• Published 19th Jul 2021
  • 2,096 Views, 190 Comments

Piece by Piece - Eltirions

There's a lot wrong with the world. Rarity intends on making sure her small part of it is less wrong than the rest, one step at a time.

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Chapter 34: Awakening 6

13 December 1008

Sweetie could pack remarkably quickly. When she put her mind to it.

She had to put her mind to it, because if she didn’t focus on something, her thoughts would wander back to what they’d discovered.

Anything but that.

Within an hour, Sunset had arranged for the three of them tickets on the first train northwards; good tickets too, with comfortable seats and privacy. And Sweetie had, with a great deal of skill and no small amount of persuasion, convinced Applebloom and Scootaloo to stay behind in Ponyville.

It had taken considerably more shouting than her head had appreciated, but she had managed it, and that was the important part.

Sweetie had one side of the cabin all to herself; Twinkle was on the other side by the window, and next to him was Sunset, her face buried in a book that looked like it belonged in a museum, not on a bumpy train ride.

‘’We have to stop over at Canterlot,’’ Sunset suddenly said without looking up from her book, breaking the silence that had taken hold of the cabin. ‘’Then the train runs straight to Crystal City from there; it only stops at Bales, Whinnyapolis and some place called Mi Amore in the Empire.’’

‘’You’re coming all the way with us?’’ Sweetie asked.

‘’I would be remiss if I didn’t.’’

‘’Didn’t you have an investigation to lead?’’ Twinkle inquired, carefully watching Sunset like she was some kind of caged animal.

Sunset made a dismissive gesture with her hoof. ‘’Someone else can take that over from me. We already know where Twilight is likely to head next; and if she doesn’t do that and attacks Ponyville instead, we’ll know too.’’ With that said, she turned back to her book.

Twinkle shook his head, clearly not in agreement with Sunset or her decisions; and sure, they weren’t the ones Sweetie would have taken, perhaps, but they made sense.

And who was she to judge, really?

One day, I’ll be in her position, a voice in her head whispered. If Nightmare Moon has her way, I’ll be the Imperial Magician. That’s so weird.

Her conversation with the Alicorn came to mind, the words the mare had spoken dancing through her brain. Why me? She explained it, and I still don’t understand it! I’m not that powerful or smart! Rarity is the smart one! And we’re just a lineage of normal unicorns, no royal blood or powerful mages in our ancestry!

Sweetie sighed, before reaching for the water bottle by her side and drinking from it. The refreshing cold of the water brought some clarity to her tired mind, but it wasn’t nearly enough.

‘’How far until Canterlot?’’ she asked no one in particular.

‘’Cannot be more than a few hours,’’ Twinkle remarked. ‘’This train isn’t stopping often.’’

‘’It’s a good two hours yet, I think,’’ Sunset added. ‘’We’ve only been here for half an hour.’’

She slumped over in her seat, despite herself. Thankfully, neither of her two companions called her out on it.

I don’t have to do it. I could refuse.

Yeah, I could.

She wouldn’t listen to it, of course, but I could.

But then what? I’ve got no plans anyway, besides making sure Rarity is safe. I might as well pick up on this chance.

And become a traitor to Equestria? To Princess Celestia?

Celestia lost the war. Nightmare Moon isn’t a terrible ruler, and Twilight isn’t an alternative anymore. That leaves no other option besides her. And maybe, maybe being with me could help get Luna back in charge?

Don’t be ridiculous, I barely know her.

Few who know her at all are still alive and not sworn to serve her.

Sweetie mulled over that thought as time passed on, the Sun continuing its journey throughout the sky as it had for well over a millennia, still held up by the power of an alicorn as Equestria had always known it to be.

The bearer changes, Sweetie realised, but the light doesn’t.

‘’Penny for your thoughts?’’

Startled, Sweetie looked away from the window to see Sunset was staring at her, teal eyes gleaming with some inner knowledge Sweetie couldn’t begin to guess at. ‘’Uhh… just thinking.’’

