• Published 14th Oct 2021
  • 1,302 Views, 37 Comments

The Godking is NOT Amused - Zemez

The Godking Veretus has been sent to Equestria by some upstarts, he is not amused, either at the adventurers, or these pastel ponies.

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Pretty Princess Ponies are not amusing.

The castle was a work of wonder, not it's actual looks, those were gaudy and filled with much too many bright colors. Then again, he had lived in a castle made of solid gold with minimal amenities for nearly six hundred years, he had no place to judge.

The work of wonder he refered to was the magic in the air. A wizard he may not be, but a magical crafter he was. This castle thrummed with magic, almost as strong as his golden castle in the Heavens.

Flower vases in every hallway, satin curtains, and stained glass were prominent, and in his opinion, unnecessary. While this showed off their wealth and prosperity, he would have sent the funds back towards things that truly mattered.

Magical research, weapon smithing, magic item crafting, his standing army...

He paused at that last one, he wondered how his Dragon knights were doing with his absence. The order of knights soul bonded with dragons had gone without his leadership for a millennia, but they still knew he would be alive and well to look approvingly down at them and their adherence to the tenants he made so long ago.

His thoughts of what he left behind when his own power made him unable to set foot in Alvaris ever again for fear of breaking the earth he stood upon distracted him from the path until they stood infront of the doors to the throne room itself.

The double doors were an artistic piece in and of themselves. The left contained a white mare with a long horn surrounded by inky blackness with a white sphere above her. Her horn was pointing to the right door, directly at the sun on ot. Underneath the sun was a blackish purple mare surrounded by sky blue. Her long horn was similarly pointed at the white sphere on the left door.

He paused at the door, his two shoulders level with the sun and moon, meaning as he placed his hands on the door, he covered them up.

And he pushed. They creaked open softly, perhaps even imperceptibly to those who's senses weren't able to hear a conversation several miles away.

And on that throne, at the end of the red carpet, was the most beautiful mare he'd ever seen.

To clarify, he meant by equestrian standards, she was larger than the mares that had accompanied him, much larger, her features weren't soft like her subjects, but more angled, still oddly non-equine, but too much so. Her coat was the same white as his angelic wings, and her composure as he walked up the carpet was unflinching. Her flank mark was a sun with eight sunrays coming from it.

His armor echoed in the nearly empty throne room, deafening as he stared with unbroken eye contact with this Diarch.

He paused once more at the bottom the throne. There was proper etiquette for this meeting he was sure, but already by entering the throneroom with her still seated, she had already broken it. He was a king, she was a princess. She ruled over a single kingdom, he ruled over his entire reality.

Then again, he also broke etiquette by not announcing his visit beforehand.

"Welco-" Celestia began before stopping abruptly, looking both ill and perturbed And why shouldn't she? Veretus had just grabbed his left upper arm, one of the few places his armor didn't cover, before ripping skin and muscle away.

"This is proof of my ascension, I would ask that you show the same."

Dark rivulets of amber blood streaked down his arm, spattering to the floor with the consistency of a thick syrup. The wound he made was already healing, torn out flesh growing back, skin healing over like new.

"I- you? What?" Celestia seemed confused, Veretus wondered if they never had to show signs of their divinity before. "Why have you decided to self-maim yourself? And on the carpet no less."

"I was showing you the proof of my status as a god, do you not also have ichor for blood?"

"Ichor? Of course not. Please let us escort you to a nurse, that seems... Serious?" She looked at him in muted shock, his arm was already as good as new. She put a hoof to her temple in a very mortal like show of exasperation.

"It seems you do not know why I am here. I had assumed you had sent these six adventurer's to greet me after seeing my descent." He motioned to the six mares back at the door, it seemed the white unicorn had fainted for some reason.

"Your descent?" She muttered quietly, "oh, the giant fireball in the sky. That was you?"

He nodded.

"Well, welcome to equestria, I apologize about your welcome, but these six had just defeated discord, and we feared the worse."

He understood, the six mares had most likely just undergone a perilous ordeal that had tested their resolve and bonds of companionship. Anyone would be wary of a large fireball descending from the sky in that instance.

"I understand, your artifacts did no harm when used, and as a crafter myself, witnessing their use was excellent inspiration."

She froze, looking at him with what he guessed was no emotion.

"The elements... You know, no. We'll resume this upon my sister waking to raise the moon. Thank you for escorting him here my little ponies. Please feel free to return to your homes as we'll make sure our guest is comfortable."

The six mares nodded and said their piece with the pink normal mare shouting something about a party. Celestia turned back towards him once the mares closed the door behind them. Before sagging in her throne.

"Finally. I must admit today has been a tiring day."

He was confused, she was immortal was she not? Tiredness should be a foreign concept.

"Are you not immortal as your subjects believe? As your world believes."

She looked at him like he had just said something ridiculous

"I am ageless and powerful, but true immortality is impossible without very dark magicks."

Now he was confused, for mortals, it was merely perform an extraordinary deed that no other has done before, learn a large lesson, gather a small amount of followers, and accept their faith.

"The entire kingdome seems to revere you as bringer of light, mother to all, and as the sun itself, are you telling me you have not accepted any of that Faith to increase your power?"

She no longer slouched, she stared at him with piercing eyes.

"Faith based magic is terrible. It influences it's victims to believe wholeheartedly in the caster, it removes free will and agency, and is one of the darkest of all dark magicks. Are you telling me you perform this magic willingly?"

He could feel her anger as she spoke, but instead of being scared, he was confused, the only sense of self faith harmed was the diety's. The original gods were more puppets to the mortals than they were anything else because if all of your worshippers suddenly believed you were a woman, the deity would become one, the deity wouldn't even be aware that they weren't always a woman.

This was why crusades against heretics had existed before the Godsfall. If a god didn't like how a section of followers were depicting him, they would have the rest of the church violently excommunicate them.

"I find your view of faith disturbing. My divinity is not based around the faith of others however, but the faith I carry for myself. But even so, assuming you are using faith correctly, the only danger it poses is to the recipient of that faith."

Celestia stayed tense for several more seconds before deflating. She then got up and began walking past him and stopping at the door before turning back towards him.

"Are you coming? My sister doesn't wake for a few more hours, and I could use a bite." She began, before muttering the next part, most likely assuming he could not hear. "And I could use some cake. Make that quadruple chocolate cake, this is going to be a long night."