• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,071 Views, 79 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony - Battwell

Sonic the Hedgehog and The Mane Six team up against the evil Dr. Eggman in this feature fanfiction

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Vs. The Egg Cybernese

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!!! Prepare to be skewered!!!" Eggman shouted as the Egg Cybernese roared.

The mech then flew forward at high speeds towards the Tornado. Tails, thinking quickly, boosted the Tornado and did a barrel roll to dodge the incoming mech. The mech then quickly turned around and fired a green laser from its mouth. Tails dodged the attack and fired upon the mech with a barrage of bullets. The mech simply swayed out of the way at high speeds, quickly moving left and right to dodge the attacks.

"It's gonna take more than that, fox brat!!!" Eggman shouted.

"Time to throw in my two bits!!!" Rainbow shouted as she flew forward at high speeds.

Eggman smiled as he moved the lower half of the mechs body to hit Rainbow with its tail. Rainbow was sent flying through the sky and began falling to the ground.

"RAINBOW, NO!!!" Sonic shouted in distress.

Rainbow quickly regained consciousness and began flapping her wings to regain flight. She then scowled at the Egg Cybernese.

"Oh, it's on!!!" Rainbow shouted.

Rainbow and the Tornado flew forward towards Eggman, who simply smiled as he raised the first set of the mechs hands and fired a barrage of green blasts at both the Tornado and Rainbow. They moved left and right to dodge the blasts with great difficulty. The mech then roared and fired another green laser from its mouth.

Tails moved the Tornado to the left while Rainbow moved to the right to avoid the incoming laser.

"Fly all you want, I'm still gonna incinerate the bothersome lot of you." Eggman said as the mech charged forward.

Sonic then smirked and ran off the wing of the plane, much to Twilight's shock. "SONIC, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Sonic then curled into a Spin Dash and hit the cockpit of the mech as it neared the Tornado. The attack sent the mech spiraling back through the air while Sonic flipped through the air and landed safely on the wing of the plane.

The mech recovered and roared, "You little..." Eggman seethed in anger.

The mech then shot forward and spread its multiple arms out to its sides and unsheathed its claws. Its torso then began spinning in a circular motion to try and hit the plane. Tails then quickly transformed the plane and hit the head of the mech with the Tornado's giant fist, sending the mech back.

"Ha ha! Direct hit!!!" Tails said happily.

"Don't get cocky, brat!!!" Eggman shouted in annoyance.

Rainbow then flew forward to try and hit the mech, but Eggman simply ducked under the rainbow maned pegasus at high speeds. Rainbow stopped dead in her tracks and turned around, only to be grabbed by the left claw of the second pair of arms. Eggman then began to squeeze and cackle as Rainbow screamed in pain. Twilight then flew out of the plane and charged towards the mech.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" Twilight shouted in anger.

The mech roared and raised the right claw of the first pair of arms and fired a barrage of green blasts at the alicorn. Twilight dashed forward and outmaneuvered the attacks. She then fired a blast of magic at the mech, but the mech dodged the attack by moving to the right at high speeds.

Tails then began shooting bullets out of the Tornado at the Egg Cybernese, distracting it long enough for Twilight to encase the claw that had its grip on Rainbow and made it release her.

Eggman saw this and slammed his fists onto his console, "HOW DARE YOU!!!"

The mech then tried to swipe at the pair with its second pair of claws, but they simply flew out of its reach and flew towards the cockpit. Twilight fired a beam of magic from her horn and hit the cockpit, damaging it even further. Twilight then moved out of the way so Rainbow could dash forward and hit the cockpit with extreme force, sending the mech back once again.

"HA! TAKE THAT, EGGFACE!!!" Rainbow shouted.

"GRR, YOU DISGUSTING WENCH!!! YOU'LL REGRET THAT!!!"" Eggman shouted in anger.

The Tornado then turned around and headed towards the mech while Rainbow and Twilight were flying around it, giving the team the distraction they needed. Sonic grinned as the Tornado flew around the mech and ended up behind it. Sonic then jumped off the wing again and landed on the tail of the mech.

Eggman turned around and noticed a familiar blue hedgehog running up on the mechs torso, "OH NO YOU DON'T!!!"

Eggman then moved the lower arms of the mech and tried to grab Sonic, who simply jumped over the left claw and ducked under the right. Eggman then growled, but then he had an idea. Suddenly, the mechs torso began to spin, causing Sonic to lose his footing and fall right off the mech.

"SONIC!!!" The group of heroes all shouted simultaneously.

Sonic looked around and saw the Tornado heading for him, but the Egg Cybernese fired another laser at the plane, causing it to go off course.

"NO!!! TODAY, HE DIES!!!" Eggman shouted.

Sonic looked around for anything that could help him. His eyes then widened when he saw the remains of the Badnik Factory. Sonic had only one shot at this, he had to time it just right. Sonic then curled into a spin dash and shot through the air towards the factory. Sonic then untucked and reached his hand out and by just, he grabbed onto the edge of the factory's roof. He pulled himself up and looked to where the Egg Cybernese was fighting his friends.

Eggman then turned to see that his nemesis had survived, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Eggman shouted as he piloted the mech towards the remains of his factory.

The Tornado then began to give chase, only for Sonic to wave him off, which confused the heck out of the ponies.

"What's he doing?" Fluttershy asked.