‘’Mhm,’’ Sunset said with a nod. ‘’You’ve got a lot to think about.’’

‘’Sunset…’’ Twinkle said warningly.

‘’Be silent, little colt,’’ she snapped at him without bothering to turn her head. ‘’The IIS has no place nor business interfering with my affairs. If you have complaints, take them up with the Empress if you feel so inclined. I will tolerate your presence on this venture, but you will be a silent observer and do as I say or I will toss you out at the next station.’’

Then, without breaking stride, she turned her attention back to Sweetie. ‘’I do not know what Nightmare Moon told you, or what you saw when she rescued you from Twilight, but I know that I see potential in you. Whichever way this current situation ends, I’m going to be in the Crystal Empire for the foreseeable future, and the Empress has indicated a… distaste, for the majority of possible replacements in my position.’’

‘’Nightmare Moon already spoke to me about this,’’ Sweetie cut in before Sunset could continue. ‘’She wants to take me on as her apprentice.’’

Sunset blinked, and then laughed. ‘’Of course she does! Never does anything by halves, does she? Well, in that case I suppose my proposal of an apprenticeship is unnecessary. Damnit, she keeps stealing my thunder. You’ll get used to it too, I think.’’

Still smiling, she turned her eyes back to her book. Sweetie, in turn, turned her eyes back out the window, pointedly ignoring Twinkle’s gaze.


13 December 1008

Shrouded Night was decidedly not paid enough for this.

Sure, direct orders from the Empress were direct orders and he’d be a traitor if he disobeyed those, but within the privacy of his own mind he could note that maybe, just maybe, this was not the world’s greatest idea.

They’d just settled in, really, and it was a good thing that they had already planned to not stay for more than a few days at each location; otherwise it would have been considerably more of a pain to clear everything out.

He cast a final, forlorn look at the hotel chamber he’d occupied together with Evening and Misty; it was far more comfortable than the barracks in the Crystal Palace or the bunks on the train. It was, most likely, the most comfortable posting in terms of sleeping area that Shrouded had ever had and would ever have.

‘’Terrible to leave behind, isn’t it,’’ Misty said beside him.

‘’You make it sound like we’re abandoning a home.’’

‘’Has this not been our home for the past days?’’

Shrouded’s response was to flick at her helmet with his wing. ‘’Come on,’’ he said. ‘’Let’s get going.’’

‘’Sir yes sir,’’ Misty muttered under her breath, but she stepped away and he closed the door without further comment.

Their way through the hotel was unimpeded; they came across a few other Night Guard who they acknowledged with a nod, and then they came into the reception area, where their charges were gathered with their possessions; and there too was Captain Darkheart.

‘’He looks exceedingly displeased with everything around him,’’ Shrouded noted.

Misty giggle-snorted. ‘’The feeling is understandable.’’

‘’So it is,’’ he acknowledged with a nod.

‘’Alright!’’ Darkheart snapped a moment later. ‘’Night Guard listen up! We are moving down to the train station and taking the train back to Crystal City. These are orders from Her Majesty, if you hadn’t heard. We believe there might be hostiles who intend to harm the Crown Princess and Governess; obviously this cannot stand. We’re going to get them safe and sound into the Crystal Palace, and once there we’ll see what else the situation desires of us. Am I clear?’’

‘’Yes sir!’’ they all chorused back.

‘’Good.’’ Captain Darkheart turned to face the Governess and Commander, between whom stood the Princess. ‘’Anything to add, ma’ams?’’

‘’No, thank you Captain,’’ the Governess said. ‘’Let us get moving then.’’

‘’Certainly, ma’am. On the move!’’

And they were off.

Author's Note:

I return again.

Next chapter tomorrow, if my luck holds. Goal is to finish the story before its two-year anniversary, so I have 1.5 months yet.

Wish me luck.

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