• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
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When Rarity woke up, she noted two things. Firstly, she saw that Pinkie was already awake, staring out of the window into the sky. And secondly, she noted the colour of said sky.

Winner of the Quills and Sofas Bisexuality Contest for Pride Month, and published far too late.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

The descriptions you write always amaze me, Seer. It's just one of those things I find myself struggling with that you pull off so flawlessly. Great stuff.

Well, okay, I didn't think I was gonna cry over this sheer amount of love. I love it and I love everything about this and it is so sweet and heartfelt and in love and it's so CUTE aaaaaaaaaanrksjfkshdksjfks

This was so very cute and full of love it just makes me have a big smile. This is exactly the kind of story that helps get me through my day.

This was absolutely beautiful. A well-deserved win, with a fascinating concept and excellent execution. I could read about their cozy little life all day long.

Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us.

said it before and ill say it again: simply beautiful stuff, seer. love it

I think "Bisexual" is a term relating to sexual orientation, not gender identity. [1] This Pinkie is more, hm, genderfluid? Whatever, it's a very sweet little story.

[1] Or I could just not be keeping up with the latest terminology. :twilightsheepish:

Seer #8 · Sep 9th, 2021 · · 1 ·

Yep you're absolutely right! In this instance Rarity is the bisexual character as she is attracted to both the masculine and feminine facets of Pinkie's gender, who is indeed genderfluid :)

The contest was to write a story themed around bisexuality but I wasn't in the mood to wrote poly, so this was a fun little way to do that and also write a genderfluid character!

Ah, I see. I suppose I was assuming Pinkie is more "butch" and "femme" from Rarity's point of view than male and female, but that's hardly the case here, isn't it?

Oooh wow..... this is good. Just wow..... don't really know what else to say about it really, just wow.....

This really yees my haws, Seer

Every bit as fantastic as I remembered it being. Great work.

Delightfully wholesome story, Seer. I loved how you played with the colors and sensory details. Excellent job.

And of course: that's a good Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

I can relate to drab, colorless, miserable days being male.

This is finally out? yay! :pinkiehappy:

This is absolutely wonderful Seer. Your descriptions are nothing short of breathtaking, and this is no exception. Even just the picture of the sky you've painted is so evocative. The real heart, though, lies in how the actions are described. Pinkie and their differences are so poetically put by Rarity, even the simplest things sound like a fairytale wonder. The prose in-between is also stunning, there is no part of this story that doesn't nail it on the head. It's impressive you managed to do this with only 8 lines of dialogue, with only one difference in the two sets.

As for the actual content of the story, I really like how it's not subtle, but it's not in your face either. It just is. Pinkie and their meandering self is put so well, and the last scene where they're content in being an enigma is such a powerful scene when put with the sky. Rarity also fits greatly into this, her being a calm presentation of a bisexual disaster. Absolutely wonderful.


I don't know if I've ever read something of yours before, but if I haven't, it seems like a crying shame from the amount of gorgeous detail and evocative imagery that went into this little piece.

First of all, major plus for RariPie, because that is an unusually rare ship, one that I almost never see, yet it has so much potential and life to it just aching to be explored. As you prove with the way in which Rarity takes in the skies, like an endless series of paintings, their colors always changing, shifting, flowing day by day.

Just like her lover. Boy some days, girl other days... it's so wonderful to see a representation of someone genderfluid. I know a few genderfluid people in real life and they struggle, a lot, with being considered legitimate by anyone. Even a lot of mainstream trans folk like to reject them.

But here Rarity is so in love with Pinkie that she's happy to accept all sides of them. It's so wonderfully accepting and loving it makes me want to cry.

It was the final scene that really got me though. The way Rarity watched Pinkie slumber, waiting to see which Pinkie would wake up today, while said Pinkie is so rested, so peaceful, it spoke to me.

This was fantastic. Well done. You definitely earned your win on that contest.

Howdy, hi!

