• Published 9th Oct 2021
  • 1,143 Views, 4 Comments

First Date For Realsies - MagicS

The blind date went well so now it's time for Applejack and Sour Sweet to go on a real first date with each other.

  • ...

First Date

“So when’s the second date? From what you told us of how nicely that little blind date of yours went you simply must be getting together again, right?” Rarity asked Applejack with a teasing smile on her face, wiggling her eyebrows for emphasis.

“Actually we’re both going to consider the next date the real first date. Since meeting someone anonymous at a cafe isn’t exactly all romantic like. I didn’t really care but she said she didn’t want to consider something like that to be her first date with her first girlfriend,” Applejack replied.

Rarity nodded along. “Well I can certainly understand that. You want your first date to be more romantic, special, someplace where you both know where you’re going and who you’re going to go with.”

“You already made out though, that’s not memorable and romantic enough?” Rainbow Dash butt in.

Applejack coughed while Rarity glared at Rainbow. “Memorable? Sure. Romantic? Since it was in the backseat of my beaten up truck in a parking lot I wouldn’t exactly say so.”

“That sounds pretty similar to how my first date with Timber went to be honest,” Twilight said.

The seven friends were currently in Pinkie Pie’s home, all having a sleep over together just a couple days after Applejack’s blind date with Sour Sweet had gone off mostly without a hitch. Naturally Rarity had to bring the topic up. And fairly unsurprisingly to Applejack, all of her other friends seemed pretty darn interested in her love life too.

“Okay, okay, so this is all well and good but please, Applejack. When are you actually going on your next date with her?” Rarity pleaded for answers.

Applejack sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. “Tomorrow...”

“Awesome!” Pinkie Pie jumped in. “I bet you’re gonna have a blast! Want me to prepare it for you? Or set up a party? Or-”

“No, Pinkie,” Applejack held up a hand to stop her. “Nothing like that. We’re going simple for now and I don’t exactly want any of you to be there watching or doing something crazy. You know how Sour Sweet is, she aint going to like it if one of my friends shows up and shoves a party cannon in her face.”

“Awww,” Pinkie Pie deflated. “I guess you’ve got a point.”

“Now I definitely plan to bring her along to something we’re all doing together some day. Like a trip or something fun where I can really introduce her all to you as my girlfriend. But for now I want it to be just the two of us,” Applejack explained.

“So you’ll be mad if we spy on you tomorrow?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes,” Applejack frowned at her.

“You kind of talk about introducing her to your friends the same way you’d introduce a lover to your family,” Sunset said, eating a french fry at the same time from a plate of them.

“Well I guess so, I mean you all know how important you are to me. I guess I see her having to get along with you as just a big a deal as anything,” Applejack shrugged.

“I think that’s sweet… so long as it doesn’t end in you breaking things off with her if she can’t,” Fluttershy said and blushed. “Oh dear, that was definitely a little pessimistic.”

Applejack patted her on the shoulder. “Eh, don’t feel bad about that. I really like her but I wouldn’t blame any of you for thinking she’s… not the easiest girl to hang out with. Still, I want all of you to give her just as much of chance as I want her to give you. I know she likes me well enough but you know I need more than that if I want to have a serious relationship with someone. She needs to either like or at least tolerate my friends and family too. That’s probably one of the things I’ll be talking about with her tomorrow.”

“So what exactly are you doing for your date then?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah! Tell us! What’s ol’ Applejack got planned for her lovey dovey date?” Pinkie Pie repeatedly wiggled her eyebrows.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “We’re just going to a nice casual restaurant for lunch and then I’m going to take her on a walk through the park. Nice and simple.”

“Be advised that depending on where you’re taking her, Sour Sweet is likely used to much more expensive and extravagant places for important meals and get togethers,” Twilight said.

“Good! That means this will be a new experience for her,” Applejack smiled. “Place I’m taking her is definitely a little on the cheaper side but the food’s still great and it has this nice homey atmosphere to it. You all know that I aint gonna stop being me or put on any sort of front just to impress someone else.”

“Well I wish you the absolute best of luck on your date, Applejack. I’m sure it will turn out excellently.” Rarity said and hugged her friend.

“Yeah! Any girl would be stupid to not want to go out with you anyways,” Rainbow Dash gave her a thumbs up.

Applejack smiled and blushed at them and the others. “Thanks girls, well after the date tomorrow I’ll tell you how it goes. I’m hoping for the best too.”

