• Member Since 18th Nov, 2017
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This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer and the Cowboy

A continuation of Sunset Shimmer and the Cowboy.

Updates will be random with no set schedual.

Sunset is still picking up the pieces of her life after Anon-a-Miss and Dusty is there to help. Sure he's not really Sunset's father, or is he? Princess Twilight is not too sure about him and the human world government knows way too much.

As for the Rainbooms, will they ever truly be friends with Sunset? Will they ever get the opportunity to make it up to Sunset? Especially now that Sunset has decided that she's had enough of Canterlot High.

I also wanted this to be a sequel for Kitzumi the fox pony. Book one. and Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. Continuity issues made that a little too difficult without some serious rewrites to the Adventures book or some interesting twisting of events. In the last Chapter of "Kitzumi's Adventures through the Looking Glass," we are told Sunset is Prince Platinum's eldest daughter. Which in itself isn't necessarily a continuity conflict. The conflict is that it places Sunset as Prince Blueblood's aunt by adoption in that I'd intended that Prince Platinum be Prince Blueblood's Grandfather. And it could work if Sunset is actually the same age as Twilight's parents, though I think I'll make her a cousin or I'll have continuity issues within this story. (Pulling hairs out!) Other issues include Scootaloo being Sunset's daughter but now her sister. And Dusty as a concept hadn't existed in the earlier works. One potential way around this issue is that Scootaloo being Sunset's daughter had only been in that one alternate dimension. In this version, Kitzumi Nova follows the same path as Kitsumi Nova (Kitzumi Nightfoal) did in Ponies in Hogwarts up until it was time to take that jump forward in time. She simply could not leave Maggie and in doing so profoundly impacted history. I guess we'll just have to see what I can do with it.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 54 )

“And you want to bring her back into that kind of an atmosphere,” Twilight asked. “Have you seen her locker? Have you? They destroyed books! BOOKS! Innocent Books!

(sigh) Yep. That's our Twilight. No matter what universe she's in or what title she is, inside she'll always be the same ol' nerdy, book-loving egghead pony she's always been.

Hahaha I was waiting for that I kind of want to see how Sunset would react when Twilight and her meet and she mentions the books again🤣
Thank you for the update, 🙏 keep up the great work

Made a few changes to the story description notes under the cut. I really wanted this to also be a sequel to Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass, but just like Ponies in Hogwarts, continuity issues have proven insurmountable without rewriting a whole bunch of things. My number one issue is that I did Sunset and the Cowboy without considering how I can fully integrate it into earlier material. Sure, I took into consideration aspects of Ponies in Hogwarts, but forgot about Sunset being old enough to be Bluebloods Aunt and had already made Scootaloo a sister instead of a daughter. And the last thing I want to do is go back and obliterate perfectly good material. :facehoof:

Sooo is she the human sunset or the pony sunset that got saved by Celestia? Its sooo confusing😣 I like it though🤣

I don't know, I haven't written that part yet. LOL

Hahaha I somehow am imagining Cinch calling Celestia and just saying "I got Sunset and you can do nothing about it" in a childish tone and dropping the calling🤣

Twilight didn't even notice that sunset was on the sidelines the battle till she invited sunset at the end to help and she was the one who suggested that sunset take her place in the band otherwise she would be still on the sidelines.

Well hope to see Scoota Parents react to losing her now.

I'm a sucker for a good Anon-A-Miss story and this is a great one. Can't wait to see how this plays out.

Huh...tried giving a thumbsup but I keep getting "Permissions required for this action were not met." Maybe if I try later because this story really deserves it.

I actually had that shut off. I'd been getting a bunch of downvotes minutes after posting my last two stories so I started shutting it off until the story had been up for a while. That seems to weed out some of the people who downvote just because they can. I'd forgotten to turn it back on.

Sorry some people just seem to be huge assholes for no reason. I did manage to give a thumbups, a really great story.

Hahahaha I like how Twilight is so obsessed with books it's like "they bullied you and BURNED YOUR BOOKS!" Books more important 🤣 but not that you getting bullied isn't as well its just books first the bullying second🤣

Fitting that in just right was actually harder than one would think. It wasn't even part of the first draft. And then I was like, I've got to have another quip about the books. :twilightsheepish:

I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan, though I admit I have enjoyed a few stories here on the site that incorporated it into the story. I am really loving what you have done with it and this story and I really looking forward to seeing more of this and finding out how well Sunset does on her test.

I liked how you added Izzy aka Isabelle in the chapter. :twilightsmile:

It had occurred to me that since EQG doesn't follow the same timeline there's no reason I can't throw in any of the new generation characters.

True, there is no reason you couldn't do that.

Book Pone gotta book pone after all...

I don't doubt that humans would find more "inventive" ways to discriminate against each other than just skin color in a world where skin color is a lot more varied and not necessarily tied to your race/ethnicity.

I think that there was a Deadpool comic where in one story someone had everyone's skin turn the same shade of blue (cyan?) and Deadpool lampshades the flaws in this idea by pointing out that you can still tell a person's race, ethnicity, and national origin by their language, body build, facial structure, and clothing.

There was a story posted a few months ago where the implications was that EQG humans used to have the same skin tones as regular humans but that Starswirl letting in magic into the world thousands of years ago caused everyone's skin tones to change dramatically. This was completely by accident and Starswirl was shocked by this.