"He's letting me know that he wants to fight Eggman himself." Tails replied.


"Meh, he usually handles stuff like this alone anyway." Tails said.

"Well he ain't alone now!" Applejack said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and jumped out of the plane.

"APPLEJACK, WAIT!!!" Tails shouted.

"Tails, bring us down." Rarity said.


"Tails." Rarity gave him a stern look.

Tails then nodded and began to land the plane.

Sonic saw Applejack falling from the sky and decided to act fast. He ran up and air dashed towards her and caught her in mid air. The pair landed on the roof and looked at one another as Sonic set her down, "What are you doing, Applejack?"

"Not letting you fight that varmint alone." Applejack replied.

"I can handle this." Sonic argued.

He then turned to see the Tornado, Rainbow, and Twilight land on the roof. They all then walked over to him, "We know you can, silly. But that doesn't mean you have to do it alone." Pinkie said.

"Yeah, don't think you can hog all of the action!!!" Rainbow said.

"We're with you until the end, darling." Rarity inputted.

Twilight smirked and walked closer to the hedgehog, "In other words, you're stuck with us."

Sonic sighed, but then he smiled, "Alright then, let's do it, to it!"

"Aw, how sweet." Eggman said as the Egg Cybernese approached the factory. "I was hoping to finish Sonic one on one, but if you wish to stand together..." The mech then roared as everyone got into a battle stance, "THEN YOU CAN DIE TOGETHER!!!"

The mech then dived down and and its torso spun in a circular motion with its claws outstretched, trying to hit the heroes. Everyone jumped out of the way as the mech passed them all. The Egg Cybernese then shot back up into the air and roared. It then began charging up a mouth beam. The mech fired the beam and it tore straight down the middle of the roof, everyone either rolled or jumped out of the way of the laser.

Rainbow and Twilight then flew up and got right in the mechs face, Twilight fired a beam of magic from her horn and hit the cockpit, while Rainbow uppercutted the mechs chin, sending it back and landing on the roof on its back.

"NO!!! GET UP, GET UP, GET UP!!!" Eggman shouted in desperation.

As the mech tried to get back up, Applejack made her way towards the cockpit and bucked it so hard the glass cracked, angering Eggman even more.

"YOU COUNTRY HICK!!!" The doctor shouted in anger.

Pinkie then fired her Party Cannon at the cockpit, covering it in confetti, blinding Eggman.


Rarity then shot a blast of magic at the cockpit, damaging it even more, while Fluttershy got right in Eggman's face and stared. Eggman for some reason felt pity, but then shook it off and screamed, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WITCH!!!"

The mech then shot upwards and roared, "YOU ALL THINK YOU CAN BEST ME?! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU ANNOYANCES!!! THIS. ENDS. NOW!!!" Eggman shouted as he went for another spinning attack, only this time, the machs palms were open and each of them fired a green laser beam.

The heroes each had to duck, jump, or roll out of the laser's way so they wouldn't get hit. Once the mech had finished its attack, Eggman growled in anger because none of them were dead.

Sonic then looked to Tails, "Hey, bud. Get me up there."

Tails smiled as he grabbed Sonic's hands and began spinning his two tails. As the pair floated up towards the head of the mech, Eggman smiled evilly, "Finally, at last. Just you and me, hedgehog!!!"

"Awe, you do care about me, EggHead." Sonic smirked as Eggman growled in anger.

Tails and Sonic reached the head of the mech and were facing the mad doctor, who growled angrily, "SHUT UP AND DIE!!!"

The mech then began charging its mouth beam. Tails then began swinging Sonic around in a circular motion before letting him go. Before the mech could fire its mouth beam, Sonic curled into a ball and hit the mech inside of its mouth with a Homing Attack, disabling the laser and causing green electricity to surround the entirety of the Egg Cybernese.

"You. You! You.... YOU HORRID LITTLE HEDGEHOG!!!" Eggman shouted as Tails caught Sonic again and began spinning around again. Tails then let Sonic go and the hedgehog then hit the cockpit with a Homing Attack, finishing the mech off for good.

Tails caught Sonic and the pair landed down on the roof and regrouped with their friends as the Egg Cybernese began to explode. Eggman growled as his Egg Mobile departed from the exploding mech. As the mech fell down to the ground below the clouds, Eggman glared at the group of heroes.

(End song)

"Hmph, it doesn't matter anyway. Once Phase 2 is complete, you will all be erased from the face of reality!!! I swear it, just you wait." Eggman said to the group of heroes.

He then flew away in his Egg Mobile as the heroes looked to each other confused, "Phase 2? What's Phase 2?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know, but it can't be anything good." Sonic said.

"We'll stop that meanie before that happens, right guys?" Pinkie asked hopefully.

Sonic smiled and gave her a thumbs up, "You bet! Come on, we gotta get to this 'Changeling Hive' and shut down that Roboticizer."

The group nodded and walked towards the plane. Everyone hopped aboard but Sonic stopped and looked at the group with a smile. Twilight was right, he didn't have to beat Eggman alone and he was stuck with them. And you bet that he sure is glad that he is.

Author's Note:

What an epic battle.

Originally the Changeling Hive was gonna be after the Chemical Plant but I wanted to give Eggman some more spotlight then he already has.

He's my favourite character to write btw.

Anyway, see you all next chapter.