Sour Sweet walked down the sidewalk to a small family style restaurant she had never been to before, occasionally glancing down at her phone to check the directions again. She was feeling fairly nervous and embarrassed thanks to not being used to this kind of thing and being even more annoyed at herself that she was feeling those kinds of things in the first place. To think after one date, one tiny date, she’d grow attached to another girl like this. She didn’t like the idea of being the weak one in the relationship and she didn’t want Applejack to know just how much she actually liked her. Her mother always told her to never be the one who likes the other person more. You had to always have the upper hand and strong position in any relationship. Otherwise you get hurt or used.

“And I have no intention of being hurt or used,” Sour Sweet said and then a frown instantly came over her face. “But she’s not the type to do anything like that. I know her, and her friends, that’s totally crazy talk. And I wouldn’t use or hurt her either...” Sour Sweet grabbed her head in anger. “Ughhhh! Stupid, stupid, stop being so negative! We can be equals in the relationship, that’s how normal ones are supposed to be, right?”

She could’ve talked to her friends more about this but frankly she didn’t think they would be a bastion of good advice either (she had a sinking suspicion that Sunny Flare had the same view on relationships as her mother). They had all tried to pry more information out of her after she had told them how the blind date had gone but Sour shut them all down. And then they wanted to know more about her date today too. Well she could tell them how this goes down after the fact, she didn’t need them filling her head with anymore crazy thoughts and ideas. Sour did that enough on her own.

It was nice how they may have been genuinely looking out for her and wishing her the best though.

Before long Sour Sweet made it to the location Applejack had sent her on her phone. As she looked up at the restaurant’s sign she realized she may have been overdressed.

“The Happy Horseshoe?” She fought a shudder. High heels and a purple dress with her belongings carried in a black leather purse didn’t scream country. “Well, I knew from the start we were different… that’s one of the things I thought would keep things fresh between us. What did she say last time? That she knew she’d never be bored with me around.” Sour Sweet smiled lightly. “I can say the same for her.”

Sour Sweet pulled open the door and stepped inside the establishment to see a modest sized restaurant with a real “down home” type attitude about it. A couple of carved bears stood on their hind legs off to the side of the door and the ascetic in all was very log-cabinesque. Normally she wouldn’t eat here but that was a good thing, at least that’s what she was telling herself. The smell coming from the kitchens in back was good though. Applejack seemed like a big eater and this place definitely served hearty meals if everything else was to go by.

“Hey, there you are!” A friendly voice called out from the tables against the side of the restaurant that bordered the street.

Sour Sweet looked over to once again see Applejack already seated and waiting for her. Despite her best efforts to remain aloof, she couldn’t help but smile for a second before fighting it back down and walking over. “And here you are.” Sour took a seat right across from her.

“You can take a gander at the menu and see what you’d like, I already know what I’m ordering,” Applejack said.

“Thank you,” Sour Sweet replied and opened up her menu, unsurprised to see it was full of things like hashbrowns, sausage, steak, pork chops, and eggs. “Guess I won’t find veal parmesan or scallop risotto here.”

“Heh, nope, but I’m sure you’ll find something that tastes just as good,” Applejack winked. She then coughed and started thrumming her fingers on the table. “So, uh, how have you been?”

Sour Sweet couldn’t help but smirk at seeing the farm girl be slightly nervous. “We’ve spoken on the phone plenty of times since that blind date, you know how I’ve been.”

“Well yeah, but now we’re here together in person. Gotta talk about something,” Applejack shrugged.

Sour Sweet rolled her eyes. “You’re showing off how new you are when it comes to dating. Not like I’m any different though. You don’t need to force small talk. If we can’t find anything to talk about it means we’re a bad couple.”

“Sorry,” Applejack blushed in embarrassment.

“Don’t be,” Sour Sweet actually reached across the table to grasp Applejack’s hand for a second. “Compared to how you were last time, this is kind of a nice change of pace. Knowing that you can get nervous and overthink things too.”

“Well last time we were just getting to know each other really. I liked you right off the bat but I didn’t know if we would actually start dating for real. And now that we are I got a lot to think about, just cause I’m the type who takes this kind of thing seriously. I don’t play games or treat my relationships like flings or nothing like that, you know that.”

“I do. And to be honest I really like that, it’s refreshing to know someone so earnest and upfront.”

“You’re pretty earnest and upfront yourself.”