I like going with the idea that those from Equestria have an extra color receptor that causes Equestrians to see everyone in pastel colors. Something I hinted at in my "I am my own OC" stories. In this one I wanted Sunset to be coming from a personal place of truly being ignorant and honestly finding the very notion to be the most bizarre absurdity she'd ever heard of.


Ah, so it's a "we see things how the main character sees things". It wouldn't be anything out of this world for ponies to see things differently, butterflies can see ultraviolet light so they ought to have a pretty different view of the world.

I wonder if and how often that came up while Sunset was living in the human world. Like someone is mentioned as being "White" but Sunset sees them as blue or pink or something and she just goes with it.

Or the converse where she is like... but they are blue, and Pinkie is the only one who goes with it.

I don’t understand how this story has so little traffic. It’s better than most I read on this site.

It's entirely possible that a lot of people won't even look at anything even remotely connected to Anon-a-Miss. Let's face it, some of the worst stuff on this site are Anon-a-Miss stories.

They are.

I took inspiration from your work, as well as stories written by Eternal Sunset and Zamairiac.

You think she be smart enough to try to stay out of trouble considering she just got in trouble for vandalism on sunset place and the landlord was pretty dumb not to get paperwork signed that sunset was leaving.

I'm glad you find inspiration in my stories.

People don't always do what we'd think would be prudent, and Gabby, yes I know it's a bit cliche for the character, but she's obsessed. When people have an obsession they don't think straight.

Well let us hope that it won't get too crazy and they catch Gilda because I fear that she won't stop until sunset is dead as long she believes sunset is guilty. The girls are going to have to work to prove that they are worthy of a second chance with her. Sunset worked everyday to make it right but in the end it wasn't enough.

The department requesting she not be given bail means they have her. For now at least.

Last I saw she was pounding cadence car because she thought it belongs to sunset dad and he was picking her up. I didn't see anything about her being caught after that. Just a lot of magic talk and talk about internet jerks.

She threw a rock. Nowhere in the text does it say she pounded on Cadance's car. The Crystal Prep students chased them, cornered them, and gave them a beat down. Shining Armor confirms that they, Guilda and Garble, were arrested when he says he declined to be the arresting officer because of the beat down they were given by the Chrystal Prep students. Shining also confirmed that Gilda had made statements about wanting to hurt Sunset.

Anyway... I made a few changes to Chapter 12 that I hope will make it a bit more obvious.

Sounds like things aren't going to be boring anytime soon.

Canterlot High is probably the best option for Sunset, I don't really see her moving away into basically a pretentious private school she couldn't be able to afford without black market or connections. The way I see it she can ignore 90% of people attending a high school and still graduate, after that she never going to meet them ever again.

the books are truly innocent

Tobe honest I feel dumb for not getting the full Granny Smith connection until you mentioned Trixie in this chapter….and then it all clicked in such a rapid succession it made my head and mind spin…..which is abit slow for me considering I just got done rereading the hogwarts related nova story and the one where she was her own oc before accidentally stumbling onto this one…..am most definently looking forward to future chapters:)

Sounds fun.
We ever going to get the story about discord.

Oh my

The prequel, Aerie Potter, and the Philosopher's stone

for one of your HP story's you take all of the time you need.
you do a amazing HP story.

take the time you need with this story. i know your style and the amazing words you can put to paper.

this story is just making me want to go back to you ponies in hogwarts story agene.

Awesome story! Love it so much. Looking forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:

Although the attitudes were worse in the friendship games than the cup,everyone tried to play fair and square and didn't make winning the most important thing plus they had a usually better chance of succeeding in actually coming through the games in one piece and alive with the friendship games.

I thought that kitsune being forced into the default form of the pony to be boring. Kitsune is kitsune and that is that.

awesome ending for this story. i can see so many windows for as you say sequels or prequels and hints to your other great story's.

Absolutely wonderful story. Looking forward to reading your next one. Keep up the great work. :twilightsmile:

11088350 11089424 With all the bouncing around between history universes alternate timelines the answer might be very fun. This Sunset might of crossed between human and pony several times before ending up on Earth

I have to wonder. Is this story going to cross timelines with agents of Discord? If not, any plans to write a sequel to Agents of Discord that crosses timelines with this story? Because this story created quite a bit of potential for the later years in Hogwarts, even if 2 years should be more than enough to completely deal with Riddle.

In the description for Agents of Discord, I list that story as a prequel to this story, so yes, I do plan to tie them together.

It's going to be a while though.

Considering it was Snape who got Harry parents killed because he overheard part of the prophecy although it probably is the headmaster fault the whole world knew about it.

The prophecy made by Sybill Trelawney to Albus Dumbledore detailing the one to defeat Voldemort took place at the Hog's Head Pub. Considering how her prophesies were recited, anyone in the pub could have overheard and reported back to Voldemort. Even if Snape played a part, he's not to blame. Dumbledore is.

From the Harry Potter fandom wiki

It is referenced at the end of the Second Wizarding War as public knowledge and named "The Big One"

Yes but in the story they were in a private room and Snape was eavesdropping through the door but got caught so he never got the whole thing and since he had issues with Harry dad and Harry mom ditched him for Harry dad well he wanted some revenge and thought this would get him what he wanted which was the mom.

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