• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
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"Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy."


A newly-crowned Twilight Sparkle decides to offer Diamond Tiara a fresh start after hearing tales about her less-than-ideal home life. But will Diamond be truly happy with Twilight, or will her real parents get their act together at long last?

Might Diamond's tiara end up being more than just for show? Families can be so complicated...

Featured. 2-4th August 2021. Thanks everyone! :raritystarry:

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 426 )

I seldom find stories about Diamond Tiara that I like, I have run into too many people like her Jr high , high school etc. this one looks interesting I'm in.

A repost? I wasn't able to see the first iteration as I didn't have time so I'm just like -eyes- now

Good stuff. :rainbowkiss:

Neither can I. :yay:

Better late than never, I say... :raritywink:

Imagine my shock.
You did it again you absolute madman

Oh come on, at least Spoiled has a bit more depth in this one. More than she ever had in the show anyway… :scootangel:

Welp new take on a diamond tiara story.... im in for the long haul.

“It’s been going on for over a month now, hasn’t it? I know I promised not to say anything, but if you think I’m going to watch my best friend starve to death while being deprived of sleep…”

Oh man it's been that long this is very unhealthy especially for a child how to deal with it

“Di doesn’t want to talk to you.” Silver Spoon put it bluntly, coming between Diamond and the alicorn in a surprise act of defiance. “If she did, she would’ve come over and said something when you’d arrived. So why don’t you go back over there, and…”

Once again silver spoon I know you're protecting your friend and that's cool don't get me wrong but Twilight is here to help her

?? I don't know what happened with this one, but here it is with hopefully a non-copyrighted

There's a copyright strikes here as well

That’s what I like to hear. I am especially interested in what happened to her after the show ended, seeing as they didn’t give us much to go on after she reformed… :eeyup:

Indeed. :fluttershysad:

Silver’s a good friend, but maybe a bit overprotective in this incidence. At least, once she’s heard Twilight out, she’s understands. :twilightsmile:

Okay as I said this before it's really cool to see Diamond Tiara has she been doing and from the looks of it it's not doing too well at least with her parents apparently both spoiled rich and Filthy Rich have been arguing with each other for quite some time and it's affecting Diamond Tiara really badly but after that the school invited Twilight Sparkle to talk with the student and in Twilight's goodness in her heart notice diamonds troubles and talk with her about what's going on and she told her everything what's going on throughout her months meanwhile spoiled rich was at work as always being mean and cruel to her employees but one of her secretary told her that does somebody coming to visit her what's spoiled Rich did not know it was Twilight who needed to talk with her and filthy about the safety of their daughter I wonder how this will work out guess we'll find out next time

Edit: I feel like this is the most disliked I ever gotten did I really say something wrong

10923796 There are many stories with pics from the show here, so I guess this one is okay. :rainbowkiss:

I guess so but it's just super annoying :facehoof:

That’s the summation of the chapter, yes. Tune in next time for more… :ajsmug:

Sweet and I put a spoiled alert on my comments so they don't have to see it I just only do that because that's how I make my comments like that even back in fanfiction.net that's just my thing

It's always polite not to spoil the fic for others if they read the comments first. :coolphoto:

And I kinda figured I will get a dislike for it

“Can you make school illegal?”

Yeah!! CAN you?? Especially online school!

Edit after reading whole chapter: MORE!!

Sorry, that's not within my power either. :ajsleepy:

EDIT: And of course. :raritystarry:

This, this is gonna be a start of an incredible story

And we're off to a good start already. Spoiled Rich brushing up against Equestrian royalty. This oughta be something. :pinkiecrazy:

Hi there. Good to see you again. Plenty of updates planned for the future, for this and other stories. Strap yourself in... :rainbowdetermined2:

Don't worry. You won't have to wait until November for an update... :raritywink:

Im already feeling a little bad for filthy rich he was never a bad guy just super busy

Yes, but sometimes the pressures of work, home life, being a father and having a demanding wife can tax the patience of even the most mild-mannered of stallions... :fluttershysad:

FIrst off, I like this idea, and everything I am saying is my opinion alone and if you feel like it's not helping feel free to ask me to delete the comment or take it to DMs as I do quite understand how hard it is to maintain an author's ego, but there's a few things that I feel you can improve to polish this first chapter even further and thus hook more readers.

“It’s a bit difficult to know what they’re thinking, when they spend most of their time away or refusing to leave their separate rooms.” Diamond revealed her parents’ status of sleeping separately from a fortnight ago was no passing fad. “...And I’m not stepping outside while they’re fighting, and fragile stuff is flying everywhere! I’d rather trot into a warzone.”

SO I don't like to critique grammar but this sentence was... very noticeable and rather important to establishing Silver and Tiara's relationship so um, yeah.

Also, so I am intrigued, but while I like Diamond and Silver's characterization, and Twilight's... this particular exchange...

“Now, you listen to me… Di-Diamond Tiara, is it?” Twilight spotted the filly’s cutie mark and put two and two together. “You are just as important to me as any other creature in this land, and just because I’m the Princess Of Equestria now it doesn’t change my priorities one bit. If anything, my new position enables me to help even more ponies, so if you think I’m leaving here today without finding out why one of my youngest subjects is looking so bedraggled, tired and hungry, you’ve got another thing coming. Didn’t Miss Cheerilee ask you about this...?”