Did you just write a genderfluid Pinkie? I think you just wrote a genderfluid Pinkie. That's amazing. This was amazing. I loved this. I don't even have other words to describe it because this was honestly just absolutely fantastic. I love the use of colours, I love the use of weather, and I love the seamless transition between scenes.

It was such a heartwarming, perfect little story, and I loved every second of it. Absolute delight.

Thank you so much for this~!

Heh, such a lovely read; SO glad i came across this and gave it a try :twilightsmile:

Probably helped that the pairing was one of my favorites involving the Mane 6 :pinkiehappy::raritywink:

THis is so magnificently joyful.

The use of Rarity's POV (and your own writing) to lend poetry and beauty to the changing environment and have it reflected in Pinky's own genderfluidity is conceptually clever and artfully managed. Really well done. The descriptions are positively lush, which feels eminently suitable for Rarity's point-of-view. This feels like the sort of concept that it would be extremely easy to do badly, but you pulled it off with grace. It's not the first time I've encountered genderfluid Pinkie, but it's certainly the best rendering I've seen. Rarity absolutely luxuriating in the changing presentation of her lover is wonderful and honestly made me just a wee bit jealous!

RariPie isn't a ship I've ever been particularly fond of, but I think I might be sold, now, at least in this context.

She loved the bold strikes of Pinkie’s makeup, contrasting with the understated subtlety of her own. Pinkie would use her own inimitable, and utterly charming, madcap style, and line her eyelids with prismatic explosions. She’d paint her hooves in patterns so garish, so crass, that only Pinkie could possibly pull it off.

if i quoted every descriptive passage i loved, i would be quoting the entire fic. but this one struck me as especially fitting to Rarity's perspective.

She looked over to the window, and saw the colour of the sky was a perfect, unblemished white. They could have simply been removed from the world, such was the uniformity of it all outside. Blank and neutral, unburdened by tone or shape for as far as the eye could see.

Rarity thought it was beautiful.

all three uses of the color of the sky were great, but this one almost feels like a thesis statement, coming at the end, and a beautiful one at that.

i loved the use of all the senses in these descriptions. Rarity was absolutely perfect for this, aesthete that she is, to distinguish and truly appreciate and love each of these expressions of Pinkie. this was a very clever use of the prompt and theme ("the color of the sky", if i recall), beautifully and poetically executed, a fantastic addition to the collective oeuvre of magical horsewords that truly stand out from the rest.

I remember reading this back in a contest, and I loved it back then. Not only was it beautiful, but it spoke to me personally. There's so much positivity in it.

I fully understand Pinkie, some days you just don't feel the same way you do on others, and what I love about this is that to Rarity it is just not okay, she actually loves both sides of Pinkie equally, and that's awesome. After the description of girl day and the tone of the weather the second day, I was half expecting Rarity to go: "Oh no, boy day today, hopefully I'll get my Pinkie back tomorrow." Or something like that, but nope, she's just as happy to wake up to her boyfriend. Looking back, her description of the weather isn't gloomy or agressive,, she manages to make it sound beautiful like only Rarity could.

The three different day thing is well done, I remember it being something I found confusing in the first draft, but I can't see it here so very well done. One thing I did note is that Pinkie's pronouns seems to go back and forth a bit between her and their, while on boy day it's all him. Maybe it's intentional as the reader gets to know her and her fluidity.

So yeah awesome story, and I'm happy to Have read it again.

There's no other way to put it, this story is a perfect example of exploring different identities. Everything flows and shines with your signature prose, and the character dynamic as usual is vibrant and really shines here. The concept is pretty simple but everything is executed so well that I'd read almost anything with this style! I really liked that ending too, as it shows how unconditional Rarity's love is no matter who Pinkie is that day. It's a point hit well by the first two scenes but the last once really leaves absolutely no doubt. Fantastic stuff, thank you for writing it!

Really sweet and interesting story. Pinkie's gender fluidity felt appropriate to them. It was nice seeing Rarity being so in love with every aspect of Pinkie.

literally reread this at least once a month to reaffirm my gender identity ❤ I love u 💕

Seeing the pure love and adoration between these two was lovely. It was all seamless, like one continuous dream.

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