sombra’s horn, safe in its box, had stopped moving. And she’d even met the ghost of Discord’s mother. Lovely lady.

ha, love the payoff of mentioning Discord's lack of a mother way back at the beginning! and the horn only moving when Sombra had reuniting with it as a goal, ugh, love it so much

She’d considered calling a census for all of Equestria just to find out where Clyde had gone, try to make things right. But that felt a little too… nanny-state. She’d always maintained that ponies should have the right to disappear from time to time. Sometimes it was what they needed.

and i really like this characterization of the Equestrian state and Twilight! it just fits so very nicely

Unless you’re a solicitor, in which case he DIED.

hahaha, love it! ah, the witty tone of the first chapter coming back for the last is a great way to end it

With a quick spell, Clyde was out of the bushes, turned right-side up, plucked clean of twigs, and set back on his hooves. Twilight placed his hat on his head and straightened it out.

β€œMuch obliged,” said Clyde.

β€œDon’t mention it.”

aww! nice echo of the previous time they met

A black-on-grey earth pony stallion stood crouched at the top of the stairs, hiding unsuccessfully behind the banister. He had blood red eyes. It took Twilight a moment to release herself from his stare and take in the rest of his features, such as the black mane coiffed with a sinister swoop. And the wrinkles in his face from a lifetime of laughing evilly.

But then he straightened up over the railing, and he looked different. He had a kind smile, a trimmed strip of beard along his chin. He wore a prim and disarming plaid shirt of purple and black. And he was fit. Certainly more fit than a certain evil king she once knew.

ah, i am loving this so much! Sombra gone domestic

I was traveling for work, see. Er… I’m a photographer.

aaaaaa i love it

Twilight winced. It sounded rehearsed, yet he was still blowing it.

echo and inversion of Sombra chewing out Troubleshoes for being bad at lying! ah so good

What did I miss?

And then she saw it.

Clyde was holding Summer’s hoof.

Twilight followed the press of their hooves, up their forelegs, to their shoulders, then suddenly she was looking into Clyde’s kind green eyes.

oof! really glad Twilight realized this but wow, was she really that fixated? i mean, yes, that sadly makes sense

β€œYeah. Heavy lies the crown and all that.”

β€œI can only imagine,” answered Summer.

Twilight found that amusing.

as did i!

β€œThat’ll be tough,” she said. β€œI still have to find that fugitive, after all. But when I do, I’ll be sure to come back and update you. How’s that sound?”

β€œIn that case, Twilight Sparkle.” And Summer laughed an easy, relieved laugh. β€œGoodbye forever.”

perfect ending, and perfect last chapter. i love so much how it mirrors the first, and is not only just a perfect fluffy, happy ending for the unlikely pair, but also really brings together the growth that took place throughout the story.

i am in awe at this. it has been such a delight to read from start to finish, and i loved it so very much. it's not only one of the best entries i have read in this contest, but one of the best fics i have ever read period. thank you so much for this masterpiece!


Thanks again for running the contest. It was a blast!

Well this was a delight. Happy and funny, never getting too grim and ending with a lovely bow on top. Thank you for writing!

Howdy, hi!

I'm not sure what else to add that I haven't already said in the contest results. This fic was glorious, one of my absolute favourite MxM romances. You took these two completely unrelated characters and built-up such fantastic chemistry between them. The dialogue, the mannerisms, Troubleshoes being grade S himbo, was also stellar, fantastic, amazing, other words that are synonyms to this.

What really makes this story so great is Sombra's arc in this. The subtle changes he undergoes as the story continues, and he makes the ultimate choice in the end. He chooses Troubleshoes, and that is so damn heartwarming that it made me cry in joy at it. Every piece of this story is an absolute golden standard on writing a romance between two characters and I loved every second of it.

Thank you so so *so* much for this story. This one is going to stick with me for a long time.

indeed. she's acting pretty fuckin weird

not bad. not bad at all.

A really nice story! I would've never brought these two together, but it works well! I enjoyed this story a lot and it was exciting.

that was just brilliant. lovely. immaculate. absolutely adore your prose, and this piece is just exquisite. i’m amazed. so glad I found it!

I've been behind on my reading for a year now, ever since my son was born. I think this is the first multi-chapter fic I've read on here this year, and this story is the greatest way I can imagine to jump back in.