Taken aback by Twilight’s genuine concern for her well-being (quite rare these days), Diamond couldn’t help but blurt out the truth. “S-She did, but I lied and said it was because I was working on my science project late. D-Don’t blame her for what’s happening Princess Twilight, the rest of the class keep her busy and I’m only one filly…”

“It’s alright. I understand.” Twilight now remembered the child from a run-in they’d had when she was a humble librarian, and though it was a while ago she was amazed at how selfless and mature the filly seemed now compared to before. “I do need to know ‘what’s happening’ though, as like it or not, your safety is now the main focus of my visit. Do you suppose we can have a little chat outside, if you feel up to it and your friend is willing to let you go?”

I just feel it needs to be looked at as the text blob of dialogue felt incredibly forced. The actual lines were good, but they felt somewhat out of character due to how they were arranged. Furthermore, there's a lot of telly bits in the exposition that just aren't needed and Twilight's lines, in particular, don't reflect her dialogue patterns. Again my opinion, but well, here's how I'd have written it.

Twilight frowned and glanced at the filly's cutie mark. "Listen to me... Diamond Tiara, is it?" Diamond Tiara nodded and the princess smiled. "“You are just as important to me as any other creature in this land. While I am the princess of Equestria, my priorities haven't changed one bit. If anything, my role as princess means that I should be looking out for everypony and creature."

Diamond Tiara's eyes widened as Twilight, leaned in closer. "I'm not leaving here today without finding out why one of my youngest subjects is looking so bedraggled, tired and hungry. Have you ever talked to Miss Cheerilee about this?"

Taken aback by Twilight’s genuine concern for her well-being (quite rare these days), Diamond stammered, "S-She did, but I lied and said it was because I was working on my science project late." The filly glancing over Twilight's shoulder at the increasingly worried-looking Miss Cheerilee stammered, "D-Don’t blame her for what’s happening Princess Twilight, the rest of the class keep her busy and I’m only one filly…”

“It’s alright. I understand.” Twilight now remembered the child from a run-in they’d had when she was a humble librarian, and though it was a while ago she was amazed at how selfless and mature the filly seemed now compared to before. “I would like to know what is happening, though. Do you suppose we can have a little chat outside, if you feel up to it and your friend is willing to let you go?”

Again, this is just a suggestion. This is a really good idea and has a lot of promise, and oh boy do I know that first chapters are rough. So I swear I"m giving this in the spirit of trying to help you, but again, if you don't want this comment on your page, feel free to delete/ask me to remove it.

First of all, I never delete comments and always try and respond to as many as I can. As it stands, I am still reasonably happy with the chapter as is, but I will definitely look at your suggestions later. Thanks for reading and adding it to your favourites! Feel free to DM me too if you like. :twilightsmile:

It's not bad. Perhaps the pacing could be slowed down a bit, but not by much. :rainbowdetermined2:

A Scoots fan? Saying something is going too fast? Hmm... :raritywink:

Anyway, thanks for favouriting & hope the rest of the fic is to your liking as well. :scootangel:

Yeah, i hope filthy gets a silver lining in this story i can already tell he'll deserve something in his favor

Ponies/ people don’t always get what they deserve, but then again sometimes they do. Keep reading… :coolphoto:

You got me hooked here, lovely opener. Don't see many stories about Diamond Tiara that catch my eye like this one so lets see where it goes.

What pressures of work? Filthy didn't build his business, he inherited it - he's not Sam Walton, he's Sam Jr., or Jim. (And also Sam didn't build his business either, it was built on the backs and with the bones of his workers, etc.etc. obligatory communist liturgy.) Anyway, after a certain point, a large enterprise becomes self-sustaining, dependent more on its executives, managers, and certainly its line workers than on the guy at the top whose money - not his labor - are what makes him more money.

Gotta go fast!

Nah, I'm just pointing out that often with stories like this, the author just rushes to the "good parts". Without controlling the emotions of the characters or taking the time to set up important aspects. I feel you're striking a good balance, I hope. :rainbowdetermined2:

I was thinking about traveling, doing deals, running the stores, the paperwork etc. I didn't look that deeply into it, but his job must require some level of stress. Most do, even for those in charge. :pinkiesmile:

That's one of the aims of writing a good story, finding that perfect balance. The trick is to carry it forward to the end. Usually my chapters tend to be quite short, but in this case they may have to be longer so I can fit in all the plot developments and character moments. It might take longer, but if I want the fic to live up to its potential... consider it done. :rainbowdetermined2:

Now I interrupt this fan fiction to bring you a special message from the Princess of Friendship's voice actress herself!


Small thing at beginning, I think you meant 'It's a good thing her dad's a chef....

It’s a good job her dad’s a chef so she always brings too much food, otherwise…

If this is right after Twi's coronation, its actually before "Crusaders of the Lost Mark." I wonder if Twilight taking care of Diamond would actually have the CMC and her being closer sooner...? Hope to see more soon. :)

No, it’s definitely a good ‘job’. It’s an expression. And the fic is definitely set after the last episode and Twilight’s coronation, or it would defeat the whole object of the concept. Not sure why you’d think it was set before Crusaders Of The Lost Mark. :twilightsmile:

Hope to add some more soon too! :twilightsheepish:

I understand 'Twilight's Coronation' as in Celestia and Luna retire... Thought you meant after becoming an alicorn. Anyway, good luck with it, still be waiting on more.

Yep, that's what I meant. The references to her ruling all of Equestria in the fic itself should have made that pretty clear. Anyway, thanks for reading, and more will arrive soon. :eeyup:

Surprisingly, even rich people have jobs.

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