Sour Sweet scoffed. “In a bad way. I’m rude and condescending and two-faced, I just do it out where everyone can see it. So yeah, maybe you can say that’s being upfront and honest too, just with a little acid and speaking under my breath at the same time.”

“Well that’s what I find kind of… well… cute about you,” Applejack blushed. “Not gonna lie, I wouldn’t like you to say anything seriously mean to someone, especially someone I care about, but I like how you always get strung out by stuff and have something to say under your breath. Maybe cause it’s the opposite from how easygoing I am.”

“I suppose that could be considered cute, if you’re a nut,” Sour Sweet muttered to the side.

Applejack laughed. “Yep! Just like that. Things’ll never be boring with you. Might want to work on your temper and acting out like that just a little bit though, probably better for your health.”

“I was mostly doing it on purpose there anyways. But sorry, nothing’s going to stop me from getting angry. That’s just how I am,” Sour Sweet folded her arms.

“Fair enough. I just hope it won’t stop you from enjoying our time together. I want to see you genuinely happy too, you know?”

Sour Sweet blushed slightly. “You don’t have to worry about that, so long as your date ideas don’t suck.”

As Applejack laughed again, their waitress came over to take their orders.

“Well it looks like it’s going alright so far,” Rarity said as she hunkered down in a booth on the other side of the restaurant, trying to stay out of sight of the two of them.

“I don’t think we should be doing this...” Fluttershy said from beside her.

“But you’re here anyways, don’t deny you aren’t curious,” Rainbow smirked at her.

“I’m half and half right now,” Sunset said. “But those two still seem so weird together I can’t help but want to see how a date between them goes.”

“And I need to do some scouting on Sour Sweet so I know just what kind of party to throw for her when we welcome her into our friend group.” Pinkie Pie said as she scribbled down notes.

“Shh!” Rarity shushed them. “We can’t let them find out we’re here. Twilight, how’s the microphone coming along?”

Twilight held a listening device up towards the table the two girls were sitting at while fiddling around with a speaker in their booth. “Working… just let me turn this on.” She flipped a switch and the slightly distorted voices of Applejack and Sour Sweet came out of the speaker.

I’ll take the brisket with a side of cornbread and grits.”

And I’ll have a pork tenderloin—half serving—with my eggs poached.”

We do them scrambled or sunny side up here.”

...sunny side up.”

“Ugh! They’re just ordering their food,” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Thank heavens Applejack didn’t get baked beans on the side,” Rarity sighed in relief.

“What are you expecting them to talk about, Rainbow?” Sunset raised an eyebrow at her.

“I dunno—juicy stuff! Embarrassing stuff I can totally tease Applejack with,” Rainbow shrugged.

Fluttershy whimpered slightly. “Oh, this is making me feel really bad now… Applejack told us she really didn’t want us spying on her date.”

“If she didn’t want us spying on her she shouldn’t have gotten a girlfriend,” Rainbow said.

“Agreed,” Rarity nodded along to the surprise of the others. When she noticed their looks she frowned. “What? You don’t expect me to want to know everything about Applejack’s first relationship?”

“That’s a good point,” Sunset said.

“It looks like the waitress is leaving,” Twilight suddenly said. “Maybe they’ll start talking about something else now.”

“How long are we going to be here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Don’t worry, Shy,” Rainbow said as she patted her on the head. “If they start making out we’ll leave.”

“Half serving? You’re not still on that crazy diet, are you? You’re already thin as a rail.”

“That’s how I stay this slender,” Sour Sweet frowned. “And first off I’m just not a big eater in general. All that meat would be too much for me to eat.”

Applejack shrugged. “Id’ve been fine with polishing off whatever you didn’t finish.”

“Gluttony is not a turn on, Applejack...” Rarity winced.

“It’s fine. If the food is so good that I regret not getting more then you can say I told you so,” Sour Sweet said as she took a sip of water.

“I guarantee you’ll like it. I wouldn’t take you to some place half-baked,” Applejack said. “But anyways, like I said last time we met, instead of going on a crazy diet that you don’t even need in the first place, you should come over to my place every now and then and me and my family will put you to work.” Applejack smiled and lifted up her right arm, rubbing her bicep. “That’ll burn off some calories and work up a big appetite for you.”

“I’ll think about it. Meeting your family so soon is a little… nerve-wracking to be honest,” Sour Sweet replied.