This story was supreme from beginning to end. Both Clyde and Summer had arcs that felt fleshed out, natural, and not at all rushed, which is SUPER impressive given the word count! I think you nailed it by keeping chapter 5 short and sweet. I was on the edge of my metaphorical seat wondering how it would end. A beautiful tragedy felt just as likely as a happy ending.

Some of my favorite moments:
- Clyde's initial fib that established how much he already cared for Sombra
- Sombra retaining his confidence despite his lack of power and his clear vulnerability
- The bonding over their childhoods
- The tea and bourbon moments
- Drunk queer ponies
- KISSING!!!! Oh, the catharsis!!!
- Everything about chapter 5
- In the end, their choices and their love matters, and it matters in a way that fits both the characters.

Huh. I've listed essentially the entire story as "favorite moments." :raritystarry:

Thank you so much for this fic. Years ago, I hoped I'd be lucky enough to read more about these two. You've granted my wish, given me *two* wonderful Hearthswarming gifts, and warmed my heart. Catch Us If You Can deserves all the praise it's gotten and more. I feel like the luckiest pony alive to have read this wonderful tale, but maybe I'm just the third-luckiest. :raritywink:

Oh thank you so much! It's wonderful to hear from you and I'm so glad you enjoyed the sequel. These two are so much fun to write together. ESPECIALLY THE KISSING

Congratulations on your newborn by the way, that's super exciting!!

I'm hanging on every single word! An unlikely pairing made so compelling with your writing! I love it!


This fic was absolutely wonderful! An incredible story for such a quick read!


An incredible story for such a quick read!

It's funny to hear you say that on this, the longest (complete) story I've ever written.

Thanks for stopping by!

Okay, yeah, I read it again, and it's still incredible. πŸ€ŽπŸ–€

I like this fic, but... I feel like Twilight is a bit out of character. And because of that, the plot of the story falls apart.

If she's so paranoid about him coming back, why doesn't she call up the Guard to do patrols? Heck, why aren't they doing that anyway? You'd think at least the Crystal Empire would have patrols along their borders looking for him. And then Twilight doesn't talk to anyone, not even her closest friends, about all this?

It feels like a younger, less mature Twilight, like the one at her brother's wedding. She made a scene there as well. But was proven to be right, so that almost seems like she'd have more of a reason to investigate her suspicions. Though perhaps she would do so more delicately.

And I think that's what bothers me. She never once tries to get their side of the story. Someone who's helped more than a few villains repent, and witnessed some herself, yet she acts as if Sombra is irredeemable. And I can't for the life of me understand why. It just doesn't make sense to me. Not even if she's feeling the weight of her responsibility to protect her country. I was waiting for it in the last chapter, for her to finally say, "Why don't you tell me what happened. Off the record."

She never did. And I think the story is less for it.

I don't know why you made that decision. Maybe your story doesn't work unless you make her unwilling or unable to acknowledge that Sombra can change. But if so, then I don't think it's as good as others say it is. I think it could be better if she's just doing her duty while looking for signs of redemption. Without that, it just feels like it's setting Twilight back a few seasons just to create conflict. Which I feel is poor writing indeed.

I hate being the lone voice of criticism, but I guess I have to be. No story can be better if you don't point out its flaws. Granted, this may be somewhat subjective, so it may just be a matter of taste. Yet I stand by what I said. I only hope it's of some use to you, and can help you be a better writer.

You're not the first to dislike Twilight's characterization in this story. I appreciate the time you took to explain your reaction.

I stand by it, for what my opinion is worth. I wanted the "heroes" to defeat the villain without it feeling like she let them, which meant she couldn't be involved in his reform whatsoever, not even to give it her stamp of approval after it's been done. And that meant it wasn't going to be a good time for her.

Sometimes the people we love fall back into their old ways, and the best they can do is to walk away from a situation that they can't parse. I knew it would be a risk, but I'm glad I took it.

And I hate to play this card, but this is the same Twilight who turned three villains into stone without, in your words, "hearing their side of the story". Not that I was in charge of that decision 😀

Again, thank you for leaving your comment. Have a wonderful day.

As you wish. Just don't think your explanation satisfies me is all. But I don't know if it's really worth the time going back and forth on it. I have other things to do, some far more important, and I don't wish to harass you.

Good luck on your future stories. I hope you write some good ones.

A worthy winner indeed. Thanks for the lovely slow burn.

it works πŸ‘ (Good job)

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