• Published 28th Sep 2021
  • 1,028 Views, 6 Comments

Upon the wings of change, the horn of power, visits the earth. - KarmaSentinal

"Times change." The princess had heard once, and never felt closer to that statement than today.

  • ...

A final problem.

“How long have I ruled Equestria, Scribble Scratch?”

The question came suddenly, causing the unicorn maid to look up at her princess and employer worriedly. Since her employment, the princess had always spoken with an exuberance to rival the happiest of foals, yet this question held none of the warming undertones, instead it carried a self understanding that only comes with age.

The knowledge of one's own mortality.

“Pardon, me lady?” She asked while pouring the customary afternoon tea trying to stall for more time.

“How long have I reigned over ponykind?” The princess asked again, ignoring her tea.

“Give or take 2,100 years princess.” Scribble answered. The answer wasn’t too common, but close proximity to the scholarly princess had done wonders for her education.

The maid’s reward for a correct answer was a hum of acknowledgement and this time, the princess's magic came to life, grabbing the expensive porcelain cup the way one might hold a pen after years of practice. She took a quiet sip and placed the cup back onto the saucer.

“The assembly doesn’t even request my presence anymore Scribble, did you know that?”

She did know of course, but knew well enough than to admit that, so playing her part as lowly servant feigned ignorance about the topic. Her princess turned to look at her for a moment, and it was enough to sate her curiosity before looking back to the table that preoccupied all of her time these days.

“It’s true. Not even a courtesy summons or general update on the state of Equestria anymore either.” She took another sip of the tea “And it makes me happy.”

There was no bitterness in that last statement, and Scribble would even suggest it held a genuine sense of delightment the middle age unicorn rarely heard nowadays. She took a step closer.


“It means they don’t need me…” the princess cut off her servant, the tone teetering on an edge the unicorn couldn’t place, but knew it was painful for the old alicorn to talk about. “...Equestria doesn’t need me.”

“Princess. That isn’t true.” Scribble tried to prove the old mare wrong, but was hushed when a large wing was raised.

“No need to lie, Scribble. I’ve planned this for nearly three centuries, and know what I’m talking about. Not even my niece’s descendents acknowledge their connection to me anymore..I’m the last piece holding Equestria back.”

The statement perplexed and hurt the unicorn more than the increasing stares she had been receiving by the ever increasing pegasi population in Old Canterlot, and it was because during her 17 years of service, she never heard the alicorn sound so tired.

“You’ve led us forever my princess, and we’ve flourished under your wise leadership.” There was a warmth building in the brim of her eyes as her voice gradually lowered into a hushed whisper.

“I’m a relic of a bygone age, forcing the very nation I’ve led to stagnate. I’m supposed to nurture, and help guide ponies to their greatest possible potential, not hinder and suppress them.” The old mare turned around, and Scribble nearly jumped back on reflex.

The signs had been growing of course, and Scribble had ignored them like the good maid she was, but now understood how terrible of a mistake that had been. Haggard from an invisible storm only the alicorn could see, the bags under her eyes were a near onyx in color serving to highlight the greying fur peppering her muzzle. The once brilliant irises of a youthful mare eager to raise the sun or swap gossip with a passing pony had dulled to expose the hidden effects of a long lived life, and their unspoken voice left Scribble physically unable to process what she felt.

Her body wanted to throw up just to make the attempt to rid itself of the feeling.

“My teacher once gave me something very important…” The princess moved slightly so Scribble could see what was on the table “... and it's time to give it back.”

“Crystals, my lady?” the maid asked after a moment to gather herself.

“No, but they will come to represent what I intend to return. See this one here? It's a normal diamond mined from the earth while the crest that cradles it resembles wings.”

“That one is a horn then?” Scribble guessed having a vague idea what the final piece might be, and almost smiled when the princess nodded.

“The three races of pony kind united..it was that power my teacher gave me. The very same power I want to return to pony kind.”


“I plan on giving up my alicornhood. Give the power back to the ponies.”

“You can do that?” The maid asked, unable to wrap her mind around such a claim. The princess continued.

“Celestia gave me this power, and I could likely return it. I just haven’t figured it out just yet.”

‘There’s a measure of control in her voice now.’ Scribble noted the increasing sorrow building the longer the alicorn spoke.

“These crystals will serve as a storage of sorts for that power, and will be presented to the three races in time. Should it be needed, they could rally behind that power.”

“It sounds important, my lady.” Scribble defaulted to that hated statement while she mentally kicked herself for being so useless. Her employer and princess badly needed her input now more than ever, and all the unicorn could do was put up more walls.

“Indeed it is.” The tone was flat, and empty. Scribble went to pour another cup of tea for the princess, but was waved off with a wing. The alicorn returned her attention back to the three crystal gems on the desk, muttering to herself as she did so many times before.

“Then with your permission princess, your humble servant shall take her leave. “

“You may…”

Scribble knew the princess was lost to her work once and with her practiced use of magic collected the tea cup and saucer before scurrying for the exit. There was so much that needed to be done before she could retire for the night, and having Moonshine Meadows quit only made things more problematic. It left only four staff left including herself, with another two considering different employment in one of the many startups on the west coast.

It was only when Scribble had closed the door, leaving the old alicorn alone once more did she stir with a renewed sense of purpose. From shelves a plethora of books being plucked with care flew in order toward the waiting princess, who organized them into stacks based on subject matter. Many were on the dying subject of advanced magical application and theories, with a close tie going to the collected histories of Equestria over the last 1,00 years. Still, it was the shortest stack of four books that held the most importance to the old alicorn.

Her eyes settled onto their fading covers with love a mother had for their foal, because after all these centuries they were all she had left of her former life. They served as the main catalyst for everything consuming her purpose now, and will continue to do so until Twilight could reverse her alicornhood to pass onto pony kind.

“I just need a little more time. I’ve plenty…”

Comments ( 6 )

I thought you'd like to know there's a typo in the short description. Italics don't work properly in the short descriptiin box for some reason.

Immersion ruined.

Implement corrective procedures...

Emergency action initiated. Deleting story in 3...2...1...

Emergency action failed.

Alright, I'll go and fix it. :derpytongue2:

Thanks buddy. Trying new writing styles with this one. The goal was to see what kind of atmosphere I could possibly create in as few words as possible. So, I take it the story wasn't too bad?

tbh I prefer when it ends suddenly and violently. This gradual change is just too sad

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