“Well, yeah, I get that. Sorry for just kind of throwing it out there but if I like someone I don’t see no reason why I shouldn’t introduce them to the family,” Applejack said.

“And that’s pretty much the exact opposite of me,” Sour Sweet grumbled.

Applejack raised a concerned eyebrow at her. “You want to talk about it?”

“Not yet, that’s still something I don’t exactly feel like sharing just yet,” Sour shook her head.

“That’s fair,” Applejack nodded. “Everyone’s got their own circumstances, so long as you aren’t lying to me about something I don’t mind if you’ve got some family issues you’d rather not tell me yet. This is only our first date after all.”

“Glad you’re understanding that not everyone is an open book like you.”

“That’s okay with me, I think part of the fun with you is I’ll get to pry open your book,” Applejack smiled but then fidgeted a little. “Uhh… did that sound a little wrong to you too?”

Sour grinned. “Slightly.”

“Pft! Applejack’s a perv,” Rainbow and Pinkie giggled.

Fluttershy twisted Rainbow’s ear. “Ow!”

After a little more time just chitchatting, their food came out and both girls got to eating. While Applejack scarfed hers down in a not particularly nice looking manner for a romantic date, Sour Sweet ate hers much more calmly. And she had to admit it was pretty tasty. Better than she had expected it to be, that’s for sure. Which meant it was probably unhealthy or too fattening for her but she had only gotten a smaller portion and this was a special occasion so she’d let that one slide. Sour Sweet knew she should compliment the food and Applejack’s choice in restaurant’s, but she certainly wasn’t going to just do that.

“Wow, the food here is actually pretty good. If you’re pinching pennies,” Sour Sweet said to the side.

Applejack just smiled at her. “Glad you’re enjoying it! And yeah, this place is nice and cheap, you can get a great meal for just a little bit.”

Sour Sweet’s eye twitched. To be honest she kind of wanted Applejack to say something or at least acknowledge it instead of pretty much ignoring it. It was a good outlet for her.

So she planned to say a few more things over the course of their meal together.

With fork in hand she peered over the table at Applejack until the blonde noticed Sour was staring at her. “You know, Applejack, you actually have really nice skin for someone who doesn’t use makeup or put that much effort into her appearance.”

“Thanks! You know my friend Rarity always said I had naturally clear pores or something like that,” Applejack replied, either oblivious or purposefully ignoring the backhanded compliment.

“I said you had a naturally soft complexion that’s ruined by all the work you do and how dirty you get,” Rarity grimaced.

“Er, is it just me or was that actually Sour Sweet being a little mean?” Sunset said.

“Well it’s Sour Sweet, maybe it wasn’t on purpose,” Twilight shrugged.

Sour Sweet’s eye twitched again. “I also love how you dressed so casually while I really wore something nice, it shows how relaxed you are. And how plain your wardrobe is.”

“Mhm, never been much into fashion. I like things practical, you know?” Applejack smiled.

“You know I was really impressed with your singing and dancing too when we did that musical video together, if dancing like a farmer in a barn is supposed to be impressive.

“That’s Apple family style dancing for ya,” Applejack nodded her head a few times. “I’ll teach it to you too someday.”

“You’re so kind, if “kind” means totally ignoring someone else’s awfulness.”

“Thank you!”

“Okay!” Sour Sweet didn’t quite slam her hands on the table but she still glared at Applejack and leaned over at her. “I know you’re doing it on purpose now.”

Applejack sheepishly blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. “Guess that last one made it pretty obvious.”

“Look, I don’t mind if you think it’s cute or if it doesn’t bother you. But I’d like you to at least acknowledge it and not ignore it. Even if you just tease me about it. Even if we get in a little fake argument just for the sake of having one. It helps me blow off steam,” Sour Sweet narrowed her eyes.

“So you want me to argue and call you out on it?” Applejack raised an eyebrow.

“Yes. Not like, a real argument, but I’d like us to have a back and forth. Even if that’s annoying cause otherwise I’d just get angrier and maybe say something actually bad that would make you angry for real just because I want a reaction from you or get bottled up,” Sour Sweet took a deep breath. “Sorry to lay that out all at once but that’s how it is. You knew this before we started dating.”

“More or less. And that’s alright, I mean, I argue with my friends all the time and it’s mostly harmless and playful stuff. Don’t have a problem with it. And you don’t gotta worry about being annoying, I’m friends with Rainbow Dash,” Applejack grinned.


“I think you need better taste in friends,” Sour Sweet said and then immediately stiffened, nervously glancing at Applejack. “Uhhhh...”

Applejack frowned back at her. For the first time on either of their dates she actually looked upset. “Now were you just saying that to get a rise out of me or are those your honest feelings?”

“A little bit of both maybe?” Sour Sweet looked away.

“Don’t look away, you wanted to say things that would start an argument? Well be careful what you wish for cause I can’t let that slide,” Applejack said with a serious look on her face.

“Sorry… it just slipped out.”

Applejack took a deep breath and sighed, her expression became slightly softer but still a bit disappointed. “Look, Sour. I know you don’t really care for my friends and I aint asking you to get along with them, or my family for that matter, all at once. But you know how important they are to me. And I won’t choose between them or my girlfriend. So you’re going to have to at least learn to tolerate them when I inevitably do bring you along to one of our get togethers and such.”

“I guess, or you could just spend all your time with me.”

“Heh, well as happy as it makes me to know you’d want that it just aint very feasible,” Applejack said, grinning. “Got too much I need to do around the house first of all, and I don’t want to be the type that throws away everything else just for their lover.”

“I know...” Sour Sweet’s eyes turned slightly downcast.

“Anyways just think about how you’d want things to be between me and your friends and family when you introduce us. You’d want me to get along with them, right?” Applejack smiled.

“I never really intended to do anything like that in the first place.”


Sour Sweet groaned. “Ugh, not because of you! My friends aren’t like your friends, we’re not close like that. We don’t hang out as much or anything. I don’t really care if you like them or not.”

“Well I mean, I guess that’s fair and all… but I’d still like to meet them at some point. As your girlfriend this time,” Applejack blushed.

Sour Sweet blushed along with her. “I suppose I can be okay with that.”

“Okay, a few minor hiccups but it sounds like things are going well enough now,” Rarity said as she watched them.

“Looks like they’re finishing eating too and are getting ready to go,” Twilight said.

“Didn’t Applejack say they were going for a walk in the park next? Sour Sweet’s wearing high heels,” Sunset noted.

“Oh dear, that could be a bit of a problem. Will Applejack notice? Is Sour Sweet going to say anything?” Rarity wondered.

“Note to self: sugar-free frosting when making Sour Sweet’s cake...” Pinkie Pie jotted down.

Applejack and Sour Sweet stood together out on the street after finishing their meal and paying for it (Applejack’s treat). The day was still young and the weather was fair, perfect for being outside. Sour Sweet was athletic but she considered herself more of an indoors person and with her dress and high heels she wasn’t exactly dressed for the outdoors. So hopefully they were just walking to somewhere else and sitting down or watching a movie together, that kind of thing.

“So what now?” Sour Sweet asked Applejack.

“Well I figured since it’s been so darn nice out lately the two of us could go for a walk in the park. Just us and nature, it’ll be real nice,” Applejack beamed.

“F-Fantastic,” Sour Sweet said and bit her tongue to keep herself from saying anything else.

By the time they made it to the park her feet were already hurting but this time Applejack actually seemed honestly oblivious to it. Sour had to admit the park was very pretty this time of day at this time of year and it normally wasn’t someplace she would just visit on her own so that was nice. But she’d be able to enjoy it even more if it wasn’t for her heels. The dirt path they were walking on also didn’t make it any easier, she was worried about her heels sinking in too much or getting stuck in some hole. All the while she walked right next to Applejack as the farm girl told her what she loved about the outdoors. Their arms occasionally brushed up against each other and Sour Sweet had to fight down the butterflies in her stomach.

“You enjoying the walk so far?” Applejack asked her as they passed a bench Sour Sweet would’ve really enjoyed sitting on.

“Yeah, the park is nice,” Sour said as evenly as she could, though it was a pretty plain answer and Applejack caught onto that.

“Heh,” Applejack chuckled and blushed a little. “Well I don’t expect you to love the outdoors as much as me, doubt most any girls our age do, but I hope you’re at least having a good time.”

“I am!” Sour Sweet answered quickly. “I’m enjoying walking with you… it’s just my feet that aren’t.

“Huh?” Applejack looked at her, not quite catching the second part of what Sour had said.

“It’s nothing, I’m having a great time with you, Applejack. Do you have any favorite spots here in the park?”

Applejack smiled wide and reached down to hold Sour Sweet’s hand. “Sure do, I’ll show you.”

Sour Sweet stiffened as soon as the warm hand of Applejack clasped her own. As expected, it was a pretty rough hand, not soft and smooth like Sour’s at all. But still small and girlish for certain. She almost cringed and pulled away at the public display of affection but instead managed to tightly grip Applejack’s hand back. She’d be embarrassed for sure if anyone, friend or stranger, saw her doing this but that didn’t stop her from liking it. It’s true she was pretty apprehensive of anyone seeing her on a date with Applejack but that wasn’t because of Applejack personally but just because Sour Sweet didn’t want anyone to tease her. She could imagine the giggles and looks already.

Feeling moisture on her hand she glanced down and noticed that Applejack was sweating as she held her hand. Sour Sweet couldn’t help but snort in amusement.

“W-What is it?” Applejack asked.

“Nothing, just didn’t expect you to get all flustered over holding hands. Especially considering what we already did in your truck,” Sour Sweet teased.

“That was just fun, this is romantic. It’s different,” Applejack blushed.

“Indeed~” Sour Sweet sang and interlaced her fingers with Applejack’s to tease the farmer some more, gently rubbing her thumb along the other girl’s hand.

To her delight, Applejack’s face positively lit up red. It was almost enough to make her forget about how much her feet were killing her.

“Oh my, it seems like things are heating up a little,” Rarity said with a pleased smile on her face as she and the others stalked the couple through the bushes.

“Doesn’t that mean we should go? Applejack really wouldn’t want us to spy on her while she’s kissing her girlfriend,” Fluttershy said.

“And yet you’re still here with us. Just admit you want to watch too,” Rainbow Dash grinned at her.

“I’m just here to make sure you behave yourself, Rainbow.”

“Well I’m pretty much done with my notes so I’m just curious to see how the rest will go too,” Pinkie Pie said as she watched the couple. “If I was planning Applejack’s first real date they’d be doing way more exciting stuff than this.”

“I think a walk in the park is nice. I’ve come to appreciate that kind of thing more often lately, especially since I was basically a shut-in before I met all of you,” Twilight said. “I know for a fact that Sour Sweet isn’t the nature type but maybe Applejack can make her really appreciate it.”

“If they have a second date what do you think Sour Sweet will take Applejack to?” Sunset asked her.

“Hmm, Sour Sweet likes dancing but there’s not much you can do with that when it comes to a date. Maybe they’ll just see a movie, she’d probably rather be indoors. I know she likes expensive clothes too so maybe she’d take Applejack shopping at the mall.”

“Applejack has experience with that kind of thing thanks to someone here,” Rainbow Dash glanced at Rarity.

Rarity nodded. “If all the times I’ve dragged Applejack to shopping with me helps her out on a date it would just be wonderful.”

“Well the date looks like it’s still going pretty good so I think there’s a good chance of a second one,” Sunset said before frowning. “Uh, but does it look like Sour Sweet is wincing and stumbling a little bit? I don’t think Applejack has noticed how much walking through the park like this is killing her girlfriend’s feet.”

Sour unfortunately was feeling the wear now on her feet and she knew she was going to have blisters around her ankles and toes by the end of the day. But she had already done and said enough bad things when they were eating, she didn’t want to spoil more of the date. Applejack may not have put much money into this but she clearly thought about it and sincerely wanted Sour Sweet to enjoy something she really liked. She was trying to develop a bond between them and Sour didn’t want to cut the experience short.

Though she knew that the more and more she bit her tongue the worse things were going to be soon. She was liable to explode and say something bad again.

And Applejack was so caught up in telling her about the kinds of trees around and all the nature walks she had gone on her little sister with that she still hadn’t noticed Sour’s pain.

“Someday I’ll take you on a walk through the forest out near my home,” Applejack said. “Parks are really nice and all but nothing beats a walk through real, honest to goodness, nature. It’s a totally different feeling, way quieter too. You can still hear the sounds of the city from here if you listen, can’t you?”

Sour Sweet paused and closed her eyes. It was true, she could hear the faint sounds of traffic beyond the trees. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Yep,” Applejack nodded. “Camp in the right place and you don’t get none of that.”

Sour Sweet raised an eyebrow at her. “Planning a camping trip?”

Applejack blushed. “Well it’s just something I always knew for sure I’d like to do with my girlfriend if I ever got one...”

"I don’t think I have proper camping apparel at home so we’d have to go out and get some together first. And then I can sleep with the bugs on the cold hard dirt,” Sour Sweet rolled her eyes.

“Heh, trust me, it’s a lot better than that. We’d have a tent and everything at least,” Applejack chuckled.

Sour Sweet was going to respond with another snippy remark when she felt her left foot twist right as she stepped down. The heel had either gotten caught in something or she had just plain slipped, either way the rest of her went down too and Sour Sweet fell to her knees with a yelp, her palms hitting the dirt and grass beneath her to brace herself. “Ngh!” A lance of pain went through her ankle and she grit her teeth, her palms also getting scraped a little.

“Woah! You alright?!” Applejack was down crouching by her side immediately, hands on Sour Sweet’s shoulders to steady her. “Did ya trip?”

“I-I think my heel got caught in something, I may have twisted my ankle a little...” Sour Sweet winced.

“Oh geez, can you walk?” Applejack asked worriedly.

Sour Sweet tried getting up but as soon as she put some weight on her leg she felt that same shooting pain through her ankle. “Mm! No… I don’t think so. I can lean on you or hop though, just need to take my heels off first.”

“No need for that.”

“Huh?” Before Sour Sweet could look, Applejack had reached up and under her legs and put another arm across her back, lifting Sour Sweet off the ground and carrying her.

“There we go, light as a feather,” Applejack winked at her.

Sour Sweet could feel her face getting as red as a tomato.

“Oh, how I wish a strong, handsome, young man would carry me like that one of these days,” Rarity sighed as she watched them.

“It’s so romantic,” Fluttershy blushed and Rainbow Dash snickered at her.

“Well it’s too bad Sour hurt herself, looks like their date is getting cut short, but I get the feeling that neither of them really mind,” Sunset said with a smile as the other girls all watched Applejack carry Sour Sweet through the park.

“I’m sorry for not saying anything about my feet earlier and messing up our date...” Sour Sweet said to Applejack after clearing things up with her.

I’m the one who should be apologizing for not noticing in the first place,” Applejack said. “Although I am a mite bit surprised that you didn’t open your mouth about it.”

Sour Sweet snorted and folded her arms. “I kind of did. But you were too engrossed in showing me around the park.”

“My bad again,” Applejack winced.

Sour Sweet smiled. “It’s alright, I still had a fun time in the park. If by fun you mean agonizing. Er, well, next time anyways I’ll plan our date and we can both make up for it.”

Instead of replying straight away, Applejack leaned down and kissed Sour Sweet on the forehead. “Deal.”


“Oh, Applejack! I had no idea you could be so romantic!” Rarity said as she collapsed backwards, fainting at the display of love and affection.

She fell with a thud to the ground as Rainbow Dash missed stopping her. “Oops.”

“Well we should all probably leave quietly now,” Sunset said. “Not a word of any of this to Applejack.”

“Agreed,” Twilight said.

“This was super duper fun! I’ve got so many ideas planned for a “Congratulations On Becoming A Couple With Applejack and Welcome to Our Friend Group!” party for Sour Sweet!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “Yippee!”

“I have to admit that even though I feel a little guilty spying on them that they’re a really cute couple,” Fluttershy blushed. “Ohhh, does it make me bad for having fun today?”

“Meh, don’t sweat it shy, you can just blame me for dragging you along,” Rainbow shrugged. “Alright, let’s go do whatever and then tomorrow when Applejack tells us about how her date went we can tease her all day.”

Tomorrow, however, left the six of them with something to explain as a frowning Applejack held up a picture of six girls conspicuously following behind two other girls in the middle of the park.

“Well? Care to explain?” Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously and averted her gaze. “H-Heh, c-cool photo, Applejack. Where’d you get it?”

“Figuring you might do something like this, I asked Wallflower Blush to trail you yesterday before my date started. Didn’t notice her, did you?”

Sunset smacked her face with her palm. “Ughhh!”

Applejack put the photo away and cracked her knuckles. “So. Whose idea was it?”

Rarity and Rainbow Dash shared a very worried glance with each other.

Comments ( 4 )

I have a lot going on but I'll put this in my read it later folder so I can understand more about Sour's personality....oh and nice avatar, Amethyst is my 2nd favorite BG pony.

overdoing it a bit with the under her brath stuff, otherwise a nice read.

Very cute and sweet. I love me a good crackship, especially for EQG AJ, You did a great job selling how these two very different people could connect. <3

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